
Links für 2023 KW 31

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GitHub - ArchSense/archsense-mono: A collection of tools to visualize your product architecture:

This article discusses the ArchSense Mono, a collection of tools used for visualizing product architecture. It has an MIT license and is available on GitHub with 12 stars and 1 fork.

Just normal web things.:

The article discusses how web developers have shifted their focus from building websites that can do basic web functions to creating new clients and apps, often ignoring fundamental web requirements like alt text on images or basic accessibility features. The author suggests various aspects of website usability that are commonly neglected in the current landscape of web development, such as the ability to copy text, use normal link functionalities, enable zooming, incorporate responsiveness, and more. The article also highlights how some websites have adapted their user interface based on the device being used, but still fail at basic interaction state elements like hover styles or scroll bars.

New acoustic attack steals data from keystrokes with 95% accuracy:

A team of researchers has developed a deep learning model that can steal data from keyboard keystrokes recorded using a microphone with an accuracy of 95%. When Zoom was used for training the sound classification algorithm, the prediction accuracy dropped to 93%, which is still dangerously high. Such attacks severely affect the target's data security, leaking passwords and other sensitive information. Acoustic attacks have become much simpler due to the abundance of microphone-bearing devices that can achieve high-quality audio captures. Possible mitigations include altering typing styles, using randomized passwords, and utilizing biometric authentication or password managers where feasible.

Immune cells that fight cancer become exhausted within hours of first encountering tumors – new research:

The immune system plays a crucial role in detecting and eliminating foreign pathogens such as bacteria and viruses. One type of immune cell, called T cells, can recognize mutated proteins on cancer cells and should theoretically be able to kill them. However, most patients suffer from unchecked growth of cancer cells despite the presence of T cells.

Current explanations suggest that T cells become exhausted after repeated encounters with cancer cells. Immunotherapy treatments have shown promise in treating some cancers but often fail to provide long-term responses due to this T cell exhaustion. By studying how well T cells function against tumors, scientists discovered that T cells become exhausted within hours of encountering cancer cells. This research suggests that T cells are not necessarily working harder and getting exhausted; instead, they are blocked from the start by negative signals sent out by cancer cells.

The team is now exploring strategies to stimulate inflammatory pathways in T cells, with the hope of enhancing their ability to kill cancer cells more effectively.

GitHub - webmeshproj/webmesh at

The article discusses webmesh PublicNotifications, a simple and distributed WireGuard mesh provider with a zero-configuration feature. It is licensed under the Apache-2.0 license and has received 126 stars and 2 forks on GitHub as of February 7th, 2023. The provider allows for easy network communication and is currently maintained by GitHub, Inc.

GitHub - mahesh-hegde/rrip at

The article discusses a bulk image downloader for reddit, which has an MIT license and 62 stars on GitHub. It also mentions that there is only one fork of the project.

GitHub - mailcow/mailcow-dockerized at

The article discusses the mailcow project, which is a dockerized email solution. It has received 6,800 stars and 988 forks on GitHub. The software runs on GPL-3.0 license, ensuring that users can freely modify and distribute it under certain conditions.

Diet Plan for Building Muscle:

A diet plan for building muscle involves consuming enough calories to give your body the resources it needs for growth. The daily calorie target is calculated from the basal metabolic rate (BMR), which accounts for how many calories your body burns throughout the day for basic functions such as pumping blood and powering the brain. To reach this daily calorie target, develop a muscle building meal plan based on core foods that are healthy and high in calories. These foods include oatmeal, sweet potatoes, brown rice, black beans, quinoa, lentils, and Soylent powder. To consistently hit your daily calorie target, develop a reliable muscle building meal plan based on core foods. In addition to eating these core foods, also consume other healthy, non-core meals while tracking the calories in these non-core meals to maintain balance and reach your daily calorie target.

Workout Plans: The Science-Backed Guide:

To measure your muscle growth, follow these steps: 1. Prepare: Before starting any workout program or weightlifting routine, ensure you know your accurate current weight to get started. You can do this by stepping on a scale. 2. Choose an appropriate weight lifting program that suits your fitness goals and abilities. In case of difficulty in finding one, our „Workout plan A“ or „Workout plan B“ should suffice for beginners. 3. Evaluate: After every 6 weeks, measure your upper arm circumference at its thickest point using a body tape. Record the measurements on a chart to track your progress and adjust your program if needed. 4. Track your daily calorie consumption and sleep patterns to ensure you are fueling your muscle growth effectively.

Building Muscle: How to Start:

The article provides a comprehensive guide to help individuals prepare for their fitness journey, focusing on building muscle and improving sleep habits. It highlights the importance of having a well-balanced diet with sufficient protein intake, using supplements like whey or rice protein, creatine, and citrulline malate when necessary, getting proper grip strength through gripper exercises, and visiting a gym to learn correct form for various workout routines. The article also emphasizes the role of sleep in muscle repair and recovery, offering tips on improving sleep quality by establishing a consistent bedtime routine, avoiding caffeine before bed, and maintaining a cool and comfortable sleep environment. Overall, this guide is helpful for those looking to start their fitness journey or optimize their current routine to achieve better results.

The Science of How to Build Muscle: Full Guide:

This article discusses male physique examples and muscle building. It explains that it takes around four months of working out to achieve an average-sized male physique, with body fat not being considered. Women's muscle gain is limited by the broadness of their skeleton, but research shows they develop muscle at the same rate as men. It emphasizes the importance of maintaining realistic expectations and understanding that progress depends on factors such as genetics and effort.

Mirantis unveils k0smotron: An Open-Source Streamlined Kubernetes Management Project:

Open Source Watch shares news about open-source technology, programming, and business updates. Mirantis has introduced a new open-source project called K0smotron, designed to streamline Kubernetes management processes for more efficient use in IT infrastructure environments.

Terraform best practices for reliability at any scale - Substrate:

This article discusses the importance of organizing Terraform state files to maximize reliability and minimize the blast radius of changes when managing large-scale infrastructures using Terraform. The authors suggest adopting at least two environments with separate root modules and state files, along with global and regional module separation, and utilizing AWS regions and availability zones for further isolation. The article also introduces the concept of per-service state files to promote changes incrementally from development to staging and production.

The Eiffel Tower and painting - Official Eiffel Tower Website:

The Eiffel Tower needs regular repainting to protect its iron structure from oxidation and ensure it lasts forever. Since its construction in 1889, the tower has been painted 19 times, an average of every seven years, changing colors multiple times from red-brown to yellow-ochre, chestnut brown, and bronze today. The color is applied in three shades, with darker tones at the base and lighter ones toward the top for uniformity. About 50 specialist painters work on repainting the tower without being affected by vertigo using safety nets, lines, and tools to ensure their safety during the process, which can last up to three years due to weather conditions. The paint used weighs around 60 tonnes, with an estimated 15 tonnes of eroded paint between painting campaigns.

Legendäre Konzerte ▷ Wacken 1990 \m/:

The article is about the founding of the Wacken Open Air festival in 1989 by two rock and metal enthusiasts. It started as a small gathering of around 800 fans, featuring six bands, and has grown into an annual event attracting around 75,000 heavy metal music lovers from all over the world. The festival features both renowned international acts and local talents, showcasing the power of music to bring people together despite initial challenges faced by its organizers.

Pegasus Mail and Mercury:

This article introduces Pegasus Mail, an Internet e-mail system that has been serving users since the early days of the internet, and Mercury Mail Transport System, a full-featured email server. Pegasus Mail is free, while Mercury offers a paid option for private and non-profit users. The article also highlights various updates, releases, guides, and tips related to using Pegasus Mail and Mercury systems.

Taming the Flame of Aging: Key Pathway for Chronic Inflammation Revealed - Neuroscience News:

Summary: Researchers have discovered the cGAS/STING molecular signaling pathway plays a key role in chronic inflammation and functional decline during aging. By blocking the STING protein, researchers found that it suppressed inflammatory responses in aging cells and tissues, leading to improved function. This new understanding can offer potential strategies for slowing cognitive deterioration in age-related neurodegenerative conditions.

Key Points: 1. cGAS/STING pathway is critical in driving chronic inflammation and functional decline during aging. 2. Blocking the STING protein suppresses inflammatory responses in aging cells and tissues, leading to improvements in function. 3. The discovery offers potential strategies for mitigating cognitive deterioration in age-associated neurodegenerative conditions.

Angeblich unpatchbar: "Tesla Jailbreak" ermöglicht kostenlose Premium-Features:

A group of students from TU Berlin and an independent security researcher have reportedly discovered a way to hack Tesla's AMD-based infotainment system, known as MCU-Z, to permanently unlock restricted features in electric vehicles. The „Tesla Jailbreak“ is said to be unpatchable and allows for running any software on the infotainment system. Consequently, it enables additional connectivity features, such as faster acceleration or heated seats without paying Tesla, according to the researchers. They also found a way to extract the vehicle-specific and hardware-bound RSA key using a known voltage fault attack against the AMD Secure Processor (ASP). The attack can be carried out by those with a certain level of experience in electronics, a soldering iron, and the ability to purchase additional hardware for around $100. Although more challenging than a pure software attack, the underlying AMD CPU vulnerability cannot be fixed without upgrading the CPUs, explained Doctoral candidate Christian Werling Dark Reading. The extracted RSA key is used for authentication and authorization of vehicles in Tesla's internal service network, enabling „the identity of a vehicle to be transferred to another vehicle computer“ and potentially bypassing regional restrictions on navigation features and autonomous driving. Additionally, the researchers managed to gain root privileges on the infotainment system that persisted through reboots and updates, allowing them to access the NVMe storage and private user data such as phonebook or calendar entries. Further technical details were not provided, but the researchers plan to present their findings at the hacker conference Black Hat USA 2023 on August 9th.

LTS == 15 Years Not 5 – Logikal Blog:

The article discusses the issue of short-term thinking in software development and the consequences of not considering long-term support for applications. It highlights that focusing solely on quarterly earnings and replacing systems without good reason can negatively impact a company's future, leading to problems down the line. The author argues that companies should prioritize quality over speed in software development and ensure products have adequate long-term support to avoid complications in the future. Additionally, they emphasize the importance of understanding the hardware cycle and recognizing that many systems do not require frequent updates or upgrades.

Evasive Phishing Tactic Utilizes Google AMP | Cofense:

Google Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) is being used in a new phishing tactic that has proven to be very successful at reaching intended targets. This tactic involves hosting malicious web pages using the Google AMP URL path within phishing emails, aiming to steal email login credentials. The threat actors have been seen incorporating other techniques known for bypassing email security infrastructure into their campaigns. To avoid falling victim to this type of phishing attack, organizations should monitor and flag URLs with AMP pathing while discussing the legitimate uses of these features with employees.

A list of recent hostile moves by #Google's #Chrome team:

The mastodon post discusses recent hostile moves by Google's Chrome team that may affect users who rely on content blocking extensions, JPEGXL photo format, and web environment integrity (DRM). These actions could potentially harm open-source browsers like Firefox or Epiphany.

GitHub - nicholasmireles/DotDict: A simple Python library to make chained attributes possible.:

This article discusses the DotDict PublicNotifications, a Python library designed to make chained attributes possible. The project is licensed under the GPL-3.0 license and has received 52 stars and no forks on GitHub.

Advanced Dependencies Model in Conan 2.0 C, C++ Package Manager - Diego Rodriguez-Losada - ACCU 2022:

The article discusses the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in business, focusing on how it can assist with decision-making processes and automation. It highlights examples such as self-driving cars and digital marketing to demonstrate how AI is revolutionizing various industries.

Microsoft comes under blistering criticism for “grossly irresponsible” security:

Microsoft has been criticized for its security practices in Azure, with Tenable CEO Amit Yoran stating that Microsoft is „grossly irresponsible“ and mired in a „culture of toxic obfuscation“. Critics point out the lack of transparency from the company on cybersecurity issues and accuse them of not fixing critical vulnerabilities in Azure Active Directory in a timely manner. The criticism comes after Microsoft was blamed for enabling hackers backed by the Chinese government to steal hundreds of thousands of emails from cloud customers, including officials in the US Departments of State and Commerce.

Run Llama 2 Uncensored Locally:

The article discusses the benefits of uncensored models in machine learning and provides examples of various uncensored models, such as Llama 2 7B model and Nous Hermes Llama 2 13B. It then presents example comparisons between running the Llama 2 uncensored model versus its censored model. The article highlights the potential advantages of using uncensored models, such as lower hallucination rates and absence of OpenAI censorship mechanisms. However, it also cautions that uncensored models carry their own risks, and users should exercise appropriate judgment when employing them in various tasks.

Transform Your Android Device into a Linux Desktop:

This article provides a step-by-step guide on setting up Termux, an Android app that emulates a Linux shell, on your device. It does not require root privileges and is entirely free. To set it up, first install the F-Droid app store to access the latest version of Termux. Basic configuration includes updating the package manager and accessing storage resources. For further details, refer to the Termux Wiki.

GitHub - Raphire/Win11Debloat: A simple powershell script to remove bloatware apps from windows, disable telemetry, bing in windows search aswell as perform various other changes to declutter and improve your windows experience. This script works for both windows 10 and windows 11.:

The Win11Debloat Powershell Script is a tool that helps remove unnecessary apps, disable telemetry, and eliminate Bing from Windows search on both Windows 10 and 11. It has an MIT license, and users have left over 536 stars and 24 forks in its GitHub repository.

Excuse me, is there a problem?:

The article provides a comprehensive analysis of the challenges faced by startups in identifying real problems, building products that solve those problems, and achieving success in the competitive market. The key reasons behind the failure of many startups include not having enough customers who genuinely care about solving their problem, not having sufficient funds or willingness to buy from a startup, and difficulty in differentiating the product in an overly competitive market.

The article emphasizes that there is no single formula for success, but rather it takes a combination of factors such as targeting the right customers with a genuine need, having a strong differentiation factor, and maintaining long-term customer relationships to ensure sustainability and growth. The framework presented in the article allows entrepreneurs to evaluate the viability of their business model by considering various aspects like potential market size, willingness to solve the problem, budget allocated for solving the problem, frequency of purchase decisions, and customer loyalty.

To conclude, this article is an insightful read for anyone planning or running a startup to understand the challenges faced in the business world and the factors that contribute to long-term success. It encourages entrepreneurs to think critically about their target market, potential customers, product differentiation, pricing strategies, and customer retention to create a sustainable and profitable business model.

Can You Trust a Compiler to Optimize Your Code?:

This article discusses three levels of understanding how SIMD (Single Instruction Multiple Data) works and explains the general framework for reasoning about compiler optimizations in static languages such as Rust or C++. The author emphasizes that compilers are myopic, which means they can only reason about a single function at a time, along with its local variables. To help the compiler optimize code, it is essential to use inlining and scalar replacement of aggregates, along with zero-cost abstractions to express opportunities for guaranteed optimizations.

Nvidia H100 GPUs: Supply and Demand:

To summarize, the supply of GPUs is currently limited, particularly the Nvidia H100s. This bottleneck has resulted in increased demand for AI-specific hardware. Some startups are building their own data centers to secure access to sufficient resources. Many companies, including Microsoft and Google, are now offering AI services and cloud infrastructure. Despite the supply shortage, it's likely that NVIDIA will continue to prioritize its partnerships with these major players in the market for AI technology. The demand for GPUs should subside as more manufacturers increase their production capacity and Nvidia releases new generations of hardware.

Region Stuttgart: Grüner Laserstrahl beunruhigt Menschen – Anrufe bei Polizei:

A green laser beam was visible over the sky of Stuttgart region, causing concern among residents who called the police. The light show turned out to be a test for an anniversary celebration at Trumpf, a laser company. The beam had a height of ten kilometers and could be seen up to 80 kilometers away on good weather days. The company plans to have a laser light display for its centennial celebration from August 2nd to 6th.

Body temperature identified as a major risk factor for gut issues during exercise in hot weather:

A Monash University-led research project has identified the point at which people face potentially serious Exercise-Induced Gastrointestinal Syndrome (EIGS), a condition that can cause gut damage and blood poisoning, leading to sepsis or death. The study found that when core body temperature reaches 39C after two hours of exercise in hot conditions, gut damage occurs due to pathogens leaking into the bloodstream. The risk is particularly high for those working in physically demanding fields exposed to extreme heat, such as mining, military, agriculture, and firefighting services. The study also emphasizes the importance of assessing nutrition strategies to maintain blood flow around the gut during exertional-heat stress to help prevent gut damage.

17 Reasons NOT To Be A Manager:

Thank you for sharing this detailed summary of the article discussing reasons why someone might not want to be a manager. The points mentioned highlight both intrinsic and extrinsic aspects of management roles that could be challenging for some individuals. It emphasizes the importance of self-reflection, introspection, and personal goals in considering whether or not to pursue a career in management.


BlueLessons are regular lessons that should be completed in order, while PurpleLessons are bonus material that can be skipped if desired. OrangeLessons are guided projects and they take you through implementation of a program step by step. Instructor Benjamin Dicken provides additional information.

Microsoft is trying too hard with Edge:

The article discusses Microsoft Edge's aggressive push on Windows 11, such as forcing it upon users in various areas like widgets, Copilot, search, and even downloading Chrome. The author is concerned that this could lead to monopoly behavior, restricting users from other web browsers, and focuses on the need for Microsoft to improve Edge's features rather than aggressively promoting it.

So, you want to deploy on the edge?:

Edge computing aims to reduce latency by deploying applications closer to users. However, data consistency is the main barrier for developers adopting edge computing. Edge computing can help remove round-trip latency issues; however, consistency must be maintained between the central database and multiple edge locations. Developers can use log-based solutions such as append-only logs or replication strategies to maintain data consistency while minimizing cross-region latency. By addressing these challenges, developers can adopt edge computing effectively and improve the user experience.

AI search of Neanderthal proteins resurrects ‘extinct’ antibiotics:

Bioengineers have used artificial intelligence to revive molecules from extinct species, such as Neanderthals, which have potential bacteria-fighting properties. This research could inspire new drug development to address increasing antibiotic-resistant infections. By analyzing proteins from modern humans and their extinct relatives, scientists were able to identify peptides with antimicrobial properties. Although the success of these molecules is still under investigation, this approach offers a new avenue for drug discovery.


This article discusses the issues with a service that does not provide any binding contracts or guarantee availability, longevity, compatibility, or bug fixes. The lack of support and inflexible system leads to inconveniences for users, such as limited data accessibility, no provisions for changing provider identifiers, and potential loss of account information.