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The article discusses pgmanage, a public fork from pgsql-io/omnidb-ngNotifications. It mentions that users must be signed in to change notification settings and has received 10 forks, with 249 stars and 438 forks overall. Additionally, it describes the web tool as a command prompt database management solution.

Remove PDF password protection using qpdf and AppleScript:

This article explains how to remove password protection from a PDF using the qpdf tool instead of bloated applications. By installing qpdf through HomeBrew and creating an Automator Quick Action called „Remove Password,“ users can decrypt a password-protected PDF file right from Finder without needing to open Terminal or use a separate application. The decrypted file will be saved in the user's Downloads folder.

Table of Contents:

The article discusses a simple checklist designed to help users deploy essential elements of GNU/Linux production systems, with the list currently being a work in progress. It is licensed under the MIT license and has received 1.4k stars and 177 forks on GitHub.

Don’t underestimate the importance of oral health:

A recent meta-analysis investigated the impact of toothbrushing interventions on hospital-acquired infections, particularly hospital-acquired pneumonia (HAP). The study found that subjects randomized to a toothbrushing intervention had a 33% lower HAP risk compared to controls. Additionally, toothbrushing was associated with shorter ICU stays and reduced ICU mortality. These findings highlight the importance of oral hygiene for overall health, as poor oral health has been linked to chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease and Alzheimer's disease.

Joe Biden stands down as Democratic candidate:

The article summarizes the reactions and implications of Joe Biden's decision not to run for a second term as President of the United States in the upcoming 2024 election, as well as his reasons for making this choice. The author also discusses potential candidates who could be considered by the Democratic Party for the 2024 presidential race.

Tabletop game forumite achieves posting godhood, emerging from the void after 100,000 hour 11 year ban to continue the same argument from 2013:

PC Gamer is a publication under the international media group and digital publisher Future plc. The corporate site can be found at Quay House in Bath, England with company registration number 2008885 and registered in England and Wales.

"Maxwell's equations of software" examined:

In 1961, Alan Kay referred to Lisp as the „Maxwell's Equations of Software,“ highlighting the importance of its half-page code that defined a universal Lisp function evalquote. This code could evaluate any given function. The Lisp 1.5 Manual, written by John McCarthy et al., is available at and contains this essential code. Lisp's M-expression meta-language and S-expression data coincide, making code and data the same thing in Lisp. A basic Lisp interpreter can be defined using a few primitives (car, cdr, cons, eq, atom).

Let's blame the dev who pressed "Deploy" - Dmitry Kudryavtsev:

This article discusses how software engineers should not be held solely responsible for bugs and outages that occur due to system failures, pointing out that multiple factors contribute to these issues. The author argues that blaming developers is unjustified, as they are often pressured by the company's management or regulatory requirements to cut corners in their work. Instead, the focus should be on addressing the broken organizational practices and policies that lead to such problems.

Ask HN: Where to find the cheapest proxies for web scraping?:

The article discusses the challenges of finding cheap, reliable proxy services for web scraping. Many suppliers are untrustworthy and based in Eastern Europe or Hong Kong, while others use shady methods like dropping SDKs into apps. One legitimate option is Oxylabs, which allows users to invoice without using crypto. Additionally, Scrapingfish provides insight into how proxies are sourced and offers information on building a mobile proxy pool for better reputation IPs. However, there's a debate over whether web scraping is inherently shady or not, with some arguing that using proxies to hide one's address can harm others.

england - What is the significance of the character "j" at the end of a Roman Numeral? - Genealogy & Family History Stack Exchange:

The provided text does not contain a sufficient amount of content to create a summary for the given article.

Missing Link: Wie Millionen Bundesbürger kommerziell auspioniert werden:

This article discusses the international trade in location data, despite strict privacy regulations such as GDPR. Reporters from Bayerischer Rundfunk and gained access to a dataset of 3.6 billion location data points linked to Mobile Advertising IDs (MAIDs), which are used to identify users on smartphones and desktop computers for targeted advertisements. This dataset was provided by the US company Datastream Group, who obtained it through a Berlin-based data marketplace named Datarade.

The article also mentions previous reports about location data trade by the New York Times in 2019 and Norwegian public broadcaster NRK. In January, Dutch radio station BNR discovered the same marketplace and got access to 80 gigabytes of data from Dutch smartphone users. These incidents have brought attention to a practice that experts have long known but has been largely unknown to the general public.

The article raises concerns about the privacy implications of location data collection, such as the granularity of information that can be gleaned from metadata analysis and how it can reveal personal details like where individuals live, work, and socialize. It also highlights the potential dangers for people working in sensitive positions or those involved in covert activities, as location data could be used by entities such as repressive governments and intelligence agencies.

The article then explores how this international trade works, with data usually obtained through software development kits (SDKs) integrated into apps on Android and iOS devices. These SDKs can easily collect location data and sell it to advertisers for a profit. The marketplace Datarade offers real-time updates of location data, which is available to anyone willing to pay.

The article concludes by addressing why existing privacy regulations like the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) do not seem to be able to prevent such practices, and calls for stronger regulations that would restrict or prohibit tracking individuals for advertising purposes.

Crowdstrike-Debakel: IT-Firmen müssen stärker für ihre Fehler haften:

A faulty Crowdstrike update caused numerous Windows systems to crash, resulting in significant disruption for many companies. The update blocked devices running the company's Falcon platform, causing widespread IT outages across various sectors such as airlines, banks, and retailers. Although it is unclear whether or not Microsoft's cloud services were affected, the common issue seems to be a lack of quality in software updates. The article calls for increased responsibility from companies like Crowdstrike, urging them to invest more in product quality and ensuring they are held accountable for the consequences of their actions.

Open-source collaborative wiki and documentation software:

The GithubInstallation Guide highlights the features of a real-time collaborative rich-text editor, which includes support for tables, math (LaTex), and callouts. The article emphasizes the robust permissions system that ensures information security and accessibility to the right people. Spaces are used to organize content into dedicated teams, projects, or departments. Groups manage user permissions, while an integrated inline commenting system facilitates discussions directly on pages. Page history tracks edits over time and allows reverting to previous versions. The search function uses Postgres full-text search for quick information retrieval across all pages. Nested pages offer reordering and management via drag-and-drop functionality, while attachments can be added effortlessly using clipboard functionality.

Butts Are Difficult |

The article discusses the challenges faced when applying technology, specifically Buttplug, a library used in sex tech applications. It emphasizes the importance of considering user experience, designing with safety and ethics in mind, and addressing issues unique to sex tech projects. The article highlights the need for developers to plan ahead and be responsible for their actions while creating these applications. Additionally, it provides advice on handling contributions, choosing a Code of Conduct, and thinking about personal goals as a developer.

Teaching Programming with BASIC:

The article discusses the author's experience with programming in GW-BASIC on an IBM PC clone running MS-DOS. It highlights the simplicity of the language, its line-oriented text editor, and the learning process it provides for beginners. The author suggests that BASIC is a good starting point for understanding how computers work but recommends moving to modern languages as one becomes more experienced.

Human parasites in the Roman World: health consequences of conquering an empire | Parasitology | Cambridge Core:

This article discusses parasites in European populations from prehistory to the industrial revolution, focusing on their impact on human health and sanitation practices over time. It examines ancient latrine systems and intestinal parasites in past populations, including historical records of parasitic worm eggs found in cesspools and latrine sediments. The article highlights the importance of paleopathology research to better understand the genetics of infectious diseases and the evolution of human health over time. It also explores the prevalence of intestinal parasites in Africa and the Middle East prior to 1500, as well as the role of sanitation and latrines in controlling the spread of these parasites. Additionally, the article discusses various methods for extracting parasitic eggs from archaeological sites and examines how ancient hygiene practices contributed to the health and survival of past populations.

Are people too flawed, ignorant, and tribal for open societies?:

This article discusses a two-week summer school in Budapest focusing on „The Human Mind and the Open Society“ organized by Thom Scott-Phillips and Christophe Heintz. The event explores how understanding the human mind can inform our understanding of open society ideals, such as commitments to the rule of law, freedom of association, democratic institutions, and the free use of reason and critical analysis. The author argues that large societies have positive epistemic consequences but may face challenges in terms of complexity, invisibility, ignorance, and tribalism. They also discuss motivated cognition, coalitional psychology, advocacy-biased cognition, and social signalling as factors that can influence political beliefs and decision-making within open societies.

Young Adulthood Is No Longer One of Life’s Happiest Times:

The midlife crisis, characterized by a dip in happiness around age 50, has been observed across multiple studies and even in nonhuman apes. However, recent research suggests that younger generations are experiencing more unhappiness, with mental health issues such as stress and depression becoming increasingly common among young people. The findings challenge the traditional U-shaped curve of happiness and emphasize the need for solutions to address the decline in well-being among young adults.

Early riser: The sun is already starting its next solar cycle—despite being halfway through its current one:

The first signs of the sun's next 11-year solar cycle, Cycle 26, have been detected in sound waves inside our star, even though it is only halfway through its current one, Solar Cycle 25. Researchers from the University of Birmingham found these indications by studying the sun's internal sound waves to measure its rotation and comparing it with data from previous solar cycles. The faster-rotation belts tend to appear before a new cycle begins. These findings are significant, as they could help improve understanding of how plasma and magnetic fields interact during the solar cycle.

PKGW: What TeX Gets Right:

In this article, the author discusses why TeX/LaTeX continues to be relevant in today's technological landscape despite its age and the advancements in computing technology since it was first developed. The author argues that TeX is excellent at handling mathematics equations and creating bibliographic references with the help of tools such as BibTeX. Additionally, the author highlights the open-ended language structure of TeX, which allows for more flexible typesetting capabilities compared to other document creation tools. While the article admits there are situations where TeX may not be the best choice, it encourages building on TeX/LaTeX rather than starting fresh with a new technology.

BIERSCHISS: Das macht der Alkohol mit unserer Verdauung!:

The Heimgourmet-Redaktion article discusses what happens to our digestion when we consume alcohol, specifically focusing on the effects of drinking beer. When alcohol reaches our stomach, a portion of it is absorbed by the mucous lining, while the rest moves into the small intestine. There, the alcohol enters our bloodstream and affects our mood. The remaining alcohol in the small intestine is eventually expelled as „beerschiss,“ which may resemble cow dung rather than a healthy bowel movement due to several factors. Alcohol, especially beer, speeds up digestion by producing excess stomach acid, and white beer has a stronger effect due to its yeast content.

No Uptime Hosting - Guaranteed Server Downtime!:

This article discusses various hosting plans and features, such as storage, bandwidth, programming languages, databases, dedicated support, and uptime guarantees from a web hosting provider. The company claims to host over 5 million websites since 1969 and strives to improve server downtime and provide customer satisfaction through its services.

Bourton-on-the-Water model village:

Bourton-on-the-Water model village is a scale model village in the grounds of the Old New Inn in Bourton-on-the-Water, Gloucestershire, England. One of the first model villages in the country, it was started in 1936 and completed in 1940. The model represents the core of Bourton-on-the-Water as it appeared in 1936 in 1:9 scale. The model village contains around 100 buildings and is open to the public with exhibitions of other models on smaller scales. Construction began in 1936 by Mr C A Morris, who commissioned eight local craftsmen to construct scale replicas of around 100 structures using methods similar to those used for real buildings. The model village was the first tourist attraction in Bourton-on-the-Water and has since become one of the main tourist destinations in the Cotswolds.

how to pwn a billion dollar vc firm using inspect element - eva's site:

The article describes a situation where the author discovered a vulnerability in, a website managed by venture capital firm A16Z Crypto. By using a tool called Lunchcat to scan the site for sensitive information, the author found that the process.env of a Heroku instance was embedded within the site's JavaScript code. This exposed a list of services, including database access, AWS credentials, Salesforce API keys and more. The author believes that this vulnerability could have led to potential privacy issues and unauthorized access to sensitive data. A16Z Crypto did not reward the author with a bug bounty due to their public disclosure of the issue instead of attempting private contact.

Never update anything |

The article discusses the idea of never updating software, questioning whether updates are actually useful or if they just cause more problems than they solve. It suggests that a more finely grained versioning scheme could benefit software by focusing on stability and backwards compatibility. The author believes that having a framework version that is supported for 10-20 years and remains stable throughout its expected lifetime would be ideal.

Donald Trump: Taiwan soll die Verteidigung durch die USA bezahlen:

Der ehemalige US-Präsident Donald Trump fordert, dass Taiwan für seine Verteidigung gegen China selbst zahlen soll. Er begründet dies mit Falschbehauptungen über die taiwanische Halbleiterindustrie. Trump sagte, dass Taiwan nichts gibt und erklärte, es sei unglaublich reich, weil es den US-Chipgeschäften gestohlen habe. Die USA haben sich bisher verpflichtet, Taiwan zu verteidigen. Die taiwanische Halbleiterindustrie ist weltweit führend und profitiert vielen großen US-Unternehmen wie Apple, Amazon, Google und Microsoft. Eine Verteidigung Taiwans ohne militärische Mittel und US-Truppen könnte weitreichende Folgen für die USA und die globale Wirtschaft haben.

Umstieg von Windows auf Linux: Ich schließe das Fenster:

In diesem Erfahrungsbericht beschreibt der Autor seine Probleme beim Übergang von Windows auf Linux Mint und die Lösungen, die er dafür gefunden hat. Der Autor entschied sich für Linux Mint als eine Benutzerfreundliche Distribution mit einer umfangreichen Anwendungsbibliothek. Die Installation verlief reibungslos, und der Autor konnte schnell mit den vorinstallierten Apps wie dem Firefox-Browser und Libreoffice vertraut werden. Allerdings hatte er Schwierigkeiten bei der Desktop-Konfiguration und der Integration von Hardware. Dennoch bleibt er bei Linux Mint und plant, seine Windows-Virtuelle Box zu nutzen, um die Notwendigkeit für MS-Office-Formate und -Anwendungen abzudecken.

E-Fuel-Förderung: Die billige Logik des Christian Lindner:

The German government is promoting cars that don't yet exist for a fuel that doesn't yet exist in an effort to create false incentives for inefficient technology. In its growth initiative, the federal government has decided to retroactively grant a special depreciation for new fully electric and comparable zero-emission vehicles from July 1, 2024, which will apply until the end of 2028. Additionally, the growth initiative proposes taxing exclusively E-Fuel vehicles with eco-friendly benefits equivalent to those granted to electric cars. However, no such vehicles currently exist and there is no klimaneutral fuel available at filling stations. Critics argue that this incentive may benefit industry but could be expensive for consumers and potentially harm climate protection efforts.

Strategizing Your Preparation for Machine Learning Interviews:

This article discusses strategies for tailored preparation to help individuals succeed in Machine Learning (ML) job interviews, focusing on understanding the broad spectrum of ML roles and core responsibilities. It highlights the importance of researching company blogs and papers, tracking progress, and understanding the specific technical skills needed for different specializations within the field. The article also provides a breakdown of common types of ML interview rounds and offers tips for tailoring interview preparation based on targeted roles.

Life was dirty, difficult, and dangerous for almost everyone who ever existed:

The article, „Chapter 1: Progress Needs a Defense“ from the book „The Techno-Humanist Manifesto,“ by Jason Crawford, discusses how industrial civilization has become a victim of its own success. It highlights that people in wealthy countries often take for granted the incredible benefits brought about by technology and industry, such as more than twenty-fold increase in GDP per capita in developed nations and reduction in extreme poverty from 80% to less than 10%. However, due to these advancements, many have lost awareness of how they were achieved. The author emphasizes the importance of remembering the hardships people faced before and being grateful for the progress made by scientists, inventors, and entrepreneurs.

Don't ask me to embarrass myself.:

This article discusses the author's frustration with the referral and patent systems in the tech industry, as they feel misled by companies promising rewards for their efforts. The author shares their personal experiences at Box, Uber, and Stripe, where none of their referrals led to hires, despite putting in a lot of effort. They also express disappointment over not receiving any bonus or recognition for the patents they were granted. They emphasize that these experiences are common among people in the industry and urge companies to reevaluate their systems and reward employees more fairly.

How Game Theory and AI Have Raised the Stakes in Top-Level Poker:

The article discusses the use of game theory, probability tables, and AI algorithms in Texas Hold'em poker strategy, focusing on the question of whether to prioritize „game theory optimal“ play or exploitative strategies based on opponents' weaknesses. Game theory is a mathematical approach that analyzes competitive interactions between rational decision-makers, and it has applications beyond traditional games. In Texas Hold'em poker, AI algorithms have become increasingly sophisticated in predicting optimal strategies for players. However, exploitative play can be effective when opponents deviate from the Nash equilibrium, which is a state where no player would benefit by deviating from their chosen strategy, assuming others don't deviate from theirs. The article suggests that a blend of game theory's optimal and exploitative play may be necessary to remain competitive at high-level poker games.

Ryanair – when every page is a dark pattern:

This article highlights how Ryanair employs various manipulative techniques called „dark patterns“ to increase its profits. Some examples include default sign-up for promotional materials, misdirection dark patterns to upsell customers on additional services, and using prominent buttons to promote fast track options. The website repeats these practices throughout the booking process to make it harder for customers to resist impulse purchases or accidental clicks. These techniques are a cause for concern, as they aim to deceive customers and increase profits for Ryanair.

Trump shooter used Android phone from Samsung; cracked by Cellebrite in 40 minutes - 9to5Mac:

The FBI accessed Thomas Matthew Crooks' locked phone, which was used during a Trump rally shooting. It was initially unsuccessful in unlocking the phone but later succeeded with the help of Cellebrite software and new tools developed specifically for this purpose. The device turned out to be an Android-based Samsung model. The FBI found photos on Crooks' phone of President Joe Biden, as well as searches related to major depressive disorder.

1877388 - Telekom Security: Revocation delay for TLS certificates with basicConstraints not marked as critical:

The article discusses a debate on whether Telekom Security, a public CA, chose customer convenience over obedience to the rules when deciding not to revoke some certificates. Critics argue that the CA had the power to revoke but decided against it due to discomfort and convenience for the customers. In response, Telekom Security defends its decision as necessary to prevent harm to critical infrastructures and denies accusations of ignoring established rules. The article highlights ongoing discussions about potential solutions in CA/Browser Forum mailing lists or working groups but doesn't provide a concrete resolution.

Overcoming the limits of current LLM:

Large language models (LLM) have several limitations, such as hallucinations, lack of confidence estimates, and lack of citations. Hallucination refers to the generation of content that appears factual but is ungrounded or incorrect. Confidence estimates help in estimating the factuality of an answer, while citations provide sources for the information presented. To improve LLMs, researchers suggest addressing these limitations by focusing on consistency bootstrapping, which involves excluding contradictory data and curating a high-quality text corpus based on undisputed, well-curated Wikipedia articles and scientific literature. This could lead to the development of more accurate language models that are less prone to hallucinations and inconsistencies.

Vaccines Significantly Reduce the Risk of Long Covid, Study Finds:

A large study has shown that Covid-19 vaccinations significantly reduce the risk of developing long Covid, providing some of the strongest evidence yet. Researchers found that during the first two years of the pandemic, the percentage of vaccinated people who developed long Covid was lower than that of unvaccinated individuals. However, it should be noted that vaccination did not completely eliminate the risk of developing the condition.

Self-Awareness Might Not Have Evolved to Benefit The Self After All:

Despite being a vibrant area of neuroscience with numerous theories on consciousness, there is still no definitive scientific explanation for how brain tissue generates or maintains subjective experience. The consensus among most neuroscientists is that it is a product of brain processes. Intuition plays a powerful role in the debate over consciousness and has shaped our understanding of its nature. However, intuition can be wrong and interfere with scientific literacy. Consciousness presumably evolved as part of the evolution of the nervous system to facilitate key social adaptive functions rather than helping individuals survive. Subjective awareness lacks any independent capacity to causally influence other psychological processes or actions, but this does not deny its reality or value. A more scientific explanation for subjective awareness may require accepting that biology and culture work collectively to shape how brains evolve.

Collection of Dark Patterns and Unethical Design:

The article discusses various dark patterns and deceptive practices used by companies, including Lyft's misleading 60% off promotion, TikTok's nagging dark patterns,'s „free“ ebooks, and Samsung forcing promotional emails. Other examples include Oodie's online shopping guilt,'s Confirmashaming dark pattern, and DoorDash's subscription cancellation process. The article highlights the use of these tactics by various companies to manipulate customers into making decisions that may not be in their best interest.

So you want to compete with or replace open source:

The open source movement has experienced a significant boom, primarily due to its collaborative nature and the economics that come with it. However, while open source software is profitable for the software industry as a whole, it can be challenging for individual businesses to profit from it. Many startups have struggled to find success in this model, leading to some efforts to change the commercial dynamic of source-available software. Open source advocates argue that these new movements should not attempt to reform or redefine open source but rather create something new while still embracing collaboration and sharing market opportunities with other entities.

Many Australian towns are contaminated by lead, but sparrows can predict if kids have lead poisoning:

The house sparrow can help monitor lead exposure in children by accurately predicting high lead levels in areas with contamination, according to a study published in the journal Environmental Sciences & Technology. Researchers from Macquarie University found that where lead exposure was highest in sparrows, it was also highest in local children in two Australian towns affected by mining. The birds are often regarded as pests and forage for seeds, insects, and food scraps in the red dirt, which exposes them to lead-contaminated soil and dust. By collecting blood samples from sparrows and comparing their results with children's blood lead data, researchers discovered a correlation between high levels of lead exposure in both birds and humans. This method could prove useful for identifying contamination hotspots and monitoring other heavy metals and „forever chemicals“ in the environment.

Ask HN: Skills to Learn for Wartime?:

The article discusses how skills and jobs become relevant during wartime. It suggests that IT and general computer science skills, as well as accounting, medicine, mechanical skills, cybersecurity, drone-related stuff, logistics, and dual citizenship options can be beneficial during both peace and war times. The article also mentions the importance of staying physically fit and having medical conditions to avoid being sent to the frontlines in wartime.

I Gave Myself a Month to Make One New Friend. How Hard Could That Be?:

The article is about the author's experience trying to make a new friend in a month as a social experiment. The author faces challenges, like overcoming fear of rejection, understanding the true meaning of friendship, and realizing that making a friend takes a lot of time, energy, and vulnerability. The author also discusses how friendships change with age, and the importance of maintaining and creating connections in daily life. In the end, the author acknowledges that making a friend requires bravery, energy, and work, and that the rewards of friendship are worth the effort.


Transcribro is a private and on-device speech recognition keyboard and service for Android, utilizing whisper.cpp and Silero VAD for voice activity detection. The keyboard allows users to type with speech and can be used by other apps. The app can be downloaded from Accrescent or GitHub releases.

Wing‐slapping: A defensive behavior by honey bees against ants:

Based on the information you provided, it seems that the Japanese honey bee, Apis cerana japonica, employs a new defensive behavior called wing-slapping to repel invasive ants like the Japanese pavement ant. This behavior involves direct contact between the bee's wings and the ant, followed by flicking the ant away. While the success rate of this behavior varies across different ant species, wing-slapping appears to be a relatively low-energy defense mechanism that could evolve among honey bees to protect against ant incursions. Further research could investigate the innate aptitude of individual bees for this behavior and the effects of invasive ants on honey bee populations.

Fats from thin air: Startup makes butter using CO2 and water:

Bill Gates has invested in Californian startup Savor, which aims to create a rich, fatty spread similar to butter using carbon dioxide and hydrogen. The San Jose company uses a thermochemical process to produce animal-like fats without the environmental footprint of dairy or plant-based alternatives. Gates believes that this technology has the potential to significantly reduce our carbon footprint, and he hopes his support will help bring these products to market at an affordable price for consumers.

We Love Writing Software So Much, We’re Willing To Do It For Free:

The article discusses the common belief among open source maintainers that offering something for free entitles them to a portion of their users' money. This notion has led some to compare open source software to the struggle against slavery throughout human history. Despite acknowledging personal preference for using tools with full control, the author emphasizes that not everyone is persuaded by those who release software for free and guilt trip people into paying. The article highlights how open source software contributes to career enhancement and can provide an emblem of technical prowess. However, it also criticizes the sustainability of relying on free labor in this context and suggests that open source maintainers should focus on making their job easier instead of promoting a selfless narrative.

Camping Stein am Simssee:

The article discusses a campground near Chiemsee and the Alpenland, offering comfortable pitches with direct lake access, mountain views, and various amenities like electricity, fresh water, and waste disposal. It mentions a large detour on the approach road from Prien, Mauerkirchen, and Riedering-Moosen but states that vehicles up to 12 tons can still enter the premises. The campground is located 15 km from Rosenheim and about an hour's drive from Munich and Salzburg via car or train. The website offers online booking options for various accommodations, including pitches or houses near the lake. Additionally, a live HD webcam shows the view of the campground towards the lake and mountains.

Als Kostprobe: Händler liefert Standortdaten von Millionen deutscher Nutzer:

Anhand von Daten war es möglich, Bewegungsprofile zu erstellen und mehrere Personen zu identifizieren, einschließlich eines deutschen Geheimdienstmitarbeiters. Es wurde bekannt, dass Standortdaten von Millionen von Menschen aus Deutschland verkauft werden, wobei diese Informationen Rückschlüsse auf den Wohnort, Arbeitsplatz oder Freizeitaktivitäten der Betroffenen erlauben. Die Daten stammen nicht von einem klassischen Datendiebstahl, sondern wurden gezielt von Smartphone-Apps gesammelt und gemäß deren Datenschutzbestimmungen weitergegeben. Diese Praxis wurde als „relevantes Sicherheitsproblem“ sowie „untragbarer Zustand“ bezeichnet, während einige Politiker für ein Verbot des kommerziellen Datenhandels plädierten.

The Ultimate Resource for Elizabethan Drama |

This article discusses, a website that presents easy-to-read, fully annotated Elizabethan plays for the first time ever. The website's goal is to inspire readers to explore the great works from the Elizabethan era and make them accessible through modern edits and annotations. The plays on this site are unique as they contain comprehensive annotations directly next to the lines, making it a smooth and enjoyable reading experience. In addition, these plays are available for free and can be used by directors and performers in their preparation for productions.

Attempting to stop Microsoft users sending 'reactions' to email from me by adding a postfix header:

The article discusses how the author has been receiving more email replies in the form of „reactions“ from people outside their Microsoft ecosystem and wants to disable them. They found that Microsoft has a specific header, x-ms-reactions: disallow, which can be added to outgoing emails to suppress reactions on its clients' systems. The author explains how they modified their mail server's configuration to add this header for all emails sent from any account or device and tested its effectiveness with various recipients. While the method did prevent some of the unwanted „reactions“ emails, it still didn't provide a perfect user experience.

Why German Strings are Everywhere:

This article discusses different ways that programming languages implement strings and introduces a custom string type called „German Strings.“ German Strings are highly optimized for data processing and have been adopted by several systems, including DuckDB, Apache Arrow, Polars, and Facebook Velox. The main advantages of German Strings include performance improvements due to space savings and reduced allocations and data movement. They also make it easier to parallelize string handling code. However, there are challenges in using German Strings, as developers must consider the lifetime and storage class of their strings.

Data Broker Files: How data brokers sell our location data and jeopardise national security:

The AdTech industry in Germany is causing privacy concerns for millions of people while posing a threat to national security. Data brokers are selling location data without sufficient control, leading to an international problem as similar issues have been identified in the USA, Norway, Netherlands, and Switzerland. These brokers obtain this information from mobile apps that pass on GPS data for advertising purposes. The investigation highlights the need for regulation of data marketplaces and sellers, as well as better enforcement of data protection laws.

In den Datenstrom eintauchen: Ein Werkzeugkasten für Analysten von Android-Apps:

The article discusses how to analyze Android apps for potential data leakages and privacy concerns. It describes the use of tools such as Frida, mitmproxy, BurpSuite, and others for intercepting and analyzing network traffic and bypassing certificate pinning. Additionally, it mentions projects like Tweasel and PiRogue that can help identify tracking and data security violations in mobile apps. The author also highlights the cat-and-mouse game between developers and analysts to bypass app security measures and emphasizes the importance of interpreting and understanding the captured data for thorough analysis.

Tagesschaukommentar zur Chatkontrolle: Empörte Ahnungslosigkeit:

The article discusses the failure of the so-called „chat control“ and highlights the clash between privacy and child protection. A journalist from ARD argues that the German data protection (pure data protection) is preventing the protection of children on the internet, framing it as a conflict between two fundamental rights. The article criticizes the simplistic view that prioritizing privacy over child protection is wrong, suggesting both are essential for protecting children from sexual abuse online.

The article also discusses the potential risks and collateral damage of mass surveillance, such as false positives and infringements on privacy rights. It questions whether we are willing to accept certain restrictions and sacrifices in order to put an end to child sexual exploitation material (CSAM).

In conclusion, the article highlights the complexity of finding a balance between data protection and child protection online and emphasizes that the EU's proposed chat control is flawed as it prioritizes surveillance over other solutions.

Firefox: Datensendeverhalten Android-App (F-Droid-Version) – Browser-Check Teil6:

The article discusses the data transmission behavior of Firefox (Fennec), a browser version for Android available on F-Droid. It is based on Firefox and has proprietary bits removed, but still connects to various Mozilla and Google services that can track users. By default, Google is set as the search engine, which is not privacy-friendly. The article recommends using a different search engine like Startpage or disabling auto-suggestions. Firefox (Fennec) does not track its user but has some concerns regarding connections to Mozilla and Google services. Add-ons are supported in this version, but there is a smaller selection compared to the desktop version. The article concludes that F-Droid's Firefox variant presents a relatively privacy-friendly impression overall.

For advertising: Firefox now collects user data by default:

This article discusses Mozilla's decision to introduce a new feature called „Privacy Preserving Ad Measurement“ (PPA) in its Firefox browser, which has raised privacy concerns among users. The feature is designed to provide advertisers with information about the performance of their ads while maintaining user privacy. However, the implementation of PPA as an opt-out setting rather than an opt-in one has been criticized by many users and industry experts. Mozilla's CTO addressed these concerns on Reddit, explaining that they believe in better defaults for users and that more communication should have been done about the feature. The article also mentions alternative browsers like Ladybird and Servo, which aim to provide a more privacy-focused browsing experience.


This article discusses the blockage of a user's request due to network policy restrictions. The user is advised to log in or create an account, use unique developer credentials, and ensure their User-Agent string is accurate. If still blocked, they should file a ticket with their IP address and Reddit account information for further assistance.

For advertising: Firefox now collects user data by default:

Firefox 128 has been released with new data protection controversies. Users accuse Mozilla, the developer, of deceiving them by introducing Privacy-Preserving Attribution (PPA) technology for anonymized measurement of advertising and its performance without their consent. The issue lies in automatic activation of PPA rather than user opt-in and Mozilla's potential intentions to improve cash flow through this feature. Firefox users are concerned about data collection and question the trustworthiness of a browser provider that emphasizes data protection but resorts to such measures.

The Engineer’s Guide To Deep Learning:

This article discusses the current golden age of AI and highlights the Transformer model as a groundbreaking breakthrough in AI technology. The Transformer model was initially developed as a machine translation model but has since permeated nearly every field, making it essential knowledge for modern engineers. The article provides concise information on neural networks, recurrent neural networks, natural language processing, and the Transformer model, with working Python code examples to enhance comprehension. It also offers references for further exploration in AI technologies and encourages readers to use the provided documentation that caters to their preferences.

Why I Hope Rust Does Not Oxidize Everything:

The author expresses their concerns about the potential monopolization of the programming language industry by Rust and argues that a programming language monoculture would be disastrous for the industry. They highlight several reasons why they believe Rust is not suitable for everything, including its syntax, async fractures, complexity, compile times, static analysis, and build times. The author advocates for diversity in programming languages and warns against relying solely on Rust or allowing it to dominate the industry.

Fransenflügler – Wikipedia:

The article is about Fransenflügler, also known as Thysanoptera or thrips, which are small insects with four wings and long beak-like mouthparts used for feeding on plants. They belong to the order Thysanoptera within the class Insecta. There are approximately 5,500 known species of Thysanoptera worldwide, with around 400 in Central Europe and 230 in Germany.

The article provides information on their physical characteristics, including their external and internal anatomy. The external anatomy includes the head, thorax, wings, legs, and abdomen, while the internal anatomy covers the nervous system, digestive system, and respiratory system.

Thysanoptera have a wide distribution due to their ability to be transported by air currents over long distances. They are found in various habitats around the world, except for polar regions. Their life cycle consists of eggs, larvae, pre-pupae, pupae, and adults, with some species having multiple generations per year.

Some Thysanoptera species can be pests to crops by causing damage to plant leaves and flowers or acting as vectors for plant viruses. However, other species are used in biological pest control due to their ability to feed on other harmful insects. The article also discusses the use of chemicals and natural predators to control Thysanoptera populations.

The history of research into Thysanoptera is briefly mentioned, with early descriptions dating back to the 17th century by Filippo Bonanni and Carl de Geer. The current classification system for Thysanoptera is complex due to the large number of species and the lack of comprehensive genetic studies.

Finally, the article mentions a song titled „Gewittertierchen“ dedicated to Thysanoptera in the music industry.

Gewittertierchen: Was hilft gegen Gewitterfliegen? |

The article evaluates the average rating of 3.02 out of 5 based on 216 votes. It discusses the issue of small insects called Gewittertierchen or Gewitterfliegen in homes, which become more prevalent during humid weather due to air pressure pushing them downward. These tiny creatures belong to the category of air plankton and consist of around 500 different subspecies. They are not considered harmful to plants but can be a nuisance when they gather indoors. To prevent or eliminate their presence, it is recommended to remove standing water near the house, seal cracks in windows, and clean regularly.

controversial oluv's gadgets reviews?:

The discussion revolves around a YouTuber called „oluv's gadgets“ who reviews headphones and earphones, comparing their frequency responses and overall sound quality. It is noted that Oluv often finds that popular brands like Sony, Bose, etc. do not meet his standards for sound quality, with the exception of some cheaper, lesser-known brands like Earfun. Oluv's gadgets reviews have sparked debate on whether his opinions are genuine or exaggerated, with some people praising his honesty while others accuse him of being a shill for the brands he collaborates with.

Is there a way to prevent Spotify connect from hijacking the volume buttons on my android phone? - r/truespotify:

The article discusses an issue where having both Spotify running on a media PC and its Android app in the background causes phone volume buttons to control the PC's Spotify volume, rather than the ringtone volume when not using the Spotify app. The user is seeking a way to disable this behavior.

The Stratocaster turns 70: An ode to the world's greatest guitar design:

Leo Fender's first solid-body electric guitar design, the Telecaster, was an absolute plank that could be used to row a boat or dig a hole. His follow-up, the Stratocaster, unlocked new sounds and remains one of the icons of 1950s design. Launched in 1954, it pioneered automotive-inspired paint jobs that became part of its legend. The three-pickup guitar has an iconic out-of-phase sound that was accidentally discovered when the switch was jammed halfway. The Stratocaster's success is attributed to Leo Fender and his team, as well as his 50/50 partner Don D. Randall who named every Fender product except the Precision Bass.

Inside the Mafia of Pharma Pricing:

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has released a report that shows the role of pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) in inflating drug prices, such as the case of Gleevec. PBMs are responsible for price and handling payments for pharmaceuticals between doctors, pharmacies, and patients, but have been found to redirect vast amounts of money to themselves instead of lowering drug prices. This has led to concerns about their monopolistic power in the healthcare market. The FTC's report indicates that they may sue PBMs over high prices they foster for insulin, potentially changing the entire drug claims system and bringing down prices drastically.

Opinion: We built our world for a climate that no longer exists | CNN:

The Third Avenue Bridge in Manhattan had to be closed due to swelling metal from extreme heat, highlighting the need for infrastructure adaptation to climate change. This issue is not limited to New York City - Houston's electric grid faces blackouts due to its antiquated design, while wildfires in California and lack of air conditioning in European cities leave people vulnerable during heatwaves. As the world warms, the current infrastructure, economic systems, and cultural practices are becoming increasingly outdated and dangerous. Although technology can help adapt to these changes, a rebuilding of our world is necessary for a sustainable future.

Strategy for EU Bootstrapping Hardware Startups: Don't Sell to Anyone in EU:

The article discusses the author's journey in creating a new type of personal computer called Flying Car. They mention encountering difficulties during the process, such as challenges in obtaining CE certification for selling products in the EU and complexities in navigating EU taxation and regulations. As an alternative solution, they propose incorporating in Estonia to avoid certain legal and tax headaches and potentially access larger markets outside the EU. The author is currently running tests and sanity checks on this plan with hopes of launching their product soon.

PyTorch Lightning: A Comprehensive Hands-On Tutorial:

In this article, you learned about PyTorch Lightning, a popular wrapper for PyTorch that simplifies the deep learning model development process. You were guided through the installation and setup of Lightning and PyTorch, setting up a PyTorch Lightning environment, defining a model architecture, training and validating a model, and optimizing the code with Lightning-specific best practices and tips. Furthermore, you learned about data modules, which help in organizing data-related operations to maintain clean model logic. The article also discussed the advantages of using PyTorch Lightning in a collaborative project, and the benefits of using Lightning compared to classic PyTorch.

SCALE documentation:

SCALE is a GPGPU programming toolkit that allows CUDA applications to be natively compiled for AMD GPUs without the need for modification. It supports AMD gfx1030 (Navi 21, RDNA 2.0) and AMD gfx1100 (Navi 31, RDNA 3.0) GPU targets and is currently working on supporting AMD gfx900 (Vega 10, GCN 5.0). SCALE aims to be fully compatible with NVIDIA CUDA, offering some opt-in language extensions that can make writing GPU code easier and more efficient for users who wish to move away from nvcc.