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Links für 2024 KW 23

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Perfectionism is optimizing at the wrong scale:

The article discusses the concept that sometimes tolerating imperfection can lead to better overall outcomes and the importance of understanding when aiming for perfection is the best approach. Perfectionism can be a flaw if it causes trade-offs with other aspects of life or projects, but quality work is generally rewarded in the long term. The article suggests various approaches to triage irrelevant tasks, such as prioritizing timeliness over perfection and focusing on what's most important. Timing plays a crucial role, as opportunities often open and close, making it necessary to balance the pursuit of perfection with meeting deadlines.

This Engineer’s Solar Panels Are Breaking Efficiency Records:

Yifeng Chen, assistant vice president of technology at Trina Solar, has been awarded the IEEE Stuart R. Wenham Young Professional Award for his contributions to photovoltaic energy conversion. In his role, Chen leads the company's R&D group that has set over two dozen world records for solar power efficiency and output. He is now working on tunnel oxide passivated contact (TOPCon) technology in an effort to further improve solar panel efficiency.

Google, Cloudflare & Cisco Will Poison DNS to Stop Piracy Block Circumvention * TorrentFreak:

In France, Canal+ has taken legal action against popular public DNS providers Cloudflare, Google, and Cisco to demand that they implement measures similar to those implemented by French ISPs. This follows the broadcaster's previous successful court actions targeting pirate sports streaming sites. The Paris judicial court ordered Google, Cloudflare, and Cisco to prevent French internet users from accessing around 117 pirate domains. However, these DNS providers have argued that their services are not covered by the legislation; they may now need to comply with the orders or face legal consequences.

ParsingLs - Greg's Wiki:

The article discusses the limitations of parsing the output of ls (a command to list files) and suggests alternative methods to work with file metadata and filenames, such as using find(1), wc, stat(1), or even modifying the filename itself to have a standard format for sorting. The author emphasizes that parsing the output of ls can lead to errors due to its inconsistent handling of filenames containing special characters like newlines or commas. a place to find good blogs that interest you:

This article discusses ligatures and typographic glyphs that have become indispensable in various forms of communication, such as the @ symbol for email and social media, and the € symbol after the creation of the single European currency. The article suggests that some cryptocurrency enthusiasts may be hoping for similar adoption and widespread use of crypto-related symbols.

No title found:

The article discusses Micropolis in WebAssembly, a version based on the original SimCity sources created by Will Wright. It was ported to WebAssembly by Don Hopkins and can be found on GitHub. Micropolis is playable using various keyboard shortcuts for controlling game actions, such as panning, zooming, loading cities, etc. The article also mentions Chaim Gingold's book „Building SimCity“ and his „SimCity Reverse Diagrams“ as sources of information on the game.


This research proposes a hierarchical audio-driven visual synthesis framework for portrait image animation, which integrates diffusion-based generative models, a UNet-based denoiser, and temporal alignment techniques. The proposed approach demonstrates significant improvements in image and video quality, lip synchronization precision, and motion diversity compared to previous methods.

Hallo: Hierarchical Audio-Driven Visual Synthesis for Portrait Image Animation:

This article discusses Hallo, a hierarchical audio-driven visual synthesis for portrait image animation. The project is open source with an MIT license and has received 759 stars and 112 forks on GitHub. Users must be signed in to change notification settings.

Homepage | European Alternatives:

This article emphasizes the importance of supporting local businesses, as they contribute to indirect tax revenue and job creation in your region. It also highlights the benefits of choosing European companies for digital services and products like cloud services and SaaS products due to similar legal requirements, data protection laws such as GDPR, and easier enforcement of rights within the EU market. Additionally, European businesses often offer VAT refunds and payment methods commonly used in Europe.

Fefes Blog:

The article discusses defamation from a legal perspective and the importance of proving whether statements are true or false. It states that earlier, defaming someone was considered the crime, not lying. This article presents examples where private individuals were driven to suicide due to their actions, and questions why family members couldn't claim compensation for the harm caused. The distinction between public figures and private individuals is questioned, as well as whether society should reconsider its standards on defamation when dealing with wealthy celebrities or politicians. It also mentions that in some legal traditions, defamation was considered worse if the statements were true. Lastly, the article raises questions about the difference between journalism and defamation, asking how journalists can dig up old misdeeds while avoiding defamation charges themselves.

Friendica auf VPS/vServer installieren - dogado:

In diesem Artikel werden Schritte zur Installation des sozialen Netzwerks Friendica unter Verwendung von Debian 11 64 bit - VPS XXL 2.0 dargestellt. Die Instruktionen basieren auf der Verwendung von Docker und Traefik Reverse Proxy. Der Benutzer muss die installierte Umgebung überprüfen, ein Verzeichnis für Friendica erstellen und eine Docker Compose Datei anlegen. Anschließend werden die Einstellungen für den Datenbankserver, das SMTP-Protokoll sowie der Cronjob konfiguriert. Die Installation schließt mit einem Admin Interface ab, in dem die Benutzerkonten verwaltet und das Kennwort geändert werden können.

What You Get After Running an SSH Honeypot for 30 Days:

This article discusses an SSH honeypot which detects and records attacks when attackers try to break into systems. It mentions that there were a total of 11,599 login attempts divided by 30 days, resulting in an average of 386 login attempts per day. The article also highlights some common usernames and passwords used in these attacks, as well as the types of commands executed after successful logins. These include probing strategies for vulnerabilities or valuable information, attempts to access cloud-based services, and the use of cryptocurrency miners. Additionally, it mentions the potential presence of MIPS malware and Gafgyt (BASHLITE) botnets targeting routers and IoT devices.

You’ve Read Your Last Free Article, Such Is the Nature of Mortality:

This article humorously discusses the endless consumption of online news and headlines, often leaving readers with incomplete or fragmented information. It emphasizes that the reader has reached their last free article and must either subscribe for $9.99 per month or accept a lifetime of ignorance. The author playfully suggests that future generations will question the reader's knowledge of significant events due to their inability to access more news articles, ultimately highlighting the importance of staying informed and the value of a subscription-based model for journalism.

Sans Bullshit Sans — Leveraging the synergy of ligatures:

The article discusses „Sans Bullshit Sans,“ an experimental font that replaces buzzwords and jargon with Comic Sans-styled censorship bars, called ligatures. This font is designed to make bullshit language visible by turning it into images. It only works if the user's browser supports ligatures.

Reverse Engineering a Restaurant Pager system 🍽️:

The article discusses an individual's experimentation with restaurant pagers. After purchasing a Retekess brand TD-158 Restaurant Pager System on eBay, they were able to discover the modulation scheme and packet structure used by these devices. By analyzing packets, they determined that the system used OOK encoding at 433 MHz and could be decoded using a simple modulator. The author concluded that restaurant pagers provided an interesting and accessible way to explore radio communication systems.

Useful and Overlooked Skills:

The article highlights several overlooked but useful skills in life and business: accepting reality, calibrating desire, respectful interactions with those you disagree, having effective conversations, brevity in communication, diplomatic „no“ responses, recognizing luck as much as risk, and learning from real-world feedback. The importance of these skills is emphasized through examples and insights on how they contribute to successful outcomes in various aspects of life.

How Data-Fueled Neurotargeting Could Kill Democracy:

The marketplace of ideas, a fundamental concept in modern democracies, is being undermined by the weaponization of emotional data for political gain. Neurotargeting, a technique that uses large datasets to craft messages tailored to an individual's emotional core, has become increasingly prominent. This technique was used by Cambridge Analytica during the 2016 US presidential election and UK Brexit vote. The ability of AI and machine learning to generate customized fear-inducing disinformation is a growing threat to democratic institutions. Strong national and international regulation of data industries is needed to prevent the erosion of democracy and preserve freedom of speech and a free press.

Good code is rarely read:

The article discusses the importance of good code and how it should be easy to read, understand, and use. It emphasizes that best practices such as DRY, SOLID, and consistent formatting help create readable code that is easier to debug, extend, and refactor. By making code more intuitive and structured, developers can focus on building features rather than deciphering existing code. The ultimate goal of good coding practices is to create clear and intuitive code that allows functionality to shine through without the need for extensive reading or interpretation.

"We Can Do It, We Just Choose Not To":

The article discusses the standard playbook followed after a large corporation discloses personal information on the internet, focusing on the statement „no credit card numbers were disclosed.“ Credit card numbers may not be as damaging to individuals as other forms of sensitive data such as home addresses and email addresses, but they are valuable for criminals. The article questions why companies do not secure all types of personal information equally, highlighting that there are no significant financial consequences for businesses when personal data is leaked. Until there are real financial incentives to protect personal data, companies may continue to suffer data breaches without facing serious consequences.

Invention to Impact: The story of LASIK eye surgery:

This article discusses a personal experience with LASIK eye surgery, as well as other people's experiences and opinions about the procedure. Some individuals regret having LASIK due to negative side effects such as dry eyes, halos, loss of night vision, and starbursts. However, there are also many satisfied patients who have experienced positive results with improved or restored vision. The risks and potential complications associated with LASIK should be carefully considered before undergoing the procedure.

What do we know about UK's largest Bronze Age find at Must Farm?:

The discovery of a 3,000-year-old settlement at Must Farm quarry in Whittlesey, Cambridgeshire, has revealed an „amazing time capsule“ that captured an everyday moment in late Bronze Age Britain. The settlement, dubbed Britain's Pompeii, had about 10 circular wooden houses and its excavation by the Cambridge Archaeological Unit (CAU) between 2015 and 2016 uncovered sophisticated technology, multi-tools, a far-flung trading network, and evidence of fish tapeworm. The finds will be exhibited at Peterborough Museum from April to September.

Amazon has a secret way to scrape Microsoft’s GitHub and feed its AI model:

Amazon's Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) Group is looking to expedite data collection from GitHub for its AI models by encouraging employees to create multiple accounts and share their access credentials. This workaround aims to condense what would have been a multi-year endeavor into weeks. While Amazon claims this approach has been approved by legal and security teams, it raises ethical concerns about data privacy, permission, and the appropriate use of platform resources. By leveraging GitHub data, Amazon aims to innovate faster, enhance customer experiences, optimize operations, and drive innovation across its business.

Making my local LLM voice assistant faster and more scalable with RAG:

This article discusses the author's attempts to optimize the speed of their smart home voice assistant, which is powered by a language model called Llama 3. The author experimented with various methods to reduce the time it takes for the LLM to respond and found that using an API based on Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) can significantly improve performance. RAG works by reducing context length and augmenting LLM prompts with external sources, such as articles or weather forecasts. The author tested their optimized system and reported improved response times.

Face of ancient Australian ‘giga-goose’ revealed after fossil skull found:

A newly discovered skull belonging to Genyornis newtoni, a giant flightless bird that lived over 45,000 years ago in ancient Australia, has provided scientists with a detailed insight into its appearance and lifestyle. Standing over two meters tall and weighing up to 240 kilograms, Genyornis went extinct shortly after humans arrived on the continent. The skull was discovered at Lake Callabonna in South Australia, revealing that the closest living relative of this bird is the horned screamer, Anhima cornuta. Researchers believe that changing climate patterns and human intervention were major factors contributing to its extinction.

New Nebula for Windows 🥳 - r/Xreal:

The article announces the release of Nebula for Windows Beta version 0.7.0, which is compatible with both Air 2 and Air 2 Pro. Nebula enhances the Spatial Display experience on Windows computers and allows access to up to 3 virtual screens or an ultra-wide curved screen in 3DoF with a refresh rate of up to 90Hz. The article suggests using a high-performance graphics card for optimal stability and user experience, and provides installation steps, recommended configurations, and hardware requirements in the Guide and Notes available on Google Docs.

The 1st 'major lunar standstill' in more than 18 years is about to occur. Here's how to see it.:

This year, there will be a celestial treat for skywatchers: the first „major lunar standstill“ since 2006. A major lunar standstill occurs when the moon's rising and setting positions on the horizon reach their highest and lowest points in its 18.6-year cycle due to the Earth and moon's tilts being at their maximum. This phenomenon affects how long the moon is visible in the sky during nighttime. The most extreme major lunar standstill will be around equinoxes in September 2024 and March 2025, but visibility depends on the moon's phase, location, and weather.

Flesh-Eating Bacteria That Can Kill in Two Days Spreads in Japan - Bl…:

Cases of streptococcal toxic shock syndrome (STSS), a rare disease caused by „flesh-eating bacteria,“ have been increasing in Japan, with 977 cases reported by June 2nd, compared to the previous year's record of 941 cases. The National Institute of Infectious Diseases has been tracking this disease since 1999. Group A Streptococcus (GAS), which causes swelling and sore throat in children, can also lead to rapid symptoms like limb pain, fever, low blood pressure, necrosis, breathing problems, organ failure, and death. People over 50 are more prone to the disease. With a mortality rate of 30%, Japan could see 2,500 cases this year if the infection rate continues at its current pace. The rise in STSS cases is linked to the relaxation of Covid-era restrictions and an increase in invasive group A streptococcus (iGAS) disease in Europe.

EM 2024: Warum gibt es keine guten Fußball-Videospiele mehr?​:

EA's FIFA franchise has been updated to match the current European Championship (EM) standings, but „EA FC 24,“ which is used for playing the EM 2024 afterward, is only a mediocre football game. There are no good alternatives, as Electronic Arts enjoys exclusivity deals that have pushed Konami's Pro Evolution Soccer (PES) out of the market. The „Ultimate Team“ mode in EA's FIFA games focuses on monetization through microtransactions, making it a lucrative business model for the company.

Indie developer Strikez Inc. is preparing to launch its football game „UFL,“ while Konami continues to develop its PES successor „eFootball.“ The FIFA organization is also seeking a new partner to create games under the FIFA name after parting ways with Electronic Arts. However, there are no realistic competitors for EA's FIFA franchise due to lack of licenses, budget, expertise, and scale.

2K Games could potentially be an alternative, as they have beaten EA in basketball game development before, but the complexity and time-consuming process of creating modern blockbuster video games make it difficult for 2K to develop a competitive football game quickly.

Exponentially Better Rotations:

In 3D programming, there are several techniques and representations used when working with rotations, including rotation matrices, Euler angles, axis/angle in 2D and 3D, averaging rotations, quaternions, and more. Rotation matrices are particularly useful as they are orthonormal 3×3 matrices with positive determinant, while Euler angles are another common representation that can be easily understood but has some limitations when interpolating between two angles. Quaternions provide a fascinating approach to rotations, but have their own set of issues like not forming a vector space and being computationally costly to interpolate. Axis/angle rotations form a vector space and allow for linear interpolation, which makes them an attractive option for representing rotations in 3D programming.

YouTube embeds ads into videos to beat ad blockers:

YouTube is experimenting with a new technique called „server-side ad injection“ wherein advertisements are embedded directly into video streams, making them indistinguishable from content for client software and extensions that try to filter out advertising. This approach effectively bypasses ad-blockers and enhances the visibility and effectiveness of ad campaigns. YouTube's latest technical maneuver is part of its broader crackdown on ad-blocking over the past year, targeting browser ad-blockers and third-party YouTube apps popular on mobile devices. The goal is to protect YouTube's key revenue stream from advertising.

Sleep deprivation disrupts memory: here’s why:

A study in rats has found that sleep deprivation impairs a critical brain signal linked to long-term memory formation. Even after one night of normal sleep, the brain signal failed to recover fully. The research suggests there is a „critical window“ for memory processing, which once lost cannot be regained. These findings may lead to targeted treatments to improve memory and could also help develop strategies for preventing traumatic memories from being stored long-term.

Thread by @RnaudBertrand on Thread Reader App:

The French political landscape has become increasingly volatile in recent days, as multiple parties scramble to form alliances ahead of the upcoming elections on June 30th. After losing the EU elections to Marine Le Pen's Rassemblement National (RN), Emmanuel Macron dissolved the National Assembly, prompting a flurry of activity among political factions. The left-wing parties have formed a „Popular Front“ alliance, while the right-wing Les Républicains party has experienced internal conflict over whether to align with Le Pen or not. Meanwhile, Zemmour's Reconquête party has imploded due to disagreements between its leaders, Marion Maréchal and Éric Zemmour. The outcome of these elections remains uncertain, but one thing is clear - French politics is in a state of turmoil.

Studie: Nieren würden mehrjährige Marsmissionen wohl nicht überstehen:

Die kosmische Strahlung auf einer dreijährigen Mission zum Mars ist stark genug, um die Nieren von Astronauten und Astronautinnen zu beschädigen und ihre Funktion zu berauben. Eine umfangreiche Studie an Raumfahrenden und Versuchstieren zeigt, dass diese Gefahr eine ernste Hürde für bemannte Flüge zum Mars darstellt. Forscher schlagen vor, dass nur pharmazeutische oder technische Maßnahmen zur Schützung der Nieren effektiv sein könnten, da eine Abschirmung nicht hilft.

Betrugsverdacht beim Klimaschutz: Trotz Warnungen Millionen an Konzerne gezahlt:

The article discusses the alleged fraud by oil companies deceiving German consumers with non-existent facilities in China, possibly due to a lack of control from Germany. The Environmental Committee is addressing this issue. Upstream emission reduction projects (UER-projects) are facing severe accusations and require thorough investigation. Currently, 40 out of 60 UER-projects in China are under suspicion of fraud. These alleged fraudulent actions involve using Germany's carbon offset mechanism for financial gain without proper oversight or regulation. The German government has decided to stop funding such projects by the end of 2024.

Land speculators will kill your game's growth:

This comprehensive article discusses the trend of „digital real estate“ in games and the potential for digital land speculation bubbles. It analyzes how these trends are reminiscent of physical real estate crises, with a focus on games like Axie Infinity, Ultima Online, Final Fantasy XIV, and EVE Online. The author highlights the dangers of such speculative practices, which can lead to negative impacts on player growth and overall economic stability within virtual worlds.

The article suggests several solutions to mitigate these issues, including increasing land supply, reducing its importance, or implementing a digital Land Value Tax. It also emphasizes the need for developers to ensure that their games offer more than just digital land grabs to maintain long-term success and player engagement. The author concludes by stressing the importance of learning from past experiences and avoiding the mistakes made in both physical and digital real estate markets.

Rent in Cities Skylines 2 was too high, so the devs removed landlords:

The article discusses a problem in Second Life, where major landlords keep properties in good areas off the market or set very high prices on them to drive rents up. This results in cheaper but undesirable land being available elsewhere. The same problem exists in other games like Ultima Online and Final Fantasy XIV. A possible solution is the implementation of a land value tax, similar to EVE Online's digital real estate system or the game of rent in real life, which would allow for more affordable housing.

The rent is too dang high in Cities: Skylines 2, so the devs nuked the landlords:

Cities: Skylines 2 (C:S2) is set to receive a significant update called „Economy 2.0“ within the next week, which will address persistent high rent issues in the game. The update eliminates the virtual landlord and implements a new formula for calculating rent based on land value and building level. To tackle high rents, players can either cut back on resource consumption or provide citizens with jobs to afford their housing. In real life, algorithms like YieldStar help determine optimal rent prices for large corporate landlords but have faced backlash from renters and lawsuits.

The Art of the Epigraph:

The author shares their love for epigraphs in literature, explaining how they provide an opportunity to orient readers to the book's intentions. Epigraphs establish the theme but can also do more by situating a novel, story, or essay and providing insight into the work. They can support a theme or contradict it, prepare readers or mislead them, and situate a book within its intended company or renounce any relationship with the past. The author reflects on their collection of quotes from various books, articles, poems, and plays and how they have become valuable in their career as a literary critic, providing assistance for analysis and characterizing writers' styles.

Fungus breaks down ocean plastic:

De schimmel Parengyodontium album is in staat om het meest voorkomende plastichoudende polyethyleen (PE) af te breken, ontdekte een onderzoeksgroep van onder andere het NIOZ. Het onderzoek toonde aan dat de schimmel alleen werkt wanneer het plastic is blootgesteld aan UV-straling uit zonlicht. De schimmel kan ongeveer 0,05% PE per dag afbreken. Onderzoekers verwachten dat er nog veel meer plasticafbrekende schimmels leven in diepere delen van de oceaan.

Stadt Asperg | Freibad |:

The Stadtisches Freibad Altachstraße 2 offers a variety of attractions for both sun-seekers and water rats, with a non-swimmer pool featuring an 84m slide, wild water canal, and fountain pool, as well as a large swimming pool with diving facilities. There is also an attractive parent-child area on two levels with slides, spray fountains, seating steps, sun sails, and water games. The facility also offers beach volleyball, basketball, and table tennis. Food, ice cream, and drinks are available for purchase at the on-site kiosk. Parking options include around 500 spaces for cars and approximately 150 bike parking spots, along with 320 locker lockers, 55 coat check lockers, 16 helmet lockers, and 20 sunbed storage areas.

Torrents - Anna’s Archive:

The article discusses a „ultimate unified list“ of releases by Anna's Archive, Library Genesis, Sci-Hub, and others, aimed at preserving humanity's knowledge and culture through torrent seeding. This collection is meant for long-term preservation rather than individual book downloads. The article highlights the importance of seeders in maintaining these torrents and provides a breakdown of their current status. It also mentions similar lists maintained by others, encouraging collaboration to preserve human knowledge.

The Fastest Path to African Prosperity:

This article, based on a white paper by the Alliance for Responsible Citizenship, discusses the challenges in fostering prosperity in Africa and presents possible solutions to overcome these obstacles. The continent remains the poorest region globally with high levels of youth unemployment and informal businesses dominating economic activity. It argues that education is not a solution to unemployment problems in Africa and instead, African economies need market opportunities to utilize their abundant human capital, especially those who are highly educated but remain unemployed.

The article highlights the successful nation-wide development agenda of Botswana and Rwanda as examples of how market institutions can be created for prosperity. It also emphasizes the importance of special economic zones that feature their own law, governance, tax, and regulatory systems within a small city-scale region. Finally, it proposes that startup cities bypass difficult legal reforms to attract capital investment and talent.

Germany is No 1 in Europe for EV production, No 2 in the world:

Germany, home to major automakers such as Volkswagen, BMW, and Mercedes-Benz, led Europe in electric vehicle (EV) production with 1.27 million battery electric vehicles (BEVs) and plug-in hybrid EVs manufactured in 2023. However, the German government's Electric Vehicle (EV) subsidy program faced a setback in December when it was shelved due to budgetary issues. This has put pressure on German automakers who face software development and supply chain complexities, putting them behind Tesla and Chinese OEMs with more advanced EV technologies and efficient supply chains. Nevertheless, Germany is also boosting its battery production capabilities through partnerships such as Volkswagen's collaboration with firms like Northvolt to secure a stable supply chain for EV batteries.

Whistleblower Says Microsoft Dismissed Warnings About a Security Flaw That Russians Later Used to Hack U.S. Government:

ProPublica has revealed a security flaw within Microsoft's Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS) product, which allowed attackers to masquerade as legitimate employees and access sensitive information via the company's cloud-based programs. The vulnerability was discovered by former Microsoft employee Andrew Harris, who had been working on the issue since 2016. Despite several warnings from Harris, Microsoft did not address the flaw in the product for years due to concerns that acknowledging it could jeopardize the company's chances of dominating the cloud computing market. The revelation comes after a series of cyberattacks on US government systems, which has raised questions about whether publicly-traded tech giants prioritize shareholder value over customer security.

Node-RED | Meshtastic:

Node-RED is a free cross-platform programming tool that allows users to connect hardware, APIs, and online services. It is widely used for home automation by non-professional programmers. The platform has many plug-in modules written by the community and runs well on Pi's (Raspberry Pi). This article provides an example of how to interface with the MQTT features of Meshtastic, a tool that allows users to manage IoT devices through MQTT messaging. The article also explains how to decode text and position messages without relying on JSON decoding on the device by using Node-RED.

Heltec ESP32 V3 Supported Peripherals | Meshtastic:

This article describes how to enhance Heltec ESP32 V3 boards by integrating GT-U7 GPS modules for precise GPS capabilities and real-time clock (RTC) functions. However, the power demand of the module may shorten battery life. To conserve power, incorporate a switch or an NPN 2N2222 transistor into your setup to enable firmware-controlled power management without compromising functionality. The guide provides detailed instructions on connecting the GPS module and managing its power consumption for better performance and battery life.

AMD’s MI300X Outperforms NVIDIA’s H100 for LLM Inference:

AMD's flagship MI300X accelerator has shown impressive early results in comparison to NVIDIA's Hopper architecture in real-world AI workloads, particularly in the field of Mixture of Expert (MoE) architectures. TensorWave and MK1 have been working closely to optimize performance for AMD hardware in AI inference, and initial tests show that using MK1's inference software, the MI300X achieves 33% higher throughput than the H100 SXM running vLLM on Mixtral 8x7B for a real-world chat use case. While NVIDIA has a more mature software ecosystem, AMD is already proving to be a formidable competitor in the AI market. As optimization continues and hardware availability and cost are factored in, the MI300X offers an attractive option for enterprises running large-scale inference in the cloud.

Build software better, together:

The article lists various contributors to different projects related to the TERMUX platform and its tools, such as Black-Hell-Team, LordPhish Star, modded-ubuntu, etc. Some of these contributors have sponsored specific tools or made significant contributions.

Don’t bother voting in European election:

The European Parliament has been criticized for not possessing the power to legislate, but instead being dominated by national parties and functioning as a rubber stamp. Its defenders might argue that it does have the power to offer amendments and revisions to laws in talks with the Council and the Commission; however, this is only a weak substitute for real legislative authority. The Parliament serves mainly to create the appearance of a vibrant democracy in action and has been described as an expensive farce. Its deputies earn more than triple the average salary of EU citizens, and the institution spends millions on maintaining its two chambers.

Is Google S.E.O. Gaslighting the Internet?:

Leaked documents from Google reveal that the company tracks user clicks, contradicting public claims. The documents also suggest that a site's existing name recognition is a dominant factor in search rankings. This change has resulted in established brands and larger publications receiving higher rankings. The decline of Google Search dates back to 2022 when authoritative sites were increasingly crowded out by clickbait results and text from Google's „Quick Answers“ feature. Google's recently launched Gemini products may further decrease search traffic as they aspire to answer queries within the browser, so users don't need to visit external websites.

AI is not a Net Positive for Society:

This article raises concerns about the potential negative effects of AI on society, particularly on employment and income inequality. It highlights how large AI companies are owned by wealthy individuals who aim to sell AI services at a fraction of human labor costs, leading to mass unemployment. The author argues that the profits from AI will primarily benefit shareholders rather than taxpayers, widening the wealth gap and potentially resulting in an „AI owning overlords“ controlling everything. While the article suggests a payroll tax on AI as one possible solution to avoid economic disaster, it ultimately calls for society to find ways to address these issues before they escalate further.

Cheapest source of fossil fuel generation is double the cost of utility-scale solar:

Lazard's annual report analyzed the levelized cost of electricity (LCOE), a critical measure of cost-efficiency for various generation sources across technology types. The report found that onshore wind and utility-scale solar have the lowest LCOEs by a significant margin, with onshore wind ranging from $27 to $73 per MWh and utility-scale solar ranging from $29 to $92 per MWh. Utility-scale solar has experienced an 83% cost reduction since 2009. Despite high end LCOE declines for selected renewable energy technologies, the low ends of their LCOEs have increased due to certain cost pressures such as high interest rates.

Forget Copilot+, Windows is already tracking everything you do — here's how to disable it:

The article explains that Microsoft Windows has an activity history feature that was used for the Timeline function in previous versions but is still present by default in current versions. Although it is turned off by default, users can enable it in Settings if they wish to use it. Concerns about privacy have been raised with Copilot+, which also tracks user actions and remembers them. The article suggests that disabling the activity history feature should not significantly impact the user experience in Windows 11 but emphasizes that there are other privacy settings users may want to adjust as well.

Nietzsche's Guide to Greatness | The Genealogy of Morality Explained:

This article provides an introduction to Friedrich Nietzsche's „On The Genealogy of Morality,“ offering a comprehensive summary and analysis of the key ideas presented in the book. It begins by outlining Nietzsche's project in the work, which is to free readers from traditional morality and cultivate what he calls „higher men“ - individuals like Beethoven, Napoleon, and Goethe who are capable of great creative achievements. The author then delves into Nietzsche's critique of egalitarian morality or „slave morality,“ contrasting it with his ideal of „master morality.“

The article discusses the mechanisms by which Nietzsche believes slave morality rose to power, including the role of resentment and the introduction of the concept of free will. It also explores the ascetic ideal and how it serves as a form of social control for both the slaves and the masters, as well as an expression of the will to power.

The author then presents three ways in which he finds Nietzsche's work flawed: his tendency to exaggerate the role of will to power in human nature, his promotion of heroic individualism over sociality, and what the author perceives as a personal bias in Nietzsche's ideas due to his own life experiences and circumstances. The article concludes by expressing both the author's deep indebtedness to Nietzsche for shaping his thinking and his ultimate dissatisfaction with certain aspects of the philosopher's work.

Uncensor any LLM with abliteration:

The third generation of Llama models provided fine-tuned versions that excelled in understanding and following instructions. However, these models were heavily censored to prevent misuse. In response to this, the abliteration technique was developed to uncensor any LLM without retraining. This process removes the model's built-in refusal mechanism, allowing it to respond to all types of prompts. Implementation involves data collection, identification of the „refusal direction“ within the model, and weight orthogonalization. This technique can be used in combination with fine-tuning (DPO) to recover most of the performance drop due to abliteration. The final model, called NeuralDaredevil-8B, is an uncensored LLM with state-of-the-art performance in the 8B category.

Study shows N95 masks near-perfect at blocking escape of airborne COVID-19 | University of Maryland:

A study led by the University of Maryland School of Public Health found that inexpensive „duckbill“ N95 masks were most effective at stopping COVID-19 particles from escaping into the air, with 98% blocked. Other masks tested performed well too, blocking at least 70% of viral particles. The research emphasized that any mask is better than none and an N95 is significantly more protective. The study compared four commonly-used masks in a real-life setting and did not test masks as protection from the virus.

Österreich: Jeder Shitstorm-Teilnehmer haftet alleine für den gesamten Schaden:

An Österreicher musste einem Polizisten nach dem Teilen eines Postings auf Facebook, das den Polizisten unrechtmäßig beschuldigt, 3.000 Euro zahlen. Der Oberste Gerichtshof (OGH) in Österreich entschied, dass der Schaden als unteilbar gilt, da es unmöglich ist, die Folgen einzelner Postings zu klären. Statt jeder einzelnen Person des Shitstorms auf kleine Beträge zu verklagen, darf der Geschädigte einen einzelnen Teilnehmer für den gesamten Schaden vor Gericht bringen und kann sich frei auswählen. Der Zahler hat die rechtliche Möglichkeit, die anderen Teilnehmer des Shitstorms aufzutreiben, um ihre jeweiligen Anteile zurückzuziehen.


The article discusses the instance of Mastodon, a decentralized social network. It mentions an exploit code and Microsoft's response to it, stating that it is not an actual exploit. The post contains various reactions and opinions from different users, with some suggesting to release the exploit code to public, while others question the legitimacy of the vulnerability.

ARM torpedoes Windows on ARM: Demands destruction of all PCs with Snapdragon X:

ARM and Qualcomm are still in dispute over their license after almost two years, with Qualcomm filing a counterclaim against ARM and ARM demanding the destruction of all Snapdragon X CPUs. The issue arises from Qualcomm's acquisition of Nuvia, which developed its own ARM core, repurposing it for Snapdragon X Elite and Snapdragon X Plus PC processors. ARM argues that the existing license agreements would not cover the use of a custom core. This dispute may affect future partnerships between ARM and Qualcomm, as well as their respective businesses.

YouTube's Server-Side Ad Injection Breaks SponsorBlock Extension, Creator Adapts by Rejecting Inaccurate Submissions:

The article discusses YouTube's server-side ad injection feature that breaks the sponsorblock extension, causing inaccuracies in submissions due to ad times. The creator of the extension set up a server to detect when someone is submitting from a browser with server-side ads and rejects the submission to prevent the database from filling with incorrect submissions. Users discuss possible solutions and the impact this has on their experience with the platform.

Silicon Valley’s Best Kept Secret: Founder Liquidity:

The article discusses the concept of founder liquidity in startups, which refers to founders selling a portion of their shares during funding rounds to secure personal financial stability while continuing to build the company. It argues that founder liquidity is often kept secret and undermines the narrative of founders taking significant risks for their companies. The article suggests that increasing transparency around founder liquidity could help balance the risk landscape for early employees, who may be taking on similar risks but with fewer financial safety nets in place.

Did startup Flow Computing just make CPUs 100x faster? Here’s the white paper and FAQs:

Flow Computing, a spinoff from the VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, claims to have developed a special parallel processing unit (PPU) that can improve CPU performance by 100x and double existing computing code's performance without any optimization efforts. The PPU could potentially fit into smaller devices like smartphones and watches to offload work from the CPU and enhance battery life. Flow Computing currently has $4.3 million in funding and aims to partner with major chipmakers like AMD, Apple, Intel, Nvidia, and Qualcomm to develop their technology further. The company is yet to validate its claims on genuine silicon but plans to do so soon.

Implications of food ultra-processing on cardiovascular risk considering plant origin foods: an analysis of the UK Biobank cohort:

The study conducted on the UK Biobank participants found that a higher dietary contribution of plant-sourced non-ultra-processed foods (non-UPF) was associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular diseases (CVD), while a higher contribution of plant-sourced ultra-processed foods (UPF) was associated with a higher risk. The results also revealed that replacing the dietary intake of plant-sourced UPF with plant-sourced non-UPF was associated with a 7% and 15% lower risk of CVD incidence and CVD-cause mortality, respectively. The findings emphasize the importance of choosing plant-sourced foods based on their degree of food processing to improve cardiovascular health outcomes.

Microsoft Minesweeper App Review: Ads, Subscriptions, and RAM Usage - Is it Worth It?:

The article discusses Microsoft's Minesweeper app, which has a rating of 2.9, is rated PEGI 3, and features in-app purchases. The app has ads and takes up 235 MB of disk space, a full CPU core, and 500 MB of RAM. Users can subscribe to get one free continue every game. The app has daily quest goals, achievements, and skins, including a „retro“ Minesweeper skin, but even this version includes ads if not subscribed. Some users have reported that ads may cover the board on larger boards.

London–Calcutta bus service:

The London-to-Calcutta bus service was considered the longest bus route in the world, covering over 10,000 miles one way and 20,300 miles for the round trip. It started in 1957 and operated until 1976, with a journey time of about 50 days. The service was provided by Albert Travel, and the bus passed through Belgium, West Germany, Austria, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and North Western India. It had facilities such as reading materials, sleeping bunks, fan-operated heaters, a kitchen, and a music system for parties. The service was discontinued due to political conditions leading up to the Iranian Revolution and escalating tensions between Pakistan and India.

DuckDB isn't just fast:

DuckDB is a single file SQL database designed for data analysis, focusing on user-friendliness and ease of use. It supports larger datasets than memory (out of core), making it ideal for data analysis tasks. DuckDB can be used in Python, has good developer ergonomics, and integrates with the lingua franca of data analysis, such as Pandas and CSVBASE. The article emphasizes that user-friendliness is more important than speed when it comes to productivity aids like computers.

Private Equity–Backed Firm Bowlero Is Ruining Bowling:

Bowlero has grown rapidly in recent years as the largest bowling company in the world, fueled by private equity groups like Apollo Global Management and Atairos. Critics argue that the firm's expansion has ruined the sport for many while enriching its executives. Bowlero centers are known for their dim lighting, loud music, and expensive cocktails, diverging from traditional bowling establishments. The company has also been under a federal investigation into alleged ageist and racist hiring practices. As the industry continues to change, many hardcore bowlers fear they will lose access to serious spaces for the sport.

Norway discovers Europe's largest deposit of rare earth metals:

Rare Earths Norway has discovered Europe's largest proven deposit of rare earth elements at its Fen Carbonatite Complex in southeastern Norway, which holds 8.8 million metric tons of total rare earth oxides with reasonable prospects for economic extraction. The discovery is considered a significant milestone for the continent and could help break China's dominance in the market. Demand for rare earths and critical minerals is expected to grow exponentially due to the clean energy transition, and the Critical Raw Materials Act aims to extract at least 10% of the European Union's annual demand for rare earths by 2030.

Up All Night? You May Have Actually Been Asleep:

A recent study found that many people with subjective insomnia, also known as paradoxical or sleep misperception insomnia, show different brain activity from good sleepers throughout the night. These individuals exhibit pockets of arousal in the form of fast brain waves during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, which is typically when the brain disconnects from awareness and vigilance. Subjective insomniacs with this interrupted REM do not experience their sleep as restful and are more likely to have immersive dreams than those who enjoy deep sleep. Interrupted REM sleep has been linked to disorders such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and anxiety, as it interferes with the overnight dissolving of accumulated emotional distress during good sleep. This discovery has opened doors for personalized treatments for insomnia and possible drug interventions that target continuous bursts of norepinephrine in REM sleep.

No title found:

Applio is a voice conversion tool that allows users to convert their voices to different languages. It is designed for simplicity, quality, and performance. Installation and usage instructions are provided for Windows, Linux, and using a Makefile. Repository enhancements have been implemented to improve the codebase, enhance functionality, and maintainability. Commercial usage requires contacting the author and considering a donation. References to related projects and contributors are also provided.

🚀 Perplexica - An AI-powered search engine 🔎:

Perplexica is an AI-powered, open-source search engine that uses advanced machine learning algorithms, such as similarity searching and embeddings, to refine search results and provide clear answers with cited sources. Offering two main modes - Copilot Mode and Normal Mode - as well as Focus Modes for various search needs, Perplexica ensures up-to-date information without compromising user privacy. The installation process involves using Docker or a non-Docker method, and the project is continuously updated with new features and improvements.

Biodiversity intervention enhances immune regulation and health-associated commensal microbiota among daycare children:

Based on the information provided, the study investigated the effects of urban environmental biodiversity on commensal microbiota and immune regulation in young children. The study found that biodiversity intervention, which enriched urban daycare centers with various microbiota-rich materials, was associated with changes in the skin and gut microbiota of the children, resulting in changes in plasma cytokine levels and Treg cell frequencies. These findings suggest that exposure to environmental microbial diversity can modulate the immune system of young children, potentially reducing the risk of immune-mediated diseases.

CAMB-AI/MARS5-TTS · Hugging Face:

This article discusses the MARS5 English speech model (TTS) from CAMB.AI, which is a two-stage AR-NAR pipeline with a novel NAR component. With just 5 seconds of audio and some text, it can generate speech for diverse scenarios like sports commentary or anime. The model uses raw audio combined with byte-pair-encoded text to guide its prosody. Speaker identity is specified using a reference audio file between 2-12 seconds. MARS5 supports two kinds of inference: shallow and deep clones. For best quality, use clean references between 1-12 seconds, provide accurate transcripts for the reference, and use proper punctuation. The model is currently open-sourced under GNU AGPL 3.0 but can be used under a different license upon request.

pydantic-xml extension#:

Pydantic-xml is an extension that provides model fields XML binding and serialization/deserialization support for pydantic, closely integrated with pydantic. It supports most of its features including pydantic v1 and v2, flexible attributes, elements, and text binding, python collection types, Union type support, pydantic generic models, pydantic computed fields, lxml XML parser, and xml.etree.ElementTree library XML parser. It does not support dataclasses or callable discriminators. The article provides examples of model fields binding in the Product and Company classes for an XML document.

The Great Deterioration of Local Community And The Loss of The Play-Based Childhood:

The decline in local community and trust, which started in the mid-1960s and accelerated afterward, is a significant cause of America's youth mental health crisis, according to experts Jon Haidt and Zach Goldberg. They suggest that teen mental health plunged with the rise of smartphones and social media as children transitioned from play-based childhoods to phone-based ones. The loss of local community and trust in the 1960s to 1990s is a major reason why Americans began locking up their kids in the 1990s. Religious conservative teens, who are more likely to be rooted in real-world communities and less likely to move deeply into virtual worlds, have better mental health outcomes than secular or liberal teens. Experts argue that virtual networks are not sufficient replacements for real-world communities, and the challenge is how to balance individual freedom and digital technology with stable, tight-knit community life.


The pyrophone, also known as a fire or explosion organ or calliope, is a musical instrument invented by physicist and musician Georges Frédéric Eugène Kastner in the late 19th century. It produces notes through rapid combustion, heating, or similar processes such as burners in cylindrical glass tubes creating light and sound. Invented around 1870, this instrument is an internal combustion musical device that controls the explosions within the resonance chamber to produce tones. Kastner's patent on Christmas Eve of 1874 showcased the pyrophone, which was displayed in the Paris Exhibition in 1878. The instrument has been used in various forms and fuel sources such as propane or gasoline. Pyrophones create music through rapid combustion inside a glass tube, producing sound waves that resonate within the chamber.

Engage your audience by getting to the point, using story structure, and forcing specificity:

This article discusses how Vicky Zhao articulates ideas effectively by getting to the point and using story structure from improv. She recommends following a framework when sharing an idea, such as „the one thing you must know about this topic is…“. The article also provides tips for writing, reading, thinking, and decision-making, including using specific language and practicing Via Negativa (talking about what something is not). Additionally, the article mentions how to use storytelling techniques in various situations, such as UX design.

Siberia's 'mammoth graveyard' reveals 800-year human interactions with woolly beasts:

The Berelekh geoarchaeological complex in Russia contains a 'mammoth graveyard' along the Berelekh River, consisting of thousands of disarticulated mammoth bones and an archaeological site. Researchers have re-examined stratigraphic and paleogeographic data from this area, finding evidence of human interaction with woolly mammoths during the Pleistocene period (2.58–11,700 years ago). The study suggests that humans may have created bone accumulations as a byproduct of producing mammoth ivory technology, while hares were targeted for fur to produce winter clothing. There are three radiocarbon dated peaks in woolly mammoth accumulation at 11.8, 12.2 and 12.4 kyr ago, which fall within known human settlement of the area during the Bølling-Allerød deglacial period. The findings challenge the previously held belief that there was a lag between mammoth bone accumulation from natural processes and human settlement, instead defining a close relationship between them over 700–800 years.

Fortune 100 get Java audit letters for the first time:

Oracle has started to send audit letters to Fortune 200 companies for the first time regarding Java licensing. In January 2023, Oracle announced a new licensing regime for Java SE Universal Subscription, which offers customers a monthly subscription that includes Java SE Licensing and Support for use on Desktops, Servers or Cloud deployments. However, industry experts have pointed out that businesses with limited Java usage would need to license the software per employee under this model, making it more expensive than the previous one. This shift could lead to a rise in Oracle licensing costs and an increase in third-party runtimes for Java applications by 2026.

Google forced XScreensaver for Android to create a "Privacy Policy".:

The article discusses the privacy issues surrounding Google's policies and compares them to XScreenSaver, a free Android screen saver application, which has no privacy policy and collects no user data. The article highlights the various negative aspects of Google's practices, while contrasting them with XScreenSaver's lack of privacy issues and transparency.

“How people fall apart”: Yale faculty discuss the impact of burnout on the brain:

Burnout can make a person feel helpless, emotionally exhausted, and isolated. A Yale faculty member discussed the neurobiological basis behind burnout symptoms and what can be done to reverse it. Stress on the brain, particularly in the prefrontal cortex which is responsible for higher cognition, abstract thought, working memory, concentration, multitasking, planning, and organizing, can lead to burnout. The key factor is a person's perception of their ability to control stressors. In some instances, stress may weaken the prefrontal cortex while strengthening more primitive brain parts, which could have survival value over time. However, this cycle could threaten long-term mental health and potentially lead to burnout or depression. To combat burnout, it is essential to understand the neuroscience behind it and take measures such as seeking help, maintaining a balanced diet, engaging in physical activities, and getting adequate sleep.


MQTT | Integrations Overview | Meshtastic:

Meshtastic networks can be easily bridged together using MQTT, a messaging protocol. To join the public MQTT server, enable MQTT and set uplink and downlink channels. The default device configuration is encrypted. You can also specify your own private MQTT broker to bridge mesh networks together. When MQTT is enabled, Meshtastic devices simply uplink and/or downlink every raw protobuf MeshPacket they see to the MQTT broker, encapsulated in a ServiceEnvelope protobuf. All packets are sent to the broker, whether they originate from another device on the mesh or the gateway node itself. If no specific root topic is configured, the default root topic will be msh/.

Using the Meshtastic CLI | Meshtastic:

The „meshtastic“ command line executable displays packets sent over the network as JSON, providing serial debugging information from Meshtastic devices. It is not run within Python but is a script run from the operating system shell prompt. The –noproto command disables the API and functions as a „dumb serial terminal“, allowing both API and device functionalities to remain accessible for regular use while providing raw serial output. This feature can be useful for debugging, development or understanding low-level communication between devices. The Python CLI supports communicating with Meshtastic devices via Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), in addition to the standard serial and TCP/IP connections.

Meshtastic Python CLI Guide | Meshtastic:

The article discusses the „meshtastic“ command line executable, which is part of the python pip package and displays packets sent over the network as JSON. It also provides serial debugging information from meshtastic devices. The commands mentioned in the article can be used to configure radio settings, set preferences, send messages, and perform other tasks related to meshtastic device management.

It is time for more holistic practices in mental health:

This article discusses the limitations and ineffectiveness of hegemonic psychiatric models centered on the notion of disease, particularly in treating mental health conditions such as depression or anxiety. The author highlights that these overly simplistic models have led to an increase in the diagnosis of mental health conditions, even though psychiatric drugs are widely prescribed. The author argues for a more holistic approach to mental health care, which includes promoting healthy lifestyles such as sleep, nutrition, exercise, introspection, and mind-body connection, as well as engaging in alternative therapies and practices like Yoga, Qigong, Capoeira, gardening, meditation, and dreamwork. The article emphasizes the importance of reducing medicalization, focusing on healthy lifestyles, incorporating non-iatrogenic activities, practicing introspection, strengthening connections to nature and community, and addressing the social constructs that contribute to mental suffering.

Understanding Elsevier's PDF Metadata: Embedded Hashes, Watermarking, and Removing Metadata for Privacy Concerns:

The mastodon thread discusses the use of unique hashes embedded in PDF metadata by Elsevier, a publisher, to identify and track the source of any shared PDFs. The author provides instructions on how to remove metadata from PDFs and shares a shell script for this purpose. The article also mentions concerns about potential watermarking techniques that Elsevier may employ.

Why no one should use the AT&T syntax ever, for any reason, under any circumstances:

The article argues that AT&T syntax should not be used for any reason, under any circumstances, due to its flaws and complications. It discusses the complexity of addressing modes in AT&T syntax, the ambiguity it causes, and how it is less compatible with other tools and assemblers compared to Intel syntax. The author emphasizes that while there may be small benefits or conveniences in using AT&T syntax, these are insignificant in comparison to the overall issues it presents.


This article introduces the libtree tool, which converts the ldd command output into a tree representation, simplifying the display of shared libraries and their dependencies. It also explains the command line options and how to install the tool on various systems like Linux, Ubuntu, RHEL, Fedora, CentOS, and Windows. The article provides installation instructions for both prebuilt binaries and building from sources using a C compiler that understands c99.

Spam blocklist SORBS closed by its owner, Proofpoint:

The Spam and Open Relay Blocking System (SORBS), a longstanding source of information on known sources of spam, has been shut down by its owner, Proofpoint. SORBS provided free access to a DNS-based Block List that listed over 12 million host servers known for spamming, phishing attacks, and other email issues. Over 200,000 organizations used SORBS data, and the service was highly rated for its accuracy. The decision to shut down the product was not an easy one and was made after considering various factors impacting its sustainability.

My Opinion on Electric Vehicles! Is everyone brainwashed!? Pros Cons and Misconceptions! (Video):

The transcript covers various topics related to electric vehicles (EVs), their practicality, pros and cons, as well as comparisons to gasoline-powered cars. It starts by addressing misconceptions surrounding EVs, such as the grid and off-grid solar power systems, degradation curves of batteries, and remote control. The user also highlights some advantages of electric vehicles, including easier maintenance, faster acceleration, better traction control, lower centers of gravity, improved safety ratings, and lower fuel costs. However, they also point out some disadvantages, such as higher insurance premiums, dependency on software, charging infrastructure limitations, and lack of right to repair. The user suggests that EVs are suitable for city dwellers with daily commutes and recommends considering individual needs and preferences when choosing a vehicle type.

Don’t call it Strafzoll: höhere EU-Zölle auf chinesische E-Autos (Video):

The video discusses the implementation of EV-related import taxes by the EU on Chinese electric vehicles to counterbalance China's subsidies for its domestic automotive industry. Key points include:

1. The German automakers are against these protective measures, as they fear potential retaliatory actions from China and decreased demand for their products in the Chinese market.

2. These new taxes may impact the affordability of electric vehicles and hinder the transition to EVs for European consumers.

3. The EU is currently negotiating with China on this issue, seeking a balanced solution that ensures fair competition while not hampering the development of the EV market.

4. Chinese authorities have expressed dissatisfaction with these taxes and may consider taking legal action against the EU at the World Trade Organization (WTO).

The Truth About Petri Dishes 🧫 (Video):

The video discusses the limitations of using Petri dishes for studying bacteria. Although they provide an ideal environment for growing E. coli and some other easily-pleased species, 98% of bacterial species cannot grow on nutritional jello due to significant differences between their natural habitats and the laboratory settings. Examples include bacteria that live in marine sediments with distinct layers of sulfur and oxygen, those that form symbiotic relationships with other organisms like bobtail squid or parasitic species that grow within living animal cells. The speaker emphasizes the need for continued research to understand these hard-to-study bacteria and their potential applications in various fields such as environment protection and technology advancements, while acknowledging the limitations of traditional Petri dish cultures.

How Pandas Got Such a Bad Reputation (Video):

Topic 1: Panda Breeding Myths Key Points: Early captive breeding programs had low success rates; wild giant panda reproduction rate is over 60%; pandas can take years between pregnancies but are still not the slowest among bears. Arguments: Captive breeding has improved with more knowledge and successful captive bred pandas now reach adulthood at a high percentage. Remarkable Quote: „In one of those studies, they even observed an adult female who'd given birth to a total of five cubs, all of whom survived to adulthood.“

Topic 2: Panda Diet Myths Key Points: Bamboo isn't a nutritious food; pandas have adapted to consume bamboo efficiently due to their strong jaws and digestive system. Arguments: Bamboo is abundant in panda habitat, and they don't need to compete for it with other herbivores; pandas can digest cellulose differently from other herbivores. Remarkable Quote: „Pandas are the equivalent of that one person at the party who likes the black jelly beans.“

Topic 3: Panda Survival Myths Key Points: Pandas have survived multiple glacial periods and mass bamboo flowering events. Arguments: Pandas can switch to different bamboo species or migrate to areas with more food during bamboo die-offs; pandas are adaptable, tough animals capable of surviving major challenges. Remarkable Quote: „So enjoy all those panda videos that come across your feed, and know that this really is what peak performance looks like.“

When and Why do we Pick Up our Phones? (Video):

The main topics of the YouTube video include the impact of smartphones on our lives, the anxiety they can cause, and the potential for using them as a tool for self-reflection. Some key points are:

1. Smartphones are often picked up in moments of anxiety or to avoid thinking about deeper issues.

2. The devices act as an alternative to processing our thoughts and emotions.

3. We take pride in saving time and finding funny content, but we miss out on daydreaming, introspection, and personal growth.

4. Instead of using phones to stop ourselves from thinking, we can use the desire for distraction as a guide to explore our unexamined lives.

5. Turning off smartphones allows us to reflect on questions such as „What am I trying to do with the rest of my life?“ and „What might I need to tell myself?“.

6. Our devices may eventually lead to self-reflection and greater self-awareness if used consciously.

Executive summary: The video discusses how smartphones are often used as a tool for avoiding introspection and personal growth. It suggests that instead of using them to escape, we should use our desire for distraction as an opportunity to explore and understand ourselves better.

Iraq is dying (and that is a global problem) (Video):

The transcript of the YouTube video discusses Iraq's water crisis and its potential implications for the country's stability and the wider region. Key points include:

1. Sandstorms have become more frequent and severe due to climate change, affecting agriculture and causing respiratory issues.

2. Iraq is one of the five countries most vulnerable to climate change and its water stress level stands at 3.7 out of 5 points, with a projection of reaching 4.6 by 2040.

3. The country's water crisis affects agriculture, food security, energy prices, and overall livelihoods.

4. Iraq's rivers, the Euphrates and Tigris, are facing severe water scarcity due to upstream dams built in Turkey, Syria, and Iran.

5. Agricultural and industrial practices contribute to water wastage, further exacerbating the crisis.

6. The population growth is unsustainable, putting even more strain on Iraq's water resources.

7. A desalination plant in Basra has been commissioned as a small step towards addressing the crisis.

8. To mitigate the crisis, Iraq needs to modernize its infrastructure, use advanced irrigation methods, and negotiate fair water distribution agreements with neighboring countries.

What Makes The Netherlands So Special? (Video):

The Netherlands has been a pioneer of modern economic systems since its early days. It was the first to embrace international trade, corporations, financing for these corporations, and over-financing that eventually turned into speculative bubbles. Today, it is one of the most productive countries per capita in the world, with high levels of human development and the ability to make economic trade-offs favoring living standards over outright efficiency. The country has a wealth of natural resources, including 25% of the EU's natural gas, but has decided not to extract due to environmental issues caused by the industry. Long-term investments are important for personal finance and wealth building, which led to partnerships with platforms like Trading212. The Netherlands was also one of the first countries in the world to benefit from skilled migration, which contributed significantly to its trade history. In summary, the Dutch model offers a unique combination of economic productivity, environmental consciousness, and investment opportunities that can be considered by other major economies for potential growth and adaptation.

Die Gier nach Lachs | Doku HD Reupload | ARTE (Video):

The Transcript eines Youtube Videos is a detailed exploration of the history, current state, and future prospects of the salmon industry. It begins in Norway, the home of Atlantic salmon, where the power and energy of these magnificent creatures are awe-inspiring. The video then moves to France, where salmon holds a significant place in culinary tradition, particularly with the iconic recipe Lachs an Sauerampfer at the Hause Trois-Croix restaurant. The discussion then shifts to Chile, where the salmon industry is rapidly expanding with the help of Norwegian expertise but also causing environmental and social concerns. Finally, the video returns to Norway, highlighting the efforts to sustain wild salmon populations amidst the challenges posed by commercial farming.

Norway: The Home of Atlantic Salmon

The Transcript eines Youtube Videos begins in Norway, introducing the Atlantic salmon as a symbol of nature's power and beauty. The narrator emphasizes that the strength and energy of these fish are incredible, powerful enough to sweep you off your feet. This segment also touches on the commercialization of salmon, with the industry growing significantly over the years due to human greed for this precious resource.

France: Lachs an Sauerampfer at Hause Trois-Croix

The video then shifts to France and the renowned Hause Trois-Croix restaurant, where the Trois-Croix family has been serving exquisite cuisine since the 1960s. The segment focuses on their signature dish, Lachs an Sauerampfer, prepared by Michel Trois-Croix and later his son César. This dish represents a fusion of high-quality salmon from Isigny in Normandy with local garden produce like leeks and crème fraîche. The meticulous preparation process reflects the restaurant's commitment to culinary excellence, but it also highlights the decline in salmon quality due to overproduction and industrialization.

Chile: Expansion of Salmon Farming

The Transcript eines Youtube Videos then moves to Chile, where the salmon industry is growing rapidly with Norwegian assistance. This expansion has led to environmental concerns such as disease outbreaks from farmed fish escaping into wild populations, which can lead to genetic contamination and a decline in wild salmon numbers. Social issues are also raised, including poor working conditions for farm workers and the impact of salmon farming on local economies and ecosystems.

Norway: Sustainability and the Future of Salmon

The video concludes with a return to Norway, where concerns about the sustainability of salmon farming are addressed. It highlights efforts by individuals like Kenneth Brueweg to promote responsible fishing practices and raise awareness about the importance of preserving wild salmon populations. The discussion also covers innovative technologies like closed containment systems that aim to minimize environmental impact while maximizing production.

Executive Summary:

The Transcript eines Youtube Videos is a comprehensive exploration of the global salmon industry, focusing on its historical roots in Norway, its culinary significance in France, and its current expansion in Chile. It highlights the challenges faced by wild salmon populations due to commercialization and industrialization, as well as the efforts being made towards more sustainable practices. The video ultimately emphasizes the need for a balanced approach that respects both human needs and environmental concerns.