
Links für 2023 KW 23

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Guide to Finding Lemmy Communities (Subreddits) - Michael Altfield's Tech Blog:

This article provides a guide for Reddit refugees on how to easily search-for and subscribe-to popular Lemmy communities across all instances. It introduces the Lemmy Community Browser, which allows users to browse through communities ordered by their popularity. Additionally, it discusses different ways of finding remote communities and suggests resources for learning more about Lemmy.

Mikro-PV-Anlagen oder Plug-In-Solaranlagen - Stadtwerke Bietigheim-Bissingen:

Mikro-PV-Anlagen, auch bekannt als Plug-In-Solaranlagen oder Balkon-Anlagen, sind Solaranlagen, die aus einem oder mehreren Solarmodulen und einem Wechselrichter bestehen. Sie sind für den Einsatz an einer Balkon- oder Garageneinrichtung konzipiert. Der erzeugte Strom wird direkt in die Hausinstallation eingespeist, um den Strombezug zu reduzieren. Bevor eine solche Anlage in Betrieb genommen wird, muss der Netzbetreiber angezeigt werden und es gibt weitere rechtliche Bestimmungen zu beachten. Die Anlage muss von einem eingetragenen Installateur montiert und angeschlossen werden. Eine Registrierung im Markstammdatenregister ist gesetzlich vorgeschrieben. Zusammenfassend sollte man sich vor der Kaufentscheidung über Mikro-PV-Anlagen ber die notwendigen Schritte beim Betrieb einer Solaranlage informieren, die Montage und Anschluss müssen von einem eingetragenen Installateur erledigt werden.

Frau Badenixe mit Mann - kraut&rüben 8-2021:

In this article, Frau Badenixe and her husband create a group of artisans and artists who come together when all garden markets are canceled due to COVID-19. They offer unique items such as bathtubs and plant displays that cater to the style of the buyer. Their shower can also be operated with solar pumps.

LLaMA & Alpaca: “ChatGPT” On Your Local Computer 🤯:

This article explains how to run state-of-the-art large language models, such as LLaMA and Alpaca, on your local computer using the dalai library. These models can perform similar tasks to ChatGPT and GPT-3 but are significantly smaller and faster than their counterparts. Both LLaMA and Alpaca achieve impressive results while remaining under a non-commercial license, enabling users to run them on their local devices without expensive costs or restrictions. The dalai library also provides an API for integrating these models into applications, further promoting the advancement of Deep Learning technologies.

Attached Storage Forensics: Security Analysis of ASUSTOR NAS:

ASUSTOR advertises secure AES encryption with a 256-bit key for its range of current NAS devices. This folder-based encryption uses eCryptfs file system, which is also used in Synology NAS devices. The implementation comes with various limitations such as restrictions on encrypted file names and not being able to change the encryption password or revoke compromised keys. The article goes through the details of ASUSTOR's NAS device security model and compares it with other NAS manufacturers.

Movaglobes Shop:

This webpage is about the unique rotating globes available at Shop. The website offers MOVA Globes and accessories featuring various detailed maps, classic artwork, and planetary designs that rotate when placed in light. These products are designed to impress even the most discerning recipients.

Robnig | Liedermacher aus Stuttgart:

The article is about ROBNIG, a singer-songwriter from Stuttgart who has been touring since early 2023. He creates German-language songs that reflect everyday life experiences and situations. People describe his concerts as very enjoyable and relatable, allowing listeners to feel connected with the content. Additionally, meinSchlossplatz organizes various music events in Stuttgart, including those by ROBNIG.

Windows-Admins aufgepasst: SMB-Dateitransfer nur noch mit Signatur:

Microsoft has announced that it will enforce the Server Message Block (SMB) protocol signature for Windows 11 Insider Preview Build 25381 and all versions of Windows 10, 11, and Server in the coming months. This security measure was previously optional but Microsoft wants to wait for results before making it a default setting. The SMB signing ensures that any manipulations made by attackers through Man-in-the-Middle attacks can be detected.

Fireside Friday: June 9, 2023:

Thank you for summarizing this article! It seems to provide an interesting perspective on the long peace and its impact on modern military capabilities. The focus on the incentives created by industrialization and nuclear weapons adds depth to our understanding of warfare today.

To Build a Top Performing Team, Ask for 85% Effort:

The article discusses how companies are trying to fix today's burnout culture with wellness apps, but emphasizes that it requires a mindset and culture shift among managers and organizations instead. The old management mindset focuses on „maximum effort = maximum results,“ leading to increased stress levels. In contrast, the new management mindset advocates for an „optimal effort = maximum results“ approach. By applying the 85% rule, which suggests refraining from giving maximum effort all of the time, managers can create a more balanced and productive work environment. The article also offers tips such as creating a „done-for-the-day“ time, asking for 85%-right decisions, ending meetings early, and setting one's own intensity level to 85%. Overall, the article highlights the importance of changing management mindset to combat burnout and improve workplace performance.

Bye Bye Ubuntu, Hello Manjaro. How Did We Get Here?:

This article discusses the author's decision to switch from Ubuntu Linux distribution to Manjaro due to slow performance and adoption of Snap packages. The author praises Manjaro for being a fast, easy-to-install option that appeals to those looking for an up-to-date operating system. The article also discusses Canonical's struggles in making money from their free product and wonders if their focus on monetization could be causing them to lose customers.

Taurine deficiency as a driver of aging:

The article discusses the role of taurine, an amino acid found in various animals including mice, monkeys, and humans, in aging processes. It suggests that a decrease in blood concentration of taurine with age may be associated with aging-related diseases. Supplementation with taurine has been shown to slow down key markers of aging such as increased DNA damage, telomerase deficiency, impaired mitochondrial function, and cellular senescence in mice and monkeys. The study also found that concentrations of taurine and its metabolites increase in response to exercise. Further research is needed to determine if taurine supplementation can have similar effects on human aging processes.

Why I recommended ECS instead of Kubernetes to my latest customer:

In this article, the author discusses their experience working with an AI startup to optimize its AWS cloud setup. The main focus was on reducing costs and improving efficiency by using Spot instances for AutoSpotting. Additionally, the author introduced a Terraform-based approach to migrate from Docker-Compose to ECS, enabling better resource management and right-sizing of EC2 instances. The proposed plan includes transitioning to Savings Plans or Reserved Instances where appropriate, implementing Spot instances using AutoSpotting, and reducing the overall number of EC2 instances.

Air Quality Monitors: When Paying More Does Not Get You More Accuracy:

This article discusses the correlation between air quality monitor prices and accuracy, using data from South Coast AQMD. The findings show that higher price does not necessarily correlate with better accuracy for PM2.5 measurements, as there is a flat trend line on the chart indicating no clear relationship. The author suggests that other factors like more sensors to measure air pollutants and connectivity options may contribute to the price difference rather than accuracy improvement.

‘Guilt Tipping’: Pressure to tip everywhere has gotten out of control:

The article discusses the increasing trend of tipping at various quick service establishments like pizzerias, coffee shops, and fast food joints. Customers are often pressured to tip when ordering over counters or touch screens with suggested tip ranges from 18% to 30%. While some patrons express their frustration and reluctance in tipping for services that don't require extra effort like waiting on line, others feel it is good karma to tip at least a small percentage. The article highlights the potential benefits of digital tipping as well as the increasing pressure on customers to tip in various situations due to pandemic-related financial stress on service staff.

Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality:

This article is a collection of notes on various topics related to human behavior, psychology, and decision-making. The chapters cover concepts such as self-awareness, group dynamics, the scientific method, cognitive biases, rationalization, and other subjects relevant to understanding human thought processes and behaviors. The writing style is informative and engaging, with occasional interludes and stories to illustrate the discussed points.

Our Right To Challenge Junk Patents Is Under Threat :

The U.S. Patent Office has proposed new rules that would make it more difficult for organizations like EFF to challenge wrongly granted patents, potentially offering new protections to patent trolls. The new rules could be damaging as challenging patents becomes more onerous and impossible for some. This proposal is seen as a gift to patent trolls by EFF supporters. To voice opposition, comments can be submitted using the federal government's public comment system, emphasizing that everyday users and creators of technology should have a chance to state their opposition. The proposed rules are controversial due to potential benefits for patent trolls while harming those seeking to challenge wrongly granted patents.


The Zeitpyramide, also known as the time pyramid, is a public art project located in Wemding, Germany. Conceived by artist Manfred Laber to commemorate the town's 1,200th anniversary in 1993, it is scheduled to take an additional 1,160 years for completion in the year 3183. One block will be placed every ten years, with a total of 120 blocks to be added over time. The pyramid's current height is 9.2 meters and will reach its final height upon completion.

We need to talk: Can we standardize NO_PROXY?:

This article discusses the differences in handling environment variables such as http_proxy, HTTPS_PROXY, and no_proxy among various web clients. It highlights inconsistencies in how different tools and languages support these variables and how misunderstandings in their use can lead to troubleshooting issues. The author recommends setting these values to the lowest common denominator and advocates for a standardized behavior in handling proxy settings across different web clients.

Fefes Blog:

The article discusses the outdated CIA security model (Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability) and proposes a newer security model called DIE (Distributed, Immutable, Ephemeral). The author argues that the new model focuses more on selling cloud solutions than actually improving data security. They emphasize the importance of evaluating the performance of services according to their real-world impacts rather than focusing solely on implementation details or buzzwords like „distributed“ and „immutable.“ The author ultimately urges readers not to be deceived by empty marketing claims from cloud providers, but instead to prioritize the security of their data above all else.

Generative AI learning path | Google Cloud Skills Boost:

This article is a curated learning path that covers Generative AI products and technologies, including Large Language Models and the creation and deployment of generative AI solutions on Google Cloud. It consists of 10 learning activities, with the latest update occurring approximately 13 hours ago.

ROFL: An open-source license that promotes fun in coding:

The Rejoice of Fun License (ROFL) is an open source software license that promotes a joyful and creative coding environment while emphasizing responsible conduct. This license encourages developers to have fun while maintaining a respectful and informative approach. By using, modifying, or distributing software under the ROFL, developers agree to specific obligations, including having fun themselves, pleasing users, taking care of fellow developers, moderating adverse sentiments, practicing responsible behaviors, providing attributions, ensuring no warranty, and handling modifications, distribution, compatibility, and conflicts. The goal is to create an atmosphere where coding becomes a delightful and fulfilling experience.

How to Navigate Foreign Cultures in Business:

The Culture Map is a helpful guide for individuals working in multicultural teams and unsure about how to interact with people from different cultural backgrounds. The author, a business professor, provides insights on navigating various cultures through her understanding of their eight distinct traits. She advises on the differences in aspects such as time perception, communication styles, decision-making approaches, and conflict resolution methods between different cultures.

The book is divided into chapters that delve into key cultural issues, including high versus low context, providing feedback, understanding why vs. how vs. holism, egalitarianism vs. hierarchy, big D and little d decision making, building trust, disagreeing productively, and different attitudes towards time. By highlighting these differences, the author offers valuable advice on how to effectively communicate and work with people from different cultures.

Overall, The Culture Map is an essential resource for professionals looking to enhance their cross-cultural communication skills and build successful multicultural teams.