
Links für 2024 KW 22

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AI vs a giraffe with no spots:

A spotless giraffe was born on July 31, 2023, at Brights Zoo in Tennessee. This rare occurrence sparked interest in how image recognition algorithms would identify the unique coat pattern. In an unscientific experiment, two models were tested: Multi-Modal In-Context Learning (MMICL) and Instruct-BLIP. Both models struggled to accurately identify the giraffe's spotlessness, possibly due to a lack of training data on such animals or the fact that the images were new to the internet. The results highlight the limitations of AI in recognizing unusual or unique features.

Should I Use JWTs For Authentication Tokens?:

The article discusses JSON Web Tokens (JWT), a standard for authenticated tokens with a header, payload, and signature or message authentication code. JWT is designed for large-scale environments like Google and Facebook, and offers benefits such as not needing to connect to the user database to verify token authenticity. However, for smaller-scale deployments, implementing log-out and session invalidation can lead to unnecessary complexity. The article suggests that using a „normal“ opaque session token may be more suitable for non-Google/Facebook deployments, as it allows for simpler management and reduced complexity.

GitHub - quickwit-oss/tantivy: Tantivy is a full-text search engine library inspired by Apache Lucene and written in Rust:

Tantivy is a full-text search engine library inspired by Apache Lucene and written in Rust. It offers fast full-text search capabilities, a tiny startup time, and incremental indexing. The library is highly configurable, supports multithreaded indexing, and has a wide range of features. While Tantivy itself is not a search engine server, it can be used to build search engine solutions like Quickwit.

Controlling the Taylor Swift Eras Tour wristbands with Flipper Zero:

PixMob is a company known for creating controllable, illuminated wristbands used in large concerts to produce various visual effects across stadiums. The wristbands are currently being utilized as part of Taylor Swift's Eras Tour and feature the X2 product. These reusable wristbands contain two RGB LEDs, a microcontroller, EEPROM, and an infrared diode to receive signals. PixMob operates with a moveable IR remote control that transmits commands to the bracelets, producing colors, fades, or flashes. The company's technology is praised for its simplicity yet ability to create impressive effects.

British Museum gems for sale on eBay - how a theft was exposed:

Danish antiquities dealer Dr Ittai Gradel discovered that a British Museum curator, Peter Higgs, was selling and stealing items from the museum's collection via eBay using the username „sultan1966.“ The museum initially dismissed Gradel's claims but eventually launched a second investigation after discovering more than 300 registered items were missing. Peter Higgs has been dismissed, and the police are still investigating the thefts.

17 useful concepts to survive the election (recommendation):

The article highlights 17 useful concepts to help survive the election, including: False Consensus Effect, Champion Bias, Premortem, Youngest-Kid-in-Class Syndrome, Woozle Effect, Post-journalism, Liking Gap, Boomerang Effect, Anchored-to-your-own-history bias, Common Knowledge Effect, Gibson's Law, and Cached Thoughts. These concepts aim to provide insight into decision-making, biases, and the importance of critical thinking during elections.

Priced out of home ownership – 'It makes me want to throw up':

The situation in Portugal is outright ridiculous due to the abundance of abandoned properties and fears of homelessness caused by high rent prices. Unemployment benefits do not cover enough rent, resulting in people living in „0“ apartments with no physical space for a workstation. This is further aggravated by land management issues such as wildfires and poacher trafficking in abandoned government-owned lands. People are urging the government to build more homes but face challenges due to strict zoning regulations and high costs of living, making it difficult for families to afford housing. The main cause behind this crisis seems to be the massive inflation that led to significant asset price increases, with salaries struggling to catch up.

Tattoos as a risk factor for malignant lymphoma: a population-based case–control study:

This article discusses a study that investigates the association between tattoo exposure and malignant lymphoma. The study found that tattooed individuals had a 21% higher risk of overall malignant lymphoma compared to non-tattooed individuals, with the association being strongest for diffuse large B-cell lymphoma and follicular lymphoma. Further epidemiologic research is needed to establish causality.

Depression, schizophrenia and bipolar disorder linked with ancient viral DNA in our genome – new research:

The article discusses how around 8% of human DNA is made up of ancient viral genetic sequences called human endogenous retroviruses (Hervs). These sequences date back hundreds of thousands to millions of years and some are even older than the emergence of Homo sapiens. Researchers have found that these ancient viral DNA sequences in the human genome play a role in susceptibility to psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and major depressive disorder. Hervs are remnants of retrovirus infections from our evolutionary past; they can regulate the expression of other human genes and produce RNA and proteins in blood and brain samples. The study shows that the expression of four Hervs is linked with genetic susceptibility to major psychiatric disorders, suggesting a more important role for Hervs than previously thought.

How the Guinness Brewery Invented the Most Important Statistical Method in Science:

The Guinness brewery, known for innovative methods since its founding in Dublin, is also responsible for one of the most important statistical techniques in science - the t-test. William Sealy Gosset, head experimental brewer at Guinness in the early 20th century, invented the t-test to help interpret data in the face of small sample sizes. This innovation has greatly contributed to quality control and industrial-grade rigor in beer production. Today, the t-test is one of the most widely used statistical tools in science for determining if a difference between groups or samples is statistically significant.

A venture capitalist walks into a bar:

The author shares their experiences with venture capital (VC) firms in the Bay Area, specifically related to cybersecurity. They received offers from two VC firms to build a security company, which at first seemed like an opportunity. However, they began to realize that the offers came with hidden trade-offs, and were part of a larger strategy used by VCs to weed out potential entrepreneurs who weren't serious about their ideas. The author advises that when considering VC money for business ventures, it is crucial to understand the real trade-offs involved in such investments.

Google AI said to put glue in pizza — so I made a pizza with glue and ate it:

Google AI search results recently provided incorrect information on mixing glue with pizza sauce. The AI claimed that adding 1/8 cup of glue to the sauce would prevent cheese from sliding off a pizza, which was based on a joke from Reddit. However, this incident raises concerns about user trust in Google and AI's search results. It is important for Google to ensure its AI can differentiate between jokes and reliable information to maintain public confidence in the technology.



Trying to buy a house is 'playing a game you can't win':

The US housing market has been transformed by rising rents, surging home prices, and a massive jump in mortgage rates, making homeownership seem ever more impossible. The median home sale price in the US has jumped by nearly 30% since the end of 2019, hitting $420,000 this spring. Homebuyers today need an annual income of over $100,000 to comfortably afford a home in most places. Just 40.1% of renters expect to ever own a home one day, the smallest share since the New York Federal Reserve started asking renters the question in 2014. This housing crisis feeds into wider worries about rising living costs and is among the biggest challenges facing President Joe Biden's administration.

Transcription Stream Community Edition:

The article discusses a turnkey self-hosted offline transcription and diarization service with an LLM (Language Model) summary feature. It is licensed under the GPL-3.0 license and has 302 stars and 16 forks. There is information about branches, tags, and activity, but it appears that a certain action cannot be performed at this time.

Scientists Found a Paradox in Evolution—and It May Become the Next Rule of Biology:

The article discusses the potential addition of a new rule in biology called „selectively advantageous instability“ (SAI). This concept explores how instability can be beneficial for a cell and cellular organisms. The research suggests that instability in biological components can favor genetic diversity and adaptability, but it also introduces risks like aging and damage. The understanding of SAI could help in exploring cellular life and biological processes further.

The Disappointment Frontier - The Engineering Manager:

The article discusses managing disappointment in leadership and suggests that effective leaders often disappoint people at a rate they can absorb. It introduces the concept of the „disappointment frontier,“ which grows from the mismatch between an individual's expectations and reality. To mitigate this, leaders should be transparent about what they control and collaborate on what they don't. By managing expectations and bringing reality closer to their team members, leaders can reduce the disappointment frontier, enabling them to guide their team successfully through various challenges.

Case Study: 84—24 | Codrops:

The article follows Michele Giorgi's journey in building a 3D animated site for his project, „84—24.“ Giorgi is a 36-year-old frontend developer from Rimini, Italy. He chose to work on the project despite initial hesitations and lack of knowledge about WebGL. As he bought an old Macintosh 128K in need of repair, Giorgi decided it was the perfect project for him to document his restoration process while showcasing a 3D model of the Macintosh. He kept his stack as straightforward as possible using Parcel.js and other minimal JavaScript dependencies. The website received accolades such as FOTD on FWA and SOTD + Developer Award on Awwwards, marking its success.

FMP NotebooksPython Notebooks for Fundamentals of Music Processing:

The FMP notebooks are a collection of educational resources focused on teaching and learning the Fundamentals of Music Processing (FMP) with an emphasis on audio domain applications. These notebooks provide detailed textbook-like explanations, technical concepts, mathematical details, and Python code examples for various MIR tasks such as music synchronization, structure analysis, chord recognition, tempo and beat tracking, and content-based audio retrieval. The FMP notebooks are maintained by Meinard Müller and can be used to generate educational material, study the theory and practice of MIR, or provide baseline implementations for various tasks. They are available in static HTML format for browsing and running Python code for hands-on experience.

Some Americans have stopped tipping. Should you do the same?:

The practice of tipping is changing in America as more people become tired of the expectation that all service workers are entitled to a tip. Recent polls show 63% of respondents say too many businesses are asking for tips, and 48% are tired of being asked for gratuities. Carla Bevins, an expert on business management communication at Carnegie Mellon University's Tepper School of Business, explains that the momentum behind the no-tipping movement stems from growing scrutiny over the fairness and necessity of traditional tipping practices. Many service workers depend on gratuities to earn a living, so the backlash against tipping may negatively impact them. However, some businesses are already operating with „no tipping“ policies, and there is a growing push for gratuities to be based on good service rather than obligation.

Unlocking the Duron and Athlon Using the Pencil:

The best way to overclock an Athlon or Duron CPU is through changing the CPU clock multiplier. Overclocking Intel series CPUs primarily involves tweaking the FSB on the motherboard, whereas Athlons don't respond well to that method. The „Pencil Trick“ unlocks the full potential of the Athlon and Duron processors by reconnecting the L1 bridges, allowing them to be set at any clock frequency for easy overclocking. This technique is simple, minimal, and has a low risk of causing damage to equipment.

Cloud-Migration: Wie man Berechtigungen in der Cloud besser nicht macht:

The article discusses the challenges faced by an IT consultant who was responsible for granting permissions on Amazon Web Services (AWS) for a client during a migration process. The author argues that automating the process would have been more efficient and cost-effective, but the client chose to handle it manually at first due to concerns about expenses. However, the author points out how the manual method could have been avoided through an ITSM tool implementation. In retrospect, the author believes that the client might have preferred a different approach had they known the benefits of automation.

The big lie about sleep:

The article emphasizes that sleep is essential for everyone to maintain good health and function properly. However, over 85 million Americans are not getting enough sleep, with the problem worsening over time. Factors contributing to poor sleep include stress, economic instability, mental health issues, physical pain, and chronic diseases. Structural changes in access to affordable healthcare and income support programs could help improve sleep conditions for many individuals. In the meantime, smaller fixes like adjusting school start times or implementing labor regulations can make a difference.

Loyalty at work no longer pays — and it's employers who are to blame:

The article discusses the broken loyalty contract between employers and employees, stating that it was initially broken by employers rather than employees. Steven Piluso suggests that companies should focus on giving Gen Z and millennials benefits that matter to them, such as sabbatical programs, corporate partnerships for physical and mental wellness, and programs allowing employees to dedicate a percentage of their paid time pursuing passions or working for non-profits. This approach can help create loyalty among the younger workforce, according to Piluso.

Survival of the richest: Inside the short-lived fallout shelter bubble:

In 1961, Americans faced the threat of nuclear attack during the Cold War. Fallout shelters were promoted by businesses and government officials to provide protection from radiation in case of an atomic blast. Leo Hoegh was one such advocate who had served as Iowa governor and was appointed head of the Office of Civil and Defense Mobilization. The Wonder Building Corporation, where Hoegh later worked, created a kit for building shelters. However, many people were skeptical of the effectiveness of these shelters and concerns about affordability grew. Government funds did not cover the cost of constructing fallout shelters nationwide, leading to an emphasis on community shelters instead. Today, with increasing tensions between nations and a renewed focus on nuclear threats, there is once again an interest in building personal fallout shelters or purchasing luxury bunkers for protection.

Getting to grips with an extra thumb:

Researchers at the University of Cambridge have developed a controllable, prosthetic third thumb that can be used to pick up and manipulate objects. This wearable device was tested on a diverse range of participants, which is essential for ensuring new technologies are inclusive and accessible to everyone. Motor augmentation using motorized wearable devices, such as exoskeletons or extra robotic body parts, could improve the quality of life for healthy individuals who want to enhance their productivity and provide people with disabilities new ways to interact with their environment. The Third Thumb is worn on the opposite side of the palm and controlled by pressure sensors placed under each big toe or foot.

Signal CEO Meredith Whittaker Opposes EU ChatControl Surveillance Legislation, Raising Privacy Concerns:

Meredith Whittaker, CEO of Signal, opposes the EU's proposed ChatControl surveillance and privacy legislation. The proposal may allow users to choose between chat scanning and losing the ability to share or receive images and videos. Patrick Breyer warns that the EU may adopt the proposal, and France is considering giving up its resistance.

Parable of the Sofa:

The article discusses the replacement of an old sofa with new leather cushions by a local family-run business, Luxcious. It highlights how modern capitalism is pushing against small local businesses like these and their importance in creating a more resilient, humane, and pleasant economy. The author argues that an economy with more lifestyle businesses would be better than the current focus on unbounded growth and financial engineering.

Mysteriös: Malware zerstört Tausende Router pro Stunde:

A mysterious malware, dubbed Chalubo, attacked routers of US internet service provider (ISP) Windstream, rendering thousands of them unusable and causing around half of their customers to lose internet access. The attack targeted routers of two different brands, Actiontec and Sagemcom, affecting an estimated 600,000 customers. It is believed that the malware was embedded in a firmware update and was inadvertently spread across the affected routers. Although the exact motive remains unclear, experts advise regular firmware updates, restarting routers, and changing default passwords for increased security.

Giant Tonga Volcanic Eruption Could Disrupt Weather For Years to Come:

Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai (Hunga Tonga) erupted on January 15, 2022, in the Pacific Kingdom of Tonga, causing a tsunami and sound waves around the world. A new study published in the Journal of Climate explores the climate impacts of this eruption. The eruption produced little smoke but released a significant amount of water vapor into the stratosphere, affecting ozone layer destruction and acting as a potent greenhouse gas. While global mean temperatures were only slightly affected, some regions experienced colder or warmer winters due to atmospheric waves being influenced by Hunga Tonga's impact on weather patterns.

Manifest - Effortless Backends:

Manifest is a complete backend solution that simplifies app development by offering essential features such as a database, an admin panel, and a REST API in one file. It aims to eliminate the complexity of backend development without compromising on coding quality. By providing a plug-and-play system with popular frontend stacks via SDK or classic REST API, Manifest offers a more accessible alternative to traditional Backend-as-a-Service products like Supabase and Appwrite.

Routers cyber security best practices - ITSAP.80.019 - Canadian Centre for Cyber Security:

This article provides information on cyber security best practices to protect routers from being compromised. Routers are attractive targets for cybercriminals, who can use them to steal personally identifiable information (PII), access login credentials, monitor and deny traffic, and even create botnets for DDoS attacks. To secure your router, change default passwords, enable Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA2 or WPA3), disable SSID broadcast, change the network SSID name, disable WPS, keep firmware up to date, set up a guest network, and enable event logging. Additionally, consider implementing MAC filtering, port filtering, and using a Syslog server for monitoring.

Is Red Meat Healthy? Multiverse Analysis Has Lessons Beyond Meat:

The article discusses observational studies on red meat consumption and lifespan, highlighting the importance of distinguishing cause from mere correlation due to selection biases and analytic flexibility. It mentions a study led by Dena Zeraatkar from McMaster University that confirmed the analytic choices problem using the question of red meat consumption and mortality. The researchers analyzed the data in thousands of ways, combining results and seeing where the truth lies. They found that there were widely disparate effect estimates ranging from a 49% reduced risk for early death to a 75% increase in early mortality. However, their median hazard ratio was 0.94 (IQR, 0.83-1.05), not significant for the effect of red meat on all-cause mortality. The article emphasizes that observational studies would benefit from a multiverse analysis approach to data, where researchers analyze datasets in multiple plausible ways.

Napster Sparked a File-Sharing Revolution 25 Years Ago * TorrentFreak:

The MP3 format, invented by Karlheinz Brandenburg and colleagues at the Fraunhofer Society in 1993, revolutionized music consumption and more by making it possible to reduce the size of music files without significant loss of sound quality. This led to dedicated MP3 players capable of playing music ripped from CDs. The concept of the 'celestial jukebox' was also brought closer by the MP3, as Napster demonstrated how users could access any track on demand.

In 1998, 17-year-old Shawn Fanning shared his idea for a network of computers to share files with each other in the w00w00 IRC chatroom. With help from friend Sean Parker, the first public release of Napster was released on June 1, 1999. The software quickly went viral and became a gateway for musical exploration for millions of users.

The music industry panicked after the release of Napster, as it threatened their high profit margins from CD sales. Within a year, the RIAA sued Napster Inc., which led to its shutdown in July 2001. Despite this, file-sharing continued through alternative platforms like Grokster and KaZaa, and eventually paved the way for legal music downloads on iTunes and online streaming services like Spotify. The MP3 format's ripple effects can still be felt in today's music industry.

Stealing everything you’ve ever typed or viewed on your own Windows PC is now possible with two lines of code — inside the Copilot+ Recall disaster:

A new feature called Recall in Windows 11 takes screenshots every few seconds, runs local device OCR on them and stores the resulting text in a SQLite database. This enables users to search through their previous activity using locally stored data. However, the security and privacy implications are significant as malware can target a single file containing valuable information. Microsoft Defender for Endpoint detected an off-the-shelf infostealer but failed to remediate in time before the Recall data was lost.

How to Copy a File From a 30-year-old Laptop:

This article discusses the process of transferring audio files from an Apple PowerBook Duo 280c laptop from 1994 to another computer, overcoming various challenges such as no audio jacks and an uncommon internal hard drive connector. The author uses ResEdit on the laptop to convert the audio file into a hexadecimal representation that can be transferred via fax to a ThinkPad T60. They also develop their own OCR software to accurately process the text from the faxed document and convert it back to an audio file, completing the transfer without any errors.

Helldivers 2 has caused over 20,000 Steam accounts to be banned:

Valve has banned 20,000 gamers who bypassed regional restrictions by using VPNs and reseller sites to play games like Helldivers 2 in restricted countries such as Russia and Belarus. The company is cracking down on players utilizing these methods, leading to widespread account bans. This issue arose after Sony restricted the game from 180 countries due to the controversy surrounding its release. However, Valve has stated that players who activated a global Steam key before their country's restriction should not be worried about account bans and can contact Steam support for assistance.

Der große Agentenaustausch in Mitteleuropa - Materie:

This article discusses the significant reduction in accredited personnel from Russia to Austria, which suggests that Russia is restructuring or completely reorganizing its spy network in Central Europe. It highlights that since the invasion of Ukraine, about 110 accredited Russians in Austria have been declared non grata, while around 80 personnel have arrived. This unusual turnover in such a short time frame indicates that Russia must reorganize or completely restructure its espionage apparatus in Europe, as it had faced a coordinated crackdown on Russian agents operating under diplomatic cover following the invasion of Ukraine. The article also mentions that Russia has largely dismantled its spy network in Europe, with only a few locations in Austria, Switzerland, and Hungary still functioning.

The Decline of Forums: Knowledge-Sharing and the Rise of Discord-Centric Communities:

The article discusses the decline of forums as a knowledge-sharing platform and the growing preference for Discord for community engagement. Users express their concerns about losing knowledge on the open web due to the shift towards Discord and other centralized platforms. The importance of maintaining and archiving information on the internet is emphasized, suggesting the use of personal websites or blogs as an alternative to Discord for sharing information.

The Genius of Ella Fitzgerald:

This article discusses the impact and influence of Ella Fitzgerald, a jazz singer who redefined the Great American Songbook. She made singing feel like thinking, with her innovative approaches to improvisation such as scat. Despite facing criticism for her depth, her music transformed the possibilities of performance. The author highlights the cultural and social pressures that shaped Fitzgerald's career, including racism and prejudice from record labels, nightclubs, and critics.

Washing machine chime scandal shows how absurd YouTube copyright abuse can get:

A YouTuber named „Albino“ expressed outrage over YouTube's Content ID system, which automatically detects content registered by rightsholders. Albino's video was demonetized due to a Samsung washing machine chime being detected as copyrighted material. After Albino disputed the claim, YouTube confirmed that the claim was invalid and released it. Many YouTubers have complained about abuse of Content ID over the years, with some arguing that the system is „completely fucking broken.“

Things you wish you didn't need to know about S3:

This article discusses various quirks and oddities in Amazon S3 buckets, as well as the potential risks associated with them. It highlights that while some security tools may flag a bucket as non-public, there are ways to make it publicly accessible through methods such as CloudFront distribution or Cognito identity pools. The article also points out that encryption options in S3 buckets are more like access control than pure encryption.

Why a Homeowner Asked an Artist to Paint a Boat on His Fence:

A homeowner in Seaside, California was ordered by the town to build a fence to hide his boat in his driveway. Instead of following the order passively, he hired artist Hanif Panni to paint a mural on the fence depicting the boat realistically. The story went viral and many found it humorous and creative. Constable believes the popularity is due to the fact that it's in-your-face but not offensive, making a statement without causing controversy. The artist is now being invited to paint other boat murals for homeowners, though he wants to continue working on various projects.

Russia’s persecution of faith in Ukraine called ‘cultural genocide’ campaign:

The article announces an upcoming Rosary Concert event scheduled for June 3, 2024 at 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM.

CyberSecTools | Find Cybersecurity Tools and Resources:

This article promotes a comprehensive, curated directory of cybersecurity tools and resources to improve security practices. It helps users find the appropriate solution for their specific cybersecurity needs, with copyrights reserved until 2024.

Composite USB Gadgets on the Raspberry Pi Zero:

This article discusses a tutorial on how to make a Pi Zero emulate a keyboard, ethernet adapter, serial device, mass storage, and more simultaneously using the libComposite driver. The libComposite driver places configuration settings in userland (ConfigFS) instead of modifying or recompiling kernel modules like older drivers. It requires the 4.4 Kernel to be installed on a suitably large SD card with Raspbian Jessie, and is currently not available for Windows; it only supports Linux or Mac OS X. The article then provides detailed steps on how to configure and set up each feature using ConfigFS in /sys/kernel/config/usb_gadget/.

Parteienfinanzierung: Gelder in Millionenhöhe ohne Nachweis:

A recent international investigation by ZDF frontal initiated by Follow the Money with 24 additional media partners and non-governmental organization Lobbycontrol found that around 77% of party donations in Germany remain unknown, making it one of the worst performers in the EU when it comes to transparency in political funding. The main reason for this is the German parties' law, which only requires the reporting of donations over €10,000. This has led to the hiding of small donations, tactical donations of exactly €9,999 or less, and a lack of transparency around party funding. The CDU received the highest amount of donations in 2022 (€36 million), with 87% of these unreported due to the publication threshold. The CSU had an even higher percentage of unknown donors at 89%. The SPD received about €27 million from private sources, with 78% of this amount unreported.

The Last Kid in Ninth Grade Without an iPhone:

This article discusses the experiences of teenagers who were not allowed to have smartphones until high school, and how they navigated social situations without them. It highlights that not having a phone made them develop different skills like curiosity and patience. The article also mentions that delaying smartphone use could be a solution to the mounting teen-mental-health crisis according to psychologist Jonathan Haidt's book, „The Anxious Generation.“



Windows 11 seems to have disabled all ways to get around Auto Update Restarts. Is there a workaround?:

The article discusses how to block system shutdown indefinitely using Windows API or a small program called ShutdownBlocker. To successfully block a shutdown, the application must handle WM_QUERYENDSESSION and WM_ENDSESSION messages. However, applications like Matlab may not work with this method if they return TRUE on receiving the shutdown notification message.

Mindestversorgung mit Internet: Starlink soll angeblich deutsche Breitbandlücken schließen:

In Germany, since 2019, all residents have the right to a minimum supply of internet. However, it was not until March that the Federal Network Agency mandated a network operator to provide an internet connection for the first time. It appears that Starlink, Elon Musk's satellite provider, may be responsible for closing the gaps in Germany's broadband landscape.

You Can Thank Private Equity for That Enormous Doctor's Bill:

The article discusses the role of private equity in the American healthcare system, highlighting its negative impacts such as increased costs and reduced quality of care. It argues that private equity firms, driven by profit motives, have been buying up hospitals and doctor's offices, leading to a consolidation of the industry and an increase in prices for consumers. The author also points out regulatory issues that exacerbate these problems, including the limited supply of doctors due to caps on medical school enrollment and the role of third-party payers in the healthcare system. The article concludes by calling for changes to address these issues and create a more equitable healthcare system.

Raivo OTP just deleted all tokens after update and is now asking for money:

This article discusses an issue with Raivo, an OTP (One-Time Password) app for iOS, which has allegedly shipped ransomware after being acquired by Mobime. Users are upset and many have filed issues in the GitHub repo. The acquisition was announced in July 2023, and since then, there haven't been any updates to the iOS app. Some users suggest that it is time for Tim Apple (Apple CEO) to step in and address the issue by banning Mobime from the App Store and reverting Raivo to a known good version.

How to decide the engraving/cutting settings for the LaserPecker 4 - r/LaserPeckerOfficial:

The LaserPecker 4 offers engraving options with two lasers, a 1064nm red laser for engraving metals and plastics, and a 450nm blue laser for engraving wood, glass, paper, food, acrylic, leather, coated metal, oxidized metal, and cutting on wood, paper, and leather. The article provides general material settings and tips for achieving optimal results with both lasers.

Thales' Theorem:

The article discusses Thales' Theorem, which states that an angle inscribed in a semicircle is always right, and vice versa. A seventh-grader student found a beautiful proof for this theorem. When a triangle is placed inside a semicircle and rotated to form a rectangle within the circle, its corner remains a right angle. This demonstrates the consistency of the theorem regardless of where the triangle is placed on the semicircle.

Why, after 6 years, I’m over GraphQL:

The article discusses the author's shift in perspective on GraphQL, a query language for APIs, as they have worked with it over several years in various environments. Initially, the author was a huge fan of GraphQL but has since come to believe that it may not be the best choice for most people due to concerns such as increased attack surface, performance issues, and complexity. The article suggests alternative solutions like OpenAPI 3.0+ compliant JSON REST APIs or schema-first approaches with specific tools.

I love my wife. My wife is dead.:

Richard Feynman was a renowned physicist who contributed significantly to the field of quantum electrodynamics and was part of the development of the atomic bomb. He investigated the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster in 1986 as a member of the Rogers Commission. In 1946, Feynman wrote a heartfelt love letter to his late wife, Arline, who had passed away from tuberculosis. The letter remained unopened until after Feynman's death in 1988.

Paypal Ads: Paypal will mit seinen Kundendaten ins Werbegeschäft:

PayPal, a payment service provider, is entering the advertising business by utilizing the data of its customers to create personalized ads and offers. The company announced this new venture in a press release and plans to use AI technology for its product Advanced Offers. Mark Grether, formerly from Uber's marketing department, will lead PayPal's advertising initiative, which includes hiring additional staff for the newly created business unit. This move comes after numerous layoffs in the company, including 2,500 job cuts in early 2023. PayPal currently has around 427 million active users as of Q1 this year.

Something Strange Happens to Wolves Infected by an Infamous Mind-Altering Parasite:

A study examining wolf behavioral data and blood samples from 229 wolves found that the parasite Toxoplasma gondii makes wolves 46 times more likely to become pack leaders. The researchers discovered that infected wolves were more likely to take risks, disperse from their packs into new territories, and have a higher chance of becoming pack leaders due to heightened aggression and dominance. This parasite has been understudied and its role in ecosystems and animal behavior underestimated. The study shows how tiny agents can have significant influence on ecosystem dynamics.

Fefes Blog:

The article highlights a recent poll from the United States that found nearly three in five Americans wrongly believe the US is in an economic recession, with 55% thinking the economy is shrinking and 56% believing the country is experiencing a recession despite GDP growth. Many Americans blame the Biden administration for mismanagement. The article suggests that people may be affected by propaganda or not informed enough about economic realities.

Codestral: Hello, World!:

Mistral AI has introduced Codestral, an open-weight generative AI model designed specifically for code generation tasks. The model is fluent in 80+ programming languages and can complete coding functions, write tests, and fill in partial codes using a fill-in-the-middle mechanism. With its larger context window, Codestral outperforms competitors in RepoBench, a long-range eval for code generation. The model is available for research and testing purposes via the new Mistral AI Non-Production License, which allows developers to download it on HuggingFace or use it through its dedicated endpoint. Codestral has been integrated into various tools and application frameworks, enabling developers to build agentic applications with ease.

Smoking weed every day makes me less presentable and less productive. I love it:

The article discusses the author's experience with smoking weed during the pandemic, after moving back in with their parents in Los Angeles. They found that it helped them feel more comfortable and less anxious, as well as being part of a habitual self-medication for depression and poor appetite. The author acknowledges they might be addicted to it but believes it works for them and makes them functional. They also mention not judging others who use weed as long as their behavior isn't causing drama or causing harm.

PEP 20 – The Zen of Python |

This article, written by Tim Peters, shares 20 guiding principles for Python's design based on the BDFL's vision. The principles emphasize simplicity, readability, and practicality while avoiding ambiguity and complexities. Some key points include „beautiful is better than ugly,“ „explicit is better than implicit,“ and „complex is better than complicated.“

Nahverkehr: Weiterer ÖPNV-Anbieter untersagt E-Roller in Bus und Bahn:

The Verkehrsverbund Bremen/Niedersachsen (VBN) will ban the carriage of e-scooters on buses and trams from June 1, 2024. This is due to the lack of certification for lithium-ion batteries used in e-scooters. The decision concerns passenger safety and protection against battery fires. Many transport companies across Germany have advocated for banning e-scooter carriage on public transport. However, some regional transport associations still allow it. E-bikes, electric wheelchairs, and senior mobility scooters will remain allowed. Batteries of other electric vehicles, like e-bikes or e-wheelchairs, meet higher safety standards than those used in e-scooters, according to the VBN. The Association of German Vehicle Inspection Centers (VTU) criticized these bans, arguing that certified e-scooter models undergo thorough battery security tests before obtaining road approval from Germany's Federal Motor Vehicle Office.

Wasserstoff als Kraftstoff: EU-Kommission genehmigt Milliarden-Beihilfe:

The EU Commission has approved €1.4 billion in public funding for 11 companies across 7 EU member states, including German automaker BMW, to work on hydrogen and mobility projects. These projects aim to advance research, innovation, and commercialization in the hydrogen value chain, in support of the EU's goal of reducing transport and mobility emissions by 90% by 2050. Additional private investments are expected to total €3.3 billion. The projects focus on developing hydrogen applications for mobility and transport, such as fuel cell buses and trucks, as well as hydrogen storage technologies for ships and locomotives.

La Niña is coming, raising the chances of a dangerous Atlantic hurricane season:

El Niño has nearly ended, and its counterpart La Niña is approaching. This climate pattern affects weather worldwide, with temperature fluctuations in the Pacific Ocean triggering atmospheric reactions. While La Niña typically brings drier conditions to the US Southwest, it can lead to more intense hurricanes along the U.S. Atlantic and Gulf coasts. In the Southern Hemisphere, La Niña causes drought in Chile and Argentina and increased rainfall in the Amazon. As global warming continues, these fluctuations between El Niño and La Niña are happening on top of rising greenhouse gas emissions, which could lead to more extreme temperature swings.

Root your Docker host in 10 seconds for fun and profit:

The article discusses how adding users to the docker group essentially gives them full access over the Docker daemon, making it easy for an attacker with root access to escalate their privileges on the host machine. It demonstrates a vulnerability in Docker that allows an attacker to exploit this and gain root access within seconds. The article also mentions UID remapping as a workaround to mitigate this issue.

The Way We Are Building Event-Driven Applications is Misguided. This is Why We Created Infinitic.:

The article discusses event-driven applications and their development using the choreography pattern (based on the use of an event broker) and the orchestrator pattern, which is more complex to implement but offers significant advantages such as better decoupling of services, easier business process implementation understanding, and simpler handling of complex workflows. The author recommends frameworks like Infinitic that simplify adoption of the orchestrator pattern by providing boilerplate code for developers to focus on implementing business logic while enjoying benefits without adding overhead.

DBus and systemd — Beartama's Blog documentation:

The article describes DBus, an IPC system that provides a mechanism to access IPC services via buses. It discusses concepts such as interfaces, objects, properties, methods, and signals in the context of DBus communication. The article also provides examples of interacting with systemd using DBus, including checking object paths, inspecting objects, reading properties, restarting services, monitoring ActiveState, and handling signal emissions. Lastly, it briefly explains the type system of DBus, focusing on fixed types, string-like types, container types, and marshaling.

Putin in der Offensive: Neue Führung für die Kriegswirtschaft? | Auf den Punkt (Video):

The discussion revolved around the ongoing Russian offensive in Ukraine, the reshuffle in Russia's military leadership, and the impact of this on NATO and the West. Experts highlighted that Putin's aim is to degrade Ukraine to weaken its resistance against future Russian advances. The appointment of a civilian, Andrei Belousov as Defense Minister, signals the intention to boost Russia's military-industrial complex.

The conversation also touched upon the possibility of NATO membership for Ukraine and whether this could escalate tensions with Russia. Marina Miron, a military expert, believes that NATO should not only consider Ukraine's current situation but also its readiness to meet NATO's requirements when it is not engaged in war. While she agrees that the risk of an all-out conflict between NATO and Russia is medium to high due to escalating tensions, she does not believe that Putin wants such a war.

Objektorientierung - Was ist das eigentlich? (Video):

The Transcript eines Youtube Videos covers various aspects of Object Orientation (OO). The host begins by acknowledging the question posed by a viewer about defining OO. They then delve into the history and evolution of OO, starting with Simula and its use in simulation, before discussing Smalltalk and its influence on modern OO programming languages like Java and C#.

One key point is the distinction between Abstract Data Types (ADTs) and OO. ADTs focus on defining a data type's behavior from an external user perspective, while OO models systems with objects that have state and methods for interacting with that state. This leads to the concept of modularity, where systems are composed of smaller, self-contained modules or objects.

The host also discusses Design by Contract (DBC) and Command Query Separation (CQS), which provide constraints on how objects should behave. DBC allows for defining preconditions, postconditions, and invariants, while CQS separates methods into those that change state (commands) and those that only return values (queries). These concepts help manage the complexity of state changes and ensure system consistency.

Inheritance is another central topic, with a discussion on its benefits for code reuse but also its downsides like information hiding violation and the Circle-Ellipse problem. The host suggests avoiding deep inheritance hierarchies and proposes alternatives like mixins and interface-based programming to mitigate these issues.

The conversation then shifts to aggregation and composition, explaining how they differ in terms of object lifecycle. Aggregation is a weaker association where objects can exist independently, while composition implies a stronger relationship where the composed object cannot exist without its parent. The host also touches on the concept of messaging and how it differs from method calls in languages like Java or C++. Messaging is more dynamic and allows for late Binding, which means the specific method to be executed isn't known until runtime.

The episode concludes with an executive summary, thanking viewers for their participation and promising future episodes on related topics.

Overall, this Transcript eines Youtube Videos provides a comprehensive overview of Object Orientation, its history, key concepts, and challenges. It also encourages further exploration into the field through references to other resources and upcoming episodes.

How Dogs Are Shaping The Future Of Medicine (Video):

The YouTube video discusses the evolution of dog breeds, their impact on genetic diversity, and how studying purebred dogs' DNA can help researchers understand human genetics. Dogs have been shaped by humans for thousands of years, with distinct breeds emerging for various tasks, including hunting, guarding, and companionship. Over the past century, dog competitions like Westminster have showcased the best purebred dogs worldwide. Breed standards provide a way to maintain these historic breeds. However, meticulous breeding has also affected dog genetics, with most purebred dogs sharing nearly identical genomes. This similarity allows researchers to study specific traits and genes in dogs that may also affect humans. The video highlights how understanding dog diseases like cancer can benefit both animals and their human owners, emphasizing the unique bond between humans and their furry companions.

Wie die CDU unsere Demokratie angreift... 🚫 Meinungsmache Spezial (Video):

The Transcript eines Youtube Videos discusses the debate between Mario Vogt from the CDU and Bernd Höcke from the AfD. The topics include the structure of the debate, the backgrounds of Vogt and Höcke, their strategies in the debate, reactions from various media outlets, and the overall impact on democracy.

The debate was sparked by a tweet exchange between Höcke and Vogt over Höcke's statement about the EU needing to die for true Europe to live. Vogt challenged Höcke to a public discussion, which led to their debate on Welt TV. The debate structure was initially planned for 45 minutes but extended due to the complexity of the topics and the depth of discussion.

Vogt's strategy in the debate was to confront Höcke with facts and argue that the EU is a guarantee for peace, wealth, and security. He also aimed to show how the AfD poses a risk to Thuringia's welfare and order. In contrast, Höcke utilized emotional arguments and tried to present himself as an alternative to the mainstream political parties.

The debate was met with mixed reactions from various media outlets. The CDU-Thüringen criticized Vogt for engaging in a debate with Höcke, while others saw it as an opportunity to confront the AfD's narrative with facts. The debate also led to discussions about whether or not it is beneficial to engage in debates with populists and right-wing extremists.

The executive summary highlights that the debate was more of a boxing ring than a fair discussion due to the different strategies employed by Vogt and Höcke. Both parties aimed to gain popularity rather than engage in a meaningful dialogue about the issues at hand. Despite this, Vogt managed to demonstrate his rhetorical superiority over Höcke, which may have been his primary goal. However, the debate's overall impact on democracy was minimal, as it primarily served the interests of both individuals and their respective parties rather than promoting a productive discourse about important issues.

Apple iCloud "thinks different" on what the delete button means: still claims repair hurts privacy 😂 (Video):

The video discusses the importance of privacy and data security when it comes to storing personal files on devices like smartphones and computers. It emphasizes that users should have control over their own data, rather than relying on third-party services like Google Photos or Apple's iCloud. The speaker argues against companies lobbying against the right to repair, as this ultimately puts consumers at a disadvantage and gives manufacturers more power over their devices and data. The speaker also shares concerns about design flaws in certain electronic products that may cause unintended damage or data loss. Overall, the message of the video is to question the control that big tech companies have over personal data and to consider alternative solutions for managing one's digital life.

Warum es ein neues nukleares Wettrüsten gibt | Mapped Out (Video):

The video discusses the modernization of nuclear arsenals by the world's three largest nuclear powers - Russia, the United States, and China - which increases the risk of atomic warfare. It highlights how the era of disarmament has ended, and nuclear arsenals are growing again. Key points include:

1. The US, Russia, and China showcase their nuclear capabilities by modernizing and expanding their arsenals.

2. The risk of a nuclear conflict is rising due to fewer control mechanisms and increased actors in the global stage.

3. Nuclear tests during the Cold War involved both the Soviet Union and the US; however, since then, more countries have gained access to nuclear weapons.

4. Israel is also considered a nuclear power but has not officially confirmed its status.

5. The video cites three reasons for the new arms race: Russia's war against Ukraine, the end of arms control, and China's nuclear buildup.

6. In response to Russia's invasion of Ukraine, Putin threatened to use nuclear weapons, escalating tensions in Europe.

7. The deployment of tactical nuclear weapons by Russia in Belarus is another example of this new arms race, potentially threatening NATO members.

8. France and the UK have nuclear weapons in Europe, but hundreds of US nuclear warheads are stored on military bases across Europe.

9. The video mentions how the US and Russian nuclear strategies have evolved over time, with both sides demonstrating strength and readiness for conflict.

10. China's rapid nuclear buildup, modernization, and unwillingness to participate in arms control raises concerns about a possible shift in global balance of power.

11. The video highlights that more countries are considering acquiring nuclear weapons due to the growing threat of atomic warfare.

12. Without new regulations, the nuclear arms race cannot be stopped.

The Volcanoes That May Have Started Life on Earth (Video):

The transcript of the YouTube video discusses how volcanoes may have played a crucial role in initiating Earth's nitrogen cycle, which is essential for life as it provides the necessary nitrogen for the formation of amino acids, RNA, DNA and chlorophyll. The video highlights that nearly 80% of Earth's atmosphere is nitrogen gas, which is inert and unavailable to most living organisms. Scientists have been trying to understand how life could have started with such an abundance of nitrogen-rich atmosphere but inaccessible for the majority of living things.

The video presents a theory that massive volcanic eruptions on early Earth may have fixed a considerable amount of nitrogen by creating lightning, which then reacted with water to produce nitrate and nitrite. This hypothesis is based on evidence from researchers who discovered high amounts of fixed nitrogen in the volcanic deposits of two long-dead giant volcanoes in Turkey and Peru while studying climate change. The specific oxygen isotopes found in these deposits could only have come from ozone, suggesting that nitrate was formed through chemical reactions in the air.

In conclusion, this video suggests that massive volcanic eruptions on early Earth may have been responsible for initiating Earth's nitrogen cycle by fixing a significant amount of nitrogen through lightning. This finding sheds new light on how life on Earth could have begun with an abundance of nitrogen-rich atmosphere but inaccessible to most living organisms.

Truffles Are Hiding a Dirty Little Secret (Video):

This YouTube video discusses the importance of truffles in ecological literacy and their role in forest ecosystems. Truffles are mushrooms that produce powerful chemical aromas to attract animals, which in turn help disperse their spores when they poop them out. These aromatic fungi are critical food sources for many forest mammals, especially in areas with limited other nutritional options.

The video also highlights the symbiotic relationship between truffles and trees, as they form ectomycorrhizal associations, wherein the tree roots are covered by fungus that helps them acquire essential nutrients from the soil. Some truffle species are specific to certain tree types, providing an advantage for the host tree in exchange for sugars supplied by the fungus.

The video presents a case study of a cattle grazing site that was replaced with Douglas fir trees and eventually became a productive truffle-producing area. The growing truffles not only benefited commercial agriculture but also contributed to carbon sequestration, habitat generation, clean air, and water purification.

In conclusion, the video emphasizes how truffles are valuable for both ecological and economic reasons, which could potentially help protect environments and stimulate local economies through truffle cultivation.

How I Vote with My Wallet | Cold Take (Video):

The video discusses various topics related to gaming culture, personal spending habits, and consumer rights. Key points include:

1. Vibe math (bad budgeting): The idea that we value perceived benefits over actual reality when making purchasing decisions.

2. Personal spending habits and their impact on identity: How individuals' shopping choices may shape their sense of self.

3. Pre-ordering video games vs. waiting for lower prices: Pros and cons of each approach, focusing on the benefits of being a patient gamer.

4. The importance of information and maintaining guidelines when making purchases to avoid overspending or emotional attachment.

5. Piracy and its implications: Discusses the speaker's personal stance against it due to laziness, rather than moral reasons.

6. Changes in game content after launch: Criticizing companies that alter games without proper communication with players, using examples like No Man's Sky and Cyberpunk 2077.

7. Consumer rights and exercising them: The speaker advocates for consumers to be aware of their rights and potentially boycott businesses if they feel mistreated.

How Geography is Pushing India & China to War (Video):

Executive Summary: The transcript discusses the territorial disputes between China and India, focusing on the new standard map of China that includes numerous territories not controlled by the country but claimed nonetheless. It delves into the historical origins of these disputes, the geopolitical implications, and the potential for escalation into a major conflict.

Topic 1: China's New Standard Map - Key Points: The People's Republic of China unveiled their new standard map in August 2023, which includes territories currently administered by other countries such as India, Bhutan, Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei, Indonesia, the Philippines, Taiwan, Japan, and even Russia. These disputes are not new but have been highlighted by the map's release. - Arguments: The map serves as a visual representation of China's territorial claims, which are based on historical treaties and agreements that are often interpreted differently by other countries involved in these disputes. - Facts/Names: The map includes territories like Aksai Chin, Trans-Caracorum Tract, the Senkaku Islands, and Bolshoi-Ussur-Iski Island. It also claims parts of Bhutan and Arunachal Pradesh as Chinese territory. - Quotes/Anecdotes: „The map shows huge territories that are currently administered by India, Bhutan, Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei, Indonesia, the Philippines, Taiwan, Japan, and even Russia as all belonging to China.“

Topic 2: Historical Origins of Disputes - Key Points: The disputes between China and India have their roots in the early 20th century when both countries inherited the outstanding baggage and decisions of their legal predecessors. The map's release has reignited these longstanding issues. - Arguments: Both countries claim territories based on different interpretations of historical treaties, which leads to conflicting views on where exactly the border should be drawn. - Facts/Names: The Johnson-Arduke Line and the McCartney-McDonald Line are two boundary lines proposed by British authorities in India for the eastern border with China's Qing Empire. The 1914 Simla Convention led to the signing of the McMahon Line, a controversial agreement that placed parts of Tibet within British India. - Quotes/Anecdotes: „The nature in which this agreement was signed without Chinese approval has remained controversial for more than a century ever since.“

Topic 3: Geopolitical Implications - Key Points: The disputes have significant geopolitical implications, particularly concerning water resources and strategic locations. China's control over Aksai Chin provides access to the sources of major rivers in Asia, while India's Siliguri Corridor is a vulnerable point that could be exploited during a conflict. - Arguments: Both countries are concerned about maintaining their influence in the region and preventing potential encirclement by rival powers. The United States has been investing heavily in its relationship with India to counterbalance China's rise, which adds another layer of complexity to the situation. - Facts/Names: The Chinese-controlled Tibet is referred to as the „Water Tower of Asia“ due to its significant contribution to Asia's freshwater supply. The Siachen Glacier and the Chumbi Valley are key strategic locations in the disputes between India and China, along with several territories claimed by China within Bhutan. - Quotes/Anecdotes: „The security of the water supplies in these two rivers is a core strategic concern of China's.“

Topic 4: Potential for Escalation - Key Points: The disputes have led to conflicts in the past, such as the Sino-Indian War in 1962, and there are concerns that they could escalate into another major conflict in the future. The situation is further complicated by China's economic rise and increased assertiveness on the international stage, as well as India's growing alliance with the United States. - Arguments: Both countries have reasons to be wary of each other's intentions and actions along the Line of Actual Control, which could lead to miscalculations and unintended escalation. The potential for a two-front war against China and Pakistan is a significant concern for India. - Facts/Names: The 1962 Sino-Indian War resulted in thousands of deaths and significant territorial changes, with the Chinese emerging victorious. The United States has been seeking to court India as a counterweight to China's rise, which has led to increased military exercises and strategic security dialogues between the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue members (the United States, Japan, Australia, and India). - Quotes/Anecdotes: „India's ultimate nightmare scenario is a two-front war against Pakistan and China, while China's ultimate nightmare scenario is a two-front war between India and China.“

Executive Summary: The transcript of the YouTube video provides an in-depth analysis of the territorial disputes between China and India, focusing on the historical origins, geopolitical implications, and potential for escalation into a major conflict. It highlights the importance of understanding these issues to avoid miscalculations that could lead to unintended consequences.

Why I Boycotted Insta360 FOREVER (And You Should Too) (Video):

The video discusses the issue of dishonest product reviews on YouTube, specifically focusing on camera gear reviews. The YouTuber highlights how some creators receive free products from companies and are asked not to disclose sponsorships, leading to potentially biased reviews. They reference an email exchange with Insta360 asking them not to mention the company's sponsorship in a review, which is illegal. They express their decision to boycott Insta360 products due to this dishonesty and call for other YouTubers to maintain integrity in their reviews. The video also touches upon the challenges of finding honest product reviews on YouTube and encourages viewers to seek out creators who provide genuine feedback without sponsorships or personal biases.

8 Years Of Data Consulting - 9 Of The Best Lessons I Have Learned While Consulting (Video):

The following is a summary of the transcript of a YouTube video titled „9 Consulting Lessons for Data People“ by Ben Rojan, also known as The Seattle Data Guy. The video discusses various lessons that can be learned from consulting and applies them to the field of data science.

1. Information is Cheap, Execution is Everything: This lesson emphasizes the importance of execution over knowledge. While information may be readily available online, it's often the execution or application of this knowledge that leads to success. Ben Rojan encourages sharing information freely as it doesn't necessarily mean a loss of business opportunities.

2. Chasing Money vs Solving Problems: Ben emphasizes the importance of focusing on solving problems for clients rather than just chasing money. By understanding and addressing the specific issues faced by potential customers, one can create value that leads to repeat business and higher revenue streams.

3. Marketing and Sales are Essential: Even highly skilled technical individuals need to invest time in marketing and sales activities. It's crucial to build a brand, network, and generate interest in your services. Ben suggests focusing on just one or two areas at first (e.g., marketing or sales) and then gradually expanding efforts as the business grows.

4. Prioritize Persistence: Success often requires consistent effort over time. This is particularly true for consultants who need to manage multiple projects simultaneously while also juggling marketing, sales, and client work. The key is to stay focused on one task at a time and maintain discipline in your approach.

5. Writing Quality Content Over Hacks: While there are many strategies to improve engagement on social media platforms like LinkedIn, the most important factor remains the quality of the content itself. Good content will attract attention regardless of whether it follows all the „rules“ or not.

6. Get Unblocked Fast: As a consultant, you need to take ownership of your projects and actively address any obstacles that arise. This includes setting clear expectations with clients, proactively seeking solutions when problems occur, and ensuring that everyone involved in the project is accountable for their work.

7. Charging by Hour vs Value-Based Pricing: While it can be beneficial to charge by hour when starting out due to the uncertainty of project timelines, consultants should eventually shift towards value-based pricing. This involves setting a price based on the value delivered rather than the hours worked. It's important to consider factors such as your expertise, the guaranteed quality of your work, and any unique solutions you can provide.

8. Legal Paperwork: When entering into contracts with clients, it's essential to have proper legal paperwork in place. This includes a Statement of Work (SOW), terms and conditions, and payment structure. It's also beneficial to have someone review your contracts to ensure they are legally sound.

9. Be the Expert: As a consultant, you should leverage your expertise and experience to provide valuable insights to clients. Don't shy away from sharing your opinions or offering unique solutions. This is what sets you apart as a trusted advisor rather than just another contractor.

Executive Summary: The video provides valuable insights for data professionals considering consulting as a career path. It emphasizes the importance of execution, problem-solving, marketing and sales activities, persistence, content quality, proactive problem-solving, value-based pricing, legal paperwork, and leveraging expertise. By applying these lessons, one can build a successful consulting business in the field of data science.

De-Google Your Life - Part 1 (Video):

The video discusses various alternatives to popular Google services such as search engines (Bing, Yahoo, Startpage, Ecosia), email providers (Tudor, ProtonMail), photo backup solutions (Entei, Stingle), DNS services (Quad9, NextDNS), and web browsers (Firefox, Brave). The main focus is on privacy-focused alternatives that do not collect user data or have strong privacy policies. These options allow users to de-Google their lives while still enjoying similar features as Google's services.

Paris Explained (Video):

The transcript of the YouTube video discusses the history of Paris from its Roman origins to the modern city we see today. Key topics covered include:

1. Roman Lutetia Parisiorum and its layout, including remains of the amphitheater, baths, and Temple of Jupiter. 2. The Middle Ages and how Paris expanded beyond the Île de la Cité. 3. Italian Renaissance influences on urban planning and architecture in Paris, such as residential squares with equestrian statues of monarchs at their center. 4. The development of iconic places like the Louvre Palace, Place Vendôme, and Champs-Élysées. 5. Napoleon III's reorganization of Paris into wide boulevards with a focus on symmetry and uniformity in architecture. 6. Modern skyscrapers and La Défense area outside the historic nucleus.

Throughout its history, Paris has evolved from a small Gallic settlement to one of the world's most iconic cities, with influences from Roman Empire, Italian Renaissance, French monarchy, and modern urban planning.

Smartphones Are Rewiring Our Brains [New Research] (Video):

The video discusses how smartphones affect our brains and cognitive function. Some key points include:

1. Smartphones exploit our natural tendencies to seek feedback by releasing dopamine in the brain. This can lead to desensitization and detachment from reality, causing people to live more through their screens.

2. Research shows that just having a smartphone present in a room can negatively affect cognitive function, even if it is switched off.

3. Smartphones have been linked to memory problems, addiction, stress, and changes in brain structure, such as shrinking of the hippocampus (memory center) and reduced gray matter volumes.

4. To counteract these effects, individuals can exercise regularly, limit smartphone use for memory tasks, avoid excessive social media consumption, stop multitasking, and choose physical media over digital devices when reading.

In conclusion, the video highlights the potential negative consequences of excessive smartphone usage on our brains and cognitive function, but also offers practical solutions to mitigate these effects.

The Russian Momentum is back (Video):

The video discusses the current situation of warfare between Russia and Ukraine at day 820. It highlights various aspects of the Russian momentum, including strategic objectives, operational levels, tactical level, adaptation from the Russian side, resources, and allies' involvement in assisting Ukraine. The speaker also emphasizes the need for Ukraine to receive additional supplies such as aircraft, tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, ammunition, air defense, and more soldiers. The goal of the conference is to showcase the desperate situation in Ukraine and to form a coalition of willing countries to assist them.