
Links für 2023 KW 22

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GitHub private repos considered private-­ish:

A recent incident on GitHub exposed the RSA SSH private key in a public GitHub repository, highlighting the risks associated with storing sensitive information in private repositories. There are several ways secrets can be leaked through private repos such as misconfiguration or mistakes during deployment. To mitigate these risks, it's important to follow best practices like setting up two-factor authentication and auditing access control. Ultimately, being cautious about what is stored in private repositories can help protect sensitive data from exposure.

It Will Cost Up to $21.5 Billion to Clean Up California’s Oil Sites. The Industry Won’t Make Enough Money to Pay for It.:

ProPublica has reported on the issue of oil and gas well cleanup costs exceeding future industry profits in California, according to a first-of-its-kind study. The state's oil and gas production will only earn $6.3 billion in future profits over the remaining course of operations, while the cost of plugging wells, decommissioning surface infrastructure, and decontaminating polluted drill sites is estimated to be at least $13.2 billion based on publicly available data. The report suggests that California taxpayers may have to cover much of the difference, potentially signaling similar issues for oil and gas industries across the US.

What are the risks of being an older father?:

Actor Al Pacino is having a child at the age of 83, joining others like Robert De Niro who had his seventh child at 79 years old. The average age of fathers in the US has been rising over recent years. Older fatherhood comes with potential risks such as lower quality sperm, higher rates of miscarriages, and increased chances of genetic disorders like achondroplasia for their children. Researchers are studying the effects of advanced paternal age on fertility, pregnancy, and child health in an effort to understand how fatherhood is no longer a young man's game.

Speed running Monkey Island:

The article discusses speed running Monkey Island 2 and mentions that some speed runners dislike random events, particularly in the game's ending when LeChuck appears. The author examines the SCUMM source code for the original game and reveals how LeChuck's appearance is controlled by a series of conditions involving a variable named „times-lechucks-appeared-recently.“ The code checks if LeChuck has appeared recently, changes his chance to appear based on that value, and increases the time interval before he reappears. The core conditions for LeChuck's appearance are detailed in the article.

» Tomb Raider The Digital Antiquarian:

Lara Croft has certainly made a significant impact on gaming culture since her debut in 1996's „Tomb Raider.“ As one of the first major female video game characters, she challenged the conventional male stereotype in games and attracted both praise and criticism for her appearance and portrayal. Since then, the character has evolved to become a more grounded and realistic representation, reflecting societal changes in attitude towards women in media. Overall, Lara Croft's journey exemplifies how video game characters can change and adapt over time, and it is fascinating to trace her development throughout the years.

It’s not wrong that "🤦🏼‍♂️".length == 7:

The article discusses various aspects of string lengths in programming languages such as JavaScript, Python 3, Rust, and Swift. It highlights that different Unicode encoding forms (UTF-8, UTF-16, or UTF-32) can lead to varying storage requirements for characters with the same meaning. Additionally, it mentions extended grapheme clusters, which are variable-width units of text that may contain multiple code points in a single character. The article also touches upon the concept of fairness when comparing string lengths across different languages and scripts.

Is it OK to recline your airplane seat? Some travel experts say no.:

The article discusses the issue of airline seat reclining and its potential impact on other passengers, particularly during busy summer travel seasons. Consumer advocate Chris Elliott believes that airlines are partly responsible for cramming seats closer together and leaving it up to passengers to decide how much space they can claim. While etiquette experts like Diane Gottsman suggest that reclining should be done sparingly, others argue that asking permission is unnecessary and unrealistic. The article concludes by noting that flight attendants deal with conflicts over seat reclining frequently and advise passengers to communicate their intentions to avoid potential accidents.

Learn x86-64 assembly by writing a GUI from scratch:

This article discusses learning x86-64 assembly by writing a GUI from scratch. The author explains that they wanted to expand their knowledge of assembly and create something fun and motivating, leading them to write a simple GUI in assembly language. They use X11 for windowing and rendering purposes and provide an overview of the process involved in creating this minimalistic program.

‘Tired’, ‘lonely’ and hated by locals: the reality for those sold the digital nomad dream:

The article discusses the experiences of Bex Band, an entrepreneur and digital nomad who has traveled extensively since 2016. She and her husband initially enjoyed the freedom and flexibility of living this lifestyle, visiting multiple countries while working remotely. However, after two and a half years, Bex began to tire of constant travel, difficulties maintaining healthy habits on the road, and loneliness that came with constantly moving. The article also shares experiences of other digital nomads who found aspects of the lifestyle problematic, such as dealing with unreliable Wi-Fi connections and strained long-term relationships due to their non-stationary nature.

As the number of digital nomads has grown significantly since 2016, some destinations have begun experiencing drawbacks from hosting them, including rocketing rents and house prices, as well as cultural clashes with local communities. The article acknowledges that while the lifestyle can offer unique experiences and opportunities for personal growth, it may not be a long-term sustainable option for many people, as some aspects of the digital nomad experience have become less glamorous or appealing over time.

The Last Days of Berlin's Gas Streetlamps:

Berlin is in the process of converting its historic gas streetlamps to LED alternatives, which began in 2011 and is expected to take another decade to complete. The city aims to cut carbon dioxide emissions by 9,200 tons and save $25 million yearly with the conversion. However, conservationists argue that the gas lamps hold significant cultural value and have formed associations like Gaslicht-Kultur e.V. to preserve them. As of now, 3,300 lamps have been spared from conversion across Berlin.

View 3D fossils | VAMP:

This article provides a guide on how to view 3D specimens in detail. It explains how to find the desired specimen, expand the 3D viewer, explore the specimen using your mouse and scroll buttons for zooming purposes, as well as utilizing various tools such as measuring options. The article also informs about downloading scan data from MorphoSource or the lower left corner of the specimen frame.

India cuts periodic table and evolution from school textbooks — experts are baffled:

In India, students aged 15-16 will no longer be taught about evolution, the periodic table of elements, or sources of energy. These changes affect approximately 134 million students in Indian schools and have been introduced to simplify the curriculum. Science educators argue that removing these topics will stifle curiosity and limit students' understanding of their subjects.

SSH into Termux from Your Computer:

This article provides a step-by-step guide on how to SSH into Termux from a laptop. It covers opening Termux, installing OpenSSH, setting up a password, finding the host name and username, starting the ssh server, verifying that it's running, and connecting using the hostname and port number.

Human echolocation:

Here is a short summary of the article:

Human echolocation is the ability to detect objects in one's environment by sensing echoes from those objects. People trained in this skill can accurately interpret the sound waves reflected by nearby objects and use them to identify their location and size. The term „echolocation“ was coined by zoologist Donald Griffin in 1944, though reports of blind humans using it date back to 1749. It is a general human ability that allows individuals to sense their surroundings even without sight.


This article is about making chimichurri sauce, a popular Argentinian marinade made from fresh herbs and spices that goes well with grilled meats such as steak or fish. The recipe provided includes ingredients like parsley, garlic, shallot, chili pepper, salt, black pepper, olive oil, dried thyme, and dried oregano. To make chimichurri sauce, first finely chop the herbs and spices in a mortar, then add the juice of half a lemon and mash everything together until it forms a thick paste. Next, pour olive oil into the mixture while stirring to achieve a pesto-like consistency. Finally, add the remaining ingredients such as salt, pepper, thyme, oregano, and chili powder (optional). The article also mentions that chimichurri can be used not only for grilled meats but also as a dip for bread.

Study highlights the importance of napping for memory consolidation in early childhood:

New research suggests that napping is beneficial for memory processing in early childhood. The study found that the combination of napping and overnight sleep improves retrieval of emotional memories compared to overnight sleep alone. This highlights the importance of naps in supporting memory and emotional processing in young children.

Amelia's Song | Harris Neck Land Trust:

The article discusses the rediscovery of a song, „Amelia's Song,“ that has been passed down through generations in African American families since slavery times. In 1997, the descendants of Amelia Dawley met with members of a village in Sierra Leone who had also sung the song for centuries. Through anthropologist Joseph Opala's research, it was found that the Mende song is a processional hymn sung during funerals. The discovery has helped connect both African American and Sierra Leonean communities.

100-year-old Brazilian breaks record after 84 years at same company:

Walter Orthmann from Brazil has been working at the same company, ReneauxView, since January 17, 1938. He became a Guinness World Records title holder for the longest career in the same company after working there for 84 years and 9 days. Orthmann started as a shipping assistant, moved on to sales, and eventually became a successful Sales Manager. He celebrated his centenary at ReneauxView on April 19, 2022.

Fitting 44% More Data on a C64/1541 Floppy Disk –

The article discusses different strategies to fit up to 246 KB on a Commodore 1541 floppy disk. The original format has a capacity of 170 KB, and various approaches, such as reducing the size of SYNC marks, minimizing gaps between sectors, or using tracks 36-41 have been explored to increase storage capacity while maintaining compatibility with Commodore DOS. These strategies offer varying levels of capacity increase but may affect read/write speed and compatibility depending on the chosen method.

A 'natural death' may be preferable for many than enduring CPR:

This article discusses the controversy surrounding CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) and whether it should be performed or not. It highlights that while CPR can sometimes save lives, it also has a dark side and may result in significant injuries for both patients and medical providers. The article suggests that more education on CPR's limitations and discussions about end-of-life care could help make better decisions regarding the use of CPR.

No A/C? No problem, if buildings copy networked tunnels of termite mounds:

The mounds built by certain species of termites have long been studied for their natural climate control functions, inspiring architects and engineers to design energy-efficient buildings with similar principles. A recent paper published in the journal Frontiers in Materials has offered new evidence supporting an integrated system model that includes the mound, nest, and its tunnels working together much like a lung. The termites maintain a constant temperature by constructing a series of heating and cooling vents throughout their mounds, which can be opened and closed during the day to keep the temperature inside constant. This natural approach has the potential to design living, breathing buildings that could regulate both interior and micro-climate, reducing energy consumption for air conditioning and promoting a healthier environment for inhabitants.

Clever Code Considered Harmful:

Project Euler is a repository of challenges based on advanced mathematics, meant to be solved using software. The challenges require creative and efficient solutions within one minute on 2004-era hardware. Solving these problems involves programming in unique and smart ways that challenge users to find the best solution possible. The primary focus for these problems is readability and simplicity for both understanding and maintaining, rather than showcasing complex or sophisticated code.

Rückrufe: Ethylenoxid in Lebensmitteln | Verbraucherzentrale NRW:

This article discusses the presence of ethylene oxide and its byproduct, 2-chloroethanol, in various food products such as ready meals, sesame seeds, spices, and dietary supplements that have been recalled due to contamination. Ethylene oxide is a fumigant used for killing bacteria, viruses, and fungi but has been banned in the European Union because it can alter DNA, cause cancer, and is not allowed in food production. The article also mentions that there are ongoing efforts to determine safe limits of ethylene oxide exposure and calls for manufacturers, authorities, and policymakers to take action against its use. Consumers should report any recalled products they find at stores and be aware of the expiration dates mentioned in recall notices.

Standardized exams measure intrinsic ability, not racial or socioeconomic privilege:

Thank you for summarizing that article. It provides valuable information and insights into the topic of standardized exams measuring intrinsic ability, not racial or socioeconomic privilege.

Health officials delayed report linking fluoride to brain harm:

The National Toxicology Program (NTP) was set to release a report on the cognitive and neurodevelopmental impacts of fluoride exposure in May 2021. The report's findings suggest that there may be potential harm at approximately twice the current recommended water fluoridation level, leading some health experts to question the safety of current levels for developing fetuses and young children. Water fluoridation has been controversial due to its potential neurotoxic effects on humans. Critics argue that community water fluoridation is especially needed in low-income areas with higher rates of tooth decay, while others call for more scientific studies and transparency.