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Links für 2023 KW 26

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Men are hunters, women are gatherers. That was the assumption. A new study upends it.:

The article discusses a study which found that female hunters are common in hunter-gatherer societies, contradicting the traditional view that early humans had a division of labor where men were the exclusive hunters. By reexamining ethnographic studies from various hunting and gathering communities, researchers discovered that women often play a crucial role in hunting as well as gathering plant foods. The findings suggest that women have been involved in hunting throughout human history and challenge traditional gender roles within hunter-gatherer societies.

Few lesser known tricks, quirks and features of C:

Thank you for providing this comprehensive summary of lesser-known C features, tricks and quirks. It is clear that the C programming language has many hidden gems to offer programmers willing to delve deeper into its intricacies. While some of these techniques may not be commonly used in everyday coding practices, they can prove extremely useful in certain situations.

It is important for developers to keep learning and expanding their knowledge of programming languages and techniques. Doing so will enable them to become more efficient and effective programmers, capable of tackling a wider range of development challenges.

Your child’s privacy is worth more than likes:

Sharenting, or documenting a child's life online, has become a popular trend among parents but also raises concerns about children's privacy. Parents may share pictures and videos for themselves rather than considering the long-term consequences on their children. Social media companies benefit from this behavior, leading to more advertising revenue. There are potential issues with consent, identity fraud, and cyberbullying, as well as mental health risks. Parents should be more self-aware about these challenges and carefully consider the implications of their online actions on their children's privacy and security.

Hausverwaltung finden in 4 Schritten - Ratgeber [2023]:

In den nchsten Jahren wird eine große Anzahl von Verwaltungen in Rente gehen, besonders kleinere Verwaltungen oder selbststndige Verwalter. Es gibt oft keinen Nachfolger, so dass die Eigentmer veranlasst sind, eine neue Hausverwaltung zu finden und die bestehende Hausverwaltung zu wechseln. Die Anforderungen an das Vermieterobjektmanagement sind in den letzten Jahren stark gestiegen, und es ist in vielen Fllen erforderlich, eine ordentliche Verwaltung einzustellen. Eigentmer sollten daher vor der Suche nach einer neuen Hausverwaltung genau klren, was die Verwaltung leisten soll, um mgliche Probleme oder Streitigkeiten im Voraus zu vermeiden. Es gibt verschiedene Arten von Hausverwaltungen, und jeder Eigentwer sollte sich ber das lokale Verwaltungsangebot informieren, persnlichen Empfehlungen aus dem Umfeld und Bekanntenkreis folgen, sowie die online-Prsenz der Hausverwalter beurteilen. Ein Unternehmen mit einer Niederlassung in der Region ist vorzuziehen. Gute Hausverwaltungen werden ihre Referenzobjekte prsentieren und haben oft Mitgliedschaften in Fachverbnden. Eigentwer sollten auch die Versicherungsdetails und den Online-Dienst anzeigen lassen, um ein besseres Bild der Verwaltung zu erhalten. Bei der Auswahl der Hausverwalter ist es wichtig, auf persnliche Sympathie und Vertruf zu achten, um einen langfristigen Erfolg sicherzustellen.

Static electricity attracts ticks to hosts, scientists find:

Researchers at the University of Bristol have discovered that ticks can be attracted across air gaps several times larger than themselves by static electricity that their host animals naturally accumulate. This likely increases their efficiency at finding hosts to parasitize, as ticks are not capable of jumping and cannot contact them otherwise. The findings suggest that this could be a universal mechanism for many parasitic species in animal-to-animal contact and attachment. Potential applications include developing anti-static sprays to reduce tick bites in humans, pets, and farm animals.

WSJ News Exclusive | Goldman Is Looking for a Way Out of Its Partnership With Apple:

Goldman Sachs is reportedly in talks with American Express to take over its Apple credit card and other ventures with the tech giant, according to sources familiar with the matter. This move would effectively end Goldman's consumer-lending business. The bank has already ceased issuing personal loans and is trying to sell GreenSky, a home-improvement lender it acquired last year.

PDF: How the Great Firewall of China Detects and Blocks Fully Encrypted Traffic:

The article discusses how the Great Firewall of China has deployed a new censorship technique that passively detects and blocks fully encrypted traffic in real time. This affects popular censorship circumvention protocols such as Shadowsocks, VMess, and Obfs4. Instead of directly defining what fully encrypted traffic is, the GFW applies crude but efficient heuristics to exempt traffic that is unlikely to be fully encrypted traffic; it then blocks the remaining non-exempted traffic. The article also provides circumvention strategies derived from understanding this new censorship system and shares how these strategies have been adopted by various anti-censorship tools, helping millions of users successfully evade this form of blocking in China.

Dyson Pure Cool Link - Local MQTT Control:

Thanks for the help! I was able to get it working using a different method. Instead of using Dyson Link and then logging out, I went into Home Assistant configs, clicked on MQTT, then clicked on Add New Integration and chose Discovery from URL. Then I input the MQTT broker information from Dyson's support page for my specific model (found in my link) and tested it. After adding the integration, restarting Home Assistant, and entering my credentials using the same method as before, everything worked. So for anyone else who is having trouble with this, give Discovery from URL a try!

GitHub - naimo84/node-red-contrib-dyson-purelink: This Node RED module can control dyson purifier (tested with dyson hot&cool pure link):

This article discusses a Node RED module that allows users to control Dyson purifiers, specifically the Dyson Hot & Cool Pure Link model. The repository has been archived by its owner as of December 31st, 2022 and is now read-only.

The Hidden Cost of Air Quality Monitoring:

The article discusses the increasing trend among air quality monitoring manufacturers to transition from free data plans to paid ones, resulting in higher costs of ownership for customers. The focus is on proprietary sensor modules that may be more expensive and less durable than their off-the-shelf counterparts, ecosystem lock-in which restricts device compatibility with other systems, lack of data ownership rights, and poor repairability of the devices. It highlights AirGradient ONE as an alternative that offers a longer lifespan, repairability, open source, and ownership of collected data.

Cooklang – Recipe Markup Language:

Cooklang is an ecosystem that simplifies personal recipe management, streamlines shopping routines, and makes cooking more fun. It uses human-readable text files for all its recipes, giving users complete control over their information. The tools are simple, efficient, and focus on providing the UNIX way of user experience. Users can create a recipe file, install a recipe viewer (such as CookCLI), and start cooking using various devices. Cooklang also provides a command-line program called Cook CLI for automating shopping lists and recipes. The app supports viewing recipes on iPad and iPhone, with a mobile app available for iOS users.

Editorial: Das muss bei der eSIM künftig besser laufen:

The article discusses the challenges faced by Frank, a mobile discount provider, when providing new eSIM profiles to customers. Despite the company's claim that it would only take minutes for customers to activate an eSIM on their smartphones, it encountered technical problems and was unable to provide new eSIMs for several days. To address this issue, Frank offered physical SIM cards as a temporary alternative until the problem could be resolved. The technical difficulties faced by eSIM users highlight that while mobile providers and smartphone manufacturers have been promising the future of eSIM technology for years, it still has some maturing to do in terms of usability and reliability.

GitHub - francoisruty/fruty_docker-outbound-restriction:

This article is about a commit in the „fruty_docker-outbound-restriction“ repository on GitHub. The commit does not belong to any branch within the repository and may belong to a fork outside of it. There are three forks and 22 stars on the repository, as well as some notifications.

How to Restrict Outbound Traffic on a Docker Infrastructure:

The article discusses the challenge of securing outgoing connections from a server while allowing access to specific external APIs. The author describes their experience setting up and running startups' critical infrastructure using vanilla Ubuntu servers with UFW (firewall) and Docker + Docker-Compose, as well as configuring an internal restricted network for docker containers.

To address the issue of preventing malicious code from accessing credentials or sending data out through APIs, the author describes a solution that combines ufw, nginx, and Docker. The solution involves using ufw to block all outbound connections on the server, limiting inbound connections with a proxy, and restricting outbound traffic to specific domains.

The author has created a repository containing their solution:

Hunter-gatherer lifestyle fosters thriving gut microbiome:

The study on gut microbiomes of Hadza people in Tanzania revealed that they tend to have more diverse populations than those living in urban regions and industrialized societies. This discovery suggests a diminishing diversity in the gut population due to Western lifestyles. The Hadza people exhibited an average of 730 species of gut microbes, compared to 277 in Californians and 436 in farmers. Furthermore, some bacteria unique to Hadza people were found to be absent from Californian samples, possibly due to industrialization's impact on their spread. The researchers collected fecal samples from 167 Hadza people and compared them with four groups of Nepali participants and a study in California. They sequenced over 90,000 genomes, including bacterial and archaeal species, finding many new-to-science microbes within the Hadza population.

Cloud, why so difficult? 🤷‍♀️ | Wing:

This article discusses the need for a new programming language designed specifically for cloud-oriented programming. The author argues that current languages are not adequately suited to handle the distributed and service-based nature of modern computing in the cloud, and presents Wing, a new language aiming to fill this gap by providing support for these aspects as first-class citizens. While still in Alpha, the Wing programming language is being developed with an emphasis on enhancing developer experience and efficiency.

How to enforce good Pull Requests on Github:

This article discusses how to enforce good Pull Requests (PR) on Github using a pull request template, labeler, and semantics file. It emphasizes the importance of providing details on what was changed, why it was changed, and how it was changed in PRs. The article also suggests using a size-labeling system to categorize large or small changes, as well as enforcing semantic titles for better understanding. Additionally, it mentions the use of a CODEOWNERS file to automatically assign reviewers based on specific code areas.

12 key tips to unlocking the full potential of your Indian Agile software development team:

Agile Software Development Methodologies are becoming increasingly popular, with many organizations adopting them to facilitate rapid and frequent changes in their products or services. This flexibility has proven beneficial for product owners and business managers. Indian Agile development teams provide a valuable source of affordable talent for companies in North America and Europe. However, local cultural differences between India and the West may impact Agile team functioning. To get the best out of your Indian Agile development team, it's essential to understand these core cultural differences and implement suggestions such as promoting open communication, creating an environment that values innovation, and using appropriate technology for remote collaboration.

Demystifying Burnout – A Deep Dive Into Its Symptoms And Remedies - Leadership Garden:

Burnout is a clinical syndrome characterized by emotional exhaustion, depersonalization or cynicism, and a sense of personal ineffectiveness. It's not just a feeling of being overworked but a chronic state of being that builds up over time due to workplace unfairness, excessive workloads, mismatching values, and other factors. To overcome burnout, it is crucial to address these contributing factors both personally and organizationally through strategies such as setting boundaries between work and personal life, prioritizing self-care, seeking support from social connections outside of work, and creating a fair reward system.

The Shitty Stack System:

The article discusses Microsoft's Stack Ranking reform implemented in the early 2000s, which aimed to improve productivity by systematically ranking employees and replacing the bottom performers every quarter. However, this method turned out to be catastrophic, as it created a competitive environment where employees sabotaged each other to ensure their survival within the company. The practice was later deemed responsible for Microsoft's stagnation in performance during that period compared to its rivals like Google, Apple, and Facebook. The Stack Ranking system was abandoned in 2013, replaced with a new approach focusing on teamwork, collaboration, and continuous feedback.