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Links für 2023 KW 25

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Son Doong Cave Is So Big It Has Its Own Rainforest | Travel and Explo…:

The article discusses the discovery and features of Vietnam's Son Doong Cave, which is considered the largest cave passage in the world. It was accidentally discovered by a local farmer named Ho Khanh who reported it to the British Caving Research Association. After being rediscovered in 2008, experts determined that the cave houses an impressive eco-system with its own rainforest called the Garden of Edam. The cave is home to various flora and fauna such as flying foxes, endangered tigers, langurs, and rare trees. Since 2012, a tour company named Oxalis has been taking a limited number of visitors on a five-day trek through the cave each year.

The Hidden Cost of Gasoline:

Gas stations have been a significant part of American culture for decades. They are not only places where people go to fuel their vehicles but also spaces that foster community interactions and create a sense of familiarity. However, the hidden costs associated with gasoline contamination from underground storage tanks can no longer be ignored. This article delves into the history of underground storage tanks, how they have polluted groundwater and soil across the country, the risks posed to both humans and the environment, and the challenges faced in cleaning up these leaks.

The story highlights that almost every gas station eventually causes groundwater contamination due to leaking underground storage tanks. These tanks pose a significant risk as they can spread hazardous chemicals rapidly through soil, seeping into groundwater, lakes, or rivers. The main concern is the high-stakes game of hot potato between gas station owners, insurance companies, and oil companies that supply the fuel, resulting in leaks being largely unaddressed and cleanup efforts proving costly and time-consuming.

With electric vehicles on the rise, many experts believe gas stations are a dying business. The story mentions Washington state's recent adoption of a new law providing fully state-backed insurance for gas stations in light of this transition. However, there remains the issue of contamination left behind from old storage tanks and concerns about how to handle abandoned gas stations in the future.

While electric vehicles provide cleaner alternatives and potentially lessen the risks associated with underground storage tanks, the transition will not happen overnight. In the meantime, addressing the existing problem will continue to be a challenge for state governments, developers, and insurance companies alike. It remains to be seen how states like Washington can handle the growing backlog of leaking underground storage tanks and what the future holds for gas stations in America's evolving transportation landscape.

GitHub - are/gitea-secret:

The article discusses a Gitea-Secret project with a public repository. It has 2 stars and no forks. The license is an MIT license, and there are 0 notifications in the commit. There have been no actions performed on this commit, and it may be related to a fork outside of the repository. This information was retrieved from GitHub, Inc. in 2023.

The office real estate crash will be so sharp and deep that Capital Economics thinks office values are unlikely to recover by 2040:

Capital Economics has revised its forecast on the impact of the pandemic on the office sector, predicting that office values may not recover even by 2040 due to a significant shift towards remote work. The report suggests that occupancy rates will drop, leading to elevated vacancies and declining rents through 2030. Office portfolio incomes are expected to experience a 20% decline by 2025, with net operating incomes remaining below pre-pandemic levels for the decade. This analysis mirrors the experience of malls over the last six years, with no significant recovery despite structural headwinds. Office landlords are at risk as they face high interest rates and a lack of demand due to remote work trends.

GitHub - warhammerkid/bluetti_mqtt: MQTT interface for Bluetti power stations:

The article discusses the MQTT interface for Bluetti power stations, which allows users to monitor and control their energy storage systems remotely. It is available under an MIT license with a significant number of stars (83) and forks (19).

RunInSandbox: a quick way to run/extract files in Windows Sandbox with a right-click on a file:

RunInSandbox is a tool that allows users to easily run files in Windows Sandbox with just a right-click. It requires Windows 10 1903 or higher and the Windows Sandbox feature enabled. This solution makes testing tasks more convenient, offering the ability to run various file types in Sandbox without manually installing software on the main system.

Every Mastodon User Has an RSS Feed:

Mastodon, a distributed social network, has grown to 12.8 million user accounts and relies on user donations and volunteer efforts for its functioning. It does not have ads or algorithms that manipulate content like other networks, just posts from followed users around the world. Each Mastodon account has an RSS feed which can be found by adding „.rss“ to their user page URL, such as These feeds use Media-RSS and Webfeeds namespaces for content and avatar elements, respectively. Mastodon is an open source project with ongoing development and improvements planned, including a possible addition of a link element to identify the RSS feed URL.

GitHub - binpash/try: "Do, or do not. There is no try." We're setting out to change that.:

The article discusses the concept of changing the phrase „Do or do not. There is no try“ from Star Wars. It mentions using PublicNotifications and a MIT license. The article also provides some stats on its popularity, with 1.2k stars and 9 forks.

The article discusses the Leptos framework for building web applications in Rust. It offers features such as full-stack app development, reactive signals for managing state, integration with popular UI patterns like Tailwind, and support for server functions that work across both client and server sides. Additionally, it highlights the benefits of using Rust, including strong type safety, speed, and concurrency, which contribute to highly performant and reliable applications.

Russia 'coup' live forecast:

Russian officials have accused Wagner Group of staging a mutiny, with some calling it an attempted coup. The situation remains uncertain as military bases between Wagner and Moscow are primarily the air force and anti-air units. Wagner may control most of Moscow by Friday evening, though heavy usage of airborne capabilities could prevent this. There is currently deadly fighting in Moscow and the situation remains uncertain. It's difficult to predict if the coup will succeed or disband quickly.

It's Dragon Boat Festival Here in Taiwan! (With Pictures):

The Dragon Boat Festival is an ancient Chinese holiday celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth month of the lunar calendar, involving dragon boat races, eating sticky bamboo rice called Zongzi, and consuming realgar wine. The festival originated from the story of a patriotic poet named Qu Yuan, who drowned himself in a river after being exiled due to opposing an alliance with their state's enemies. Today, it is a vibrant celebration with festivities, food, and cultural events taking place near waterways and lakes across China and Taiwan.

Lactoferrin alleviates Western diet-induced cognitive impairment through the microbiome-gut-brain axis:

The article discusses the potential role of lactoferrin in Western-style diets, specifically its effects on neuroinflammation and cognitive impairment. It also explores how this may lead to behavioral changes in the hippocampus and affect the gut microbiota. The paper further emphasizes the importance of studying the microbiome-gut-brain axis, with data available upon request for interested researchers.

“Car owners are arseholes” is not transport policy:

The article discusses the poor state of public transport in the United Kingdom outside of London and a few other major conurbations. It highlights issues such as infrequent and unreliable bus services, expensive rail tickets with limited service offerings, and a lack of integration between different modes of transport. The author suggests that various factors contribute to this situation, including deregulation, inadequate funding, and barriers to competition. Additionally, the article argues that private car ownership has become increasingly attractive due to the lack of alternatives and inconvenience associated with public transport. The author proposes potential solutions such as reinvestment in public transport infrastructure, better integration between different modes of transport, and the expansion of cycle lanes. However, they acknowledge that these changes are unlikely to happen under the current government or political climate.

Why it's so hard to fix the information ecosystem:

The article discusses the difficulty in combating misinformation and the potential reasons behind this issue, including partisanship, availability bias, and Brandolini's Law. It also touches on public vs private goods, and how people are more likely to spread misinformation for personal gain rather than debunk it as a hobby or side project.

GitHub - Valkirie/HandheldCompanion: ControllerService:

This article discusses the HandheldCompanion PublicNotifications project on GitHub, which has received a total of 471 stars and 30 forks. The ControllerServiceLicense is also mentioned, with its license details and the project being developed by GitHub, Inc. in 2023. However, it is noted that „You can't perform that action at this time.“

Agile is people, the rest is commentary. • Buttondown:

The article discusses the Agile philosophy and how it has become popular, with many different methods being used to implement its principles. It highlights that the principles themselves might seem simple but applying them in the real world can be complex due to various circumstances. People are developing their own methods to address specific situations while trying to adhere to the core Agile principles.

Ruby Hacking Guide:

This article is a translation effort of Ruby Hacking Guide into English. It covers various topics such as syntax analysis, evaluation, and around the evaluator. The official support site for the original book is, where downloads can be accessed in both tar.gz and zip formats. The translation project is hosted on RubyForge and maintained by Minero AOKI, with contributions from Vincent ISAMBART, Meinrad Recheis, Laurent Sansonetti, Clifford Caoile, and Jean-Denis Vauguet.

GitHub - brycedrennan/imaginAIry: AI imagined images. Pythonic generation of images.:

This article discusses a project called „imaginairay PublicNotifications“ which utilizes Pythonic image generation and is licensed under the MIT license. It has garnered 7,100 stars and 358 forks on GitHub as of early 2023.

How My Children (n=2) Acquired Absolute Pitch:

I appreciate your thorough summary and the additional information you provided about absolute pitch and how you helped your children develop it. It seems like you tried multiple methods such as labeling the keyboard, practicing solfeggio, using apps, and exposing them to tonal languages, all of which contributed to their development of AP. Your dedication and persistence in these activities demonstrate that early exposure and consistent practice can make a difference in fostering musical ability, even for parents who may not have strong musical skills themselves.

Why I won't pay on your website:

This article discusses the importance of streamlining online payment processes, highlighting four key categories: presentation of payment methods, handling of user inputs, copywriting on the checkout page, and navigation on the payment sheet. The author emphasizes that while there is no one perfect approach for presenting and processing payments, several common pitfalls can lead to a poor user experience, including misleading labeling, lack of dynamic error validation, and excessive scrolling. The article encourages developers to keep payment processes as simple and user-friendly as possible to maximize conversion rates and ensure customer satisfaction.

How RLHF actually works:

Reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF) works when two conditions are met: first, there needs to be a signal indicating that applying vanilla supervised learning is not effective; second, it excels in complex optimization landscapes requiring gradual changes over time for success. The technique can struggle with data practices and optimization steps but offers advantages like stylistic transfer, harm reduction, and fine-tuning control.

Don't use mocks:

This article discusses the importance of using dependency injection for better unit testability and avoiding mock objects that create brittle tests. Instead, it suggests using fakes or focusing on integration and behavioral testing when dealing with complex dependencies to maintain test reliability and effectiveness.

Using loophole, Seward County seizes millions from motorists without convicting them of crimes:

Seward County in Nebraska has become notorious for a type of traffic stop where millions are sent to the county and its sheriff's office. One 24-mile stretch of Interstate 80 has seen 1,300 cases since 2006 where cash is seized without any charges or proof of guilt. Seward County law enforcement has generated $7.5 million from civil forfeiture in the past five years. This practice allows police and prosecutors to avoid targeting drug kingpins, and instead focus on individual citizens who may or may not have done anything wrong. Some defense attorneys and advocates argue that this is a law enforcement money grab, as it enables police and prosecutors to seize money, drugs, and weapons without charging the criminals involved. Nebraska has two loopholes in its 2016 law that allows for civil forfeiture even if there are no drugs found in a vehicle. Seward County is now using this tactic far more often than any other county in Nebraska. Critics argue that this practice violates due process rights and puts innocent citizens at risk of losing their assets without facing any charges.