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Links für 2023 KW 19

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The Greatest Wealth Transfer in History Is Here, With Familiar (Rich) Winners:

The article discusses how the wealth transfer from baby boomers to younger generations in America is set to dwarf any previous transfers, leading to a surge in intergenerational inequality. According to Federal Reserve data as of Q4 2022, total family wealth in the US has more than tripled since 1989, reaching $140 trillion. Baby boomers currently hold nearly half of this wealth. As the youngest baby boomers turn 60 and older generations pass away, they are leaving behind assets worth thousands to millions of dollars, primarily in homes or pensions. This transfer is expected to continue over the next decade with projections of $84 trillion being passed down from older generations to millennials and Gen X heirs through 2045.

The article also highlights how this wealth transfer will reinforce inequality, as white households hold a disproportionately large share of the total US wealth. The top 10% of households currently account for more than 95 trillion dollars, with the wealthiest 1% controlling around the same amount of wealth as the bottom 90%.

Some potential policy responses to this issue include tax reforms, as well as measures to address the self-financing gap and social inequality. The Biden administration has proposed a minimum 25 percent annual wealth tax on households with a net worth of $100 million or more in its latest budget proposal. However, whether such policies will effectively reduce inequality remains uncertain.


The Rostocker Pfeilstorch, discovered in 1822, demonstrated that birds migrate rather than hibernating or changing form during winter. The stork, known as the 'arrow stork,' gets injured by an arrow while wintering in Africa and returns to Europe with the arrow stuck in its body. This Rostocker Pfeilstorch proved birds' long-distance migration for wintering grounds.

ARM or x86? ISA Doesn’t Matter:

This article discusses the differences between RISC and CISC instruction set architectures (ISAs) and highlights that focusing on ISA is a waste of time. It explains that what matters more is designing an efficient CPU with the right data and cache management techniques. The research suggests that ISA differences have been reduced due to modern microarchitecture techniques, making one ISA not fundamentally more efficient than another. Both x86 and ARM CPUs are optimized for different performance levels and target a range of devices, including high-performance servers, laptops, and cell phones.

Magermilch macht nicht schlank - im Gegenteil:

A Canadian study involving pediatricians found that children who drank whole milk were leaner than those who consumed low-fat or skim milk and had more vitamin D in their bodies. The researchers also investigated the relationship between the body weight and height of 1,862 one to six year olds and took blood samples to determine if the children had adequate vitamin D levels. The findings suggest that whole milk may contribute to maintaining a healthy weight in children as it contains essential nutrients like vitamins and minerals.

Lordy, I did not expect an internal refactoring PR to end up #1 on Hacker News. ...:

This article discusses the author's preference for using TypeScript as a language and type-checker rather than a transpiler, arguing that it is more intuitive. The author shares their experience with utilizing TypeScript and highlighting the advantages of separating the declaration files from the code in JavaScript. Additionally, the article explores the use of JSDoc for connecting types in declaration files to the code in JavaScript files.

Welcome to Rails Cheat Sheet:

Rails is a popular web application framework created in August 2004 and still widely used today. It emphasizes developer happiness and productivity, offering tools like Hotwire for building low latency interactive web applications and technologies like Sidekiq for background job processing. This article provides resources to help new developers start with Rails, including tutorials, API docs, screencasts, newsletters, and more.

Overly Attached Girlfriend:

Overly Attached Girlfriend (OAG) ist eine Internet-Kunstfigur, die im Juni 2012 auf der Videoplattform YouTube veröffentlicht wurde. Das Video zeigt Laina Morris posierend als „Overly Attached Girlfriend“ und wurde mit dem Justin-Bieber-Erfolgssong Boyfriend gedreht. Der Erfolg des Videos führte dazu, dass die Kunstfigur eine Internet-Meme wurde.

Tips and tricks to get you through Tears of the Kingdom:

This article provides tips and tricks for players navigating through The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, including gathering brightbloom seeds, using Ascend power on grated platforms and wooden planks, utilizing fire to create updrafts, carrying multiple sword+rock weapons, conserving portable pots, managing finances in-game, sneaking for stealth purposes, farming gibdos for arrows, making use of Pro HUD mode, staying at inns with deluxe night's sleep, using the cookbook feature for easier recipe creation, and considering additional suggestions from readers.

New Cars Cost More than Most People Can Afford:

The Washington Post recently reported that new cars are becoming increasingly unaffordable for most people due to rising prices and limited options. The average price of a new car has increased by 30% over three years, currently surpassing $48,000. This shift in affordability is largely attributed to the microchip shortage, which has encouraged automakers to focus on more profitable high-end versions of their cars. The availability of cheaper options has decreased significantly since 2017, narrowing down to only two models priced below $20,000. Dealers are faced with an oversupply of expensive models and struggle to sell them. As a result, the new vehicle market is now almost exclusively catered to higher-income households, leaving lower and middle-income groups out of reach.

Remote Access - Termux Wiki:

Termux is a terminal emulator and Linux environment for Android devices, which allows users to access remote devices using common tools such as FTP, SSH, SFTP, Mosh, Rsync, and others. With SSH, one can either use the SSH client or the SSH server. Termux also provides secure FTP through SSH (SFTP). MOSH is a tool that offers roaming, intermittent connectivity, and intelligent local echo/line editing for remote terminal sessions. Finally, Rsync facilitates file synchronization between hosts and directories.

Ability of detecting and willingness to share fake news - Scientific Reports:

In this article, the authors conducted a large-scale survey in Germany and the United Kingdom to investigate the individual-level determinants of the ability to detect fake news and the inclination to share it. The results indicate that older, male, high-income, and politically left-leaning respondents are better at detecting fake news. Furthermore, accidental sharing decreases with age and is more prevalent among right-leaning respondents in the UK. In conclusion, this article provides valuable insights into the individual factors affecting fake news detection and sharing, as well as policy implications for curbing the spread of misinformation.

Mobilfunk: Schweizer bietet Kriminellen Überwachungsdienste an:

The article discusses an IT entrepreneur from Switzerland who has been accused of offering surveillance services to criminals and intelligence agencies through his company Fink Telecom Services based in Basel. He used poorly secured international mobile network SS7 for locating phones or reading SMS messages which is also known as a security issue for many years now. Despite some controversial clients, he claims trying to use the technology for good while keeping „bad guys“ out but no investigation has been conducted by relevant Swiss authorities so far despite all incidents reportedly involving his services leading them to transfer money out of local bank accounts; meanwhile GSMA association representing international mobile network operators sees problematic aspects in Finks activities and investigates the case further.

Umweltschutz: Magnetische Bakterien entfernen Schwermetalle aus Wasser:

A team at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) has potentially found a solution to remove heavy metals such as uranium, lead and cadmium from the environment using magnetotactic bacteria. These bacteria bind the contaminants and store them in their cell walls. To remove the bacteria with the bound contaminants, the researchers utilize the small magnetic particles found within the bacterial cells. By applying a magnetic force, they can extract these bacteria from water samples containing the toxic materials. The results of this research were published in the Journal of Hazardous Materials.

GitHub - dereknguyen269/programing-best-practices-2023: A curated list of awesome Programming Best Practices 2023:

This article is a curated list of programming best practices for 2023, featuring a collection of tips and guidelines that programmers can follow to improve their coding skills and efficiency. The list includes useful resources like programming tools, frameworks, libraries, and more.

YouTube tests blocking videos unless you disable ad blockers:

YouTube is testing a new feature that asks some users to disable their ad blockers or subscribe to YouTube Premium in order to watch videos. The experiment involves displaying a pop-up warning for those who have an ad blocker enabled on their device. Users can either allow ads on the platform or opt for a subscription to YouTube Premium, which provides an ad-free experience.

VB-Audio Virtual Cables:

VB-Audio CABLE A & B and VB-CABLE's C & D are two independent Virtual Audio Cable drivers for Windows or macOS. They connect applications together, making audio connection flexible. VB-AUDIO's Donationware policy allows users to adjust the license price based on their needs and usage. To download, visit the website and click the „Donate“ button in your account.

Kommentar: Unterirdische Kubernetes-Qualität – Containerland ist abgebrannt:

This article discusses the challenges faced by administrators when using Kubernetes, particularly in terms of consistency and versioning issues. The author highlights that Kubernetes often stands with its pants down in comparison to competing software. While there are benefits to using containers and orchestration for cloud-native applications, Kubernetes struggles with technical aspects and fails to deliver on promises made by its proponents. The article calls for improvements in the architecture and consistency of Kubernetes, as its continued success depends on addressing these issues.

Sniffing the human body volatile hexadecanal blocks aggression in men but triggers aggression in women:

The article discusses a study that investigated how sniffing hexadecanal (HEX), a human body odor molecule, affects human aggressive behavior. Using validated behavioral paradigms and functional brain imaging techniques, the researchers found marked sex differences: HEX blocked aggression in men but triggered it in women. This was mirrored by changes in brain activity patterns between genders. The findings suggest that social chemosignaling may play a role at the mechanistic level of human aggressive behavior and highlights potential gender-specific effects on this process.

Learning Center —

DMARC is a crucial component of modern email security, safeguarding against spoofing, spam, and phishing threats by authenticating and monitoring emails based on their domain.

The seven specification ur-languages • Buttondown:

The article discusses seven specification ur-languages that are used for modeling systems instead of implementing them. These languages include Guarded Command Language (GCL), Relational Algebra, Temporal Logic, Process Calculi, State Machines, Petri Nets, and Diagram-first Languages. Each of these specification languages have unique approaches to system modeling, providing different perspectives on designing, implementing, verifying, and maintaining systems.

Ed Sheeran, Once Again, Demonstrates How Modern Copyright Is Destroying, Rather Than Helping Musicians:

Ed Sheeran has been highlighting how modern copyright is stifling music creation rather than incentivizing it. He has faced multiple lawsuits for similarities between his songs and other popular works. Recently, he won a case brought against him by an investment firm and an estate that had purchased the rights to Marvin Gaye's „Let's Get It On.“ Sheeran used the attention from the lawsuit to emphasize how broken copyright is when baseless claims can go to court. He hopes for better copyright laws and a broader rethinking of copyright in today's music industry.

Christopher Columbus Never Set Out to Prove the Earth was Round:

The myth that Christopher Columbus proved Earth wasn't flat is false. In reality, educated people knew Earth was round since around 600 B.C., thanks to scientists like Pythagoras and Aristotle. The story was likely created in 1828 by Washington Irving in his book „The Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus.“ Despite not proving Earth's shape, Columbus played a key role in the Age of Exploration by discovering a continent unknown to Europeans.

Accessing MP3 metadata with Python:

This article discusses a question asked on August 12, 2008, regarding a specific scenario related to the FlipperPA system. The community members who answered this question provided their thoughts and experiences based on their expertise and knowledge in the field. Some of the participants include OwenOwen, Harley Holcombe, Corey Goldberg, quabug, and many others. The article aims to provide insights into the subject matter from various perspectives.

Editing ID3 Tags (mp3 Meta-Data) in Python:

In this article, the author explains how to edit metadata (ID3 tags) of MP3 files using Python. The goal was to harmonize the metadata for all MP3 files belonging to a single album. This project involved correcting and unifying track numbers and album information in order to solve issues with Google Play, which was not recognizing songs as belonging to the same album due to inconsistent or incorrect ID3 tags. The process involved importing the MP3 file into Python using mutagen library to access and edit ID3 tags, then saving changes made to the metadata. By doing this, all the songs on the compilation are correctly listed in a single album folder on Google Play.

Sami Lehtinen - cURL + Cloudflare = Information leak - But why:

The article discusses a case where private URLs were exposed to search engines despite the user's belief that they had taken appropriate measures to keep the URLs confidential. The user creates unique URLs for their specific friends only and reviews logs, discovering that these URLs have been accessed by major search engines like Bing and Yandex.

The article explores possible reasons for this information leak, considering factors such as the use of Cloudflare Crawler Hints or cURL tools with a Tor service. The author finally concludes that the issue might be related to the Crawler Hints feature enabled in the user's Cloudflare settings, which allows search engines and crawlers to access content when websites change their content.

The user urges others to check if they have this feature enabled on their site to ensure privacy and security of their URLs.

The ‘Enshittification’ of TikTok:

Enshittification refers to a platform's tendency to exploit its users and business customers to gain more value for itself. This phenomenon often leads to the eventual decline and death of such platforms. Some examples of enshittification include Amazon, Facebook, and TikTok. Platforms often change how they allocate value and make it harder for users to leave or find alternatives, ultimately resulting in a poor experience for everyone involved.

Playing and Recording Sound in Python – Real Python:

In this article, you will learn how to play and record sound in Python using some of the most popular audio libraries such as playsound, simpleaudio, winsound, python-sounddevice, pyaudio, and pydub. The article also covers saving and converting audio files and provides a comparison table for the functionality of various audio libraries in Python.

How to get a list of the name of every open window?:

This article does not provide a summary as it consists of user names and their corresponding number of gold, silver, and bronze badges. It appears to be an excerpt from a forum or a similar online community that keeps track of users' activity and contributions.

Blackmail as a Victimless Crime: Reply to Altman:

The article discusses the legal theory of blackmail, which involves two legally permissible actions - threatening to reveal an embarrassing secret or requesting funds - combined into a single act that constitutes a crime. Various attempts to account for this phenomenon have been written but none agree with each other. The authors argue that since it is legal to gossip, it should not be against the law to threaten to gossip unless paid off. They assert that blackmail should be legalized for justice to be attained and respond to a paper written by Scott Altman taking an alternative stance.

A loss of user control?:

This article discusses the potential loss of user control with the introduction of passkeys and highlights concerns over iCloud integration for storing passkeys on macOS or iOS devices. The author questions why Apple would require a mandatory dependency on iCloud for this purpose, given that the WebAuthn standard does not explicitly call for cloud sync or prevent manual export of passkeys. Jeff Johnson expresses his skepticism towards passkey adoption and advocates for more freedom in how users can manage their digital identity.

Betteridge's law of headlines:

Ian Betteridge's law of headlines is an adage that states: „Any headline that ends in a question mark can be answered by the word no.“ It is based on the assumption that if the publishers were confident that the answer was yes, they would have presented it as an assertion; by presenting it as a question, they are not accountable for whether it is correct or not. The adage does not apply to questions that are more open-ended than strict yes/no questions.

History: Betteridge's name became associated with the concept after he discussed it in a February 2009 article which examined a previous TechCrunch article carrying the headline „Did Just Hand Over User Listening Data to the RIAA?“ (Schonfeld 2009). A similar observation was made by British newspaper editor Andrew Marr in his 2004 book My Trade, among Marr's suggestions for how a reader should interpret newspaper articles.

Betteridge's law of headlines is not legally sound when it comes to avoiding defamation. The Supreme Court of Oklahoma held in 1913 that „A man cannot libel another by the publication of language the meaning and damaging effect of which is clear to all men, and where the identity of the person meant cannot be doubted, and then escape liability through the use of a question mark.“

Question headlines are more often used in academic journals for sensationalism and clickbait. Advertisers and marketers prefer yes/no questions that are answered „yes,“ as readers who immediately answer „no“ to a question headline are likely to skip over the advertisement entirely.

Rapamycin: The unlucky history of the most powerful anti-aging drug:

Rapamycin is a paradoxical drug with both positive and negative effects on the human body, including improving immunity, protecting against bacterial infection, halting viral replication, reversing Alzheimer's disease symptoms, improving metabolic function, causing type 2 diabetes, and possibly increasing cancer risk. However, it is also considered one of the most powerful anti-aging drugs ever discovered. Initially discovered in soil samples from Easter Island, rapamycin was initially found to have antifungal properties but was later discovered to have potential cancer treatment applications. Rapamycin works by blocking mTOR, a master regulator protein involved in cell division and growth. Despite its controversial nature, there is ongoing research into the drug's anti-aging effects and ability to rejuvenate immune systems in older adults.

10 interessante Fakten über Fliegen, die Sie nicht wussten:

This article discusses ten interesting facts about flies, including their feeding habits, ability to taste with their feet, defecating frequency, the diseases they can spread, vision, mating behaviors in male flies, life cycle duration, reactions times, hygiene in laying eggs, and how males search for potential mates. Some facts mentioned are that flies mainly feed on liquid foods due to lack of teeth for chewing solid foods, that they can taste their food with their feet and defecate every time they land, and that they contribute to the spread of diseases like salmonella and E. coli.