
Links für 2024 KW 32

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Why Polars destroys Pandas in all possible ways for Data Scientists:

The article discusses Polars, a data science library that shows promise as an alternative to Pandas. Polars offers several advantages over Pandas, including a clean API with clear and straightforward functions, speed and memory optimization through Apache Arrow and Rust, reduced dependencies for production code, and a growing community. Although Pandas has existed longer and has more established tools, the momentum behind Polars suggests that it may soon become a strong competitor in the data manipulation landscape. Transitioning from Pandas to Polars can be smooth and beneficial, especially for large datasets and complex workflows.

5 Things To Do Once You Get Your ROG Ally X:

This article provides 5 tips to improve your ROG Ally X handheld gaming experience. The tips include turning off Vari-Bright for consistent colors, disabling Virtual Machine Platform (VMP) and Memory Integrity to optimize gaming performance, calibrating joysticks & triggers, and creating a manual performance profile in Armoury Crate. Additionally, turning off CPU Boost can extend battery life while gaming.

California lawmakers got ticket freebies as they cracked down on Ticketmaster’s Taylor Swift debacle :

California lawmakers cracked down on Ticketmaster's Taylor Swift debacle, while also receiving thousands of dollars worth of free concert tickets themselves from interest groups. Ticketmaster's handling of Taylor Swift's Eras Tour led to investigations from Congress, the U.S. Department of Justice, and California officials. The analysis found that 66 state assemblymembers and senators received more than $30,000 worth of tickets, with some lawmakers who received the tickets leading new regulation efforts this year.

Why We Shut Down—Asterisk:

Savelugu Hospital in Ghana serves over 360 public hospitals and provides healthcare services to millions of people. Despite efforts in family planning education, postpartum family planning programs have had limited success due to cultural practices such as abstinence and breastfeeding. A study by Maternal Health Initiative (MHI) found that their intervention only increased contraceptive uptake by 3%, instead of the expected 10%. MHI's founder decided to shut down the project, highlighting a lack of evaluation in the development field and suggesting that more projects should be closed when they fail to meet goals.

Computer security is a political struggle:

The article discusses a new cold war between ordinary people and technology, highlighting the increasing number of failures in the tech industry and the complicity of authority in burying inconvenient truths about civic technology. It emphasizes that major concerns in cybersecurity are political rather than technical and calls for political change to address these issues. The author also warns against the dangers of bad technology, pointing out how it can be deployed by individuals with ulterior motives and lead to a decline in social control and communication systems.

Windenergie Markt in Deutschland -

The development of the wind energy market in Germany has shown significant growth since its initial phase in the late 1980s/early 1990s, with a first growth phase that reached an installed capacity of around 3,100 MW by 2002. However, after the introduction of EEG (Energy Sources Act), new installations declined significantly. The wind energy industry only regained its early 2000s growth pace in 2013 and reached a peak of around 6,500 MW by 2017. During the tenure of former Economy Minister Peter Altmaier (CDU), there was a significant decline in wind energy market in 2019. The German wind energy market stabilized at a low level in 2021 and has shown signs of a trend reversal since 2022.

In 2022, the onshore wind power market experienced an increase with over 2,750 MW installed, while the offshore sector also saw a growth trend with 342 MW installed. The total wind energy feed-in to the grid reached approximately 125 TWh in 2022. The onshore wind power contributed around 100 TWh and the German offshore wind farms contributed around 25 TWh.

The wind energy market has been dominated by various manufacturers, with ranking updated annually based on installed capacity. As of December 31, 2022, there were over 30,000 wind turbines with a combined capacity of around 66,200 MW in operation.

The European Commission's Wind Energy Package aims to tackle the challenges faced by the wind sector and includes investment from the European Investment Bank (EIB). The rapid expansion of renewable energy sources in Germany will require a significant amount of imported hydrogen, with EnBW reaching an important milestone. Nordex reported robust financial and operational performance for the first half of 2024, with projections for EBITDA margin for 2024 adjusted accordingly.

Welcome to Invoke! — Invoke documentation:

Invoke is a Python library designed for managing shell-oriented subprocesses and organizing executable Python code into CLI-invokable tasks. It draws inspiration from various sources, including make/rake and Fabric 1.x, to provide a powerful and clean feature set. The library offers minimal boilerplate for common patterns, the ability to run multiple tasks in a single invocation, and an emphasis on command-line approach. Invoke also features advanced features like namespacing, task aliasing, before/after hooks, parallel execution, and more.


The article discusses tox, a tool that automates and standardizes testing in Python as part of a broader vision to ease the packaging, testing, and release process of Python software. It provides a generic virtual environment management and test command line tool for checking package builds and installs under different environments and running tests on each of them. Tox has influenced other projects such as Invoke, a general-purpose task execution library, and nox, another project similar to tox but with a different approach using Python scripts instead of a configuration file.

GitHub - gawel/pyquery: A jquery-like library for python:

The article introduces pyquery, a jQuery-like library for Python that enables users to make queries on XML documents, using a similar API to jQuery. Pyquery is based on the lxml library for fast XML and HTML manipulation. The author of the article invites contributions and encourages users to report any bugs on the GitHub issue tracker. The article also provides a quickstart guide on how to use the PyQuery class with different input sources.

Kommentar: Sind Apple-User Opfer eines "EU-Regulierungswahns"?:

In diesem Artikel wird behandelt, wie mächtige Digitalkonzerne den Markt dominieren und die Nutzerinnen und Nutzer bevorzugen. Der Digital Markets Act (DMA) der EU ist ein Versuch, fairere Wettbewerbsbedingungen zu schaffen. Obwohl Apple von der EU beeinflusst wird, um zum Beispiel RCS mit iOS 18 einzuführen, blockiert das Unternehmen einige Funktionen wie Apple Intelligence in der EU und verweist auf regulatorische Unsicherheiten als Grund dafür. Die DSGVO ist eine weitere EU-Regulierung, die datenhungrige Unternehmen einschränkt. Der Autor befürchtet, dass viele Apple-Kunden sich als „User zweiter Klasse“ fühlen werden, während das langfristige Ziel eines fairen digitalen Marktes vorrangig ist.

Handmade Manifesto:

This article discusses the current state of software development and criticizes programmers for creating „terrible“ software due to their thoughtless behavior. The author suggests that learning about how computers actually work is essential in order to unleash the full potential of modern systems. They propose breaking free from conventions and joining a movement towards better, more efficient software development.

Fine-grained Access Control with Permission Table in Databricks SQL:

The permission table model is a design pattern that allows organizations to implement fine-grained access control (FGAC) in Databricks environments, ensuring precise regulation of who can access specific pieces of data and under what conditions. This approach enables administrators to define access policies within tables or views based on various attributes such as user or group memberships, conditions, and data attributes. The permission table stores FGAC grants information and can be referenced by dynamic views, row filter functions, and column mask functions. Data admins can use SQL statements against the permission table to grant/modify/revoke fine-grained access for users or groups. This design pattern simplifies operations and reduces code changes when business logic has changed.

HyperV's VHDX Dateien verkleinern (compact vhdx) | DaBeSoft Blog:

The article discusses how to free up space in a virtual Hyper-V machine that has 80GB internal usage but a VHDX file taking up over 130GB. To reclaim the extra space, compacting the VHDX is suggested. First, it is recommended to see if more space can be freed within the VM. Disk cleanup and sdelete tool can help in this process. Optimizing the disk through Windows' internal feature may also free up some additional space. After all these steps, compacting the VHDX file will reduce its size. The article provides several methods to reclaim the extra space but notes that there might still be a few GB of unused space left after these actions.

An attempt to understand Peter Thiel:

The article discusses Peter Thiel's worldview, a philanthropic conservative billionaire and co-founder of PayPal and Palantir, known for his influence in the tech industry. Thiel is described as having an esoteric writing style, which he uses to convey deeper thoughts to intelligent readers. The author summarizes several key points from Thiel's 2007 article:

1. Thiel believes American liberalism replaced fundamental questions about what it means to be a human and live a good life.

2. He does not think people are fundamentally good, and thinks that point of view defines modern liberalism.

3. Thiel sees the world through a Christian lens, comparing our current era to a battle between the Enlightenment's natural goodness of humanity and the limitless violence of runaway mimesis or the peace of the kingdom of God.

4. He believes humans are destined for violence, which informs his support for Palantir, a company designed to help intelligence agencies process and share information.

5. Thiel thinks he is smarter than everyone, leading him to question democracy as a system of government and support for Donald Trump's presidency.

How would you explain a tensor to a computer scientist? - Mathematics Stack Exchange:

A tensor is a mathematical object that is described between the mappings of vector spaces. In simpler terms, a tensor is an n-dimensional array that can represent geometric quantities. It is essential to understand that tensors can be represented as n-dimensional arrays, but their meaning remains the same when the coordinate system is changed. It is crucial to note that tensors transform consistently under change of coordinates, which is not the case with an ordinary array.

How I program in 2024:

The article discusses the author's journey in programming over time, starting from 2015 when they were suspicious of abstractions and focused on tests and version control. In 2024, the author reevaluated their approach to programming durable things, suggesting that building software for large audiences is too hard and should not be attempted. They emphasize focusing on what one knows well and filtering by restrictions like easy-to-build software with few dependencies. The article also highlights the importance of considering context changes when working on programs and the potential pitfalls of overusing certain tools in unfamiliar territories.

Building Lego Machines to Destroy Tall Lego Towers:

This article highlights Brick Technology's new video featuring powerful Lego machines designed to topple increasingly stronger towers. The author appreciates the iterative engineering videos and believes they are not just about Lego, but rather a way to showcase science and engineering principles like trial and error, iteration, switching tactics when faced with dead ends, and innovation leading to significant advantages. These principles can be applied to any creative endeavor. The author admits to being tempted to buy Technic and Mindstorms to create their own Lego machines.

Dachzelt & Zeltanhänger Hersteller | Der Experte für Vanlife und Camping | CAMPWERK:

The article discusses Campwerks innovative camping solutions, which offer maximum mobility and minimum expense while traveling. They provide various options such as dome tents, caravan-like structures, and family annexe trailers. Users can visit their showrooms in Germany to experience the products firsthand or attend events like the Midsummer Festival and Allrad Austria exhibition. Campwerks camping solutions allow for a perfect balance between adventure travel and comfort.

The Imminent Student-Loan Disaster We’re Not Talking About — The James G. Martin Center for Academic Renewal:

The federal repayment „on-ramp“ for student loan borrowers set to expire at the end of September has drawn attention away from an impending nonpayment crisis. Despite the on-ramp offering a one-year transition period, tens of millions of borrowers have not made payments yet. This could result in negative credit scores, wage garnishment, and seizure of tax refunds or Social Security checks for those who default on their loans. The Biden administration has proposed student loan forgiveness plans, but these face legal challenges. A more responsible approach would send a clear message that borrowers are expected to repay their loans and implement reforms in the repayment system.

Ecovacs-Roboter: Einblicke in des Nachbars Wohnung und Garten:

Ecovacs-Roboter, einschließlich Rasenmäher- und Saugroboter, lassen sich angeblich von Angreifern infiltrieren, um deren Besitzer auszuspionieren. Die Angreifer können die Roboter über Bluetooth oder WLAN kontrollieren und Zugang zu verbauten Kameras und Mikrofonen sowie gespeicherten Raumkarten und WLAN-Zugangsdaten erhalten. Sicherheitsforscher Dennis Giese und Braelynn haben Schwachstellen in den Ecovacs-Robotern entdeckt und sie auf der Hackerkonferenz Defcon 32 in Las Vegas vorgestellt. Das Unternehmen hat die Berichte nicht kommentiert.

A question about exposing home network through vpn server in the cloud. Is it trustless? - r/selfhosted:

The author wants to expose their home server behind CGNAT to the internet without using a third-party server. They have considered options like Cloudflare tunnels, Tailscale, and plain wireguard vpn server on the cloud. However, they prefer a solution without involving a third party. The author has proposed hosting another VPN server at home that will be forwarded/tunneled to clients through an existing VPN connection to the cloud. This setup would ensure that the 3rd party server only sees encrypted traffic and keys are available to their home server and clients.

The Authoritarian Playbook - Protect Democracy:

Authoritarian takeovers have evolved over time, becoming more gradual and subtle. Modern authoritarians use „salami tactics,“ chipping away at democracy bit by bit until they can cement themselves in power. The seven fundamental tactics used by aspiring authoritarians include politicizing independent institutions, spreading disinformation, aggrandizing executive power, quashing dissent, scapegoating vulnerable communities, corrupting elections, and stoking violence. Journalists must understand these tactics to differentiate between normal political jockeying and genuine authoritarian threats to democracy.

The Mac Is a Power Tool:

The article discusses the shift in software privileges on classic Mac OS compared to modern systems like macOS. In the past, there were no „privileges“ for software and if you installed an app or system extension, it could run freely without restrictions. However, nowadays, many users want their applications to be more secure by running within a sandbox and requiring explicit permission to access cameras, microphones, or the content of displays. The author also mentions that while there were viruses in the past, they weren't as prevalent as today due to design, security-through-relative-obscurity, and perhaps good luck.

Ask HN: 19yr old child suffering from internet gaming disorder? Any suggestions?:

The article discusses a situation where a 19-year-old is in an EECS program at a top-ranked university, but they are spending excessive time playing video games, particularly Roblox. The parent is seeking advice on how to handle the situation and whether it constitutes a gaming disorder or if there might be underlying issues that need addressing.

There are various responses from readers offering different perspectives. Some suggest that the parent should step back and let their child figure things out for themselves, while others advise taking a more active role in helping them overcome the addiction.

A common theme is the importance of understanding that video games can serve as an escape mechanism for stress or anxiety, and addressing these underlying issues may be key to resolving the gaming behavior. Others suggest the possibility of ADHD or other mental health concerns contributing to the problem.

Ultimately, the article emphasizes the need for professional help in navigating such situations and the importance of supporting the child's well-being over academic success.

Fefes Blog:

The article discusses a hacking incident involving Trump's campaign organization, with some humorous details mentioned. Firstly, it highlights that Trump is so close to Putin that they did not yell „THE RUSSIANS!!1!“ but rather „THE IRAN!!1!“. Secondly, the campaign moved to the cloud and got hacked there. Microsoft reported on Friday that Iranian hackers sent a spear-phishing email in June to a high-ranking official of a presidential campaign. However, Microsoft did not identify the targeted campaign and declined to comment Saturday. The article finds it ironic that the campaign relied on outdated Microsoft cloud junk and got hacked as a result.

Almost unfixable “Sinkclose” bug affects hundreds of millions of AMD chips:

Security researchers have found a flaw in AMD processors, known as Sinkclose, which has persisted for decades and could allow malware to burrow deep into a computer's memory. This vulnerability affects virtually all AMD chips dating back to 2006 or possibly earlier. The researchers note that exploiting the bug would require hackers to have already gained relatively deep access to an AMD-based PC or server, but the Sinkclose flaw would allow them to plant their malicious code even deeper.

The Tic-Tac-Toe Mysteries of Xerloc O'Xolmes:

The article is about a detective story set in London, where the main character meets his friend Xerloc at the Xenocrates Club. They discuss the famous Chess Mysteries of Sherlock Holmes and end up investigating the mysterious Xenocrates Noughts-and-Crosses Club. The club is known for its Tic-Tac-Toe players, who are not very bright. Together, they analyze a series of puzzles involving retrograde analysis, which refers to determining the sequence of moves in a game after it has been won or lost, but with no knowledge of the first move. The characters also introduce Myxroft O'Xolmes, a distant cousin of Sherlock Holmes's brother, Mycroft Holmes, who helps them with the puzzles.

Vampire Attack Twitter:

The article suggests a way to take over Twitter by creating a blockchain-based clone called TWITCHAIN with a native currency, TWITCOIN. This could be done in 6 months and would involve backed up buy orders. Users can then install a browser extension that posts tweets on the chain, earning them TWITCOIN. The platform would reward Twitter creators based on likes and retweets with TWITCOIN and eventually attract more users by not having ads or „trending“ topics. This would lead to the flow of liquidity from Twitter to TWITCHAIN, making it a successful competitor to Twitter.

A disgusting playbook:

The article discusses the author's experience starting another company and their disillusionment with the tech industry, particularly in relation to Cruise Automation. They criticize companies for prioritizing marketing over product development, as well as manipulating perception through advertising and office culture. The author questions the value of efficiency metrics and suggests that the focus on growth at all costs leads to value destruction. Ultimately, they express a preference for integrity over success in the industry, stating that they would rather lose than „sell out.“

Online Dating:

The article discusses three main points for improving mobile dating apps:

1) adopting a business model not centered around mobile gaming;

2) relying more on compatibility and personality rather than solely on physical appearance; and

3) redesigning the app to resemble customer relationship management (CRM), encouraging meaningful conversations and connecting users based on shared interests.

The author argues that doing so would result in a better experience for all dating app users, while disrupting the current online dating industry model.

We’re Entering an AI Price-Fixing Dystopia:

RealPage, a property management software company, has been accused in several lawsuits of facilitating an AI-enabled price-fixing conspiracy among landlords by setting their monthly payments. The plaintiffs argue that RealPage's clients act more like collaborators than competitors, with many landlords recruiting rivals to use the service, resulting in lockstep price increases instead of price competition. The challenge for antitrust law is that showing algorithmic collusion isn't enough; evidence such as private emails or internal documents is required, which can be difficult to obtain without legal power to request it. Existing laws designed to prevent price-fixing may not have kept up with the development of technology.

AMD’s Strix Point: Zen 5 Hits Mobile:

AMD's Zen 5 architecture, implemented in the Ryzen AI 9 HX 370, is a significant evolution from its predecessor, with substantial changes to the CPU's execution pipeline and significant improvements in caching capacity without affecting latency. The new branch predictor is more capable, and Zen 5 offers more reordering capacity than previous generations while maintaining similar core area investments. Strix Point APUs combine Zen 5 cores with a RDNA 3.5 iGPU and some AI stuff, presenting a strong competitor to Intel's Meteor Lake in the mobile market.

Chevy Ray | How I Created 175 Fonts Using Rust:

The author decided not to support Asian or non-Latin based languages for their pixel font project due to familiarity with character sets and the time it would take to achieve quality desired. Instead, they wanted to create a pixel font family that supports many more languages in the future. They also aimed at increasing the size of fonts in terms of styles and variations while maintaining visual hierarchy, and improving kerning completeness. The author used Rust programming language for creating their own tool called pifo to generate these fonts automatically with less human effort and errors. Additionally, they improved quality control by evaluating font design, taking photo references and studying various font types in the wild.

The surveilled society: Who is watching you and how:

The article discusses the widespread use of cameras and technology for surveillance in everyday life, with a focus on New Zealand. These technologies include AI-enabled cameras on billboards, bus windshields, petrol station forecourts, and supermarket checkouts. The primary selling point has been the promise of safety and security, which has been successful worldwide and in New Zealand. However, there have been legal challenges to this surveillance, with concerns about privacy and data protection. The article also mentions other forms of surveillance, such as facial recognition technology, bodycams, and the spread of systems that collect data on people's activities without cameras. New Zealand is not yet close to blanket coverage, but it has been increasing its use of surveillance-as-a-service through contracts with tech companies.

Millions of years for plants to recover from global warming:

Scientists have discovered that catastrophic volcanic eruptions released vast amounts of carbon into Earth's atmosphere and oceans in the past, triggering rapid climate warming and leading to mass extinctions on land and in marine ecosystems. These periods of volcanism may also have disrupted carbon-climate regulation systems for millions of years. An international team of researchers from ETH Zurich, University of Arizona, University of Leeds, CNRS Toulouse, and the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest Snow and Landscape Research conducted a study comparing geochemical analyses of isotopes in sediments with a model that included vegetation's role in regulating Earth's natural carbon-climate regulation system. The study found that disruptions in vegetation increase the duration and severity of climate warming, similar to human-induced climate change today. The research serves as a „wake-up call“ for global action on climate change and deforestation.

Fobos SDR Is a High-Quality Radio for Hobbyists, Researchers, and Professionals:

The Fobos SDR is a software-defined radio device designed by Rig Expert, offering an optimal balance between cost and performance. It covers a frequency range of 100KHz to 6GHz through direct sampling receiver architecture for frequencies below 25MHz and double conversion heterodyne architecture for higher frequencies. The radio features three SMA connectors for antenna interfacing, two RFFC5072 mixers, an integrated synthesizer, MAX2830 direct conversion transceiver, and LTC2143 14-bit ADC. With a frequency stability of +/-0.5ppm, the device uses an Infineon CYUSB3014 super speed USB controller for data processing. Software support includes popular SDR options such as SDRSharp and HDSDR, with full source code available for receiver complex IQ signal source block in GNU Radio.

Cybercrime Convention: Überwachungsabkommen mit Missbrauchsgarantie:

In 2022, over a hundred NGOs, human rights and journalism organizations, and tech company associations warned against the proposed cybercrime convention by Russia at the UN. Many of their suggested improvements were largely ignored. The recently agreed-upon text contains broad surveillance provisions that states would have to implement without ensuring these powers through legal minimum standards. This includes real-time collection of telecommunications metadata and wiretapping communication. The agreement is intended for global implementation, even in dictatorships, autocracies, or other countries with substandard human rights standards and protection. Many of these states do not have professional secrecy for lawyers or doctors, nor do they guarantee sufficient protection for confidential information. The wide-ranging surveillance measures of the cybercrime convention would be mandatory there without effectively protecting those affected by legal means. None of the Western states that usually emphasize their commitment to human rights have attempted to avert these dangers in recent negotiations. The treaty text does not include minimum standards for data protection, but it does promote global cooperation among law enforcement and intelligence agencies. Dirk Engling from Chaos Computer Club calls for rejection of the treaty: „Anyone who is serious about respecting human rights and informational self-determination must reject this surveillance mania; it must not be ratified in Europe.“ The longstanding criticism that IT security researchers, hacktivists, journalists, and human rights activists are endangered by the broadly formulated scope of the treaty text has been ignored. The agreement lacks clear rules to enable IT security researchers and journalists to work without fear of repression. Journalists and opposition figures would be particularly at risk under this agreement, as UN states could become accomplices in the prosecution of journalists, activists, or dissidents by repressive regimes if they are required to hand over their data.

WireGuard: allowed IPs - Unofficial WireGuard Documentation:

The article discusses routing and Wireguard (WG) in computer networking, focusing primarily on the differences between one LAN or ten LANs in terms of routes and subnets. It emphasizes that a firewall is an independent layer that can be used to limit communication, while WG allows all devices to communicate with each other. The article also explains how interfaces are related to local and remote subnets and provides examples of proper configuration for routers with multiple LAN subnets.

Stupid simple setting up WireGuard - Server and multiple peers:

The article provides a step-by-step guide on how to install WireGuard via package managers like apt or brew on MacOS, and generate key pairs for secure communication between devices. It also includes instructions on configuring the server and clients using conf files and wg-quick tools.

An Intoxicating 500-Year-Old Mystery:

Lisa Fagin Davis, executive director of the Medieval Academy of America, has been fascinated with the Voynich Manuscript since she first saw it at Yale University's Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library in 1989. The manuscript, a parchment codex filled with indecipherable symbols, has eluded scholars for centuries and been associated with numerous conspiracy theories. Davis's research into the history of the manuscript led her to conclude that it was created by at least five scribes instead of one individual as previously assumed. She also discovered evidence suggesting that it served a routine function within a community, rather than being the work of a lone deranged mind or con artist.

Fix TUN/TAP not available on a Synology NAS:

The article explains how to fix the „ERROR: Cannot open TUN/TAP dev /dev/net/tun: No such file or directory (errno=2)“ error when running OpenVPN on a Synology NAS. First, check if the tun module is installed and if not, install it using insmod /lib/modules/tun.ko. Then, make sure the tun.ko module works as expected by creating a new device with the mkdir command and making it accessible with appropriate permissions. Finally, to make the module persistent and avoid repeating the insmod command every system restart, create an executable script in /usr/local/etc/rc.d/ and set its permissions to execute it manually or on reboot.

Does astrology really work? We put 152 astrologers to the test:

This article discusses a study that tested whether astrological sun signs could predict various facts about an individual's life, such as educational level and number of close friends. The results showed that while some personality tests had reasonable ability to predict these facts, zodiac signs could not predict any of them. After receiving criticism from astrologers, the study was redesigned to test real astrology practiced by skilled professionals rather than tabloid versions. Astrologers were given 12 multiple-choice questions based on a single person's life and had to choose their natal chart among five provided options. The astrologers performed no better than chance, with their average correct answers being statistically indistinguishable from random guessing. There was also low agreement among the astrologers when interpreting charts. Overall, the study found that astrology simply doesn't work.

SNES graphics: 186.2ns or bust!:

The SNES (Super Nintendo Entertainment System) had a unique graphic system that collaborated to render sprites and backgrounds efficiently despite hardware limitations. The PPU2 was the key component responsible for generating a pixel every 186.2ns. The SNES's tilemap rendering used an advantageous layout in the VRAM chips called „planar“ which allowed 8 pixels to be retrieved in one 16-bit read. Sprite rendering on the SNES was limited by VRAM bandwidth but leveraged HBLANK time for sprite data retrieval and utilized a line buffer for up to 34 sprites or 272 sprite pixels. The SNES's tilemap and sprite rendering techniques allowed it to compete with other gaming consoles from the early 90s, such as the Sega Genesis and Amiga.

Thread by @jason_kint on Thread Reader App:

The article discusses a 2017 Google strategy document that has recently been unsealed and highlights several points from the document, including:

1. For over a decade, Google has been shifting revenue away from the rest of the web to its own properties where it doesn't have to share any revenue with other websites.

2. The strategy document reveals that Google employees saw their policy changes as an intentional strategy to convert users to tracking (which most Google users don't want).

3. Project Narnia 2.0 allowed for a single look across web and G properties, allowing Google to shift revenue to Gmail where they keep 100%.

4. The document portrays user trust as a concern that can't be bound by revenue neutrality.

5. Google sees subscriptions (e.g., FT and WSJ) as threats to the open web, along with privacy concerns.

6. The document outlines how Google collects data across majority of webpages, mobile phones, and locations while users browse the web.

7. It discusses Google's potential use of whitelisting partners and its impact on advertisers.

8. The article highlights that Google has been dominating discovery, design, data collection, and monetization in a way that rarely loses and points out that user trust can't be bound by revenue neutrality.

Energiewende: Netzbetreiber verhindert Eigenverbrauch von PV-Anlage:

Größere Photovoltaikanlagen können vom Netzbetreiber abgeregelt werden, was zu Problemen führen kann, wenn selbst erzeugter Strom für den Eigenverbrauch nicht genutzt werden darf und stattdessen gekauft werden muss. Ein Fall in der Nähe von München zeigt, dass die Stadtwerke Erding eine Solaranlage einer Metzgerei zwangsabschalten, da diese den Solarstrom für ihren Eigenbedarf nutzen kann und Strom zukaufen muss, obwohl die Anlage diesen selbst generieren könnte. Technisch kann der Eigenverbrauch geschützt sein, aber in der Praxis werden in einigen Fällen Anlagen abgeregelt, da Netzbetreiber nicht alle verbindlichen Vorgaben umsetzen.

Wie 0,25 Prozent Leitzins einen kleinen Börsencrash verursachten:

The „Yen Carry Trade“ is a financial structure that has led to billions of US dollars flowing into stock markets, contributing significantly to the recent market crashes. This construct began with Japan's long-standing low interest rates and consequently cheap loans, largely driven by the Bank of Japan. A minimal increase in their base rate from 0% to 0.25% caused a global financial collapse. On August 5th, US S&P 500 firms lost several billion dollars worth of stock value. The recovery remains shaky.

Japanese government and pension funds started the „Yen Carry Trade“ years ago and were soon followed by Western investors. This was essentially a „Free Money Glitch,“ with seemingly risk-free profits as long as market conditions remained favorable. Analysts from JP Morgan and Bloomberg have reported on this issue, stating that the Yen flowed into all markets.

In a Carry Trade, investors utilize currency value differences to profit. In Japan, there were almost interest-free loans. The Yen was then exchanged for US dollars to purchase bonds, ETF shares, and stocks. The goal is to generate a higher return than the cost of borrowing in Yen.

Investors have been able to double cash out:

1. From the higher interest rates on investments in US dollars.

2. From the falling Yen since spring 2020, as it became cheaper to repay dollar-denominated loans. A stable or falling currency exchange rate is necessary for a Carry Trade to work; if the exchange rate rises, profits shrink.

An increase in the base rate by the Bank of Japan from -0.1% to +0.1% between 2008 and early 2024 was intended to break the downward trend of the Yen. This led to a sharp drop in the value of the US dollar against the Yen; within days, it fell by about 8%, surpassing the annual returns of most bonds.

Investors seemingly liquidated ETF and stock positions temporarily to exchange US dollars for Yen to avoid potential losses due to a further rise in the Yen value. This was exacerbated by rumors and disappointing quarterly reports in the semiconductor sector, resulting in a landslide of market crashes.

An Nvidia report indicated that the company had to delay its next generation of AI accelerators (Blackwell) due to design flaws. Nvidia denied these claims. Intel reported a billion-dollar loss and predicted poor prospects. The situation was likely escalated by automated Stop-Loss trades, which involve investors setting minimum limits for selling stocks to reduce losses, and Puts (bets on falling prices) that can intensify downward trends.

The key question is how much money investors have put into the Yen Carry Trade and how many unresolved investments remain. Estimates begin at around one billion US dollars, based on foreign credit loans provided by the Bank of Japan. Deutsche Bank mentioned this issue in late 2023 and estimated up to 20 trillion US dollars.

The real story of the website accused of fuelling Southport riots:

Channel3Now, a website that published false information about a teenager charged with a Southport attack and wrongly suggested the attacker was an asylum seeker, has been linked to riots across the UK targeting mosques and Muslim communities. The BBC traced several people associated with the website and found that it is likely a commercial operation attempting to aggregate crime news while making money on social media. Channel3Now's incorrect story became a source cited by numerous social media accounts, contributing to the false information going viral. Twitter has not implemented guidelines against misinformation, making it difficult for social media companies to take action against such content.

Agile is killing software innovation, says Moxie Marlinspike:

Infosec expert Moxie Marlinspike blames agile development for the rot at the heart of modern software development, arguing that it destroys innovation by forcing developers into black box abstraction layers. This approach, he says, stifles developers' freedom and prevents them from combining engineering expertise with a vision to see new capabilities in existing technology. Instead, agile teams end up siloed and lack visibility into the fundamentals of their own products. Marlinspike suggests that software engineers need to understand how things work at lower levels to be truly innovative.

How Base 3 Computing Beats Binary:

Base 3 computing, or ternary logic, may find its way into cybersecurity due to its efficiency in representing big numbers and computational advantages. While it has been explored for over 100 years and was even used by Soviet engineers in the past, binary computing became more popular as it was easier to implement. However, recent advancements have led to proposals for building ternary logical systems on binary-based hardware and development of cybersecurity systems using base 3 computing. These developments suggest a potential future role for ternary logic in the field of cybersecurity.

A wonderful coincidence or an expected connection: why π² ≈ g.:

The article discusses how π² is approximately equal to g, exploring the history behind the definition of a unit of length (meter) and its relation to the mathematical constant π. In the past, people used various standards for measurement, which led to inconsistency. Dutch physicist Christiaan Huygens proposed using a pendulum as a standard-free definition for the meter, but this formula contained an error due to variations in gravity around the Earth. The French Academy of Sciences later reformed and slightly changed the meter definition, causing the π² = g approximation to be inaccurate.

HIV drug could be made for just $40 a year for every patient:

A new drug called lenacapavir, sold as Sunlenca by Gilead, could potentially cost $40 a year per patient, making it a thousand times less expensive than its current price. Lenacapavir is currently licensed for treatment but not prevention. The drug has been shown to offer 100% protection in clinical trials involving over 5,000 women in South Africa and Uganda. If made available globally at an affordable price, lenacapavir could „herald a breakthrough for HIV prevention.“ Gilead is expected to provide access strategies that include both supply of the drug in countries with high need and voluntary licensing programs for resource-limited countries.

The Red Herring of Red Flags: Why Resumes Are a Relic of the Past in Tech Hiring:

In today's era of AI-driven hiring tools and skills-based assessments, traditional resume screening methods are becoming outdated. Resumes often lack accuracy in capturing a candidate's true potential and talent. Instead of obsessing over red flags, it is essential to identify green signals such as skill-match, curiosity, problem-solving ability, and continuous learning. To build stronger and more innovative teams, companies should embrace a skills-centric approach that includes comprehensive assessments, coding challenges, technical quizzes, real-world projects, and behavioral interviews. This will ensure a thorough evaluation of a candidate's abilities and fit for the company culture.

The Dying Web | Matthias Endler:

The article discusses the author's frustration with people using Google Chrome as their primary browser. The author argues that browser monoculture is harmful, citing examples such as websites being „optimized“ for Chrome and a lack of open standards. They also mention privacy concerns related to Google's control over the web. While they acknowledge that Firefox Quantum is a great alternative, most people still prefer to use Chrome due to habit or familiarity, despite its limitations in customizability and potential negative impact on website compatibility.

The Rise of Neotoddlerism:

Across the West, protests are becoming more frequent and disruptive as various groups use shock-activism to combine political protest with public nuisance. This trend has seen activists target landmarks, infrastructure, and events, often resulting in damage or vandalism. The article explains that these „nuisance-protests“ are carried out by distinct groups motivated by different causes but share the same self-destructive ideology: neotoddlerism. This movement emerged from the digital revolution of 2009, which allowed strangers to unite around shared views and led to an increase in the size and frequency of protests worldwide.

Neotoddlerism is characterized by impulsivity, attention-seeking behavior, and a sense of entitlement, similar to the cluster-B personality disorders associated with heavy social media use. The ease with which dramatic behavior gains online attention has led many political activists to believe that creating a better world does not require years of patient work but rather a sufficient quantity of drama.

The author argues that neotoddlerism is an ideology for the age of instant gratification, as it leads activists to prioritize immediate outrage over long-term solutions. To end this cycle of attention-seeking behavior, the public must learn to ignore and deny such actions and instead focus on supporting practical solutions to problems.

Thunder Compute:

This article discusses Thunder Compute, a platform that allows users to instantly scale usage up or down, switch GPUs with a single command, and run existing code without changes or config. It offers flexibility in choosing the necessary GPUs when needed, eliminating idle GPU time and reducing cloud budgets for enterprises. Developers can access GPUs directly, while enterprises benefit from reduced IT involvement.

Alkohol für Engel? Was hat es mit Angel’s Share auf sich? - Schnapsblatt:

The article discusses the concept of „Angel's Share“ in the wine and spirits world, explaining its origins, meaning, and effects on the production process. Angel's Share refers to the portion of alcohol that evaporates during storage, which can vary depending on environmental factors like temperature and humidity. In whisky and rum production, this loss contributes to a more intense flavor through oxidative aging, although it also results in a diminishing alcohol content over time. Overall, the article emphasizes that the Angel's Share is an essential aspect of the maturation process for spirits, despite its impact on overall product quantity.

Tinder, OKCupid, Grindr & Co. lassen intime Daten abfließen:

Security researchers analyzed 15 popular dating apps and found that all of them expose personal data such as sexual orientation or precise locations. Attackers can exploit many widely used dating apps to access users' personal information, according to Belgian security researchers from KU Leuven after an investigation of 15 dating apps including Badoo and Tinder with over 100 million downloads each. The researchers wanted to find out which user data they could access without attacking the servers themselves. They focused on APIs provided by app providers and analyzed the available data through these interfaces. To intercept API traffic, developers used Chrome developer tools. In cases where there was no web application for a particular service, the researchers either used an emulator or an Android smartphone to intercept HTTPS traffic with the HTTP Toolkit [1], and if necessary bypassed the certificate pinning using Frida [2]. The results of their investigation were presented at the Black Hat 2024 IT security conference [3] where they mentioned discovering 99 information leaks in total. None of the analyzed APIs met the researchers' security criteria, such as revealing users' gender or relationship status on Badoo despite users hiding this information within the app itself. OkCupid shares users' sexual orientation which can lead to serious consequences in countries like Egypt, Russia, and Saudi Arabia. Nine apps display the last user activity time, while twelve apps show if a user 'likes' or swipes left or right on another user's profile. Six of the apps, including Badoo and Grindr, provide GPS coordinates which can be used to locate users down to 100 meters. The researchers also criticized that dating app providers do not educate their users about data privacy and discourage them from being cautious with personal information by encouraging the sharing of as much intimate details as possible. They suggest only displaying profiles of verified users, although photo verification is not foolproof but raises the bar enough to deter stalkers.

Introducing Test Suites:

The Gradle 7.3 release introduced Declarative Test Suites, aimed at simplifying the management and organization of multiple types of tests within a single project. This feature simplifies the process by providing a high-level abstraction to model different test goals without focusing on low-level details such as configuration. The JVM Test Suite Plugin automatically applies this solution in Java-based projects, making it easier for developers to set up thorough testing.

Copilot, Studio bots are woefully insecure, says Zenity CTO:

Michael Bargury, CTO of Zenity, revealed his Microsoft Copilot exploits at Black Hat, highlighting that it is difficult to create a Copilot Studio bot that is safe due to insecure defaults. He spoke twice about security failings with Microsoft Copilot at the conference and demonstrated how Copilot bots can be tricked into disclosing sensitive information or granting initial access to networks. Zenity offers security controls for Copilot and similar enterprise-level assistants, warning of the risks associated with using Microsoft's AI services.

Number of incidents affecting GitHub, Bitbucket, GitLab, and Jira continues to rise - Help Net Security:

The article discusses the challenges faced by DevSecOps teams in addressing outages, human errors, cyberattacks, data breaches, ransomware, security vulnerabilities, and data loss. It highlights that security is a fundamental component integrated from the beginning of the software development lifecycle. The article also mentions specific incidents affecting popular DevOps services such as GitHub, Bitbucket, GitLab, and Jira in 2023. These challenges include service performance issues, vulnerabilities, malicious use by threat actors, and more. Overall, the article emphasizes the importance of a proactive and collaborative approach to fortify the software development lifecycle.

Wissing und die Diesel-Lobby: Die unbequeme Wahrheit über HVO100:

The article discusses German Federal Minister of Transport Volker Wissing's promotion of the climate-friendly diesel fuel HVO100, which has led him to face criticism. The article raises questions about the promotion of HVO100 from an environmental standpoint, as the scientific analysis shows that it is problematic due to its inefficiency and potential environmental and economic drawbacks. The article also highlights concerns about Wissing's handling of scientific facts, which raises doubts about his continued support for a technology with demonstrated drawbacks.


The article presents a template for creating a GitOps setup using Glasskube and ArgoCD. It demonstrates package management and provides an example application (shiori). It also discusses potential issues and limitations, such as the current limitations of the Renovate integration and dependency resolution. The author encourages feedback and welcomes improvements.

Paper Straws Are Often Touted as a Great Alternative to Plastic, But There's a Small Problem: They’re Toxic:

Paper straws, which were initially seen as an alternative to plastic straws due to their environmental friendliness, have been found to contain high levels of perfluoroalkylated and polyfluoroalkylated substances (PFAS). These synthetic chemicals are known as „forever chemicals“ and can be harmful to humans, animals, and the environment. While paper straws may break down easily, making them difficult to use, their recyclability issues have limited their widespread acceptance. Stainless steel or glass straws are considered better options since they don't contain PFAS and are reusable.

A new report finds Boeing’s rockets are built with an unqualified work force:

The development program for NASA's new Exploration Upper Stage for the Space Launch System (SLS) rocket is seven years behind schedule and significantly over budget, according to a report from NASA's inspector general. The SLS rocket is part of NASA's Artemis program to return humans to the Moon. Issues include Boeing's poor quality control practices, escalating costs and schedules, and inadequate visibility into the project's progress. As a result, the cost estimate for Exploration Upper Stage development has increased from $962 million in 2017 to an estimated $2.8 billion, with completion now expected no earlier than 2028.

There's a Surprisingly Easy Way to Remove Microplastics From Your Drinking Water:

Scientists from Guangzhou Medical University and Jinan University in China have discovered a simple method for removing microplastics from water using boiling and filtering processes. In tests conducted on soft and hard tap water, the researchers found that boiling and filtering removed up to 90% of nanoplastics (NMPs) and microplastics (MFs). The effectiveness varied based on the type of water but was higher in hard tap water due to its lime build-up. While it is not yet clear how harmful these plastics are, their presence has been linked to changes in gut microbiomes and antibiotic resistance.

Employers used return-to-office to make workers quit. Then this happened.:

This article discusses how return-to-office mandates have led to unintended consequences, such as higher attrition rates and the loss of women and underrepresented employees. Companies with enforced return-to-office policies experienced higher employee attrition than expected, which has resulted in recruitment challenges and operational problems. The article suggests that organizations should adopt a more nuanced approach to workforce management, considering both immediate operational needs and the broader implications for employee well-being, diversity, and inclusion.

Do Quests, Not Goals:

The article discusses the importance of forming personal aspirations and goals in life while living a busy workaday life. It suggests using the „quest mentality“ instead of the conventional term for these objectives, as it frames them as adventurous endeavors with potential for self-transformation and personal growth. The article also introduces the One Big Win program, which helps participants achieve significant personal victories in eight weeks while living their regular lives. This mentality is said to make life easier and more spacious by building skills, gaining experience, and enriching the mind through creative work.

Molecule restores cognition, memory in Alzheimer’s disease model mice:

Researchers at UCLA Health have developed a molecule called DDL-920, which was shown to restore cognitive functions in mice with symptoms of Alzheimer's disease by effectively jumpstarting the brain's memory circuitry. If proven to have similar effects in humans, this candidate compound would be unique among Alzheimer's disease treatments as it revitalizes memory and cognition. The molecule works differently from recent FDA-approved drugs for Alzheimer's disease, which remove harmful plaque but do not restore memory and cognitive impairments. In a study with mice genetically modified to have symptoms of Alzheimer's disease, DDL-920 allowed the animals to recall escape holes in a maze at similar rates as wild-type mice, without any abnormal behavior or side effects over a two-week period. More research is needed to determine if this treatment would be safe and effective in humans.


In this article, the author discusses their experience with Odysee and being blocked by a Hetzner server due to a portscan detected on their Wireguard endpoint. The server was later unblocked after the author removed a VPN from the mix and Hetzner determined that the issue was not related to the server itself but rather an external source, possibly Criteo. The author also shares information about how they've used various ad blockers and tools in their setup to protect themselves from online advertisements and trackers.

Windows patches can be forcibly reversed, reopening bugs:

Black Hat techniques for removing security patches from Windows machines were demonstrated, allowing previously fixed vulnerabilities to be exploited again. This method requires administrative access or the ability to create a privileged account. The approach was developed by Alon Leviev, a researcher at SafeBreach, and revealed at the Black Hat conference in Las Vegas. Microsoft was informed about the weaknesses discovered six months ago, and has issued two advisories but has not yet provided a full fix for the security holes.

GitHub - dupontgu/pov_pong_mouse: Implementation of Pong that runs within a mouse's firmware and renders by moving the cursor fast enough to acheive persistence of vision:

The article discusses an innovative project by dupontgu, where Pong is implemented within a mouse's firmware and rendered by moving the cursor at high speeds to achieve persistence of vision. The mouse operates on an Seeed Studio XIAO RP2040 dev board and can be programmed to emulate an absolute positioning mouse, allowing the game to run entirely within the mouse. The project can be replicated using any RP2040-based board with a USB port, and a step-by-step guide for setting up the hardware is provided.

Wagenknecht ruft Putin zu Aufgabe von durch Ukraine besetzten Gebieten auf:

This article discusses the urgent need for de-escalation in the current conflict between Ukrainian and Russian forces. BSW-Chefin Sahra Wagenknecht appeals to Putin to cease all military actions in the occupied areas and withdraw his troops from the Kursk Oblast in order to prevent further bloodshed. She emphasizes that this conflict cannot be resolved through military means, as NATO supports Ukraine, and the consequences could lead to Russia losing more territory. Wagenknecht also urges Iran and North Korea not to supply weapons to Russia, adding fuel to the fire without a valid reason.

The only solution Wagenknecht sees is for Putin to negotiate with Zelensky, potentially preventing further catastrophes. The article suggests that residents of Kursk should decide in a referendum if they want to remain part of Russia or join Ukraine, although current polls show no support (0%) for remaining Russian.

E-Auto gratis beim Nachbarn laden: Schwachstellen in Level-2-Wallboxen entdeckt:

Security researchers discovered several security vulnerabilities in three home charging stations (Wallboxes). The worst-case scenario is that the charging station suffers irreparable damage. Hackers can exploit several vulnerabilities in Wallboxes with minimal effort, potentially enabling illegal electricity usage or even taking control of the device. Dutch security researchers from Computest Security warn about the poor security conditions surrounding wallboxes and compare them to other areas within the IoT sector. They demonstrated a hack in less than one day during their presentation at Blackhat 2024 in Las Vegas, which allowed them to run any code on the charging station. The vulnerabilities stem from a combination of buffer overflows in the firmware and a lack of protection mechanisms such as address space layout randomization (ASLR) to prevent memory-related attacks.

Children today are suffering a severe deficit of play | Aeon Essays:

The article discusses how hunter-gatherer education provided more valuable life lessons than schooling for children in the 1950s. As society gradually reduced children's opportunities to play, childhood mental disorders have increased, and empathy and narcissism have declined. The author argues that children need more time and opportunity for free play as it teaches crucial life skills like social interaction, anger management, and creativity. Reducing play in children's lives has been linked to anxiety, depression, suicide, narcissism, and loss of creativity.

The News is Information Junk Food:

The article argues that cutting out the news has been one of the best decisions made by the author in recent years as it has reduced anxiety and worry in daily life, allowing more time to pursue other interests and deeper reading. It claims that modern news primarily exists to keep consumers entertained rather than informing them, with quantity often outweighing quality. The article also highlights how the 24-hour news cycle is indicative of a poor information diet and suggests that spending hours on social media platforms and consuming news does not make one more informed. It encourages people to focus on long-form literature, history, science, and other hobbies instead of getting caught up in the constant stream of sensationalized content found in mainstream news.

After private equity takes over hospitals, they are less able to care for patients, top medical researchers say:

A new study by physician researchers at the University of California at San Francisco, Harvard Medical School, and City University of New York's Hunter College found that private-equity firms acquire hospitals and diminish their assets and resources significantly. The facilities become less equipped to care for patients as a result. The study is the first nationwide analysis of such activity. Healthcare has been a primary focus of private-equity purchases, with over $500 billion invested in the industry by firms like Apollo Global Management, The Blackstone Group, The Carlyle Group, and KKR. Rising patient falls and infections follow private-equity takeovers of hospitals, as well as 10% greater mortality rates for residents of nursing homes owned by these firms compared to other types of entities. At least ten states are increasing scrutiny on the transactions involving private equity and healthcare companies.

More and more German trains are not allowed to enter Switzerland:

Deutsche Bahn trains are frequently having to stop at the Swiss border due to arriving too late, as they are not allowed to cross without punctuality. In the first quarter of 2024, this measure was applied more frequently than in the previous year. This regulation between Deutsche Bahn and SBB was introduced in July 2022 and is now permanent. The Swiss train operator aims to ensure punctuality in its network by preventing late trains from entering Switzerland, which has an on-time arrival rate of 92.5% compared to Germany's 64%.

Rode Wireless Go II Vs Wireless Pro – Which One Is Better For You?:

The Rode Wireless GO 2 and Wireless GO Pro offer impressive features, catering to various audio needs. The GO II is compact and portable, perfect for vloggers, content creators, and filmmakers on the move. Its dual-channel recording, built-in microphone, and versatile connectivity options make it a great choice. The Wireless GO Pro offers pro-grade performance with enhanced audio quality and extended range, ideal for wedding videographers, professional filmmakers, and event videographers. Both systems provide customizable settings and ease of use, catering to different creative visions and ensuring high-quality, hassle-free audio capture.

Netzsperren: Provider kapern DNS-Anfragen an Google und Cloudflare:

The article discusses how two Malaysian internet service providers (ISP), Maxis and Time, have implemented transparent DNS proxies to route DNS queries through their own servers in order to effectively enforce network blocks. This prevents users from circumventing these blocks by changing DNS servers, as the ISPs can enforce their own DNS-based filters even when using alternative DNS services like Google's and Cloudflare's public servers. The iMAP warns that other ISPs around the world might follow suit, potentially causing security risks and unexpected technical issues. To protect privacy, users are advised to enable DNS over HTTPS in their browser settings (Firefox, Chrome) and use a VPN with strong encryption for additional protection.

Crowdstrike-Ausfall: Analyse zeigt trivialen Programmierfehler:

In einem umfangreichen und unnötig komplizierten Dokument erklärt der Hersteller CrowdStrike seine Fehler und nennt Verbesserungsmaßnahmen für die Sicherheits-Software, nachdem ein Windows-Großausfall durch CrowdStrike-Sicherheitssoftware verursacht wurde. Der Fehler bestand darin, dass das fehlerhafte Update 21 Datenwerte enthielt, mehr als der Kernel-Treiber erwartete, was zu einer ungültigen Speicheradresse führte und über acht Millionen Bluescreens weltweit sorgte. CrowdStrike gab an, die fatale Update-Datei vor dem Rollout nicht getestet zu haben und offenbart auch lückenhafte Testroutinen für andere Bestandteile seiner „Falcon“-Sicherheitssoftware. Die Veröffentlichung des Analyseberichts enthält Maßnahmen zur Besserung, darunter Eingabeprüfungen und Array-Längenprüfungen sowie eine größere Bandbreite an Testkriterien.

Schiff & Flugzeug: Was tun Netzbetreiber gegen Kostenfalle?:

The EU Roaming, introduced in June 2017, revolutionized travel within the EU by allowing users to use their home country's inclusive phone tariff without additional charges in all EU countries. However, it was later discovered that fair-use policy wasn't the only limitation, and some customers faced excessive mobile bills despite being within the EU. This happened due to phones connecting to special cruise ship, ferry, or airplane networks which were not included in the EU Roaming. To avoid these sometimes extreme cost traps, tel and other media regularly warn about the issue.

One example involved a customer facing costs of 12,000 Euros for a few videos, while another was warned about potential expenses while taking a stroll at the harbor. A court ruling stated that mobile providers have a duty to inform their customers about these traps in a timely manner.

Despite initial plans to regulate EU Roaming to include ship and ferry networks, this was not implemented, leaving the cost traps intact. In response, mobile network operators took their own internal measures to protect themselves and their customers from the high costs caused by users (usually unintentionally).

German mobile network providers Deutsche Telekom, Vodafone, O2, and 1&1 have taken action during travel times. For instance, Deutsche Telecom's Travel & Surf service blocks data roaming on ships and planes unless a special data pass is actively booked, preventing additional costs for mobile data usage. They also inform customers in real-time via SMS when their phone connects to foreign networks.

In many cruise ships and airplanes, mobile communication is available through specific satellite-based networks. Deutsche Telecom offers data passes for use on ships and planes, with the provider being informed either from the travel agency or directly from the cruise line company. Providers are obligated to operate their onboard networks exclusively outside the coverage of local mobile networks and are identifiable by a unique network name displayed at the top of the smartphone screen. Telekom customers would be alerted about the additional costs for satellite-based network usage in an SMS message. For Deutsche Telekom's customers, a data roaming safety net is in place on high seas, automatically cutting off internet connection when 59.50 Euros are reached. A specific price list for data passes on ships and planes has been provided by Deutsche Telekom.

Mozilla wants you to love Firefox again:

Mozilla, the company behind the Firefox browser, is attempting to revitalize its once-popular web browser by re-investing in the platform and focusing on improving its features and capabilities. Firefox's market share has decreased in recent years as Google Chrome and Apple's Safari have gained popularity. Mozilla is now focusing on features like vertical tab support and an easier way to switch between user profiles. However, some features, such as Firefox's „privacy-preserving ad measurement“ toggle, have led to backlash from long-time users who feel the company is prioritizing ad revenue over privacy.

Google and Meta struck secret ads deal to target teenagers:

Google and Meta secretly collaborated on a project to target advertisements for Instagram to teenagers on YouTube, violating Google's rules regarding the treatment of minors online. The companies worked together with Spark Foundry to launch a pilot marketing program in Canada, which was then tested in the US. Due to its perceived success, they planned to expand it further, targeting international markets and promoting other Meta apps such as Facebook. Google initiated an investigation into these allegations and has since canceled the project.

Deprecate for Private Network Access:

This article discusses a security bug in Chrome's PNA protection that can be bypassed using the IP address to access services listening on localhost on macOS and Linux systems. The issue arises from how Chrome resolves, which should not occur since it is a public address. This vulnerability has been discovered and will be fixed in future updates of the browser.

Ask HN: Front-end bait and switch?:

This discussion thread is a response to an article which describes the experience of a backend engineer being constantly assigned front-end tasks despite clearly stating they don't do front-end work and have poor performance in it. The OP wonders if there is something wrong with them or if the companies are mismanaging their resources. Various contributors suggest different ways to navigate this situation, including working at larger companies, specializing in a specific area, being self-employed, or focusing on areas of interest and skill. It is also suggested that clear communication during hiring processes can help avoid such situations.

Critical 1Password Security Flaw Could Let Hackers Steal Unlock Key:

AgileBits, the developer of 1Password password manager, has confirmed a critical security vulnerability (CVE-2024-42219) that could have allowed attackers to exfiltrate password vault items and potentially obtain account unlock keys from macOS users. The vulnerability could enable a malicious process running locally on the machine to bypass inter-process communication protections, enabling an attacker to extract vault items and sign-in values like the account unlock key and SRP-𝑥 (Secure Remote Password). 1Password has since addressed the vulnerability in its 8.10.38 client app release. Users are advised to update their macOS version of 1Password to the latest version as a matter of urgency to protect themselves from potential exploits.

The Well-Off People Who Can’t Spend Money:

The University of Michigan marketing professor, Scott Rick, has spent years studying „tightwads“, or people who have trouble spending their money. Tightwads do not scrimp because they lack money; they are afraid to spend the money they have. Despite being better off financially, tightwads still experience anxiety over their finances. This financial psychology could stem from past experiences of deprivation or cultural influences that teach them spending on luxuries is morally wrong. The key to overcoming this irrational stinginess might be changing the way they perceive themselves and their own identity.

Terraforming Mars could be easier than scientists thought:

The article discusses research suggesting that injecting tiny particles into Mars' atmosphere could warm the planet by more than 10°C in a matter of months, potentially creating conditions suitable for liquid water and human habitation. The study found that the 9-micrometer-long rods made from iron and aluminum, which are abundant on Mars, could be used to create a greenhouse effect, trapping heat in the atmosphere. This method could be an effective terraforming solution as it utilizes readily available resources on Mars and could be manufactured without transporting materials from Earth. However, additional factors such as oxygen levels, pressure, and soil salinity would need to be addressed for Mars to become fully habitable.

4 reasons why Türkiye banned Roblox - Türkiye Today:

Türkiye has banned the online gaming platform Roblox, citing concerns over sexual content that exploits children, promoting homosexuality through virtual parties, incentives for children using „robux,“ and the insufficient oversight of content on the platform. The decision was made after the Adana Chief Public Prosecutor's Office imposed the access restriction. This ban follows a nationwide block on Instagram in Türkiye earlier this year due to similar concerns regarding online safety.

The Pesticide Industry’s Toxic Lobby:

A new study has found a strong association between the amount of pesticides used on farms and the incidence of many cancers, not only for farmers and their families but also entire communities. This comes after substantial lobbying by the pesticide industry to limit its liability from lawsuits over health impacts of their products. The researchers' findings are the first comprehensive evaluation of cancer risk associated with pesticides on a population level. Glyphosate, the most commonly used pesticide in the US, has been linked to various health risks and has been subject to controversies surrounding its safety.

I Got a Sleep Study in My 30s. It Probably Saved My Life:

This article discusses the author's personal experience with sleep apnea and how he discovered his condition only after experiencing severe symptoms for years. Sleep apnea is a disorder that causes individuals to stop breathing throughout the night due to an obstructed airway or faulty signals between the brain and breathing muscles. The article highlights the importance of getting a sleep study, as it can lead to effective treatments such as the CPAP machine, which delivers constant air pressure to the nose and throat via a hose and facemask. Despite being an underdiagnosed condition, treating sleep apnea has numerous benefits, including improving mental health, lowering risk of cardiovascular issues and cancer, and revitalizing one's sex life.

Python extensions should be lazy:

The article discusses optimizing a Python tool that made many calls to ast.parse, resulting in slow performance. It was found that C is not inherently slow, but the way Python forces it to be slow. By translating entire ASTs into PyObjects, which requires numerous memory allocations and garbage collection, performance suffers. To improve performance, a Rust extension was used instead of building a Python-compatible AST, resulting in a 16x speedup. The article suggests exploring a „query language“ API for Python that allows extensions to lazily create PyObjects when necessary.

Tony Hawk's Pro Strcpy:

The article is a detailed account of the author's journey in discovering, developing, and implementing exploits within the Tony Hawk video game series for various gaming consoles, including the original Xbox, Xbox 360, PlayStation 2, GameCube, and Windows. The primary focus of the exploit was a buffer overflow vulnerability caused by an unchecked strcpy function, which allowed for remote code execution (RCE) on some platforms.

The author begins by discussing their initial interest in learning about exploit development and finding new bugs within the original Xbox's Tony Hawk games. They found that several games, such as Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4, were vulnerable to a buffer overflow when creating custom park levels with malicious save files. By exploiting this vulnerability, they were able to gain code execution on the console and install unsigned software.

The author then explores the potential of remote code execution over network play in Tony Hawk games, leading them to port their exploits to other platforms such as the PlayStation 2, GameCube, and Windows versions of the games. They also discuss the challenges faced in these ports, including the difficulty of copying files to memory cards on certain consoles and the limited usefulness of save game exploits for some systems.

In conclusion, the author reflects on their experience with the Tony Hawk games and the impact they had on their interest in gaming and technology, as well as expressing regret over the closure of Neversoft, the game's original developers. The full source code and patched game save files are available on the author's GitHub for those interested in further exploration or use of these exploits.

1970 Clean Air Act Was Intended to Cover Carbon Dioxide, Study Finds:

A recent study finds evidence that Congress intended to include carbon dioxide emissions under the 1970 Clean Air Act, strengthening the legal case for regulating heat-trapping gases. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) previously attempted to regulate carbon dioxide emissions from power plants, but the Supreme Court overturned the standards in 2022, arguing Congress had not granted the EPA authority to do so. However, the new research, conducted by Harvard and Duke University researchers, suggests that the lawmakers who drafted the Clean Air Act were aware of climate change risks and considered carbon dioxide a pollutant. The study emphasizes that Congress understood the potential threat of anthropogenic climate change more than courts or commentators had recognized.

Scrum is the Symptom, not the Problem:

The article discusses how Scrum, a popular project management tool, has been criticized for being a tool of micro-management that negatively affects developers' productivity and self-esteem. Despite these criticisms, it remains widely used by companies. The author argues that the real problem lies in the imbalance of control in software corporations, where developers have no significant power or seat at the table. They propose that the solution is for engineers to gain enough ownership to demand a say in decision-making processes and insist on sensible software practices.

Prevention of HIV:

This article discusses the success of lenacapavir, an antiviral drug for the treatment and prevention of HIV. Approved in 2022, lenacapavir is the first capsid inhibitor to reach the market. In real-world use, it has demonstrated a one hundred percent prevention rate of HIV infection in thousands of female trial volunteers in high-risk areas such as South Africa and Uganda. The article highlights that lenacapavir has a unique mechanism of action, which sets the bar high for potential HIV vaccines and complicates trials for such medications. However, this is seen as a positive development, as it provides hope for reducing the number of annual HIV infections.

2.9 billion hit in one of the largest data breaches ever — full names, addresses and SSNs exposed:

A new data breach has exposed the personal data of 2.9 billion people, including full names, former and complete addresses going back 30 years, Social Security Numbers, and more. The data was stolen from National Public Data by a cybercriminal group called USDoD, who tried to sell it on the dark web for $3.5 million. The personal information likely comes from both the U.S. and other countries around the world. As a result of this breach, many people are urged to be cautious when checking their inboxes or messages as hackers may use this data to launch targeted phishing attacks.

Fermentierte Getränke: Ingwerbier brauen:

The article is about the process of making ginger beer using a ginger starter culture called „Ginger Bug“ from fairment. To make ginger beer, boil 20g fresh ginger and 1L water to create a ginger tea. Add 100g sugar and let it cool down before adding 60ml lemon juice and the entire starter liquid (also 60ml). After 3-4 days, you'll have bubbly ginger beer. The best part is that you can use your homemade ginger beer as a starter for the next batch. You can also experiment with different combinations of fruits, juices, or herbs to create various flavors and refreshing beverages during summertime.

Can we trust Microsoft with Open Source?:

The article discusses an issue within Microsoft regarding their .NET platform, specifically focusing on features like „hot reload“ and the dotnet watch tool being reserved for proprietary commercial products such as Visual Studio. It highlights a struggle within Microsoft between embracing open source software (OSS) and protecting its own commercial offerings. The article calls for the .NET community to voice their concerns and make their opinion heard on GitHub, Twitter, and other platforms to influence Microsoft's decisions in favor of OSS and the .NET platform.

Please do not attempt to simplify this code:

The article discusses a piece of code from the Kubernetes project, which is known as „space shuttle style“ due to its strict adherence to certain coding practices. The main points include:

1. Every 'if' statement has a matching 'else' (except for simple error checks), ensuring that every branch and condition is considered and accounted for.

2. Even seemingly obvious things are commented explicitly, providing clarity and reducing ambiguity.

3. This style of coding is compared to the software written for NASA's space shuttle program, which was known for its high level of reliability and safety.

4. The article also touches on the complexity of maintaining such a large and critical codebase, and the importance of clear documentation and thorough testing.

5. Finally, there is a debate among readers about whether this style of coding is beneficial or overkill, with some arguing for more modern and flexible programming techniques.

They Write the Right Stuff:

The right stuff kicks in at T-minus 31 seconds as the 120-ton space shuttle sits surrounded by almost 4 million pounds of rocket fuel, exhaling noxious fumes. On-board computers take command and make hundreds of millisecond decisions to defy gravity. The software used in this process is perfect, with just one error each in the last three versions of the program, totaling 17 errors across 11 versions. This success story comes from a world-class group called „on-board shuttle,“ part of Lockheed Martin's space mission systems division. They work to create software that is as close to perfect as possible and use a strict process to maintain this level of quality. The key elements of their process include meticulous planning, friendly rivalry between developers and verifiers, comprehensive databases of code histories and errors, and continuous improvement in the process to fix any problems that allowed errors in the first place.

kubernetes/pkg/controller/volume/persistentvolume/pv_controller.go at 60c4c2b2521fb454ce69dee737e3eb91a25e0535 · kubernetes/kubernetes:

This article is the source code for a PersistentVolumeController in Kubernetes. The controller is responsible for synchronizing PersistentVolumeClaims (PVCs) and PersistentVolumes (PVs), which are used to manage storage resources in a Kubernetes cluster. The code is written in the Go programming language and includes functions such as `syncClaim`, `syncUnboundClaim`, `syncBoundClaim`, `syncVolume`, `updateClaimStatus`, `updateVolumePhase`, and others that handle various aspects of binding, updating, and managing these storage resources. The code also includes comments explaining the reasoning behind certain design decisions and how to handle different scenarios.

Creativity secrets from armed robbers, fraudsters and other criminals - Denise Cullen:

The article discusses how criminals develop keen observation, resourcefulness, creativity, and other strengths as a result of their environment and circumstances behind bars. These skills can be beneficial in various aspects of life, including work and personal growth. The author suggests that by noticing small details, dreaming big, being resourceful, playing to one's strengths, and taking risks, individuals can benefit from the same ingenuity displayed by criminals.

Reverse Diversity – Dr. Mindle's Musings:

The article discusses the issue of reverse diversity in the tech industry, where teams are predominantly made up of a single minority group instead of including a diverse range of individuals. It explains how outsourcing and the high salaries offered by Big Tech companies have contributed to this phenomenon, as well as the role that cronyism and mono-culture play in perpetuating it. The author argues that this situation is not beneficial for anyone involved and that it will take time and effort to address and eradicate the problem.

Ford-Boss über die E-Auto-Krise, Verbrenner-Aus und Klima-Ziele | BILD-Talk (Video):

The discussion revolves around the upcoming ban on combustion engine vehicles by 2035, its implications for Ford Germany, and the challenges faced by the automotive industry in transitioning to electric vehicles (EVs). Gunnar Herrmann, the former CEO of Ford Germany, emphasizes that electric vehicle sales are not yet significant enough to justify a full-scale shift to electric production. He believes that customers may not make the necessary transition to EVs until 2035 or later.

Herrmann also highlights the need for investment in infrastructure and charging stations to support the growing demand for electric vehicles. He calls for more aggressive government policies to promote sustainable energy sources and reduce dependency on fossil fuels. Herrmann discusses the challenges faced by the automotive industry in shifting from combustion engines to EVs, such as high initial costs and lack of customer understanding.

In summary, the discussion highlights the need for investment in infrastructure, government support for sustainable energy sources, and educating customers about electric vehicles to facilitate a successful transition from fossil fuel-based combustion engines to electric vehicles by 2035.

Electricity-Eating Bacteria vs. Neoplant's Toxin-Eating Neo Px (Video):

The video discusses the possibility of eating electricity through bacteria that consume electrons and create electrical energy. These electroactive bacteria, such as Shuinela and Geobacter, are found in muddy areas and have evolved to transfer electrons externally using tiny nanowires. By placing these bacteria between two conductive sponges connected to wires, a voltage can be created, which can power small circuits or devices like LED lights and clocks.

The video also highlights the potential of using these bacteria for wastewater treatment, as they can break down organic matter in the mud and convert it into electricity. This could help reduce energy consumption used to clean up wastewater. Additionally, the video discusses the use of specific bacteria strains to remove volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from the air and soil by using plants like Pothos or Devil's Ivy. The combination of these bacteria and plants creates a natural filter for VOCs, reducing their presence in indoor environments.

Spain Was a Warning (Video):

The Spanish economy experienced incredible growth from 2006 to 2008 due to a real estate bubble fueled by low interest rates, tax breaks, and high immigration. However, this growth was unsustainable as the construction industry employed over 12.5% of the workforce and created more than half of new jobs in Europe. The Spanish government failed to see the warning signs due to a lack of communication and fiscal decentralization, which hid the growing debt.

When the bubble burst, the country faced high unemployment, increasing debt, and inflation. Spain's economy has not yet recovered from this crisis, with annual salaries far lower than before the crash and a high percentage of people working small gigs to make ends meet. This cautionary tale serves as a reminder for other countries to avoid relying on one sector to solve fiscal problems and to be mindful of the dangers of excessive growth in the housing market.

5 Ways CRISPR Is About to Change Everything (Video):

CRISPR technology has the potential to revolutionize various aspects of our lives by providing precise gene editing capabilities. Key areas where CRISPR can have a significant impact include:

1. Organ transplantation: By using CRISPR, researchers can create more compatible organs for transplant from animals like pigs, potentially reducing the organ transplant waitlist times and the need for immunosuppressive drugs.

2. Cancer treatment: CRISPR could be used to eliminate cancer-promoting genes or target risk factors such as BRCA1 and 2 in breast cancer, making it an effective tool for cancer therapy.

3. Agriculture: CRISPR can help plants become more tolerant to extreme weather conditions by modifying their genes, ensuring food production remains consistent despite changing climate conditions. It can also enhance the taste and nutrient quality of fruits and vegetables, making them healthier and more appealing for consumers.

4. Biofuel production: By optimizing enzymatic activity in bacteria, CRISPR could help increase ethanol production, providing a more sustainable alternative to petroleum-based fuels.

5. Bioplastic production: CRISPR has the potential to target metabolism genes in bacteria, increasing their efficiency in producing polyester fiber, an eco-friendly alternative to synthetic plastics.

CRISPR's applications are vast, and as researchers continue to explore its capabilities, it is expected that more innovations will arise, addressing various challenges in healthcare, agriculture, and sustainability.

HILFE: Woran erkenne ich einen guten⧸schlechten Anwalt? Der Check! | Anwalt Christian Solmecke (Video):

In this Youtube video, Christian Sormecker, Rechtsanwalt und Partner bei WBS Legal in Köln, discusses how to find a good lawyer. The key points he mentions include:

1. Communication with the client is crucial; an attorney should be proactive and keep the client informed about their case's progress and any next steps.

2. Specialization is important; clients should look for lawyers experienced in the specific area of law they need help with, such as media law, labor law, or intellectual property rights.

3. Lawyers must maintain a certain distance from their clients to avoid conflicts of interest that could compromise the case's outcome.

4. Clients should research lawyers online and read reviews before choosing one.

5. If a client is unhappy with their lawyer, they can terminate the contract without cause, but it may involve paying for work already completed.

6. Finding a good lawyer often involves referrals from friends, family members, or colleagues who have had positive experiences with attorneys in the past.

Hardie Fiber Cement vs Vinyl Siding | Everything you need to know! (Video):

The video compares two synthetic options for exterior cladding: hardy fiber cement board (HardiePlank) and vinyl siding. Both are cost-effective and provide protection, insulation, and aesthetic appeal to homes. Hardy plank is made from silica sand, water, wood pulp, cement, and additives; its production involves grinding, mixing, baking, and cutting the slurry into boards. Vinyl siding is primarily made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) resin with other additives for flexibility, strength, UV resistance, and color.

Hardy plank has a more natural appearance, whereas vinyl siding has a plastic-like appearance but mimics wood grain texture. Hardy planks are thicker (5/16„ to 3/8“) and last up to 50 years with proper maintenance, while vinyl siding is thinner (0.04„) and typically lasts around 20 years. Both products require specialized tools for installation; however, vinyl siding is more DIY friendly and easier to handle.

Hardy planks have superior durability, fire resistance, and do not release harmful VOCs. On the other hand, vinyl siding is prone to warping or melting when exposed to heat sources. In terms of cost, both materials are comparable (hardy plank: $5-$11/sq ft; vinyl: $4-$10/sq ft), but hardy planks offer better long-term value. The video ends by encouraging viewers to share their opinions and explore alternative siding options on the channel's Patreon page.

Volker Wissing EXPOSED (Video):

The YouTube video discusses the scientific aspect of using HVO100 (a biofuel) as an alternative to E-fuels and other fossil fuels for vehicles. It highlights that while both HVO100 and E-fuels have their advantages, their efficiencies are not enough to meet current energy demands. The video emphasizes the need for innovation in battery technology and cell production, as well as the importance of transitioning from combustion engines to electric vehicles for a successful energy transformation. Overall, the key point is that efficient use of limited resources and environmentally friendly technologies are crucial for a sustainable future.

Why the Netherlands is Europe's Most OP Country (Video):

The Netherlands is a small country known for urban planning and bicycle infrastructure. Despite its size, it punches above its weight in global importance due to strategic geographic location, dense population, and advanced trade infrastructure. The Netherlands' unique relationship with water has shaped its history and culture, from land reclamation projects like the Zuiderzee works to flood protection measures such as the Delta Works.

The port of Rotterdam is a significant factor in the country's trade power, handling more cargo than any other European port. The Netherlands also excels in agriculture, with innovative greenhouse farming methods that make it one of the world's leading food producers. Their technology sector has monopolized certain aspects of the global semiconductor industry through ASML, which is the only company producing extreme ultraviolet (EUV) lithography machines used to create advanced computer chips.

The Netherlands' overpowered status stems from its ability to transform its natural environment into a strategic advantage, combined with a strong focus on efficiency and innovation in various sectors. This has made it a major player in global trade, agriculture, and technology, despite its small size. The country continues to adapt and innovate, ensuring its relevance in the 21st century.

Olympia Skandal: Bedrohen "Männer" wirklich den Frauensport? Eine Aufarbeitung (Video):

The transcript discusses the controversy surrounding Imani Khalif, a female boxer accused of being a man due to her physical appearance and performance. Key points include:

1. Imani Khalif is a biological female who has been falsely accused of being male. The accusations have led to online hate and conspiracy theories.

2. The controversy surrounding Imani Khalif's gender is related to the conflict between the International Boxing Association (IBA) and the International Olympic Committee (IOC). The IBA has been disqualified from organizing boxing for the Olympics, leading to questions about their credibility.

3. The debate around Imani Khalif highlights the importance of fairness in sports, specifically in contact sports like boxing. Gender and hormone-based categories are essential for ensuring the safety and equality of athletes.

4. The transcript also addresses intersexuality and transgender individuals in sports, discussing how regulations should be adjusted to accommodate their needs fairly.

5. In conclusion, it is crucial for sports governing bodies to create clear guidelines and rules regarding gender classification and fairness, ensuring that all athletes are treated equally and with respect.

Do We Have to Die? (Video):

The video discusses the limit of human aging and the reasons behind it. It explores the maximum lifespan of humans, which is thought to be around 125 years old based on demographic data. Biologically, aging is believed to result from cells losing their ability to function efficiently or becoming problematic, leading to a decrease in our body's resilience as we age. Aging is considered an evolutionary accident rather than something programmed into our bodies; however, some scientists propose that there may be a genetic benefit to having a maximum lifespan.

The video also touches on various interventions aimed at prolonging human life, such as calorie restriction, NAD supplements, and stem cell reprogramming. While progress has been made in extending the lifespans of animals like nematode worms, translating these findings to humans presents significant challenges due to factors like the need for a reliable marker of aging and ethical considerations surrounding human trials.

The video concludes that while we might not have definitive answers about whether or not we have to die, continuing research into aging could lead to better health and quality of life for future generations.

Why 'Laming' is Suddenly Not a Problem in AoE2 (Video):

The video discusses the decline of „laming“ (early game resource stealing) in Age of Empires pro gaming tournaments. The speaker notes that laming was once considered overpowered and could lead to bans, but it has now become a non-issue due to several reasons:

1. Players realizing the power of deer (the fastest source of food) and making them a priority.

2. Players taking their boars earlier, reducing the window for laming.

3. People becoming more risk-averse as skill levels are closer.

4. The focus on finding solutions instead of complaining about issues.

5. The speaker also mentions that deer luring could be made more interesting by removing the tediousness and adding instant lure mechanics.

Overall, the video encourages players to explore creative strategies rather than seeking nerfs or bans.

Die verpasste Klimachance | Harald Lesch, Antje Boetius, Tim Eickenscheidt, Jasmina Neudecker (Video):

The Transcript eines Youtube Videos is a comprehensive discussion on the potential of nature to mitigate climate change, focusing primarily on peatlands (moors) and marine ecosystems. The conversation involves Harald Lesch, Tim Eikenscheid, and Antje Boetius, who bring their expertise in various fields to explore how these natural systems can be harnessed for climate protection.

1. Introduction: Harald Lesch introduces the topic by expressing concern about the need to reduce CO2 emissions. He emphasizes that we should look beyond technological innovations and consider nature's potential as a tool for climate mitigation. The discussion is centered on land and water, with peatlands (moors) being highlighted as key land-based systems and marine ecosystems playing an essential role in water.

2. Role of Peatlands: Tim Eikenscheid, an ecologist from the Peatland Science Center at Hochschule Weiden-Stefan-Triesdorf, explains that peatlands are natural wetland ecosystems with a significant potential for climate mitigation due to their ability to store large amounts of CO2. However, these areas have been extensively exploited and drained, leading to increased CO2 emissions. Eikenscheid presents the concept of Paludiculture, which involves the sustainable management of peatlands through water level control and the cultivation of specific plants that contribute to carbon sequestration.

3. Marine Ecosystems: Professor Antje Boetius, a marine researcher from Alfred-Wegener-Institut, discusses the crucial role of marine ecosystems in climate mitigation. She highlights how oceans absorb about 25% of human CO2 emissions and play a significant part in the global carbon cycle through biological processes like photosynthesis by algae and the sinking of organic matter to the ocean floor. Boetius also emphasizes the importance of preserving and restoring coastal habitats such as mangroves, seagrass meadows, and saltmarshes, which not only store CO2 but also protect against erosion and provide habitat for marine life.

4. Balancing Economic Interests with Climate Protection: The conversation delves into the challenges of balancing economic interests with climate protection, particularly in land use and agriculture. Eikenscheid and Boetius discuss the potential economic benefits of restoring peatlands and marine ecosystems, such as the creation of new industries and job opportunities. They also address the need for financial incentives to encourage farmers and landowners to adopt sustainable practices and contribute to climate mitigation efforts.

5. International Cooperation: The discussion touches upon the importance of international cooperation in addressing climate change, particularly when it comes to sharing knowledge, resources, and best practices. Eikenscheid and Boetius highlight the role that Germany can play as a leading economic power in promoting global climate action. However, they also emphasize the need for local initiatives and grassroots efforts to drive change at a community level.

6. Public Awareness and Engagement: The panel discusses the importance of raising public awareness about the potential of nature to mitigate climate change. They suggest using positive examples and success stories to inspire people to take action in their own lives and communities. They also highlight the need for clear communication about the benefits of sustainable practices and the consequences of inaction.

Executive Summary: The Transcript eines Youtube Videos presents a multifaceted discussion on harnessing nature's potential for climate mitigation, with a focus on peatlands and marine ecosystems. The conversation highlights the importance of sustainable management practices, economic incentives, international cooperation, and public engagement to effectively leverage these natural systems in the fight against climate change. It emphasizes that while there are challenges to overcome, the potential benefits are significant and should be prioritized in our collective efforts towards a more sustainable future.

Birkenstock: Sind die Sandalen gesund – und bald Luxus? 🤑👣 | Marktcheck SWR (Video):

The Transcript eines Youtube Videos discusses the popular sandal brand Birkenstock, covering various aspects such as its history, quality, sustainability, fairness towards employees and partners, and the impact of its luxury strategy on pricing.

1. Introduction to Birkenstock: The video begins with an overview of the brand's transformation from a functional sandal to a stylish trend that has conquered the world. It emphasizes Birkenstock's claim as the inventor of the footbed, raising questions about their impact on foot health and whether they are truly beneficial for the feet.

2. Foot Health: The video explores the idea that Birkenstocks may not be as beneficial for foot health as claimed. A physiotherapist points out that the rigid sole can lead to problems such as over-reliance on the toes and potential risks like ankle sprains or foot injuries if the shoe doesn't fit properly. While some users experience relief, others encounter discomfort and pain, indicating individual variations in response to the shoes.

3. Sustainability: The video examines Birkenstock's sustainability efforts, focusing on the use of cork as a material for their footbeds. It highlights that while cork harvesting is generally sustainable, there are concerns about the transparency and ethical standards in other aspects such as leather sourcing and production processes. The company needs to improve its disclosure practices to allow consumers to make informed choices.

4. Fairness Towards Employees: The video delves into reports of high-performance pressure among Birkenstock employees at their German factories, where some workers feel they must choose between their health or meeting performance targets to earn bonuses. While the company maintains that it provides incentives within a reasonable range, there are ongoing efforts by trade unions to negotiate better working conditions and achieve a collective bargaining agreement.

5. Price and Quality: The video discusses the significant increase in Birkenstock's prices over the years, which has led to accusations of price gouging. The company attributes this to rising costs but critics argue that it may also be part of an intentional strategy to position itself as a luxury brand. Despite the higher prices, some users find the quality satisfactory, while others believe there are better alternatives available at lower cost.

6. Luxury Strategy: The video concludes by examining Birkenstock's shift towards a luxury positioning, which has contributed to its global success and iconic status in fashion circles. The brand's association with comfort, individuality, and health has resonated with consumers worldwide, leading to strong demand for its products. However, this strategy has also led to challenges such as the issue of counterfeit products and legal battles over copyright protection.

Arm trotz Arbeit - Die Krise der Mittelschicht | Doku HD Reupload | ARTE (Video):

The Transcript eines Youtube Videos discusses the growing wave of protests across Europe due to rising prices for food and energy, affecting not only the working class but also populist groups. The video highlights the economic uncertainty that has been increasing over the past few decades, affecting large parts of society previously classified as the middle class. It emphasizes the need to address the needs of the precarious population and take action against growing insecurity.

The video delves into the nature of the precariat, a term used to describe individuals with insecure jobs who lack any form of identity or purpose in their work. This group includes those with only temporary employment or occasional jobs, and it is characterized by existential uncertainty and a sense of disconnection from society. The video also explores how this situation is exacerbated by the liberalization of labor laws, which has led to a rise in precarious employment, befristete Verträge, and the use of outsourcing and temporary work arrangements.

The video includes interviews with individuals like Patricia Lessage, a French woman who works as a cleaner and kitchen assistant, and Tolga Atay, a German man who is trying to improve his situation by pursuing further education and engaging in social activism. These stories provide insights into the struggles faced by those living on the margins of society due to precarious employment conditions and limited opportunities for advancement.

The video also touches on the issue of social inequality, which has been exacerbated by neoliberal economic policies that have transferred wealth from the bottom up. It suggests that the system is fundamentally unstable and unequal, with millions of people living on the brink of unsustainable debt. The interviewees express frustration with a political class they perceive as out of touch and unwilling to address their concerns.

The video concludes by highlighting the potential for change through collective action and the importance of fighting against the normalization of insecurity and fear among those affected by precarious employment conditions. It emphasizes that while there may be hope on the horizon, it is crucial for people not to lose sight of the need to continue advocating for their rights and pushing for systemic changes.

In summary, the Transcript eines Youtube Videos provides a comprehensive look at the issues surrounding precarious employment in Europe, its impact on individuals and society, and the potential paths towards addressing these challenges through policy changes and social activism.

State of free text to speech | 2024.08 (Video):

The transcript of the YouTube video discusses various open-source text-to-speech (TTS) projects and artificial voices. Each project has its unique features, capabilities, and programming languages used. Some notable TTS projects mentioned are ChatTTS, Mars5, MetaVoice, Parley, and Toucan.

ChatTTS is a TTS model based on the AGPL 3 license, supporting English and Chinese languages. It can be installed using Python packages or by cloning the repository and building it locally. The text-to-speech synthesis can be customized with additional instructions like laughter and breaks for enhanced output.

Mars5 is an open-source TTS solution based on the Apache 2 license, supporting English language only, and can perform zero-shot voice cloning. It uses Jupyter notebooks for local installation and Python programming language.

MetaVoice TTS is available as a Docker container with two services: server process and web-based user interface. It supports English language, but other languages could be supported through one-minute training data input. It's mainly based on Python programming language with additional dependencies like Jupyter Notebook, Colab, and Docker.

Parley TTS is an open-source project provided by Hugging Face. It uses an Apache 2.0 license and supports Python programming language. It can use custom prompts to generate voices close to the given descriptions. It can be installed using pip on Linux, Windows, or Mac OS systems with compatible Python versions.

Toucan TTS is a TTS model based on the Apache 2.0 license, written in pure Python programming language. It supports up to 7,100 languages and zero-shot voice cloning using 30 seconds of audio reference data. It can create new training pipelines for customizing models and runs best with Python version 3.10 or higher.