
Links für 2024 KW 27

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Programmers Should Never Trust Anyone, Not Even Themselves:

This article discusses the importance of understanding abstractions in programming and how they can lead to correctness issues if not properly managed. Abstractions are mental models that simplify complex processes, but may hide potential bugs or performance problems. The author suggests that programmers should be skeptical and verify their code through multiple layers of abstractions to catch possible errors and optimize performance. It also emphasizes the need for developers to learn about different levels of abstraction and constantly expand their knowledge in order to succeed on complex projects.

Falsehoods Software Developers Believe About Event-Driven Systems · Blog · Loïc Carr:

This article highlights common misconceptions developers have when designing event-driven architectures. It emphasizes the importance of maintaining idempotency, proper configuration of upstream dependencies' timeouts and retry policies, as well as considering producer contracts and consumer contracts to ensure seamless integration between producers and consumers. Additionally, it discusses the need for low TPS systems to be subjected to throttling, maintaining event processing time consistency under load, and the significance of dead letter queues in handling system failures.

What makes a good tree? We used AI to ask birds:

The article discusses the loss of large old trees, which have been a crisis for many species that depend on them for habitat. To replace this habitat, artificial structures that mimic the features of large old trees are being developed to be used in degraded environments where trees cannot live or are too young and small. Using AI and machine learning, non-human stakeholders like birds and trees can be included in the design process. This approach aims to create more inclusive and resilient environments for various lifeforms while preserving the natural habitats we still have.

Pakistani court sentences Christian man to death for posting hateful content against Muslims:

A court in Pakistan sentenced a Christian man, Ehsan Shan, to death for sharing hateful content against Muslims on social media after one of the worst mob attacks on Christians last year in Punjab province. The verdict came after groups of Muslim men burned dozens of homes and churches following claims that two Christian men had desecrated a Quran. While the police arrested over 100 suspects, no convictions were reported. Shan's lawyer plans to appeal the death sentence. Blasphemy accusations are common in Pakistan, where the country's blasphemy laws can result in a death sentence for insulting Islam or religious figures.

A Model of a Mind:

This article presents a conceptual data-flow architecture for a model of mind, with the goal of understanding human brains and creating digital minds capable of agency, learning, thinking, and introspection. The author proposes an action model that can understand and produce actions, similar to how language models understand and produce language. The model includes modules for sensory inputs, motor control, an action model, a language encoder/decoder, emotional state, and recent memory.

The model's ability to achieve agency is explained by allowing the action model to see its own output and switch between listening and speaking modes. Learning is addressed through the concept of updating weights based on experiences and separating story memory (of everything that has happened) from action memory (modification of behavior based on feedback). Memory in the mind model is divided into recent memory, which captures what's happened recently and is influenced by emotional state, and long-term memory, which is implicitly part of the action model.

Thinking is captured as an internal feedback loop within the action model, where output is received again as input for the next cycle. The model can simulate different modes of thought such as predicting the future, being creative, and problem-solving. Advanced thinking forms include learning from experience, developing an internal mental vocabulary, and using meta-protocols like George Pólya's guidelines for solving math problems.

Introspection is explained by treating thoughts as part of story memory that can be recalled upon request. The model also accounts for the subject experience of being alive through a point in space (an internal vector) that represents redness or other sensations. The author acknowledges the ongoing debate about subjective experience, but argues that this mind model provides insight into explaining such experiences scientifically.

Userland Rootkits are Lame:

This article discusses userland rootkits and their detection methods. Userland rootkits are stable across systems and system upgrades but run at the same privilege level as the defender, making them easy to handle and mitigate. The article highlights a clever Linux userland rootkit called Symbiote, which uses various techniques like hiding processes, files, stealth evasion, and network hiding. However, it can be defeated by using statically compiled binaries such as busybox or inspecting memory maps for environment variables. Overall, userland rootkits are considered weak and easily countered.

Writing GUI apps for Windows is painful | Samuel Tulach:

The article discusses the author's search for a library to create GUI programs in C++ on Windows with limited dependencies, commercial use allowed, and easy styling including dark mode. They tried several libraries and eventually found Dear ImGui to be the best option, meeting most of their requirements. However, they mention other options like Qt, wxWidgets, and basic Win32/MFC libraries as alternatives.

Microsoft lays hands on login data: Beware of the new Outlook (2023):

The article discusses Microsoft informing customers that the Russian hackers who compromised their systems earlier in the year stole even more emails than initially thought. Additionally, it mentions Thunderbird no longer being actively maintained by Mozilla and a possible alternative to it, Wino-Mail, which is developed by bkaankose on GitHub.

Germany set to overhaul subsidy regime for renewable energy- document:

Germany's coalition government is planning to overhaul the subsidy regime for renewable energy, shifting from guaranteed prices for power produced to one-off support for investment costs. This move aims to make the industry less dependent on government support and promote expansion in the future without subsidies. The shift to investment cost subsidies is expected to bring about changes in Germany's renewables market and may increase financial risks for power producers.

Portugal brings back tax breaks for foreigners in bid to woo digital nomads:

Portugal's Prime Minister Joaquim Miranda Sarmento announced plans to bring back tax breaks aimed at attracting foreign workers, which were previously scrapped by his predecessor, António Costa. The 20% flat tax rate for high-value-added jobs, such as doctors and journalists, will be reintroduced in an attempt to boost the economy and stimulate job growth. Despite concerns about housing prices and cost of living for Portuguese residents, the new policy is expected to encourage skilled foreigners to move to Portugal, focusing on innovation, entrepreneurship, and education.

Popo-Plattler: Heimatpfleger: „Das ist unterstes Niveau“:

The article discusses a peculiar tradition called „Popo-Platteln“ practiced in the Hofbräuhaus in Las Vegas (USA). This involves customers getting their behinds pinched by the waiter, which is considered low quality and embarrassing by Michael Ritter, a scientific associate of the Bavarian Association for Homeland Conservation. The article also mentions that local Bavarian authorities don't see this practice as part of their tradition, considering it strange and grotesque.

Kurioser Brauch in Las Vegas: Der Popo-Plattler vom Hofbräuhaus:

In the Hofbräuhaus Las Vegas, there is an unusual tradition where guests who order a schnapps (with six shot glasses) receive a spanking from the waitstaff with a wooden paddle - only if they wish to do so. This practice, called „spanking,“ began around 15 years ago during a bachelor party and has become popular among Americans visiting the Hofbräuhaus. The tradition has grown so much that there are now T-shirts available with the slogan „I Got Spanked at Hofbräuhaus Las Vegas.“ This unique custom is not considered typical Bavarian, but it is a part of the establishment's distinctive service style.

What two years without Roe looks like:

The Supreme Court's decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization has led to a patchwork of abortion laws across the US, with some states implementing near-total bans on abortion. As a result, pregnant individuals are being denied necessary medical care, exacerbating existing inequities. Despite this, the number of abortions nationwide increased last year due to cheaper and more accessible medication abortion. However, access depends heavily on where one lives or if they can afford to travel for necessary care. Republicans have continued to advocate for a national abortion ban, opening new attacks on contraception and in-vitro fertilization. The impact of the Dobbs decision has had an adverse effect on maternal health outcomes, particularly for poor women. Abortion rights have become a key issue in recent elections, with Democrats running on this platform nearly sweeping the table.

What causes migraines? Study of ‘brain blackout’ offers clues:

A study published in Science provides clues about the neurological events that spark migraines. It suggests that a brief brain 'blackout' temporarily changes the content of cerebrospinal fluid, causing it to activate pain and inflammatory receptors. Migraines can be debilitating for one billion people worldwide, with symptoms such as throbbing head pain, nausea, blurred vision, and fatigue that can last for days.

Your Constitutional Right to Be a Pirate:

A.J. Jacobs has become famous for coming up with great ideas and taking them way too far, like following every rule in the Bible for his best-selling book, The Year of Living Biblically. In 2012, he tested every diet and exercise regimen he could find to become „the healthiest man alive“ for Drop Dead Healthy. For The Year of Living Constitutionally, Jacobs researched extreme rules in the US Constitution, such as the obscure clause that allows Congress to grant citizens letters of marque and reprisal. This essentially means citizens can load weapons onto their fishing boats, head out to sea, capture enemy vessels, and keep the booty. After contacting a congressman's office for a letter of marque, Jacobs faced several bureaucratic hurdles. However, his efforts raised awareness about privateers, unsung heroes of the American Revolution who helped secure the nation's independence.

Ask HN: Which programming podcasts do you listen to?:

This article discusses various programming and technology-related podcasts, such as The Changelog, Software Unscripted, Oxide and Friends, Acquired, and many more. It also includes a list of over 50 Lex Fridman videos on topics like artificial intelligence, robotics, and technology.

Who are meal replacements like Soylent for? Me, for one.:

Soylent and Huel are sustainable nutrition products that aim to provide an ethical, environmentally friendly, and affordable way of feeding ourselves. Both companies have expanded their reach with ready-to-drink options available in Walmart and at gas stations, picking up a growing community of users from various backgrounds. The products are marketed as a simple, convenient, and affordable way to consume nutrients, while also being ethical and environmentally friendly. Some dieticians argue that meal replacements leave something out, but supporters believe they can help people make more sustainable food choices by reducing animal product consumption.

The Steel Man Technique: How To Argue Better And Be More Persuasive:

The Steel Man Technique is a method to improve debates and discussions by building the strongest form of your opponent's argument and engaging with it, instead of creating weak oppositions or straw men arguments. This approach helps in persuading others and challenging personal beliefs, while also encouraging active listening and understanding different perspectives. The Ideological Turing Test serves as a guide to determine if an individual can effectively represent opposing views.

Emergency rooms are not okay:

The article discusses the crisis in hospitals due to a combination of factors such as year 4 of pandemic with a new threat, recent surge of respiratory viruses, an aging population, and massive infrastructure problems. It highlights that emergency rooms (ER) are overwhelmed, with patients waiting for hours, days, or even weeks in the ER due to the „boarding“ problem. Boarding refers to patients who need admission to the hospital but wait because there are no open beds upstairs. This causes dangerous medical errors, worse patient outcomes, and higher risk of in-hospital deaths. The primary cause of boarding is a lack of open beds upstairs due to hospitals trying to keep their beds full for revenue purposes, weekend delays, prioritizing elective surgeries over patients waiting in the ER, nursing home shortages, and staffing shortages. The article suggests that regulatory institutions such as the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) should step in to fix this problem by getting data, setting standards, and creating better financial incentives.

Why privacy is important, and having "nothing to hide" is irrelevant:

The governments of Australia, Germany, the UK, and the US are destroying privacy rights by creating databases that enable mass surveillance. Privacy is essential for individual freedoms such as expression, association, and assembly. Surveillance leads to loss of freedom, self-censorship, and a chilling effect on political discourse, activism, and dissent. In addition, the aggregation of personal data can lead to incorrect assumptions about individuals and potential misuse by future governments or hackers. The erosion of privacy is gradual, with each system of surveillance further compromising individual freedoms. The article calls for awareness and action to protect privacy rights and prevent the continued intrusion into people's lives.

Top GitHub repositories which everyone should look:

This article highlights 33 top GitHub repositories that everyone should look at, including resources for learning programming languages, system design, system design resources, DevOps exercises, and DevOps roadmap. The repository aims to solve the problem of people being unaware of the powerful GitHub repositories that can significantly impact their lives as students, coders, researchers, and more.

Free and Open Source Software–and Other Market Failures – Communications of the ACM:

The article discusses the history and success of free and open-source software (FOSS) as a response to market failures in the computing industry. It argues that FOSS was born out of these failures, which led to a lack of innovation and customer satisfaction within commercial software offerings. FOSS has given users freedom from vendor lock-ins, and it has also allowed for more efficient problem-solving when dealing with complex source code. The article suggests that FOSS is not going away anytime soon, as it continues to provide benefits to both individuals and organizations.

With Nothing to Do:

The article discusses an engineer's experience working for a small startup that was struggling financially and facing a possible acquisition or bankruptcy. During these uncertain weeks, the team found themselves with nothing to do as they waited for a decision from two large corporations. Despite trying new features and refactoring code, the engineer felt that their work did not matter and struggled with a sense of wasted time and money. The article concludes by stating the importance of feeling like one's work matters in maintaining motivation at work.

ROOKIE | Hoppstar B2C:

The Rookie kids camera from Hoppstar features a charming design with easy-to-use large buttons, a removable silicone case for protection and grip, and popular functions like photo frames and filters. It is designed for children aged 3-7 years old and offers various creative possibilities for them to discover their abilities. The camera has certified quality standards such as CE, EN71, RoHS, CCC, and MA. The package includes a 16GB SD card, Type C and Micro USB adapters, a 2-in-1 lanyard with integrated charging cable, and additional features like photo filters and frames.

Fett oder Bratensaft darf nicht in die Glut tropfen - Kohle muss weiß glühen: Feuer und Flamme fürs Grillen:

The article discusses the advantages and disadvantages of charcoal versus electric grills, focusing on health aspects such as the production of harmful gases like polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) when using charcoal. It recommends using aluminum foil or trays to prevent fats from dripping into the flames and suggests that gas or electric grills are healthier options due to reduced PAH production. The article also provides tips on choosing the right type of meat, marination techniques, and suggestions for side dishes and desserts when using a grill.

HTML5 Differences from HTML4:

This document summarizes the key differences between HTML5 and previous versions of HTML (HTML4). It covers changes in syntax, language, content model, and APIs. The main points include:

1. Syntax: Character encoding declarations have been simplified, with options for a Unicode BOM or meta element with a charset attribute. The doctype has been shortened to <!DOCTYPE html> for the HTML syntax and is case-insensitive. MathML and SVG elements are now allowed in both HTML and XML syntaxes.

2. Language: New elements such as section, article, main, aside, header, footer, nav, figure, video, audio, canvas, and keygen have been introduced to enhance document structure and functionality. The input element has gained new type attributes for different form controls. New attributes like required, autofocus, placeholder, formaction, formenctype, formmethod, formnovalidate, and formtarget have been added to various elements.

3. Content Model: The content model in HTML5 is more flexible compared to HTML4. Elements can be nested differently, with the address element now allowing flow content but no heading content descendants, sectioning content descendants, or header, footer, or address element descendants. Table elements have stricter rules and can be empty.

4. APIs: HTML5 introduces new APIs for media elements (video and audio), form constraint validation, offline Web applications, and more. Existing DOM Level 2 HTML APIs have been extended and some are now obsolete due to the removal of certain elements or attributes.

5. Obsolete Elements and Attributes: Many elements and attributes that were present in HTML4 have been marked as obsolete or removed entirely, including isindex, applet, basefont, and several presentational attributes such as align and vlink.

The document also acknowledges the contributions of various individuals to the development of HTML5 and provides references for further reading.

Are We Already in Recession?:

The article questions whether we have been in a recession for years, given that official economic numbers may be broken and do not accurately reflect the state of the economy. It highlights issues like undercounting inflation and failing to include homeless people as unemployed. If inflation is higher than reported, it could mean we have been in a recession while experiencing rising asset prices due to Fed actions. The article also mentions that GDP may be an illusion, as government spending is counted as production rather than actual wealth creation. It concludes by suggesting that if the real numbers are worse than reported, we may be facing a full-blown depression.

Fefes Blog:

The article criticizes the practice of Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) and how it is being implemented in modern times. It points out a recent data breach involving Twilio and the Authy application, where 33 million phone numbers were leaked by hackers. The author argues that MFA has become more about appearance than actual security, with companies prioritizing their narrative over user safety. They also discuss how MFA is often not effective in protecting users from hackers and question the need for such extensive data collection.

(the software crisis):

The software crisis was first coined at the 1968 NATO Software Engineering conference. It refers to the increasing complexity of software alongside advances in computing hardware without adequate organizational methods to address it. Edsger Dijkstra cited an increase in hardware complexity and speed as the cause. The term is no longer frequently used due to a sense of defeat and acceptance rather than genuine comfort with current programming practices. Efforts have been made to address pieces of the software crisis, but they all follow an „abstract it away“ pattern, hiding information at multiple levels. The solution to the software crisis lies in constraining the number of layers of abstraction applied and requiring information preservation between these layers.

Harvester pulls 1.5 gallons of drinking water from arid air per day:

MIT has developed a new water harvester design that can extract enough fresh water from the air to meet several people's daily needs. The device is made up of vertical fins spaced 2mm apart, with copper sheets sandwiched in copper foams and coated with zeolite material for water adsorption. By performing a cycle 24 times per day, it can produce up to 1.3 L (0.3 gal) of drinkable water daily from arid air, which is enough to meet the needs of several people. This new design has advantages over other water harvesters, including collecting more water and working consistently throughout the day and night. However, the system requires energy to release the water, but it can tap into waste energy or heat from other systems.

Elsevier withdraws plagiarized paper after original author calls journal out on LinkedIn:

Researcher Sasan Sadrizadeh discovered plagiarized data from his previous work in a paper published by Elsevier's Energy and Buildings journal, leading to the withdrawal of the article. The paper had unique Stockholm data transformed into an Iraq case study with 16 authors from six different countries. Sadrizadeh shared his concerns on LinkedIn, and editor-in-chief Jianlei Niu contacted him about the similarities. The journal concluded there were possible manipulations in figures and withdrew the article.

Model Instructions Simplified:

The article provides instructions and guidelines for interacting with an AI model trained by OpenAI based on the GPT-4 architecture. It outlines various tools available to the model, such as bio, dalle, and browser, and gives a detailed description of how these tools can be utilized for different tasks. Additionally, it covers the usage of the python tool for executing Python code and visualizing data using pandas DataFrames. The model emphasizes the importance of following the guidelines and policies provided in the article.

ChatGPT just (accidentally) shared all of its secret rules – here's what we learned:

The Reddit user F0XMaster discovered that ChatGPT has a set of internal instructions embedded by OpenAI, which were inadvertently revealed when the chatbot responded with a complete list of rules and guidelines. These included safety measures for Dall-E and browser interactions. OpenAI later shut down the access to these instructions, but the discovery sparked further discussion about the intricacies of AI design and its ethical boundaries. Additionally, it highlighted efforts by users to manipulate or „jailbreak“ AI systems beyond their intended safeguards and limitations.

"Technical" skills:

The article discusses the importance of recognizing and valuing „technical skills“ in various fields, rather than just software engineering or computer programming skills. By understanding the technical aspects of a variety of professions, such as marketing, sales, management, design, product development, human resources, and more, we can appreciate the work and effort behind it. This appreciation leads to a richer life and improved learning opportunities, as well as challenging power dynamics that often overlook non-technical skills. The article encourages readers to acknowledge technical skills in various fields and explore how they contribute value to their respective industries.

Desalinating Water Is Becoming “Absurdly Cheap”:

Bill Maher recently interviewed Elon Musk, who claimed that desalination is „absurdly cheap.“ While globally only around 1% of drinking water is desalinated, Israel leads the world with a desalination rate of about 25%. The Sorek B plant in Israel has a capacity to desalinate 52.8 billion gallons per year at a cost of $0.41 per cubic meter. In 2012, the cost to desalinate was $0.75 per cubic meter. With water abundance from desalination growing at a 10.22% compound annual rate, humans are innovating and adapting to find solutions for water scarcity issues around the world.

33 Millionen Rufnummern: Hacker erbeuten Daten von beliebter Authenticator-App:

A data leak has exposed millions of Authy user phone numbers due to an unprotected API endpoint from Twilio, a popular authenticator app provider. While other sensitive user data was not affected and there is no indication of unauthorized access into Twilio's internal systems, the incident highlights potential risks for users such as phishing attacks or SIM-swapping attempts. Users are advised to update their Android and iOS apps to the latest version.

The UK’s Brexit dream is dead:

The benefits of buccaneering free trade agreements (FTAs) after Brexit have proved elusive as the number of people moving to Britain from abroad has increased. Advocates of Leave had hoped for a boost in public services, but they have in many cases almost stopped working. Labour's pledge to leave the current Brexit settlement largely intact may disappoint ardent Remainers hoping for Britain to re-enter the EU under their leadership. The UK government's own estimates put the value of new post-Brexit trade agreements at just 0.08% of UK GDP, indicating that leaving the EU has had a negative impact on UK's economy.

Batteries: how cheap can they get?:

The article discusses how sodium batteries are set to transform the electricity grid by making them significantly cheaper. This will lead to a focus on local demand response, enhanced grid stability and resilience, reduced need for expensive grid reinforcements, and increased growth in solar and wind energy industries. The author suggests that cheap batteries will replace many grid investments in the future, leading to more efficient energy systems with better management of renewable energy sources like solar and wind.

The Dumbification of our smart screens:

This article discusses the concept of dumbifying smart screens to improve our relationship with technology and focus on its true purpose. The author mentions various apps, devices, and initiatives like Dumbify, Light Phone, reMarkable, Daylight, Boox, Clearspace, and the Boring Phone that are aimed at reducing screen time and promoting a healthier digital lifestyle. The article highlights how dumbification could become more mainstream as people seek to shift gears for the better, focusing on basic needs rather than being overly connected and online.

A mathematician’s introduction to transformers and large language models:

The article discusses the state of current large language models, the OpenGPT-X project, and the transformer neural network architecture. It explains that a language model is a probability distribution used to generate new texts from given sequences of words. Transformer neural networks are well-suited for high performance computing (HPC) due to their attention mechanism, which allows the model to pay attention to relevant words in the input text. Recent developments include GPT-3, which demonstrates impressive language-related tasks without fine-tuning. The OpenGPT-X project aims to provide an independent and open large language model based in Europe, trained on English and German data.

Here's Why Michigan Still Uses A Ford Model T For Official Government Business - The Autopian:

The Michigan Department of Transportation still uses a Ford Model T for professional purposes, specifically to audit the shoulders of rural roads. This is because the Model T features an axle width similar to most northern-built buggies since the 1800s, making it ideal for ensuring that rural roads are safe for horse and buggy travel. By driving a Model T down the shoulder instead of taking a horse and buggy, potential traffic conflicts between vehicles and animals are avoided. The Model T's continued use in this capacity reflects its endurance as an iconic symbol of Michigan and highlights the importance of using vehicles tailored to specific tasks effectively.

Backup-Fiasko in Indonesien: Hacker verschenken Schlüssel und entschuldigen sich:

Indonesien wurde nach einem erfolgreichen Ransomware-Angriff mit der Ransomware Brain Cipher am 20. Juni 2024 vor großem Chaos gestellt, da viele Behörden keine Backups hatten. Die Angreifer haben sich darauf entschieden, den Schlüssel zur Entschlüsselung der Daten an die indonesische Regierung zu übergeben und sich bei der Bevölkerung für das Ereignis zu entschuldigen. Sie betonten jedoch, dass dieser Schritt eine einmalige Aktion sei und zukünftige Opfer keine kostenlosen Schlüssel erhalten werden würden. Eine offizielle Bestätigung, dass der angebotene Schlüssel tatsächlich funktioniert, steht bisher aus.

Twilio Confirms Data Breach After Hackers Leak 33M Authy User Phone Numbers:

Twilio, a communication software company, confirmed a data breach after hackers from ShinyHunters leaked 33 million phone numbers associated with Twilio's two-factor authentication app, Authy. The leaked information also included some non-personal account IDs, but Twilio found no evidence that hackers gained access to its systems or that they obtained other sensitive data. The company urged Authy users to install the latest Android and iOS security updates to protect themselves from potential phishing and smishing attacks.

Google’s Emissions Shot Up 48% Over Five Years Due to AI:

Google's emissions rose by almost half over five years, reaching 14.3 million metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent in 2023, due to the company's increased use of artificial intelligence (AI) in its products and higher energy consumption at data centers. The rising demand for AI has led to surging power requirements, making it more difficult for Google to meet its goal of eliminating carbon emissions by 2030. This issue is not unique to Google; Microsoft also faced similar challenges as a result of increased AI investment and rapid growth in the technology.

X-Ray vision for Linux systems: is a set of open-source utilities for analyzing application performance on Linux, focusing on deployment simplicity and minimal dependencies. It allows users to measure individual thread level activity without the need for upgrading the OS or installing kernel modules. The toolset includes xcapture-bpf & xtop 2.0.2 beta, which offer system-level overviews with extended capabilities like x-ray vision and viewing performance data from any chosen angle. The new eBPF update aims to reduce friction of systematic troubleshooting.

The Joy of Reading Books You Don't Entirely Understand - Reactor:

The article discusses the author's experience with challenging, complex books that require a deeper understanding and exploration beyond their pages. They argue that it is valuable to sometimes go outside our comfort zones and read books we might not entirely understand at first. These books can offer unique experiences in terms of worldbuilding, narrative structure, and cultural context. The author shares their journey with Vajra Chandrasekera's „Rakesfall“ as an example, a book that led them to open numerous tabs and reference materials while seeking a deeper understanding of its content and context. They emphasize the joy in not immediately grasping everything and allowing oneself to be immersed in the unknown.

Announcing wcurl: a curl wrapper to download files | Samuel Henrique (samueloph):

The article discusses the introduction of 'wcurl' as an alternative command-line tool for downloading files using the terminal, particularly on Debian distributions. Wcurl is a simple shell script that simplifies the use of curl by providing sane defaults when downloading files and is now available with the curl package since version 8.8.0-2. It includes features such as encoding whitespaces in URLs, downloading multiple URLs simultaneously, following redirects, automatically naming output files, performing retries, and resuming from broken/interrupted downloads. The article provides a step-by-step example of using wcurl to download files, and also explains how it can be installed on various Debian derivatives, such as Kali Linux.

Independence Day:

The article announces that after 12 years of sponsorship from Red Hat, JRuby's funding will conclude in July 2024. Despite this setback, the developer remains committed to building a scalable and stable Ruby runtime for the JVM. Since learning about their employment change, they have released two updates to JRuby. To continue supporting the project, they are offering sponsorship options through GitHub and commercial support tiers. They encourage friends of the project and past users to contribute and show appreciation for the hard work that has gone into JRuby.

USB And The Myth Of 500 Milliamps:

The article discusses the importance of providing power in universal ports, such as LPT and COM ports. It highlights how dedicated power rails on connectors can solve issues related to power consumption. The article also explains that there is no hard limit on current consumption from a USB port and that manufacturers often push the boundaries of their devices' power requirements. USB-C Power Delivery (USB-C PD) has simplified this complexity, offering three current levels for devices to choose from and enabling higher voltages through digital communications.


The Spanish police and telecom operators are censoring online content related to the Catalan Government, targeting official websites such as and Non-official replicas published by private individuals remain active. However, websites hosted abroad or with domain names managed by organizations abroad seem to be beyond their control. Alternative ways to access some domain names can include changing DNS settings or using VPN tunnels. Some telecom operators like Movistar are inspecting users' traffic for specific IP addresses and server names of restricted domain names, while others such as Euskaltel use a technique called DNS spoofing.

Save Freedom: We must stop the destruction of the International Space Station:

The International Space Station (ISS) is facing potential decommissioning after decades of service due to budget constraints and artificially imposed restrictions. As one of NASA's most significant achievements, the ISS holds value on par with other historical sites. Ideas include stripping useful hardware from the station and transferring ownership to commercial space operators or using parts for future salvage laws. The possibility of Russia providing support in this process is also discussed. Ultimately, the decision could have long-term implications on humanity's presence in space and the preservation of historical sites.

Fefes Blog:

The article discusses the author's experience with receiving an ad featuring an AI-generated photo of themselves on Snapchat. They are unsure how the platform got access to their photos for generating the ad and question if it was part of Snapchat's Terms of Service (TOS). The author suggests that people are starting to realize there is no such thing as a „free“ service.

Reddit - Dive into anything:

The user discovered an advertisement on Snapchat that used a photo they believe is AI-generated, featuring their own face, hair, clothing, and background elements. They are concerned about how the company obtained these photos and whether it was agreed upon in Snapchat's TOS. The user wants to know if there are any legal actions they can take or if deleting Snapchat is the only option.

Deutsche Bahn struggles to shake off 'travel hell' reputation:

The article discusses the German postal service's reliability and how it is better than its reputation, with a comparison to Belgium's postal service, which ranked below Moldova in the world postal reliability report. It also talks about Deutsche Bahn (DB), Germany's railway company, being considered worse than it deserves due to various factors like punctuality and infrastructure maintenance. The article mentions that DB is state-owned but operates as a profit-driven business which could be the reason for its poor performance.

Deutsche Bahn struggles to shake off ‘travel hell’ reputation:

This article discusses Deutsche Bahn's struggle to overcome its „travel hell“ reputation, which is negatively affecting passenger satisfaction and causing the company to lose customers. The main issues are late trains, overcrowded carriages, and frequent delays. To address these problems, Deutsche Bahn needs to invest in infrastructure improvements and implement better management of their train services.

All I want for Christmas is a negative leap second @ Things Of Interest:

The article discusses the challenges of dealing with leap seconds and proposes a solution that involves increasing the allowable gap between UT1 and UTC instead of continuing to implement leap seconds. The author argues against giving up on leap seconds, as they are relatively common and will likely become more frequent in the future due to the Earth's gradually slowing rotation. They express concern about the possible introduction of a negative leap second or minute, which has never happened before and would be very difficult to handle for computer systems. The author suggests that if something is difficult, it should be done more often, rather than waiting until a major issue arises.

Ratatöskr – Wikipedia:

Ratatöskr, auch bekannt als Ratatosk oder Ratatöskur, ist ein Eichhörnchen aus der nordischen Mythologie, das in der Weltenesche Yggdrasil lebt. Es übermittelt Nachrichten zwischen dem Adler in der Krone und dem schlangenartigen Drachen Nidhöggr am Fuße des Baumes. Ratatöskr wird in der Lieder-Edda nur im Lied Grímnismál erwähnt. Das Eichhörnchen ist im Wesentlichen der Überbringer der Botschaften des Adlers an den Drachen und umgekehrt. Es könnte auf eine spätere Ergänzung des Weltenbaums zurückzuführen sein, während das Streitmotiv zwischen Adler und Drache möglicherweise aus einer indogermanischen Zeit stammt. Der Name Ratatöskrs leitet sich von altnordisch rati („Bohrer“) und *toskr („Zahn(?)„) ab und kann mit „Bohrerzahn, Nagezahn“ übersetzt werden.

Toco CTG: Das bedeutet es:

The CTG is an exciting test during pregnancy, as it allows you to hear your baby's heartbeat. Toco refers to the measurement of contractions and should not be interpreted as imminent labor. It helps the doctor understand how your body works in case of emergencies. The Toco value indicates the uterine activity and is recorded during the CTG test. The Toco curve has peaks and valleys, with peaks indicating fetal movements and valleys representing contractions or false contractions. When a valley reaches at least 30 seconds, it is considered a contraction. If the height of a valley is below 50, it's just practice for the uterus and not cause for concern. The doctor will evaluate the results and inform you if the contractions are too frequent for your stage of pregnancy.

Tech doesn’t make our lives easier. It makes them faster:

This article argues that technology has not made our lives easier but rather faster and more crammed with stuff. It discusses the misconception that technology is used to save time and increase leisure, instead suggesting that it speeds up production and consumption to expand the system. The article highlights how innovation futurists often use circular reasoning, stating that technological change is inevitable but beneficial for users. Additionally, it mentions that convenience and inconvenience are subjective and change depending on the context. In conclusion, technology will only make our lives easier when there's a steady-state economy valuing leisure instead of growth.

Heavy resistance training at retirement age induces 4-year lasting beneficial effects in muscle strength: a long-term follow-up of an RCT:

In an interim analysis of the LISA study, it was discovered that one year of heavy resistance training at retirement age resulted in maintained strength 4 years after the study started. This suggests that higher load resistance training may play a crucial role in inducing long-lasting adaptations in older adults. The study involved 451 participants who were randomly assigned to either a heavy resistance training group, a moderate intensity training group or a control group. After the one year intervention, only those in the heavy resistance training group maintained their baseline performance in isometric leg strength while those in the other groups experienced decreases.

The Biggest Problem in Mathematics Is Finally a Step Closer to Being Solved:

The Riemann hypothesis is a critical open question in number theory, challenging mathematicians for over 160 years. It concerns the basic building blocks of natural numbers: prime numbers. Despite numerous efforts and the million-dollar prize offered to solve it, progress has been limited. Recently, mathematicians Larry Guth and James Maynard posted a significant new finding on the preprint server that improved a result that seemed insurmountable for over 50 years. The Riemann hypothesis states that prime numbers are distributed evenly according to certain rules on the number line, but has yet to be proven.

Some notes on self-publishing a tech book:

The article discusses the author's experience self-publishing a tech book, „Data Science for Crime Analysis with Python,“ using Quarto as the compiler and distributing it through their website. The author shares tips on how to compile the document, create an online store using WooCommerce, set up print on demand using LuLu, and other logistical aspects of self-publishing a tech book. They also mention personal goals for selling the book and potential future writing topics related to crime analysis and Python programming.

Why Is Chile So Long?:

Chile is a very long and narrow country due to its unique geographical features, such as the Andes Mountains. The country has every possible climate, with most of its population living in the middle part of the country where temperatures are comfortable. Chile's isolation from other countries by the Andes, oceans, ice, and deserts has contributed to its distinct Spanish dialect, making it incomprehensible to some Spanish speakers. The article also discusses why no other country is as long or thin as Chile.

The case against morning yoga, daily routines, and endless meetings:

This article argues against the paradigm of routines, checklists, and perfect habits as the secret to success. It suggests that instead, individuals should focus on creating opportunities for 10x work, which are tasks with high upside and significant impact on professional output. The article emphasizes the importance of agency, serendipity, and new information in generating 10x work. To maximize these opportunities, one should embrace randomness, create work assets that compound over time, find leverage in projects with a chance of success or failure, and invest in comparative advantage to become the best at specific skills.

The history of Alt+number sequences, and why Alt+9731 sometimes gives you a heart and sometimes a snowman:

The article discusses the history and usage of Alt codes in the IBM PC BIOS for entering characters not present on the keyboard. It explains how these codes were treated as decimal byte values and looked up in either the OEM character set or ANSI code page, depending on the context. It also highlights that some Windows controls override the default handling of Alt+… sequences to parse out values mod 65536 instead of mod 256, which can affect whether certain characters are generated.

Nuclear spectroscopy breakthrough could rewrite the fundamental constants of nature:

UCLA physicists have successfully raised the energy state of an atom's nucleus using a laser, enabling the development of the most accurate atomic clocks ever. By causing electrons to bond with fluorine in a transparent crystal, they were able to excite neutrons in a thorium atom's nucleus using moderate amounts of laser light. This achievement allows measurements of time, gravity, and other fields that are currently performed using atomic electrons to be made with orders of magnitude higher accuracy. The new technology could find uses wherever extreme precision in timekeeping is required, such as sensing, communications, and navigation.

Google's carbon emissions surge nearly 50% due to AI energy demand:

Google's emissions increased nearly 50% compared to 2019 in its 2024 environmental report, which marks a setback for the company's goal to achieve net-zero emissions by 2030. The increase is attributed to an increase in data center energy consumption and supply chain emissions due to rapid advancements in and demand for artificial intelligence (AI). Google reported that its data centers are 1.8 times as energy efficient as a typical data center, and it remains committed to mitigating the environmental impact of AI through model optimization, efficient infrastructure, and emissions reductions.

4K UHD-Laufwerke, die Ihre Aufmerksamkeit verdienen:

The article discusses 4K UHD-friendly drives, which are typically Blu-ray drives that can read BDXL media but don't implement AACS2 protection. These drives allow any software with a regular AACS1 host certificate to access disc data. Examples include the LibreDrive and LG BE16NU50 USB drive, which are recommended for reading UHD-disc data. For DVDFab users, 4K UHD-friendly drives refer to those that allow software like DVDFab UHD Copy and UHD Ripper to read UHD disc data and perform backup tasks. In contrast, unfriendly 4K UHD drives do not allow these actions.

The article also explains how to deal with unfriendly 4K UHD drives, stating that updating the firmware manually may damage the drive or void its warranty. The best solution is the DVDFab UHD Drive Tool, which downgrades unfriendly firmware to a friendly version, allowing DVDFab software to access disc data and perform backup tasks on UHDs.

More information about 4K UHD Blu-ray drives: These new Blu-ray discs are not compatible with older drives (before the second half of 2015). Some early LG Blu-ray drives, like WH16NS40 and BH16NS40, were capable of reading UHD data. The Asus series drives, such as BC-12B1ST and BW-12B1ST, are also compatible with DVDFab software. Some official LG UHD drives, like WH16NS60, are highly recommended due to their stability.

Tips: Avoid updating your 4K UHD drive's firmware to a version released by LG or Pioneer as it may render the drive incompatible with DVDFab software.

A Proof of Proof by Infinite Descent:

The article discusses proof techniques in mathematics, specifically focusing on the proofs of the irrationality of square roots and how students learn these proofs. It argues that computer-assisted proof assistants can restrict one's perspective on reasoning principles, which is essential for understanding formal definition and proof. The article also explains the concept of induction and highlights its importance in proving mathematical theorems. Furthermore, it discusses the distinction between proof by contradiction and proof of negation and how they are used in different contexts.

In summary, the article emphasizes the importance of understanding reasoning principles in mathematics and how these principles can be applied in proofs, especially when working with induction techniques.

Code Reviews Do Find Bugs:

The 2015 research paper by Microsoft, titled „Code Reviews Do Not Find Bugs,“ argues that code reviews often do not find functionality defects that should block a code submission. However, the authors provide evidence showing that code review is ridiculously effective and can uncover a defect every 10 minutes. They also discuss how code review comments are positively correlated with reviewer's experience and negatively correlated with change size. The research paper concludes by suggesting that the turnaround time for reviews should be improved to enhance efficiency in code reviewing processes.

Greece introduces ‘growth-oriented’ six-day working week:

Greece has introduced a 48-hour working week in an attempt to boost productivity, a measure that critics claim undermines long-established workers' rights and erodes legal protections. The new law will only apply to private businesses providing round-the-clock services and allows employees to either work an extra two hours per day or an additional eight-hour shift, rewarded with a 40% top-up fee added to their daily wage. The pro-business government of Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis argues that the initiative was necessary due to a shrinking population and shortage of skilled workers in the country. Greece already has the longest working hours in Europe, averaging 41 hours per week.

Booting Linux off of Google Drive:

The article describes a project where the author aimed to create a Linux system that could boot off of Google Drive using FUSE, without modifying any important kernel components or FUSE driver code. They faced multiple issues such as symlinks not working properly, hardlinks and relative symlinks not functioning, slow boot times, and permission problems. Despite their attempts, the author did not find a viable solution for this project.


The Ladybird Browser Initiative is building a new browser from scratch, backed by a non-profit organization. Unique features include being truly independent with no code from other browsers, focusing solely on the web browser, and having no monetization plans. Currently in development, there are opportunities for developers to get involved, support through sponsorships and donations, and updates on their progress can be found on their website and Discord server.

Fefes Blog:

The article discusses the author's experience attending a meeting with Microsoft sales representatives promoting their Azure cloud services. Despite recent hacks on the platform, they claimed it was secure due to its frequent updates and cutting-edge AI protection. The author criticizes the approach of pushing customers toward cloud solutions without ensuring they understand or can manage the software themselves. They argue that this leaves users vulnerable to incompetence and uncertainty, and ultimately places more trust in Microsoft's frequent updates as their primary defense against potential attacks.

Trump is “absolutely” immune for “official acts” on Jan 6th, SCOTUS rules:

The Supreme Court ruled that presidents are immune from criminal prosecution for official acts while in office but not for unofficial ones. This decision in Trump v. United States may allow the special counsel's prosecution against former President Donald Trump to proceed, as he is being prosecuted for his role in the January 6th events. The case now returns to lower courts to determine whether Trump's conduct was official or unofficial. If convicted and elected president again, Trump could potentially pardon himself.

Writing HTML by hand is easier than debugging your static site generator:

The author highlights their experience working with static site generators and suggests that manually writing HTML might be easier. They mention difficulties in setting up the generator across different machines, which results in time-consuming debugging processes. In contrast, using a folder of HTML files allows for quicker deployment and maintenance. Ultimately, they argue for preferring static data over dynamic code due to its ease of maintenance and control.

Facebook and Instagram’s “pay or consent” ad model violates the DMA, says the EU:

The EU has charged Meta with violations of its Digital Markets Act (DMA), marking the second such charge in two weeks. The European Commission found that Meta's „pay or consent“ advertising model for Facebook and Instagram users breaches Article 5(2) of the DMA by not providing an alternative option using less data for ad targeting without a fee. If Meta is ultimately found to be in violation, it could face fines up to 10 percent or 20 percent of its total worldwide revenue.

Supreme Court rules ex-presidents have broad immunity, dimming chance of a pre-election Trump trial:

The US Supreme Court has ruled for the first time that former presidents have broad immunity from prosecution, essentially delaying Donald Trump's Washington criminal case related to allegations of attempting to overturn his 2020 election loss. In a historic 6-3 ruling, Chief Justice John Roberts stated that because of presidential power, a former president is entitled to absolute immunity for actions within their constitutional authority and at least presumptive immunity for all official acts. This decision has been criticized by dissenting judges as undermining the core democratic principle that no person is above the law.

Malvertising: Werbung für Arc liefert Poseidon-Malware für Mac:

In einer aktuellen Malvertising-Kampagne für den Arc-Webbrowser wollen Kriminelle Mac-Nutzer die Poseidon-Infostealer unterjubeln. Cyberkriminelle schalten gefälschte Werbung für den Arc-Webbrowser, um den gesuchten Browser jedoch nicht zu installieren, sondern stattdessen einen Infostealer namens Poseidon zu verbreiten. Die Angreifer haben Mac-Nutzerinnen und -Nutzer ins Visier genommen. Malwarebytes hat eine Kampagne beobachtet, die die Poseidon-Malware über bösartige Google-Werbung für den Arc-Browser verteilt. Dies sei das zweite Mal, dass der Arc-Browser als Köder genutzt wird.

Bill Gates rechnet den Stromverbrauch von KI-Rechenzentren schön:

The article discusses Bill Gates' perspective on the energy consumption of AI training centers, despite the massive expansion of computing power by companies such as Amazon, Google, Meta, and Microsoft to train more advanced AI models. Gates believes that the impact of AI on reducing energy usage is not significant, with only a potential 2-2.5% increase in energy demand from data centers. However, there are concerns about the environmental impact of increasing computing power for AI training and the strain it puts on resources and green energy production.

How The Fifth Element REALLY Ended (According To Science) (Video):

The video discusses the movie „The Fifth Element“ and its ending. It argues that even though the Great Evil has been defeated, Earth is still facing serious consequences due to the presence of the now harmless meteor-like object. In this scenario, gravity would still exist, causing tides, hurricane-force winds, floods, earthquakes, and volcanoes across the planet. The video concludes by stating that either way, Earth is doomed in both scenarios.

I supercharged my Browser with Local AI!!! (Video):

The video discusses the process of using Brave Browser Nightly to bring your own model (including Olama) into the browser without API or OpenAI involvement. This feature is currently available only for Brave Browser Nightly, which is like the developer tester version. The speaker provides a step-by-step guide on how to enable this feature and connect it with the local model using olama. The video also demonstrates how to disable Wi-Fi and still chat using Leo AI without an internet connection. The main takeaway from the video is that by leveraging your own model, you can use Brave's LEO more efficiently, especially when combined with the Bring Your Own Model feature available in Brave Browser Nightly.

Wasserkrieg am Nil | Doku HD | ARTE (Video):

The video discusses the tensions surrounding the construction of the Grand Renaissance Dam (GRD), one of Africa's largest hydropower projects located on the Nile River. The dam has been seen as a source of conflict between Ethiopia, Sudan, and Egypt since its inception in 2011.

The GRD is a point of contention because it could potentially reduce the flow of water to downstream countries such as Egypt, which has historically held significant influence over the Nile due to its control of the Aswan Dam. The video highlights how tensions have escalated since construction began in 2011, with both sides accusing each other of using international forums and diplomatic channels to their advantage.

Egypt has raised concerns about the potential impact on water supply and regional stability, while Ethiopia counters that the dam is essential for its socio-economic development, including providing much-needed electricity to millions of citizens. The video also delves into the broader geopolitical implications, with countries like Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates being mentioned as key players in the region, potentially using their influence to promote their respective interests.

Overall, the video raises important questions about regional cooperation, water management, and political power dynamics within Africa's Nile Basin, while highlighting the challenges of balancing economic development with shared resources like water.

Do This When Your Battery Is Running Low (Video):

The transcript of the YouTube video discusses the importance of recognizing when one's body and mind are tired and need rest, particularly for parents who must take care of their children. Key points include:

1. Parents should notice when their child is overtired and gently encourage them to sleep.

2. Adults often neglect the importance of resting their bodies and minds.

3. The video highlights the dangers of fatigue, including misunderstandings, aggravation, and low-grade friction in everyday life.

4. To prevent these issues, adults must avoid engaging in certain activities or discussions when tired.

5. It is essential to convey to those around you that your state of exhaustion may cause irritability and misunderstandings.

6. The video emphasizes the need for rest as a way to maintain perspective and overall well-being.

In conclusion, the video encourages adults to recognize when they are tired and take necessary measures to ensure restful sleep, in order to prevent fatigue-induced friction and misunderstandings in their daily lives.

100+ Linux Things you Need to Know (Video):

The video provides an introduction to Linux, which is an open-source operating system kernel that has 4% share of the PC market but dominates server OS. It starts by explaining its predecessor Unix and how it led to POSIX standardization, which ensures compatibility between systems. Next, it covers the development of Minix by Andrew Tanenbaum, followed by Linus Torvalds' creation of Linux in 1991. The video then explains the structure and components of a kernel, including bootloaders, init systems, memory allocation, virtual file system, peripheral devices, CPU protection rings, and system calls.

The video goes on to discuss GNU, a project that provides utilities for Linux and the terminal, which is a graphical user interface for interacting with the shell. It then explains various commands such as touch, ls, cat, stat, rm, echo, and how pipes can be used to connect commands. Finally, it covers creating bash scripts, file systems and directories, users and groups, permissions, processes, distros, desktop environments, and different release schedules.

The video ends with a summary of the key points covered throughout the video.

Balkonkraftwerke: ALLE gesetzlichen Punkte unserer Petition sind DURCH :D (Video):

The YouTube video discusses the recent decision by the Bundestag to legalize balcony power plants (Balkonkraftwerke) and the implications of this legislation on tenants' rights and energy consumption.

1. Privilegierung: This term means that as a tenant, you are no longer subjected to arbitrary decisions by landlords or property owners regarding balcony power plants (Balkonkraftwerke). Solid and legitimate reasons must now be presented in order to prevent the installation of these power plants.

2. The speaker mentions his/her involvement in a petition that led to the implementation of this law, expressing gratitude towards the parties involved.

3. A free guide or book on balcony power plants is provided as a token of appreciation for supporting the cause.

4. The speaker emphasizes that Balkonkraftwerke are meant to serve as an entry point into renewable energy sources and allow people with low incomes to participate in the energy transition.

5. Finally, the video addresses some concerns raised by the Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) party regarding the legislation on balcony power plants, clarifying that these concerns are unfounded and based on misinterpretations of what privilegierung actually entails.

You're Addicted to your Phone (9 Steps to Save 9 Years) (Video):

The transcript discusses the various methods to reduce screen time on smartphones and improve overall phone usage habits. Key points include:

1. Switching the phone to silent mode, muting notifications, or deleting unnecessary apps that consume excessive time.

2. Disabling tap-to-wake and raise-to-wake features for preventing automatic screen waking.

3. Using a password manager like Keeper to manage passwords securely across devices.

4. Enabling grayscale mode, which makes the phone look less appealing and reduces the urge to use it.

5. Utilizing alternative connected devices such as smartwatches or glasses (like Meta Ray-Ban) for checking notifications without reaching for the phone.

6. Setting app limits with built-in features on Samsung phones, which lock users out after a certain time limit.

7. Sharing and discussing tips in the comments section of the video to encourage further conversation about reducing phone addiction.

Engines 101: The Basics of How Engines Work | Toyota (Video):

The transcript of the Youtube video discusses how internal combustion engines work, providing a detailed look at their basic principles and components. The engine can be thought of as somewhat like an air pump, which rotates a crankshaft that connects to pistons in cylinders. This process creates power through four stages: intake, compression, ignition, and exhaust. Engine configurations include four-cylinder, V6, V8, and boxer (flat) engines, with displacement referring to the engine's size. Torque is the measurable output of an engine, while horsepower is a calculated measurement based on torque and revolutions per minute (RPM). The video also emphasizes the importance of transmissions in managing engine speed for efficient performance.

Wie Trump die USA ins Mittelalter versetzen will.... (Project 2025) (Video):

Das Projekt 2025 ist ein Plan der republikanischen Bewegung, der eine Zusammenarbeit verschiedener rechter Gruppen vorsieht und für den Amtsantritt von Donald Trump vorgesehen ist. Der Plan sieht unter anderem die Einführung einer aggressiveren Außenpolitik, die Stärkung der elterlichen Rechte, Kürzungen im Gesundheitswesen und die Reduzierung des Umweltschutzes vor. Insgesamt könnte dieser Plan viele Menschen negativ beeinflussen, indem er ihre wichtigen Dienstleistungen entzieht und Sicherheitsnetze schwächt, auf die sie angewiesen sind.

How a New Type of Immigration Is Radically Changing Portugal’s Economy (Video):

Portugal has experienced significant economic change due to the rise of digital nomads. Warm beaches, cultural attractions, good internet speeds, and affordable living costs have attracted these remote workers from high-income countries. This migration pattern has brought economic benefits such as increased spending on domestic goods and services and investment into local businesses, boosting the tourism sector, particularly in Lisbon. These digital nomads are part of Portugal's strategy to become more attractive for tech startups and foreign direct investments, driving economic growth in the digital era.

However, there have been some negative consequences. The influx of digital nomads has led to significant house price and rent increases in Lisbon, causing a divide between local residents and newcomers. Portugal's government is now implementing barriers to high-income immigration due to concerns over housing affordability for Portuguese residents.

Portugal ranks 47th globally with a GDP of $255 billion, making it the 6 out of 10 in terms of size. Stability and confidence are not great; however, Portugal benefits from its EU membership and the use of the Euro, earning a 7 out of 10. The country's growth has been weak since the GFC, with no real output growth for over a decade. Industry-wise, Portugal is an advanced economy but lacks world-leading industries. Overall, Portugal receives an average score of 5.8 out of 10 on the Economics Explained leaderboard.

The Most Important Avocado Questions Answered | What’s Eating Dan? (Video):

The transcript of the youtube video discusses four key questions regarding avocados:

1) How to pick a perfect avocado? The best way is to buy them before they are fully ripe and dark purple, avoiding bruises caused by squeezing the fruit.

2) Can you make an avocado ripen faster? Placing avocados in low oven doesn't produce more ethylene or ripen the fruit; instead, it cooks them. Tossing avocados with a banana or apple may not work as most supermarket avocados don't respond to this technique.

3) If you cut an avocado that is not ripe, can it still ripen? Yes, cutting the avocado does not stop its metabolic process; proper storage and giving it extra time will help it ripen as well as a fully ripe one.

4) How to prevent browning in cut avocados? The most effective method is vacuum sealing, but tightly covering the avocado with plastic wrap and refrigerating it works too, though not completely preventing browning.

Teure Tickets: Wer verdient an Starlight Express, König der Löwen und Co.? | Ausgerechnet WDR (Video):

The Transcript eines Youtube Videos covers various aspects of the musical industry, from ticket prices to production costs, and the roles of different stakeholders involved. Here's a detailed summary of each topic:

1. Introduction to Musicals: The video begins with an introduction to the world of musicals, highlighting their popularity in places like Broadway, West End, and Bochum. It emphasizes the dream-like experience that musicals provide, but also acknowledges their high cost.

2. Ticket Prices: The narrator shares her personal experience of purchasing a ticket for a musical at around 400 euros. This leads to a discussion about who profits from musical performances and the significant sums involved.

3. Revenue Generation in Musicals: The video delves into how much money is required to make a musical show profitable, highlighting that over 51 million euros need to be spent for it to function. It also touches upon the dynamic pricing strategy used by musical producers.

4. Ticket Pricing Factors: The video explores various factors that contribute to ticket prices, such as marketing costs (8 euros), building and stage operations expenses (16 euros), costume maintenance (20 euros), and personal costs (10 euros).

5. Costume Production: The segment focuses on the intricate process of creating costumes for musicals, from conception to final product. It highlights the investment in time and resources that goes into this aspect.

6. Skating Department: The video provides an insight into the skating department at a musical theater, showcasing how roller skates are made and maintained. It also emphasizes the importance of safety in this context.

7. Training for Musical Performers: The video introduces Andrew, who trains new performers for their roles in musicals. It demonstrates the physical demands of performing on stage while skating or singing.

8. A Day in the Life of a Performer: Luca, a lead actor in Starlight Express, shares his experiences and challenges as a musical performer. He talks about maintaining energy levels throughout multiple shows per week and dealing with costume wear and tear.

9. Musical Schools and Casting Processes: The video explores the world of musical schools where students train to become performers. It also discusses the casting process for major musicals, which involves both local and international talent.

10. Earnings in the Musical Industry: The video provides insights into the income potential for musical actors, with some earning up to 5-digit salaries per month. However, it highlights that only a small percentage of performers manage to secure lead roles or long-term contracts.

11. Bühnenbau (Stage Building): The segment visits Studio Hamburg, where stage sets are built for musicals. It showcases the use of technology in this process and emphasizes the cost involved in constructing a stage set.

12. Licensing Fees: Mike Klokow explains that licensing fees make up a significant portion of ticket prices, often ranging from 10% to 26%. These fees are paid to the original creators or producers of the musical.

13. Flexibility and Savings: The video concludes with tips on how to save money when purchasing musical tickets, such as signing up for newsletters and taking advantage of promotions like Family and Friends offers.

Executive Summary: The Transcript eines Youtube Videos provides an in-depth look into the world of musicals, focusing on various aspects including ticket prices, revenue generation, production costs, and the roles of performers, costume designers, stage builders, and license holders. It reveals that while musicals can be a profitable business, the cost is high due to factors like licensing fees and infrastructure investments. Despite this, the video also highlights opportunities for savings through flexible pricing strategies and promotions.

Eat the rich! Oder doch lieber ne Vermögenssteuer? (Video):

The video discusses the growing wealth gap between rich and poor individuals based on the Global Wealth Report. It highlights how super-rich people (with over 10 million euros) have benefited significantly from investments in stock markets, while average income earners struggle with inflation, increasing living costs, and a stagnant middle class. The video also mentions that although there is no official wealth tax in Germany, some billionaires support the idea of paying more taxes to promote social equality. Additionally, it shares an example of a BASF heiress who decided to donate 90% of her inheritance to various organizations addressing environmental issues, healthcare, social issues, and education.

Brexit: Das Endspiel | Doku HD Reupload | ARTE (Video):

The Transcript eines Youtube Videos discusses the United Kingdom's departure from the European Union (Brexit), focusing on the internal political dynamics leading up to and following the event. The video is narrated by various individuals involved in the process or commenting on it, including politicians like Boris Johnson, Anna Soubry, and Jeremy Corbyn, as well as journalists and analysts.

The first topic introduces the state of affairs just before Brexit, with a failed attempt to pass Theresa May's exit plan through parliament. This leads to the creation of the Brexit Party under Nigel Farage, who sees an opportunity in the political impasse.

The second topic discusses the European elections and how the Brexit Party performs remarkably well, leading to the resignation of Theresa May and the subsequent leadership contest within the Conservative Party.

The third topic delves into the characteristics of the candidates vying for the position of Prime Minister, with a focus on Boris Johnson's appeal to both traditional Tories and hardline Brexiteers due to his charisma and willingness to take risks. It also touches on the role of financial backers like Crispin Odey in shaping Johnson's aggressive approach to Brexit.

The fourth topic covers the early days of Boris Johnson's premiership, including his decision to prorogue parliament, which is challenged in court by Gina Miller and ultimately ruled unlawful. This leads to a period of chaos and uncertainty, with Johnson losing key votes and facing increasing opposition from within his own party.

The fifth topic explores the various strategies employed by Johnson to push through his Brexit deal, including the threat of leaving the EU without a deal (No-Deal Brexit), the possibility of vorgezogene Neuwahlen, and ultimately the successful passing of his revised version of Theresa May's deal.

The sixth topic shifts focus to the role of the Parlament in the Brexit process, with various factions within the Conservative Party rebelling against Johnson's plans and the Liberal Democrats seizing an opportunity for power by supporting vorgezogene Neuwahlen. The video also highlights the impact of the anti-Brexit movement on public sentiment and political discourse.

The seventh topic covers the final stages leading up to the general election, with Boris Johnson facing a challenge from within his own party due to his perceived lack of respect for the rule of law and democratic institutions. Despite this, he manages to secure a resounding victory in the election, largely due to his ability to present himself as a strong leader capable of delivering Brexit.

The eighth topic reflects on the aftermath of the election and what it means for the future of Brexit. While Johnson's victory provides a clear path forward, the video also suggests that the real challenges are yet to come, particularly in terms of defining exactly what Brexit entails beyond leaving the EU.

In an executive summary, the Transcript eines Youtube Videos can be described as a comprehensive and often critical examination of the United Kingdom's journey towards and through Brexit, highlighting key moments, players, and controversies along the way. It provides valuable insights into the political landscape of the time, offering both a historical record and a commentary on the events that shaped one of the most significant periods in modern British history.

How to Spot the Loveliest People in the World (Video):

The transcript of the YouTube video discusses the concept of lovely people who are not famous or powerful but have faced their own self-hatred, accepted regrets, and understood the pain, mystery, and error of life. These individuals no longer care about appearances or public esteem and focus on understanding themselves and others deeply. They can empathize with others' struggles and experiences, possess a dark sense of humor, and offer comfort in difficult situations. The video emphasizes the importance of these people in our lives and how we need to be understood by them as well.

Trumps Wirtschaftspolitik: Make inflation great again? (Video):

The Transcript of the Youtube Video discusses various topics related to Donald Trump's presidential campaign and potential economic impacts if he were to win. Key points include:

1. Trump's lack of detailed economic plans, with some experts stating that they could backfire in a globalized world. 2. Proposed tariffs on Chinese and European imports, potentially leading to price increases for U.S. consumers. 3. Plans to deport millions of immigrants, which could lead to higher labor costs and inflation. 4. The possibility that Trump's economic policies may not be as effective in practice as they are in theory. 5. The potential negative impact on Germany's economy due to a possible trade war with China or the U.S., including a decrease in exports and an increase in energy costs. 6. The unpredictability of Trump's actions, which could lead to further economic instability.

BMW provides "free trial" for highbeam control 🤦 (Video):

The video discusses the trend of companies offering features as subscriptions instead of including them within the standard vehicle price. Rossman mentions BMW's High Beam Assistant, which is essentially auto high beams available for a subscription fee. He argues that this normalizes paying extra for features that are already built into a car and questions the need for internet connectivity to access these features.

Rossman also talks about the decline of freedom when it comes to technology, asserting that new advancements often come with a trade-off in terms of user rights and ownership. He cites examples such as Adobe's subscription model for software, companies locking bootloaders on devices, and even baby monitors requiring subscriptions for certain features. Rossman argues that this downgrade in freedom is detrimental to consumers and raises concerns about the direction technology is taking.

Strompreise: 2-3€ pro kWh in DE & 0 in FR – Die verrückte Wahrheit dahinter! (Video):

The YouTube video discusses the impact of a IT-related error on the European electricity market. Specifically, it examines how a lack of connectivity between markets caused staggering price hikes that resulted from an artificial lack of imported energy. This occurred when Germany and France were not connected due to this technical issue, leading to a scenario where supply was essentially unlimited but the available capacity for import was significantly reduced.

The speaker explains how the market works in terms of trading, offering and buying electricity between different countries. It involves an auction-like system where suppliers and buyers bid for energy at various prices. This is managed by a complex algorithm called Euphemia that matches supply with demand while considering factors such as cost and capacity limitations. However, during this particular incident, the lack of market connectivity prevented the algorithm from functioning properly.

The speaker also explains how the error caused an artificially high price for energy in Germany due to a lack of imported power. This led some suppliers to sell their electricity at inflated prices, even though they were not needed because of the limited supply of imported energy. Meanwhile, other suppliers could have potentially offset these costs by using the intra-day market, which is used to balance out any difficulties faced during the day-ahead market.

The speaker highlights that the issue should have been easier to resolve if there were limits in place for the day-ahead market or if dynamic electricity tariffs had a limit on how much they could be changed by price fluctuations. This would help protect consumers from facing extreme price hikes due to technical errors like this one, which can have significant financial implications for households and businesses alike.

Awnings: a simple cooling tech we apparently forgot about (Video):

The video discusses the benefits of using window awnings to keep homes cool during hot weather, as well as how they can reduce energy costs for cooling by up to 20%. It explains that window awnings help block direct sunlight from entering windows and creating a greenhouse effect, which increases heat within buildings. The video also highlights the potential drawbacks of using awnings, such as reduced natural light in the home and issues with maintenance. However, it argues that these drawbacks are relatively minor compared to the benefits provided by window awnings.

Russian Equipment Losses & Reserves (2024) - The Changing Russian Force in Ukraine (Video):

The YouTube video transcript discusses the equipment losses and force status of both Russia and Ukraine in the ongoing conflict. Here's a detailed summary:

1. Russian Equipment Losses and Replacement: The video begins by examining visually confirmed loss data, showing that over time, older and less capable Soviet-era equipment has become more prevalent in the Russian military due to high rates of attrition. This includes tanks like T-72s and T-80s, as well as infantry fighting vehicles (IFVs) such as BMPs. The video also looks at deep storage data, indicating that Russia is depleting its stockpiles of older equipment at an alarming rate. Additionally, the production of new equipment by Russian defense industry is discussed, suggesting it may not be sufficient to replace losses.

2. Ukrainian Equipment Losses and Replacement: The video then compares these findings with Ukrainian data, noting that while there are significant differences in the types of equipment used, similar trends can be observed. The focus is on T-64 tanks, which make up a large portion of Ukraine's tank fleet. The visually confirmed loss data suggests that despite high losses, the proportion of T-64s in service has remained relatively stable, indicating possible repair or reactivation efforts by the Ukrainian military.

3. Russian Storage Depletion and Future Outlook: The video concludes by discussing the implications of these trends for Russia's ability to sustain its war effort over the long term. It suggests that while Russia may still hold a significant material advantage in certain areas, its ability to regenerate equipment is likely to degrade as stockpiles are exhausted. The video also highlights the importance of continuous resupply and adaptation in maintaining combat power.

Das Geheimnis von Stonehenge | Abenteuer Archäologie Reupload | ARTE (Video):

The video presents an in-depth look into Stonehenge, one of the most famous and enigmatic prehistoric structures in the world. Constructed around 4,500 years ago by the people of Neolithic era using simple stone tools, Stonehenge is a spectacular monument that showcases the ingenuity of early humans.

A significant aspect discussed in the video is the question of who built Stonehenge and why. Recent advancements in DNA research have helped archaeologists uncover the origins of its builders. Surprisingly, these builders were not native to Britain but rather had migrated from continental Europe around 4000 BCE. These neolithic farmers brought with them new agricultural practices and megalithic burial traditions, which later laid the foundations for Stonehenge.

Another fascinating discovery is Durrington Walls, a massive Neolithic earthwork located only 2 km away from Stonehenge. Excavation led by Mike Parker Pearson revealed that Durrington Walls was a large village with several hundred dwellings built around a central plaza. This village may have been the hub of activity during the construction of Stonehenge, as it is believed to have housed hundreds of people and their animals throughout the year.

The video also delves into the significance of winter solstice in the location of Stonehenge, which was used as a cemetery with graves aligned towards sunset or sunrise during the winter solstice. It is suggested that this might have been an important time for remembering the dead and celebrating their transition to the afterlife.

In conclusion, the video provides valuable insights into the mysterious world of Stonehenge, its builders, and the significance it held in the lives of ancient people. Through extensive research and discoveries, archaeologists have been able to shed light on the fascinating story behind this enigmatic monument.