
Links für 2023 KW 32

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mi kama sona e toki pona or something:

Toki Pona is a constructed language designed to be as simple as possible, with only 120 words in its original form. It has no conjugations or tenses to memorize and almost every word can act as any part of speech, allowing for complex sentences to be formed using just a few words. The simplicity of Toki Pona makes it accessible and practical for people worldwide. It also has NLP implications, being a human language that is both natural-sounding and structurally logical, potentially useful for simple computer programs.

Hexway Apple bleee. Everyone knows what’s on your iPhone:

This article discusses the privacy of Apple devices, specifically focusing on how Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) technology works in Apple's ecosystem. It highlights potential vulnerabilities and privacy concerns surrounding wireless communication via BLE between Apple devices, such as sharing Wi-Fi passwords, AirDrop transfers, and bidirectional communications for AirPods. The article also provides information on analyzing BLE packets and related research efforts to identify privacy issues.

How to parent more predictably:

This article discusses the importance of consistency in parenting and offers three main skills for being more consistent: speaking only what you're comfortable standing behind, having a system of simple stock responses, and following through on your statements. It also highlights the challenges that can arise from external factors like poverty and emphasizes the need to prioritize predictability in parenting for better overall interactions with children.

The Scarcest Thing in the World:

These news stories have in common that they all involve a crisis of trust in various aspects of society, technology, and communication. Examples include scammers using AI voice cloning to extort money, the proliferation of deepfakes and misinformation, abuse of trusted identity verification systems like Twitter's, bank failures leading to withdrawals, and threats to privacy from Chinese surveillance apps. The widespread loss of trust is due to various reasons, such as technological advancements being exploited for malicious purposes or corporate decisions undermining trustworthiness.

Podman v4.6 Introduces Podmansh: A Revolutionary Login Shell:

Podman v4.6 introduces Podmansh, a login shell that utilizes Podman's robust container management capabilities. Podmansh promises to be a game-changer for system administrators by enabling them to confine user sessions within predefined boundaries, ensuring maximum security and control. Quadlet files help configure the visibility of host systems in containers and manage access permissions and resources for logged-in users. This new feature redefines how users interact with systems, providing a secure environment while maintaining seamless usability.

FIX Firefox High CPU Usage in Windows 10/11.:

This article provides a comprehensive list of solutions to fix Firefox high CPU usage on Windows systems, including restarting and updating Firefox, running it in troubleshoot mode, removing unnecessary plugins or add-ons, reducing the content process limit, disabling hardware acceleration, deleting Firefox preference files, refreshing Firefox, creating a new user profile, completely uninstalling and reinstalling Firefox, and other solutions. These methods help identify the cause of high CPU usage and address it accordingly.

The Carrot Problem:

In World War II, British pilots used onboard radar called AI to shoot down German planes at night. To conceal this technology from the Germans, a propaganda campaign was created claiming their exceptional vision was due to excessive carrot consumption. The Carrot Problem is when individuals or businesses achieve success in secret and must provide an excuse for their abilities. Examples include steroid use for bodybuilding or companies implementing dark patterns to increase revenue. This can lead people to waste time, effort, and money attempting to replicate their success using false strategies. Insiders benefit from having access to private information and resources that outsiders do not have, which may be valuable in certain fields where success is achieved through hidden methods.

How a startup loses its spark:

In startups, engineers often describe their work experience as intoxicating due to the core loop they engage in, which includes talking to users, coming up with ideas, discussing them with coworkers, implementing them, shipping and iterating. In contrast, at larger companies, this experience is typically described as „enjoyable“.

As startups scale, these experiences change: communication becomes more complicated, skin in the game decreases, risk tolerance reduces, and it takes longer to implement changes. While scaling cannot be prevented altogether, there are ways for startups to slow down the death of fun by avoiding unnecessary acceleration into larger company processes, hiring less, and designing appropriate incentives.

Configuring networks | Ubuntu:

Ubuntu provides various graphical utilities to configure network devices. This document is designed for server administrators and focuses on managing networks using command lines. Ethernet interfaces are identified by predictable network interface names such as „eno1“ or „enp0s25.“ The ip command can be used to quickly identify all available Ethernet interfaces, while lshw offers additional hardware capabilities details for specific adapters.

Ethernet Interface logical names can also be configured using Netplan configuration, and ethtool can display and change Ethernet card settings like auto-negotiation, port speed, duplex mode, and Wake-on-LAN. The default gateway can be configured with the ip command, and DNS servers can be added in /etc/resolv.conf for temporary configurations.

Static IP address assignment requires a netplan configuration file in /etc/netplan/99_config.yaml, while dynamic IP address assignment is achieved through DHCP client configuration. Netplan configures systemd-resolved for name resolution using DNS and static hostname records, with the resolv.conf and hosts files managing this process. The Name Service Switch (NSS) configuration in /etc/nsswitch.conf determines the order of hostname lookups, and bridging multiple interfaces involves editing netplan configurations and enabling them through sudo netplan apply.

Larian's unfair advantage - Credistick:

This article discusses the benefits of crowdfunding for technology companies and startups, comparing it with Larian Studios' success in raising money through Kickstarter campaigns for their game series such as Divinity: Original Sin and Baldur's Gate 3. The author argues that equity crowdfunding allows companies to align incentives with their customers, build strong communities, and focus on their vision without being influenced by external capital or compromising on product quality.

GitHub - google/git-appraise: Distributed code review system for Git repos:

The article discusses the „git-appraise“, a distributed code review system for Git repositories. It has an Apache-2.0 license and currently has 4,600 stars and 157 forks. Activity includes star notifications and it was last updated in 2023 by GitHub, Inc. However, the user is unable to perform that action at this time.

Fernortungs-Sonar bedroht die Ozeane:

The US Marine and recently the NATO are testing a sonar system that is supposed to detect submarines over long distances, covering about 75% of our oceans. This Low Frequency Active Sonar (LFAS) operates at low frequencies with input levels over 215 decibels and can still measure pressure levels of 140 decibels at a distance of 480 km, which is the level typically produced by gunshots. Such noise can be harmful to marine life, not only whales and dolphins but also sharks and bony fish.

The system consists of two components: the receiver SURTASS (Surveillance Towed Array Sensor System) and the active emitter LFAS (Low Frequency Active Sonar). The article states that sound travels four times faster in water than in air, with low frequencies propagating farther than high frequencies. Sound is crucial for marine life as a detection sense over medium and long distances. It is vital for sharks, bony fishes, and cetaceans like whales and dolphins.

Irre Geschichte über „irres Gesetz“, das Klauen in Kalifornien erlaubt | Übermedien:

The article discusses an experiment that Focus Online conducted about Proposition 47 in California, which reduces the stolen property value threshold for theft to be considered a crime. The new regulation is blamed for an increase in shoplifting incidents, particularly in San Francisco, where numerous stores are experiencing robberies during daylight hours. The article quotes a police officer who expresses his frustration with the situation but admits that there seems to be no legal consequences. It also mentions the recall campaign against District Attorney Chesa Boudin for not pursuing charges against shoplifters.

Turns out lowly thymus may be saving your life:

Kameron Kooshesh's research on adult thymus removal found that the surgical removal of the thymus is recommended in patients with myasthenia gravis, but it may have unexpected consequences, such as increasing mortality rates and cancer risks. The study analyzed data from 1,146 adult patients who had undergone thymus removal, showing a higher rate of death and cancer compared to the general U.S. population. TCR sequencing technology allowed scientists to identify different types of T cells and measure their diversity overall.

Hopfen vermehren: Erfolgreiche Methoden & Tipps:

To successfully propagate hops, you can use cuttings, root division or layering. Male plants are not preferred because they do not produce the beneficial and resinous compounds in their fruit. Seed germination requires stratification during winter and a cold frame is used for this purpose. For cutting propagation, remove lower leaves and plant 8 cm long semi-lignified branches from February to May. Use root division or layering in commercial hop production.

Hopfen: anbauen, ernten und lagern:

The article discusses the origin and properties of hops (Humulus lupulus), a perennial plant native to temperate regions of Central Europe, belonging to the Cannabaceae family. Wild hop, or the wild form of true hops, grows in nitrogen-rich, moist environments. There are many other types and varieties of hops besides wild ones. Hops have been cultivated for thousands of years; evidence of their cultivation in Bavaria dates back to the Middle Ages. The largest hop-growing region is located in Hallertau, Germany.

Hop plants can grow up to 8 meters tall and live up to 50 years old. They are dioecious, meaning there are male and female plants; however, only female plants are cultivated for their green hop cones or hops blossoms that produce the desired beer ingredient. The flowering season typically occurs between June and September.

Hop care involves providing adequate watering to prevent drought while avoiding excessive moisture to prevent root rot. A well-draining soil is essential, as hops require a lot of water for their rapid growth. Regular fertilization with compost, manure, or high-quality long-term organic fertilizer supports the plant's health and promotes beneficial microorganisms in the soil.

Pruning hop plants is not necessary but can be done to control height and shape. Cutting back hops during winter is optional; however, it may help prevent diseases or pests such as aphids. Common issues for hops include powdery mildew and downy mildew, which can be controlled using natural remedies like neem oil or by introducing beneficial insects like ladybugs to the garden.

Hop plants are hardy in winter zone 5, meaning they can withstand temperatures as low as -28°C. The plant's above-ground parts die back each fall and rejuvenate from their underground rhizomes during spring. Hops are not toxic for humans or animals; young shoots can be used in salads, while the flowers provide a valuable ingredient for brewing beer.

The best alternative to YouTube is updated: NewPipe improves video downloading, adds gestures and much more -

NewPipe is an open-source alternative to the official YouTube app that offers advanced features such as downloading videos, playing audio in the background, and multiple audio tracks support. It has recently been updated to fix issues like HTTP 403 errors during video playback. Download NewPipe from GitHub for a customized YouTube experience.

Betriebssystem: Bug ermöglicht Windows-11-Installation ohne Bloatware:

An article discusses a bug in Windows 11 that allows the operating system to be installed without any additional bloatware. The issue occurs when selecting either the „English (World)“ or „English (Europe)“ language options during installation. While a generic error message is displayed, no extra applications are downloaded. Microsoft has acknowledged the problem and is currently working on a fix.

Mit Raspberry Pi Pico selbst gebaut: Werde ich mit einer DIY-Cheat-Tastatur zum Zockergott?:

This article discusses building a DIY USB microcontroller to help improve one's gaming skills in real-time strategy games, specifically focusing on Starcraft. The author demonstrates the process of creating a keyboard emulation with the Raspberry Pi Pico, simulating keystrokes to automatically build units and structures. While it can make gameplay smoother and faster, there is still skill involved in executing strategies. The article also highlights how this kind of DIY project can lead to learning more about coding and programming, which may be useful for other applications beyond gaming.

nRF Sniffer for Bluetooth LE:

The nRF Sniffer for Bluetooth LE is a useful tool for debugging and learning about Bluetooth Low Energy applications, allowing near real-time display of Bluetooth LE packets. It helps developers identify and fix issues by providing a view of what's happening on-air. To use it, you'll need a nRF52840 MDK USB Dongle and support for Windows 10 or later, macOS 10.6 or later, or Linux with the required software versions installed. The nRF Sniffer User Guide provides further instructions on installation and usage.

A User's Guide to End of the World:

Practical Doomsday is a comprehensive guide to emergency preparedness, focusing on flexible risk management and financial resiliency. The book emphasizes sensible planning rather than survivalist fantasies or conspiratorial thought. It covers various topics related to emergencies such as personal safety, financial stability, building a supportive community, and handling crises. The goal of the book is to provide well-reasoned backup plans for a secure and peaceful life in challenging situations.

Many temptations of an open-source browser extension developer · extesy/hoverzoom · Discussion #670:

This article discusses various proposals and offers received by the developer of an extension called „Hover Zoom+“. The main reason for maintaining this extension seems to be due to concerns about trusting others with monetization. Some of these proposals include partnerships, selling the extension, or using it as a platform for advertising without affecting user experience negatively.

Intel's GPU Drivers Now Collect Telemetry, Including 'How You Use Your Computer':

Intel has introduced a telemetry collection service by default in its latest beta driver for Arc GPUs, similar to competitors Nvidia and AMD. The Intel Computing Improvement Program uses information about your computer's performance to make product improvements. Although you can opt out of the program, Intel provides a detailed list of the types of data it collects, which include website visits, device information, and hardware specs.

GitHub - kognise/arpchat: Answering the question nobody asked: what if you wanted to text your friends using only ARP?:

The article discusses the concept of using ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) to send text messages to friends instead of traditional messaging services. It mentions that there are currently 1.5k stars and 31 forks on the project, though the action is not allowed at this time.

Jared Ramsey - the last 1%:

The article emphasizes the importance of completing the final 1% of a project, as it separates great products from good ones. Often overlooked aspects include internal and external documentation, performance and usage metric instrumentation, dashboards for tracking metrics, error detection and management, and automated testing. Skipping these crucial elements may lead to product failure in the long run.

Uninstall the Nightowl App, now.:

The NightOwl application, which has been around since 2018, is designed to automatically switch between light and dark modes on the operating system. In late 2022, it was acquired by „TPE.FYI LLC,“ who uses it forcibly joins your devices into a botnet for market research purposes without the user's knowledge or consent. The application is known to use Google Analytics to collect anonymous usage statistics and allows users to opt-out of tracking if they choose.


The article discusses the challenges of general log monitoring due to its unstructured nature and the potential for false positives or missed signals. It argues that while specific, narrow signal monitoring can be useful, it requires a deep understanding of what messages to look for and may not always yield valuable information. Additionally, the effort put into log monitoring might not be worthwhile if problems are infrequent or one-time occurrences. The author suggests that general log monitoring is often a tarpit, as it can consume significant time and resources without providing substantial benefits.

The Effect of Breakfast Skipping and Late Night Eating on Body Mass Index and Glycemic Control Among Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus:

This study aimed to determine the relationship between breakfast skipping and late-night eating on body mass index (BMI) and glycemic control among patients with type 2 diabetes. The findings showed that breakfast skipping was correlated with BMI, while late dinner intake was associated with both higher BMI and poor glycemic control. It suggests that meal timing may be a cheap preventive and therapeutic intervention for weight management and improving glycemic target among patients with diabetes mellitus. However, the study had a small sample size and was conducted at a single diabetes center, limiting generalization. Further research is recommended to investigate chronotype and glycemic index in larger multi-center studies.

Millions of UK voters’ data accessible in cyber-attack, says Electoral Commission:

The Electoral Commission has admitted to a cyber-attack by „hostile actors“ in October last year, which led to the accessibility of millions of voters' data. The breach exposed names and addresses of voters, though the commission emphasized that the largely paper-based voting process would make it difficult for hackers to influence the election results. They were able to access reference copies of electoral registers and the email system during the attack.

Mysterious 'question mark' object seen by NASA's James Webb Space Telescope:

The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has captured an image of a cosmic question mark-shaped object in the Vela Constellation, about 1,470 light-years away from Earth. The most likely explanation for this mysterious object is that it represents a remote galaxy or possibly a pair of galaxies tangling due to gravitational pull, which resembles a question mark. JWST has the ability to see light from over 13 billion light-years away and peer through cosmic dust clouds using infrared technology.

Cancer’s Cloaking Device Revealed:

Malignant melanoma, a dangerous type of skin cancer, has been found to deploy an elegant molecular mechanism to evade natural immune responses and the therapies intended to boost them. The findings suggest new strategies for attacking this and possibly other types of cancer as well.


The article discusses how online narratives and discourse can distort our perception of reality, particularly in relation to Taylor Swift's Eras Tour. It highlights the importance of recognizing the difference between real life experiences and those that are amplified by social media algorithms. The author argues for a need to sideline the internet when evaluating collective reality and focus on genuine human connections instead.

A beginner's guide to Git version control | Red Hat Developer:

Git is a widely used distributed version control system that allows software development teams to have multiple local copies of the project's source code that are independent of each other. It has become closely associated with Version Control, making it an ideal starting point for new developers due to its popularity and wealth of resources. To start using Git on Linux, run `$ git –version` in your terminal. On Windows, search for `.gitconfig`. Configure settings by running commands such as `$ git config –global „username“ $ git config –global „useremail“`. Check configurations with `$ git config -l`. A Git repository is a directory that contains the project source code, and can be initialized using `$ git init`. Files can be added to the staging area with `git add`, modified files can be committed, and untracked files can be removed with `git rm`. The commit command records changes permanently in the repository. To view or log changes, use the `git log` command. Finally, use `git push` to publish changes from a local repository to a remote one.

GitHub - CappielloAntonio/tempo at

This article discusses a lightweight and open source music client called „tempo PublicNotifications“ built specifically for Android to work with Subsonic. The app is licensed under GPL-3.0, has received 139 stars in total, and been forked three times on GitHub.

Atheos Cloud IDE:

Atheos is a web-based IDE framework with minimal requirements, built on Codiad for fast, interactive development. It features 40+ language support, plugin library & marketplace, error checking & notifications, multiple user support, and more. Atheos is completely open-source and easy to customize, with a dedicated team of collaborators working on it. The system requires Apache2, PHP7+, and basic R/W access for installation and runs without a database.

GitHub - dashroshan/openvpn-wireguard-admin at

This article discusses how to install OpenVPN or WireGuard with a web admin panel using just a single line of command. It is licensed under the GPL-3.0 license and has received 103 stars and 11 forks on GitHub.

A Zoom Call, Fake Names and an A.I. Presentation Gone Awry:

A.I. start-ups are increasingly competitive as they vie for customers, talent, funding, and publicity in the technology space. Arthur AI, an artificial intelligence company based in New York, suspected deception from OneOneThree after a Zoom meeting with Mr. Fung, who appeared to be Dat Ngo, a former Arize AI employee. Both companies offer „observability“ software, which helps monitor and solve issues with A.I. models.

Hank the Tank, a 400-Pound Bear Behind Lake Tahoe Break-Ins, Is Captured:

A female bear known as Hank was captured with her three cubs in South Lake Tahoe, California after being responsible for at least 21 home break-ins and extensive property damage. The bear will be transported to an animal sanctuary in Colorado this week, while her three cubs are sent to the Sonoma County Wildlife Rescue for rehabilitation and release back into the wild.