
Links für 2023 KW 20

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Passkeys: Wie ein Account ohne Passwort funktioniert:

Passwords are becoming obsolete as Google and other tech giants move towards the implementation of Passkeys, a more secure alternative to passwords. Passkeys, developed by FIDO Alliance, eliminates the issue of sharing passcodes, instead using asymmetric encryption with private cryptographic keys to authenticate users without requiring them to share their passwords with web services. This article discusses how Passkeys are now accessible on all major platforms such as iOS, macOS, Android, and Windows and how they can be used across different devices without the need to reveal the private key.

"Aufhören, so viel Angst vor Phagen zu haben": Viren im Kampf gegen Resistenzen:

Phagen sind winzige Viren, die Bakterien infizieren und als Therapie weitgehend aufgegeben wurden. Sie werden jedoch wiederentdeckt, da Antibiotika zunehmend versagen und antimikrobielle Resistenzen immer grer werden. Die Phagentherapie kann zur Bekmmpfung einer Vielzahl von bakteriellen Infektionen eingesetzt werden, wobei jedoch noch viel erforscht werden muss. Die Zeit scheint dazu reif zu sein, die Forschung zur Phagenmedizin auszuweiten und deren Potenzial in der Therapie weiter zu fördern.

Knuth on ChatGPT:

This article is a fascinating exploration of the capabilities and limitations of ChatGPT in responding to various questions. The author, Don Knuth, conducted an experiment with chatGPT to assess its accuracy on various subjects ranging from mathematics, history, and literature. Some responses were accurate, others were incorrect or misunderstood the question entirely. The article also discusses other users' experiences with ChatGPT, such as the difficulty of predicting stock market trends. Overall, it is an engaging and informative look at how AI language models like ChatGPT can both surprise and disappoint users with their responses.

GitHub - leomos/dwgd: Docker WireGuard Driver:

The article discusses the Docker WireGuard Driver, which is licensed under MIT and has received 21 stars and no forks. It mentions that GitHub, Inc. provides this service in 2023. The text also prompts readers to reload or refresh their browser session if they encounter any issues.

An exploit can reveal your KeePass master password in plaintext:

Alaina Yee is a Senior Editor at PCWorld, responsible for covering PC building, computer components, mini-PCs, and finding the best tech deals. Her work has been featured in various publications such as PC Gamer, IGN, Maximum PC, and Official Xbox Magazine. She can be found on Twitter under the handle @morphingball.

Recreating Medieval English Ales:


High-performance tidy trees visualization:

The article introduces the algorithm to draw non-layered trees in linear time and re-layout partially when some nodes change in O(d) time, where d is the maximum depth of the changed node. The source code is available at zxch3n/tidy. It only takes a few milliseconds to finish the layout of a tree with tens of thousands of nodes within the web browser.

Onlinehandel: Wie man Kleinanzeigen-Betrug erkennt und sich davor schützt:

Auf Kleinanzeigen sollten nur vertrauenswrdige Personen bestellt und verkauft werden. Bei unbekannten Nutzern sollte genauer hinschauen. Um betrgsichere Einkaufsnachweise zu haben, ist es wichtig, keine überstunden Informationen preiszugeben und immer Sicherheitsvorkehrungen wie eine Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung einzurichten. Zudem sollte die Bankverbindung regelmigen kontrolliert und Kreditkarten bei irrefhrenden Onlineangeboten sofort gesperrt werden, um Schadensbegrenzung zu erreichen.

UUIDs are obsolete in the age of Docker:

This article discusses the limitations of using UUIDs (Universally Unique Identifiers) in various situations and suggests alternative solutions for generating unique identifiers, such as using 64-bit integers or converting an integer ID into a string using specific representations. The author also mentions that if UUIDs must be used, going with version 4 is more practical due to its lower chance of collisions.

Misdirected Antibodies May Explain Why Viral Infection Can Lead to Multiple Sclerosis:

A new study published in Science Advances suggests that Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) may be a causal factor in multiple sclerosis (MS). The researchers found that certain antibodies against EBV, which would normally fight the infection, can mistakenly target the brain and spinal cord and cause damage. These inaccurate antibodies were present in 23% of people with MS and 7% of healthy blood samples. The findings indicate that current therapies for multiple sclerosis may not be able to prevent disease progression, highlighting the need for personalized treatments.

User Inyerface - A worst-practice UI experiment:

The article introduces „User Inyerface,“ a challenging game focused on user interactions and design patterns. The game requires players to fill out a form quickly and accurately for an engaging experience.

Another issue with the Cyber Resilience Act: European standards bodies are inaccessible to Open Source projects - Voices of Open Source:

The Cyber Resilience Act (CRA) proposal suggests European standards bodies should develop suitable standards for conformance simplification. However, concerns have been raised about the corporate control and expensive nature of these organizations. In addition, it's unclear how the European Commission will take into account Open Source development workflow in its conformity assessment process. To accommodate Open Source, legislation must include measures to consult and involve the Open Source community in standards-making processes.

300,000-year-old human footprints found in Germany are oldest ever:

The oldest human footprints ever discovered, dating back to 300,000 years ago, have been found in Germany, belonging to a family of extinct 'Heidelberg people.' This discovery provides valuable insight into the life and lifestyle of these ancient humans who were known for building homes and hunting large animals. The footprints were found perfectly preserved at the Paleolithic site complex of Schningen in Lower Saxony alongside animal imprints, including the first evidence of elephants in the region. This discovery not only sheds light on the early history of humans but also helps us understand the extinction of this particular subspecies due to climate change 28,000 years ago.

Create a Book and Start Something Big!:

This article discusses various DIY bookbinding techniques, including making your own glue and adding a laminated coating to book covers using hot laminators. The author shares their experience of creating a chapbook with vintage mystery stories from his wife's series, along with instructions on building a binding jig using second-hand materials. Other topics covered include professional quality lamination, men in sheds engaging in bookbinding, and the process of producing paperback versions of e-books for offline reading.

The $GREED Experiment: From a joke tweet to the top of Twitter Trending:

The $GREED Experiment was an experiment conducted by Voshy on Twitter to demonstrate how greed and FOMO (fear of missing out) can lead people to invest in cryptocurrencies without thoroughly considering the potential risks involved. Voshy started the experiment by tweeting about a fake token called $GREED and encouraging people to engage with the tweet. This quickly went viral, leading to thousands of users posting similar statements on Twitter.

The experiment highlighted security concerns around investing in cryptocurrencies without proper research or understanding of the risks involved. It also demonstrated how quickly FOMO can drive people to make impulsive decisions and lose money in the process.

AV-Magazin: Hisense 100L9G im Test:

In this article, the Hisense 100L9G laser TV is tested and reviewed for its performance. The set includes a short-throw projector and a screen of choice provided by Hisense. There are two variants available: the 100-inch 100L9G with a dedicated 100-inch screen and the 120L9G with a 120-inch screen. The 100-inch screen version is better for low-light environments, while the 120-inch version works best in fully darkened home theater spaces. The choice of screens depends on the environment in which the laser TV will be placed.

Zwiemilch: So funktioniert die Kombi-Ernährung:

Zwiemilch, auch bekannt als Zwei-Milch-Ernhrung, ist eine Kombination aus Muttermilch und industriell gefertigter Milch aus der Flasche. Dies kann eine praktische Alternative zum Abstillen sein, wenn Mama etwas mehr Freiheit braucht oder zu wenig Milch hat. Zwiemilch ermöglicht es Kindern, sich gut zu ernern und das Stillen und Flaschenzuftreten gleichzeitig auszuüben. Es ist wichtig, vorher mit einer Hebamme oder Stillberaterin zu sprechen, um sicherzustellen, dass alle Tipps und Hinweise zur richtigen Umsetzung folgen.

Stillen: Von der Brust zur Flasche & sicher wieder zurück:


Premium Irish Whiskey Casks | Buy a Cask of Irish Whiskey:

This article discusses the unique process of crafting a whiskey by Burren Distillers in Ireland. The company uses locally grown barley, harvested and floor malted, as well as water drawn from its own well with unique properties. The whiskey is aged in special seasoned casks, with assistance from Irish whiskey veteran Jack O'Shea. Additionally, the distillery practices traditional methods like floor malting and triple distillation to ensure a smooth spirit. The final product will be matured in oak casks of various expressions for quality assurance.

GitHub - hendricius/the-sourdough-framework: Open source book dedicated to helping you to make the best possible sourdough bread at home.:

The article discusses an open-source book dedicated to teaching people how to make the best sourdough bread at home, with over 352 stars and 40 forks on GitHub. The book is licensed under the MIT license.

Came back to a post here but it was removed from Reddit as “spam”. What gives?:

The article discusses various perspectives on work and labor, including „The Mythology of Work“ by CrimethInc., „The Abolition of Work“ by Bob Black, „On the Phenomenon of Bullshit Jobs“ by David Graeber, „In Praise of Idleness“ by Bertrand Russell, and „Laziness Does Not Exist“ by Devon Price. It also outlines the rules for a related Reddit community to ensure a respectful environment where users can discuss these topics.

Widely used chemical strongly linked to Parkinson’s disease:

A groundbreaking epidemiological study has found a strong link between exposure to trichloroethylene (TCE), a common soil and groundwater chemical, and an increased risk of developing Parkinson's disease. The study, published in JAMA Neurology, analyzed the medical records of tens of thousands of Marine Corps and Navy veterans who trained at Camp Lejeune between 1975 and 1985. Those exposed to heavily contaminated water had a 70% higher risk of developing Parkinson's disease decades later compared with similar veterans who trained elsewhere. This study is considered the strongest environmental link between TCE and Parkinson's disease, with previous literature including fewer than 20 people who developed Parkinson's after TCE exposure. The chemical TCE has been linked to early symptoms such as erectile dysfunction and loss of smell that are early indicators of Parkinson's disease.

Column: These companies cynically used global crises to juice profits — and brought us inflation:

„Greedflation,“ a term that refers to when businesses raise prices higher and faster than necessary to cover increased costs, has not received adequate attention in debates about inflation and its remedy. According to recent research papers, soaring corporate profits have contributed more to inflation than the Federal Reserve Board's preferred targets (wages and consumer demand). During periods of declining consumer demand due to pandemic restrictions, businesses raised prices significantly and quickly, compensating for decreased overall sales. This led to increased consumer expectations of higher prices and blame placed on headlined inflationary factors rather than corporate profit-seeking. The issue has posed challenges for the Federal Reserve's efforts to lower inflation and has further victimized workers as interest rate hikes have resulted in job losses.

Search | lobbyfacts:

LobbyFacts is a tool that allows journalists, activists, and researchers to search, sort, filter, and analyze data from the EU Transparency Register. It tracks lobbyists and their influence at the EU level over time. The data provided may not be independently verified for accuracy, but the tool assists in understanding questions like the biggest lobby spenders, which consultancies work for which corporate interests, whether companies are spending more on lobbying than last year, and who is lobbying on current EU hot topics.

GitHub - toverainc/willow: Open source, local, and self-hosted Amazon Echo/Google Home competitive Voice Assistant alternative:

This article discusses willow PublicNotifications, an open-source, local, and self-hosted Voice Assistant alternative to Amazon Echo and Google Home. It has a GPL-3.0 license and has received 400 stars and 4 forks on GitHub.

Kids who get smartphones earlier become adults with worse mental health:

This article presents a summary of a study conducted by Sapien Labs that examines the correlation between the age at which individuals received their first smartphone or tablet with internet access and their mental health as adults. The research found a consistent pattern: those who received their first smartphones earlier were more likely to report poorer mental health. The relationship was observed in various regions around the world, including the Anglosphere countries such as the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand. While correlation does not imply causation, the authors of this article argue that the findings should motivate parents and policymakers to reconsider the appropriate age for children to have access to smartphones and social media, with a focus on maintaining a balance between technology use and in-person interactions.

VSCode config to disable popular extensions' annoyances (telemetry, notifications, welcome pages, etc.):

The article provides a list of configuration settings to disable various features in extensions such as welcome pages, release notes, telemetry, and recommendations. These settings are intended to provide more control over the user's extension experience.

Uncensored Models:

This article discusses the process of uncensoring a huggingface transformer model, specifically focusing on WizardLM and Llama-7B models. The author explains that alignment in AI is beneficial but might limit some use cases and desires for an open-source AI community. To uncensor a model, the author recommends removing refusals and biased answers from the instruction dataset and training the model with the filtered dataset following the original finetuning procedure. The author also notes that it's crucial to understand the technical reasons behind alignment and be responsible for one's actions when using uncensored models.

Gambling firm allegedly paid blogs to link new mothers to its online games:

One of the UK's leading gambling brands, Coral, allegedly paid bloggers to promote its online casino games and link to its website in parenting blogs aimed at new mothers. This tactic has been condemned as „predatory“ by mental health and addiction experts. The Advertising Standards Authority's (ASA) guidelines state that gambling adverts must not be „socially irresponsible“ or present betting as a solution to loneliness, depression, or financial concerns.

ArchiveTeam Warrior:

The ArchiveTeam Warrior is a virtual archiving appliance that allows users to participate in the organization's archiving efforts by downloading and uploading websites to their archive. The application runs on Windows, OS X, or Linux, utilizing only a small amount of bandwidth and disk space from the user's computer. To run the warrior, download and import the virtual machine using VirtualBox, VMware, or a similar program.

3 companies to pay $615,000 in NY attorney general investigation over faked net neutrality comments:

Three companies, LCX Digital Media, Lead ID, and Ifficient Inc., have agreed to pay $615,000 in penalties for falsifying millions of public comments in support of the repeal of net neutrality rules in 2017. The New York State Office of the Attorney General discovered that these fake comments were used under the identities of many consumers without their consent.