====== Links für 2024 KW 18 ====== Zusammengefasst von [[https://huggingface.co/TheBloke/LlongOrca-13B-16K-GGUF|LlongOrca]]. ---- **[[https://americandreaming.substack.com/p/we-live-and-we-die-we-control-nothing|“We live and we die. We control nothing beyond that.”]]**: The 2024 miniseries Shogun, based on James Clavell's 1975 novel of the same name, has been a breath of fresh air in the world of TV shows. This historical fiction, set in feudal Japan during a time of political turmoil and unification, has found complexity and drama within its simplicity. The series avoids hackneyed narrative tropes common in modern television, focusing on execution over innovation, excellence over novelty, and dramatic elegance over sprawling intrigue. It breaks from previous tropes by accurately portraying the feudal Japanese backdrop without judgment or romanticizing it. Shogun also successfully evades identity politics, race-swapping, and political correctness in favor of honest, relatable stories of human beings trapped in extraordinary situations beyond their control. The series shows a clear love for storytelling, character development, and historical accuracy. ---- **[[https://medium.com/@pepitoscrespo/why-rust-cannot-replace-c-but-quite-the-contrary-5577e1f5af0a|WHY RUST CANNOT REPLACE C++, BUT QUITE THE CONTRARY]]**: The article discusses how C++ has evolved over recent standards (C++11 and later) to improve safety and ease of use, narrowing the gap with Rust, a language known for its robustness in these aspects. Key features such as smart pointers, generic templates, RAII for concurrency, lambda expressions, and auto keyword contribute to modern C++'s increased safety and reduced cognitive load. These advancements make Rust's strict safety model less compelling, though some functional elements of Rust, like its type system, could remain useful in specific contexts. Overall, with these modern C++ features, it seems that Rust may continue to be a niche language rather than widely adopted. ---- **[[https://www.nextplatform.com/2024/05/02/how-to-make-more-money-renting-a-gpu-than-nvidia-makes-selling-it/|How To Make More Money Renting A GPU Than Nvidia Makes Selling It]]**: The companies that received the most allocations of Nvidia's "Hopper" H100 GPUs in 2023 were hyperscalers and cloud builders interested in renting out their GPU capacity for AI model building, as well as innovating in large language models. As the demand for GPUs continues to grow, it is expected that the revenue generated from these rentals will multiply significantly. Nvidia's ability to capitalize on this trend could extend beyond its near monopoly with respect to accelerated computing for LLMs. Companies like CoreWeave and Lambda are making noise about GPU allocations, raising venture capital and potentially going public in the coming years. ---- **[[https://evervault.com/papers|Papers — Evervault]]**: This article discusses various topics related to cryptography, including non-malleable cryptography, obfuscating programs, computer systems established by mutually suspicious groups, digital signatures, interactive proof systems, minimal key lengths for symmetric ciphers, CryptDB's encrypted query processing, secure computations, Bitcoin as a peer-to-peer electronic cash system, fully homomorphic encryption schemes, data banks and privacy homomorphisms, fast quantum mechanical algorithms for database search, polynomial-time algorithms on a quantum computer, elliptic curve cryptography, public key cryptosystems, new directions in cryptography, cramming components onto integrated circuits, and a mathematical theory of cryptography. ---- **[[https://bigthink.com/the-present/worlds-values-diverging/|Globalization was supposed to align the world's values. Instead, they're diverging.]]**: At the end of the Cold War, many predicted that globalization would cause societies' values to converge around liberal ideas. However, researchers at the University of Chicago found that societal values are growing further apart, particularly between rich and poor countries. The study, published in Nature Communications, analyzed data from the World Values Survey, which interviews people across 76 countries every five years since 1981. It was found that wealthier nations had become more tolerant of certain topics such as homosexuality and divorce, while poorer countries grew less comfortable with these issues. The researchers also discovered that GDP per capita was the greatest predictor of aligning social values, along with frequent trade, geographic proximity, and religious similarity. ---- **[[https://mullvad.net/en/blog/dns-traffic-can-leak-outside-the-vpn-tunnel-on-android|DNS traffic can leak outside the VPN tunnel on Android | Mullvad VPN]]**: The article reports potential DNS leaks on Android devices due to bugs in Android's system and certain apps using getaddrinfo C function to resolve domain names. These leaks can occur when a VPN is active without any configured DNS server or during a short period of time while the VPN app reconfigures the tunnel. The issue affects multiple versions of Android, including the latest one (Android 14). The article suggests that these problems should be addressed in the OS to protect all Android users regardless of which apps they use and have reported the issues to Google. App developers can work around these leaks by setting a bogus DNS server or potentially minimizing tunnel re-configurations, but complete prevention might not be possible. ---- **[[https://www.baldurbjarnason.com/2024/react-electron-llms-labour-arbitrage/|react-electron-llms-labour-arbitrage]]**: **TODO** ---- **[[https://www.eltern.de/schwangerschaft/fieber-in-der-schwangerschaft--ist-das-gefaehrlich--13367144.html|Schadet eine erhöhte Temperatur dem Baby oder der Mutter?]]**: A raised temperature is generally beneficial but alarm bells sound a little faster for pregnant women. The key information on fever during pregnancy includes: Does fever harm the fetus? When does a fever begin? Why and how does a fever occur? What is fever in early pregnancy? Can pregnant women take fever-reducing medication? What home remedies help with mild fevers? How can fever during pregnancy be avoided? A high temperature, red face, glassy eyes and shaking knees indicate that the body needs a break because it is currently busy fighting an infection. Fever during pregnancy also applies to the baby. Temperatures up to 38.5 degrees Celsius usually don't harm the baby temporarily but may lead to serious complications if accompanied by other symptoms of colds. These can include lung infections, which increase the risk of premature birth or miscarriage. Also, there is a higher likelihood of heart defects and other congenital abnormalities in babies born to mothers who were infected with influenza during pregnancy. If fever occurs without any symptoms of a cold infection or if the temperature rises above 38.5 degrees Celsius, it is advisable to contact your midwife, doctor, or healthcare professional. They can help to lower the fever gently and address any potentially serious underlying cause. A fever higher than 41 degrees Celsius can be dangerous for both mother and baby and requires immediate medical attention. The normal body temperature ranges from 36 to 37 degrees Celsius, but can vary due to factors such as time of day and method of measurement. If you are concerned about your temperature, it is best to consult with a healthcare professional. Fever occurs when pathogens, such as cold viruses, bacteria like E. coli and Salmonella, or parasites enter the body. The immune system responds by increasing the body's temperature in order to fight off infection more effectively. A slight fever during early pregnancy is normal and unharmful. Mild fever can also be a sign of potential pregnancy. However, prolonged or high fever in early pregnancy poses risks for both mother and baby. While some over-the-counter medications, such as paracetamol, are generally safe to take during pregnancy, always consult with your healthcare professional before doing so. Some mild home remedies for fevers include: wet wrist wraps, lukewarm baths, light exercise, and drinking plenty of fluids. To avoid fever during pregnancy, a strong immune system is crucial to prevent infections. Tips for maintaining a robust immune system include consuming a balanced diet rich in vitamins, engaging in regular physical activity, taking cold showers, and getting the flu vaccine if recommended by your healthcare professional. ---- **[[https://blog.trailofbits.com/2024/05/02/the-life-and-times-of-an-abstract-syntax-tree/|The life and times of an Abstract Syntax Tree]]**: The article discusses various aspects of designing an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) for compilers and compiler-like tools. It highlights the importance of memory layout and ownership, as well as optimization techniques. The author suggests using a deque rather than a vector to store nodes for better performance and explores storage options based on different programming languages like C++, Rust, and Java. The article emphasizes the need for further discussions about compiler internals and the clever ideas used when dealing with large codebases efficiently. ---- **[[https://mastodon.social/@Edent/112372412442888807|112372412442888807]]**: **TODO** ---- **[[https://github.com/Stirling-Tools/Stirling-PDF?tab=readme-ov-file|Stirling-PDF]]**: The Stirling-PDF PublicNotifications is a locally hosted web application that enables users to work with PDF files. It comes with a GPL-3.0 license and has 22,400 stars and 1,600 forks. Users can access various operations on PDFs through this platform. ---- **[[https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/collapsing-sheets-of-spacetime-could-explain-dark-matter-and-why-the/|Collapsing Sheets of Spacetime Could Explain Dark Matter and Why the Universe ‘Hums’]]**: This article discusses theoretical research by cosmologist Ricardo Ferreira at the University of Coimbra in Portugal, which could help solve some of the deepest mysteries in physics, such as the origins of gravity. The study suggests that hypothetical humongous sheets of spacetime called domain walls would have created a random, cosmos-suffusing background of ripples in spacetime if they had formed after the big bang. The findings show that these domain walls could have generated gravitational waves all the way up to and through their ultimate collapse. These gravitational waves would mainly be in the nanohertz frequency range, which is exactly the range in which an international consortium of astronomers says it has detected a potential gravitational-wave background signal. The research also suggests that some walls could have survived and appeared as overdense regions of energy, eventually collapsing to form black holes, potentially accounting for dark matter. ---- **[[https://bjsm.bmj.com/content/58/10/556|Cardiorespiratory fitness is a strong and consistent predictor of morbidity and mortality among adults: an overview of meta-analyses representing over 20.9 million observations from 199 unique cohort studies]]**: This study reviewed 26 systematic reviews and meta-analyses from cohort studies on the predictive associations between cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) and health outcomes among adults. The findings indicate that high CRF is strongly associated with a lower risk of various mortality and incident chronic conditions, including heart failure, stroke, type 2 diabetes, dementia, depression, hypertension, and atrial fibrillation. The study highlights the importance of including CRF measurement in routine clinical practice to identify patients at higher risk of premature mortality and initiate targeted exercise prescription. ---- **[[https://old.reddit.com/r/Kotlin/comments/1chxk38/jetbrains_not_making_or_supporting_an_editor/|Blocked]]**: This article informs that the user's request has been blocked due to a network policy, possibly due to running a script or application without proper registration. The user is advised to either log in or create an account if they are using regular credentials, and register or sign in with developer credentials if using for scripts/applications. They should ensure their User-Agent string is unique and descriptive. If the issue persists, they can file a ticket including their IP address ( and Reddit account information for further investigation or discussing alternative methods to access the desired data. ---- **[[https://www.economist.com/science-and-technology/2024/05/01/disinformation-is-on-the-rise-how-does-it-work|Disinformation is on the rise. How does it work?]]**: In January 2024, prior to Taiwan's elections, numerous fake video posts and an audio clip were disseminated on social media platforms such as YouTube, Instagram, and X, accusing outgoing president Tsai Ing-wen of false claims. These materials were likely created using artificial intelligence (AI) by a Chinese state-backed propaganda group called Spamouflage, Dragonbridge, or Storm-1376. Microsoft's Threat Intelligence team reported that this was the first instance of AI-generated content being used to influence a foreign election by a nation-state. ---- **[[https://www.nbcnews.com/science/science-news/orangutan-treated-own-wound-medicinal-plant-rcna150230|In a first, an orangutan was seen treating his wound with a medicinal plant]]**: The discovery of an orangutan treating its wound with leaves suggests that great apes have the ability to identify and use pain-relieving plants. Researchers believe this self-medication behavior could trace back to a shared ancestor with humans, as evidence continues to mount about animal species using natural remedies for healing purposes. Orangutans in particular display intensive knowledge of foods and plants. The finding reinforces the idea that ancient humans derived their ability to identify medicinal plants from close observations of animals. ---- **[[https://www.freethink.com/energy/desertification-desert-greening|Desertification is destroying fertile land. Here's how we're fighting it.]]**: This article discusses the alarming rate of land becoming desert-like due to climate change and human activity, such as mining and poor farming practices. As a result, about 127 square miles of land are lost per day, with one-third of Earth's total land surface at risk of desertification. To combat this issue, various techniques have been employed, including the Chinese "Great Green Wall" project aimed at planting trees and Dutch startup Justdiggit's bund method for controlling water runoff. Other methods include adding clay to soil to increase water retention and using a non-toxic paste made from cellulose to improve desert soil quality. However, the best way to combat desertification is to prevent it by using land more sustainably and addressing climate change. ---- **[[https://techcrunch.com/2024/05/02/they-thought-they-were-joining-an-accelerator-instead-they-lost-their-startups/|They thought they were joining an accelerator — instead they lost their startups | TechCrunch]]**: Lacey Hunter started TechAid, an AI smart-matching tool for humanitarian aid, in 2022 and was attending the Newchip accelerator program when it filed for bankruptcy in May 2023. Warrants of her company became part of the proceedings, ultimately forcing her to shut down TechAid. Newchip had filed for bankruptcy amid employee and customer discontent, and the court ordered the company to auction off warrants it held in more than 1,000 startups that went through its accelerator program. Founders are outraged, including some who have lost their companies as a result. TechAid fought the sale of the warrants but ultimately shut down due to no path for raising funds and not being able to get a grant. ---- **[[https://replyguy.com/|AI that mentions your product in online convos naturally | ReplyGuy]]**: The article promotes ReplyGuy, which offers a free trial and supports platforms like Twitter and Reddit. It recommends only mentioning the brand name in posts, as full URLs can be reported as spam. Users can cancel their subscription anytime. Replies are sent from high-quality accounts or an optional connection to a brand page. Results may take 1-2 weeks, with the post potentially gaining visibility for a long time. Live chat support is available for further questions. ---- **[[https://crypto.stanford.edu/~dabo/courses/OnlineCrypto/|Online Cryptography Course by Dan Boneh]]**: The article provides an overview of a cryptography course taught by Dan Boneh from Stanford University, available on Coursera. The course covers various topics in cryptography such as stream ciphers, block ciphers, message integrity, authenticated encryption, key exchange, public-key encryption, and digital signatures. Lectures, textbook resources, slides, and videos are included to help students better understand the material. ---- **[[https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40233248|Just got doxxed to within 15 miles by a vision model, from only a single photo]]**: This article discusses how an AI model can detect the location of an image through geolocation and OSINT (Open-Source Intelligence). The model has raised concerns among users as it could potentially be used by bad actors for stalking, harassment, or other malicious purposes. However, some argue that having a more accessible and scalable tool for geolocation can aid investigative journalism and have a positive impact on society. ---- **[[https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S266628172100007X|S266628172100007X]]**: **TODO** ---- **[[https://www.aljazeera.com/economy/2024/5/2/whistleblower-joshua-dean-ex-worker-at-boeing-supplier-dies|Whistle­blow­er who accused Boeing supplier of ignoring defects dies]]**: A whistleblower who accused Boeing supplier Spirit AeroSystems of ignoring defects in the production of the 737 MAX has died suddenly after a sudden illness, according to his family and lawyer. Joshua Dean had filed a complaint against Spirit with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), alleging serious quality failings at its production facility, and testified in a shareholder lawsuit against the company. He claimed he was fired in retaliation for raising safety concerns. ---- **[[https://www.theregister.com/2024/04/30/apple_safari_europe_tracking/|Apple's 'incredibly private' Safari not so private in Europe]]**: Security researchers Talal Haj Bakry and Tommy Mysk have discovered that Apple's implementation of third-party app stores on iPhones in Europe leaves users of its Safari browser exposed to potential web activity tracking. The issue arises from a marketplace-kit: URI scheme, which allows approved third-party app stores to potentially track users around the web. While Apple advertises Safari as "incredibly private," these findings suggest otherwise. ---- **[[https://www.neowin.net/news/windows-10-reaches-70-market-share-as-windows-11-keeps-declining/|Windows 10 reaches 70% market share as Windows 11 keeps declining]]**: Windows 11's market share experienced a notable decline in April 2024, falling below the 26% mark after reaching its all-time high in February 2024. The OS lost 0.97 points, dropping from 26.68% to 25.65%. Statcounter attributes this decrease to users choosing Windows 10 as it crossed the 70% mark for the first time since September 2023, gaining 0.96 points. However, some argue that Windows 11 still offers little benefit for upgrading and has a hard time retaining its customers due to various factors like ads and lack of unique features. Statcounter also reports that Windows 7 is still being used by around 3% of all Windows PCs despite being fully discontinued in January 2023. ---- **[[https://www.businessinsider.com/influencer-industry-marketing-fraud-discrimination-unethical-deals-content-creators-brands-2024-4|The $21 billion influencer industry has an ad fraud problem]]**: The $21 billion influencer marketing industry has an ad fraud problem, with reports estimating the issue costs businesses about 15% of their ad spending, totaling over $1.3 billion in 2019. Unregulated influencer brand deals and advertisements can be fraudulent, discriminatory, and unethical, leaving audiences with no recourse to push back. The lack of boundaries within the industry opens opportunities for exploitation by marketers, brands, influencers, and platform companies. Despite the problems faced by the industry, some still view it as more desirable due to perceived authenticity when someone you follow pitches a product versus an anonymous ad. ---- **[[https://www.cybersecuritydive.com/news/microsoft-security-debt-crashing-down/714685/|At Microsoft, years of security debt come crashing down]]**: Microsoft, owning nearly one-quarter of the global cloud infrastructure services market, is facing a major reputational crisis after two nation-state breaches. In January, a Russia-backed threat group called Midnight Blizzard gained access to emails, credentials and other sensitive information from top Microsoft executives, federal agencies, and corporate customers. Then in early April, the federal Cyber Safety Review Board revealed that Microsoft failed to prevent a large 2023 hack of its Microsoft Exchange Online environment by a China-linked espionage actor, resulting in the theft of 60,000 State Department emails and access to other high-profile officials. Critics argue that these events are part of a long pattern of market dominance and ignoring warnings about product security and practices not meeting basic standards. Microsoft has more than one million security customers and generates over $20 billion in revenue per year from its security business. ---- **[[https://www.insideprecisionmedicine.com/topics/oncology/mrna-cancer-vaccine-reprograms-immune-system-to-tackle-glioblastoma/|mrna-cancer-vaccine-reprograms-immune-system-to-tackle-glioblastoma]]**: **TODO** ---- **[[https://github.com/espeak-ng/espeak-ng|eSpeak NG Text-to-Speech]]**: The article discusses eSpeak NG, an open source speech synthesizer supporting over a hundred languages and accents. Its licenses include GPL-3.0, Apache-2.0, BSD-2-Clause, and Unknown (UCD). With 2,900 stars and 763 forks, the article mentions that it has branches and tags along with activity status updates. ---- **[[https://pluralistic.net/2024/05/01/boeing-boeing/#mrsa|Pluralistic: Boeing's deliberately defective fleet of flying sky-wreckage (01 May 2024)]]**: The article discusses the issues with Boeing's 787 "Dreamliner", which has a cage full of defective parts that have been pulled from production and secretly installed on aircraft. It highlights the company's culture of financialization, whistleblower intimidation, and how their single largest exporter became increasingly infected with MDD's culture following a merger in 1997. The article raises concerns over safety violations and Boeing employees who were forced to perform self-inspections. It also mentions the whistleblower law called AIR21 that creates a byzantine procedure for reporting issues, protecting airplane manufacturers from legal repercussions and failing to take action against them. ---- **[[https://news.itsfoss.com/mastodon-link-problem/|Please Don’t Share Our Links on Mastodon: Here’s Why!]]**: The article discusses an issue with Mastodon, a decentralized social media platform, where sharing links can lead to server downtimes due to the "fediverse effect" and increased load on servers. This problem arises because when users share links on Mastodon, the request to generate link previews is initiated not only by one instance but also by many other instances connected to it. The author suggests that this could potentially affect various independent sites and their server resources unnecessarily. Although the article acknowledges that Mastodon is a privacy-friendly open-source social media platform, it emphasizes the importance of addressing such issues to maintain its status as a better alternative to big tech platforms. ---- **[[https://www.theguardian.com/books/2024/apr/22/the-big-idea-what-if-dreaming-is-the-whole-point-of-sleepp|the-big-idea-what-if-dreaming-is-the-whole-point-of-sleepp]]**: **TODO** ---- **[[https://www.wired.com/review/kobo-libra-colour/|Kobo's New Libra Colour Upgrades the Ebook Experience From Black and White]]**: The article discusses the new color e-reader, Kobo Libra Colour, which is priced at $220 and includes a 7-inch E Ink display. It highlights the benefits of having a color screen for reading books with illustrations or graphic novels, writing directly on the page, and using colorful notebook features. However, it also mentions some drawbacks such as ghosting in notebooks, expensive pricing when including the stylus, and a less extensive library compared to Amazon Kindle. The article concludes by stating that while Kobo e-readers may lack the Kindle's large library, they are a great alternative option for those looking to move away from all things Amazon. ---- **[[https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2024/04/aws-s3-storage-bucket-with-unlucky-name-nearly-cost-developer-1300/|AWS S3 storage bucket with unlucky name nearly cost developer $1,300]]**: Maciej Pocwierz, an engineer, accidentally left his Amazon Web Services (AWS) S3 storage bucket accessible from the open web and found himself with nearly 100 million unauthorized attempts to create new files on his bucket within one day, racking up a bill of over $1,300. The cause was an unintended default backup configuration from a popular open-source tool Pocwierz used for his client project, which led to the collection of more than 10GB of data in less than 30 seconds. AWS later canceled the bill but emphasized that such refunds are rare. ---- **[[https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40213559|Desire for loud car predicted by being a man: higher psychopathy and sadism]]**: This article discusses the relationship between people's preferences for car modifications and their personalities, particularly focusing on the tendency for some individuals to modify their cars to be louder. The study involved 529 undergraduate business students with a mean age of 18.14 years, who were asked about their views on modifying cars and how "cool" loud cars are. The research found that people who scored higher on psychopathy and sadism may be more likely to modify their car mufflers to make them louder, suggesting that information campaigns may not be effective in changing these individuals' behavior. ---- **[[https://cruncher.ch/blog/printing-music-with-css-grid/|Printing music with CSS grid]]**: This article discusses the development and potential applications of Scribe, a prototype music renderer that outputs SVG from JSON. The goal is to create a responsive music renderer that can be used on websites for improved user experience. The article explores various aspects such as using CSS Grid and Flexbox for layout, handling rhythm in the context of beats per bar, and mapping data-pitch attributes to grid rows. While it acknowledges some limitations, Scribe has been successful in generating responsive notation that can be easily scaled and updated. ---- **[[https://phpc.social/@ramsey/112356913082296324|112356913082296324]]**: **TODO** ---- **[[https://khang-nd.github.io/7.css/|7.css]]**: The 7.css framework is a CSS-based solution that allows developers to create user interfaces (UIs) resembling those from older Windows versions, such as Windows 7. It is built on top of XP.css and 98.css, which extend the GUI backbone. To use this framework, designers can leverage semantic HTML with