====== Links für 2023 KW 21 ====== Zusammengefasst von [[https://huggingface.co/TheBloke/LlongOrca-13B-16K-GGUF|LlongOrca]]. **[[https://gist.github.com/fasterthanlime/42da9378768aebef662dd26dddf04849|Rust: The wrong people are resigning]]**: The article discusses the author's experience with private online discussion spaces related to Rust and their disappointment in the recent drama surrounding ThePHD and JT resigning over RustConf. It highlights issues like a lack of resources, process, or manpower and suggests that the Rust project should communicate better for transparency. The author decides to leave the "in group" and join the "out group" in order to contribute as a competent critic using publicly available information. ---- **[[https://resources.altium.com/p/mysterious-50-ohm-impedance-where-it-came-and-why-we-use-it|The Mysterious 50 Ohm Impedance: Where It Came From and Why We Use It]]**: The concept of 50 Ohm impedance is crucial in RF/high-speed PCB design and is found across signaling standards, component datasheets, application notes, and design guidelines. The origin of the 50 Ohm standard can be traced back to the late 1920s/early 1930s, when engineers developed air-filled coaxial cables for radio transmitters that needed high power transfer, voltage, and low attenuation. The optimal impedance turned out to be a compromise between minimizing losses, maximizing power transfer, and increasing voltage, resulting in 50 Ohms. This standard is used to measure S-parameters as signal integrity metrics in high-speed/RF systems. ---- **[[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_unusual_deaths|List of unusual deaths]]**: The text provides a list of people who died in unusual or accidental circumstances. The circumstances include a man falling from a building and landing on a woman, a man accidentally stabbing himself, a writer falling and fracturing his skull, a man dying from a heart attack while mowing his lawn, a man dying after a wrestling match, a woman found dead in her bathtub, and a woman choking on a Bible during a sexual encounter. ---- **[[https://www.realclearscience.com/blog/2014/10/the_incredible_cave_where_marburg_may_dwell.html|the_incredible_cave_where_marburg_may_dwell.html]]**: The article discusses Kenya's Kitum Cave, which is known to be inhabited by bats, elephants, and insects. The cave has a unique history as it contains petrified rainforest materials from 7 million years ago. The article highlights a tragic incident in 1980 when a Frenchman exploring the cave contracted Marburg, a filovirus similar to Ebola, which ultimately led to his death. The case of Marburg infection in Kitum Cave remains a significant event in the study of the virus and its reservoirs, such as fruit bats. ---- **[[https://www.nature.com/articles/s41418-023-01178-1?error=cookies_not_supported&code=84df5f25-b7e0-4bf9-b427-376dc112c040|Curcumin activates a ROS/KEAP1/NRF2/miR-34a/b/c cascade to suppress colorectal cancer metastasis - Cell Death & Differentiation]]**: **TODO** ---- **[[https://www.heise.de/news/Oberlandesgericht-Drohnenaufnahmen-fallen-nicht-unter-die-Panoramafreiheit-9067676.html?view=print|Oberlandesgericht: Drohnenaufnahmen fallen nicht unter die Panoramafreiheit]]**: The OLG Hamm ruled that aerial drone images of artworks cannot be freely distributed, only ground-level perspectives are protected. The German Copyright Act and the EU Copyright Directive of 2001 do not extend panorama freedom to drone-captured aerial views of works of art. In a now published decision from April 27 (Case No: 4 U 247/21), the ruling states that such photos, videos, or paintings may not be freely reproduced, distributed, publicly displayed, or marketed. Privileged are only recordings and representations made from public ways, streets, or squares and depicting the view "as it appears to the general public". ---- **[[https://www.heise.de/news/Android-Malware-Vom-nuetzlichen-Tool-zu-Spyware-in-einem-Jahr-9066385.html?view=print|Android-Spyware: Legitime App nach einem Jahr verwanzt]]**: A trojanized app called iRecorder – Screen Recorder, with over 50,000 installations, was discovered by Eset IT security researchers. Initially harmless, it was found to be infected with malicious functions in August 2022. The malware steals files with specific extensions, pointing to a spying campaign. Google removed the app from Google Play, but it may still be available on other app stores and .apk download archives. The malicious code was based on the open-source remote-access toolkit AhMyth. ---- **[[https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-023-01700-y?error=cookies_not_supported&code=fd3f6c00-389c-40a7-b4e5-2b92e13e7745|Chronic stress can inflame the gut — now scientists know why]]**: New research has found that psychological stress can worsen gut inflammation caused by certain bowel diseases. The study, published in Cell, traces a sequence from chemical cues produced in the brain to immune cells in the gut, highlighting how chronic stress can trigger physical distress and potentially influencing treatment effectiveness for inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Managing stress levels might have a significant impact on the response to IBD treatments. The findings could also lead to new pharmacological treatments targeting the signalling pathway between the brain and the gut. ---- **[[https://www.nms.si/en/collections/highlights/343-Neanderthal-flute|Neanderthal flute]]**: The article discusses the discovery of the oldest musical instrument, a 60,000-year-old Neanderthal flute found in Divje Babe cave near Cerkno, Slovenia. Made from a cave bear's thighbone with four pierced holes, it is evidence of the Neanderthals having developed music and artistic expression similar to modern humans. This find challenges previous assumptions about their cultural sophistication and supports the idea that they were fully-developed spiritual beings. ---- **[[https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/hacker-news/|Hacker News - Bias and Credibility]]**: Hacker News is a news aggregation website focused on technology and science, launched in 2007. It primarily relies on user-submitted news stories from third-party sources like BBC, TechCrunch, and Nature.org. The site has minimal bias, uses few loaded words, and has a high traffic score. Hacker News is considered least biased with mostly factual reporting. ---- **[[https://studyfinds.org/snacking-processed-foods-brain/|For best brainpower, avoid snacking on foods with processed carbs]]**: A study conducted by researchers at the University of Montpellier found that consuming high amounts of processed carbs such as sugar and white bread can lead to insulin resistance, which in turn affects cognitive abilities including thinking, memory, and learning. The findings reveal a decline in performance in cognitive tests for young adults who had a habit of eating processed carbs, particularly during snack times. This study suggests that continuous consumption of these foods may negatively impact brain function even when the individual is still young and healthy. ---- **[[https://gist.github.com/joepie91/5a9909939e6ce7d09e29|Don't use VPN services.]]**: This article argues against using third-party VPN providers as they are merely glorified proxies that can see and manipulate user traffic. It suggests that most VPN providers log users' activity and advises users to set up their own virtual private networks (VPNs) instead, through services such as Streisand or manually. The article emphasizes the importance of understanding VPN limitations and prioritizing privacy and security over convenience. ---- **[[https://medium.com/python-features/naming-conventions-with-underscores-in-python-791251ac7097#:~:text=Single%20Trailing%20Underscore%20var_%20%3A%20Used,a%20name%20for%20temporary%20variables.|Naming Conventions with Underscores in Python]]**: In Python, the underscore (_) has various meanings and uses in naming conventions. These include single leading (_var), double leading (__var), single trailing (var_), double leading and trailing (__var__), and single standalone (_,) underscores. Knowing these patterns can help when writing advanced Python code. ---- **[[https://www.mashed.com/736854/the-cookie-monsters-cookies-arent-what-you-think/|The Cookie Monster's Cookies Aren't What You Think - Mashed]]**: Cookie Monster's iconic cookie-eating habit is actually a deception - the cookies he consumes are painted rice cakes. This is because chocolate and oil in normal cookies would cause difficulties for cleaning his Muppet costume, and the soft nature of Cookie Monster allows "rice cookies" to pass through safely without causing issues on set. Despite not being able to enjoy real cookies, Cookie Monster encourages others to share and enjoy them with friends and family. ---- **[[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Just_Room_Enough_Island|Just Room Enough Island]]**: Just Room Enough Island, also known as Hub Island, is the smallest inhabited island in the Thousand Islands chain located in New York, United States. The island has a total area of around 3,300 square feet and is part of Alexandria Bay within the town of Alexandria, Jefferson County, New York. ---- **[[https://github.com/home-assistant/addons/blob/master/piper/DOCS.md|addons/DOCS.md at master · home-assistant/addons]]**: This article provides a guide on how to install and use the "Piper" add-on for Home Assistant. It offers various voice options and configurations to adjust speaking rate, audio quality, noise, and other features. To use the Piper add-on, follow these steps: install it via the Add-on store in Home Assistant; set your desired configuration options like language, speaker, speed, noise, and cadence control. If you experience issues or have questions, consult the Home Assistant Discord Chat Server, Community Forum, Reddit subreddit, or submit an issue on GitHub. ---- **[[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tokyo_Disneyland|Tokyo Disneyland]]**: Tokyo Disneyland is a theme park located at the Tokyo Disney Resort in Urayasu, Chiba Prefecture, Japan. The park opened on April 15, 1983 and was built by WED Enterprises in the same style as Magic Kingdom in Florida and Disneyland in California. It is owned by The Oriental Land Company, which licenses intellectual property from The Walt Disney Company. Tokyo Disneyland is currently the most visited theme park in Japan and is one of two parks at the Tokyo Disney Resort, along with Tokyo DisneySea. ---- **[[https://coryd.dev/posts/2023/i-block-ads/|I block ads • Cory Dransfeldt]]**: This article discusses various ways to block ads and protect user privacy. It mentions blocking at the browser level, DNS level, analytics, programmatic pleas, tracking beacons, and other tactics to control data collection and unwanted communication methods. The author also highlights the importance of maintaining control over personal information and privacy. ---- **[[https://www.hhs.gov/surgeongeneral/priorities/youth-mental-health/social-media/index.html|Social Media and Youth Mental Health — Current Priorities of the U.S. Surgeon General]]**: Up to 95% of young people aged 13-17 use social media platforms, with nearly two-thirds using it daily and a third using it almost constantly. However, this heavy usage can pose mental health concerns for these users, with an increased risk of depression and anxiety symptoms in those who spend more than three hours a day on social media. Despite gaps in our understanding of the impacts of social media, the current situation warrants swift action to protect children and adolescents from harm. Actions for various groups such as parents, tech companies, policymakers, researchers, and young people themselves are proposed to mitigate the risks associated with social media usage. ---- **[[https://github.com/google/comprehensive-rust|GitHub - google/comprehensive-rust: This is the Rust course used by the Android team at Google. It provides you the material to quickly teach Rust to everyone.]]**: The article discusses the Rust course used by Google's Android team, providing a comprehensive way to learn Rust quickly. The course is available on GitHub and licensed under the Apache-2.0 license with 13.3k stars and 640 forks as of early 2023. ---- **[[https://www.npmjs.com/package/gallery-server/v/1.3.2|gallery-server]]**: Beautiful Local Image Viewer is a powerful and simple Node.js local image viewer that can be installed on PC or mobile devices. It allows users to serve images from a specified folder, view the images in their favorite browser, and more. Multiple galleries can be served at the same time, with features such as lazy loading being implemented for optimum performance. ---- **[[https://dev.to/codeledger/how-to-get-visual-studio-code-to-run-in-termux-on-android-405j|How to get Visual Studio Code to run on Android with Termux -- Mar 2023 Update]]**: The article provides a guide on how to install and use code-server with Termux, an app providing a Unix/Linux-like environment on Android devices. The process includes installing various packages, enabling plugins, and using Terminal commands to connect the front end client with the back end server (code-server) via a Chromium browser like Chrome or Microsoft Edge. The guide also covers updating VS Code/code-server to the latest version and addressing issues with search functionality. ---- **[[https://flocrivello.com/changing-my-mind-on-remote-about-being-in-san-francisco/|Changing my mind on remote, moving the team back to San Francisco]]**: The article discusses the author's shift in opinion on remote work and its impact on startups and team alignment. The author emphasizes the importance of colocation and networks to succeed and notes that living outside of industry centers can be a disadvantage for one's career growth and opportunities. The author also highlights the positive aspects of Silicon Valley, such as access to resources, cutting-edge ideas, and increased earning potential over time. ---- **[[https://slate.com/human-interest/2012/05/how-to-cook-onions-why-recipe-writers-lie-and-lie-about-how-long-they-take-to-caramelize.html|Why Do Recipe Writers Lie About How Long It Takes To Caramelize Onions?]]**: The article discusses the misconception of caramelizing onions within recipes, claiming that they should only take a few minutes to cook. However, in reality, it takes around 45-50 minutes for onions to caramelize properly on medium heat. The author experiments with different techniques and amounts of time to achieve proper caramelization, debunking the quick methods proposed by various recipes. The main point of the article is that recipe writers should be honest about the time it takes to properly prepare ingredients like caramelized onions, rather than giving misleading estimates in order to save time or make a dish seem quicker and easier to cook. ---- **[[https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=36028847|Ask HN: How to move from dev role to management/team lead role?]]**: This article is a discussion on Hacker News about moving from a development role to a management/team lead role. The author feels they have achieved most of their goals as a frontend developer and wonders if taking up backend or transitioning to other management positions could be more beneficial from a salary and work enjoyment perspective. They ask for suggestions on resources, such as courses, videos, or lectures that could help them in this journey. ---- **[[https://phys.org/news/2023-05-black-holes-defects-spacetime.html|Black holes might be defects in spacetime]]**: A team of theoretical physicists has discovered a new class of object called topological solitons, which appear as defects in the fabric of space-time and are stable without matter or forces. These solitons mimic the appearance of black holes when observed from a distance, but their unique properties distinguish them from traditional black holes, as they lack event horizons and can be interacted with physically. The discovery of these objects may help researchers test string theory and find alternatives to Einstein's general theory of relativity. ---- **[[https://realpython.com/python-wheels/|What Are Python Wheels and Why Should You Care? – Real Python]]**: The article explains Python Wheels and why they are essential for faster and more efficient Python package installations. Wheels are a part of the Python ecosystem, allowing for faster installations and more stability in package distribution. The article discusses the differences between wheels and source distributions, as well as the process of creating and distributing wheels for Python packages. It also demonstrates the advantages of using wheels over source distributions for package installation, making Python an even more enjoyable language to work with. ---- **[[https://www.michaelsamsel.com/Content/Difficult_Styles/hoarding.html|Hoarding]]**: Hoarding is a comfort behavior that reduces discomfort and anxiety by acquiring items and maintaining an emotional attachment to them. It has three main components: acquiring additional things, inability to take care of the collected items realistically, and not being able to part with the collected items. Hoarding can cause practical problems but often involves a denial of these issues. Emotionally, hoarders may believe each acquired item has a greater use in the future than its present one and may have extreme guilt associated with disposing of objects. Helping hoarders requires addressing both practical cleanup needs and emotional aspects that contribute to their behavior. ---- **[[https://github.com/imartinez/privateGPT|GitHub - imartinez/privateGPT: Interact privately with your documents using the power of GPT, 100% privately, no data leaks]]**: This article discusses PrivateGPT, an AI project that enables users to interact with their documents privately using the power of Large Language Models (LLMs) without data leaks. The project provides an API for building private, context-aware AI applications and supports both normal and streaming responses. In addition to this, PrivateGPT offers a Gradio UI client for testing the API and various tools for managing ingestion, document parsing, and embedding generation. ---- **[[https://toml.io/en/|TOML: Tom's Obvious Minimal Language]]**: TOML (Tom's Obvious Minimal Language) is a minimal configuration file format designed for humans. It offers easy-to-read syntax, clear semantics, and maps unambiguously to hash tables. TOML supports key/value pairs, arrays, tables, inline tables, integers & floats, booleans, dates & times, and comments. It is widely supported by many programming languages such as C, C++, Python, and Ruby among others. ---- {{tag>links 2023}}